Blizzard revealed some of the signatures coming with the Heroes of Starcraft Mini Set.
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Blizzard revealed some of the signatures coming with the Heroes of Starcraft Mini Set.
Quote from Blizzard
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Artanis totally the best one out of these three, Jim Raynor comes in as 2nd and I think Kerrigan is a big miss think she had the potential of being really great but they took something that feels quite boring talking about the designs of course not the card themself havent really checked how their cards work yet.
100% only available in the shop! Mark my words! They only want to milk our wallets :-)
Fuck Kerrigan, where's the Overmind skin?
It's quite interesting to see signature heroes. I wonder how they would look on play, because the portrait is clearly bigger than the regular one. So. Are they just going to crop it them? Why even bother in make them full body then.
That said, I opened a single Signature card, once. Like four sets ago. So, it would be nice if there was a more accessible way to get them. Like why don't use the archivement system for this kind of things? Digital Pointless points are not that stimulating to me. And I feel the last, and maybe ONLY time they give you a card for completing an Archivement was Lokholar the Ice Lord that I unlocked for accident by compliting an archivement that said "Win a game with exactly 15 Health" And then other than a very unsignificant amount of XP, they don't gave anything.
They could even use the Archivement points as a currency to buy cosmetics. But it literally feels like the changes of open a Signature card from packs are 1 in 1.000, Or then buy them on the store for like $50USD each. You know how much is $50USD on my country? Is like two whole salaries for 1 JPG file.
Any Infos if they can be in the great dark beyond packs?
Edit: or if they are shop exclusive
Up til now, all signature cards have been available through packs, except the ones earned through collection quest completions. As far as I know! If you want these in free2play, your best bet will be buying Golden packs and farm regular packs through arena. Don't know a better way if you don't wanna spend money.
First of you mean legendary signature cards, but they're exclusive ones for the shop ( for example the starship ones for druid and rogue )
It would be nice if at least the cards that have a Signature don't have a golden version. Or at least, that open packs priorizes the signatures over the golden ones. Cause I think they have around the same chances, and one is clearly superior to the other.
I mean something people is not talking about is the several downgrade Golden cards have. They use to have some cool animations, some where cuestionably warps, but others very well done. And now they barely move. You just change the regular board for one, argubly uglier, and they charge you 4 times more for that. Since Diamond and Signatures are a thing I swear Golden cards have close to no efford. I'm not telling you to make a Diamond quality animation. But if I have Drilly the Kid , and Drilly has a drill, at the bare minimum, make that drill spin. How can Gadgetzan Jouster have a better and more dynamic animation that a class Legendary. And is not because Drilly has a Signature card, all golden cards are severely outdated.
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