SoBadRush just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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To GDB Dirty Rat was almost everywhere, bat now disappeared and is not in any meta deck, you can check it:
Every set is another nail in the coffin of Sergeant Sally .
They look pretty good. I think this are my favorite cards of the faction, probably from the set so far.
nobody plays Dirty Rat now??? Are you in the mandela universe??? That stupid card has been played vs me in literally 2/3 of games Ive played in the past 2 years. It's easily in the top 10 most overtuned, broken cards ever printed in this game
Viper is contingent on the viability of zerg, the ability to build/maintain a zerg board presence, and the need for hand disruption.
The -ling cards prolly suggest it will be easy to get a wide enough board, and infestor suggests it will be easy to get them big enough to do anything. But that's a lot of deck real estate to make a soft removal/disruption effect consistent that could, in theory, already be resolved with dirty rat + any hard removal option in the class kit.
Viper is cheap and the fact you can run two of them is insane.
Viper is SO broken man.
NO - nobody plays Dirty Rat now and this costs twice as much and without minions on the board it is significantly worse.
I think is quite strong. Is more proactive than Dirty Rat. Dirty Rat is used to hit the key card of your opponent, but if this hits a little minion is fine, your opponent lost a card. If you have a board it could even immidiatly remove the minion without aditional cards.
And against decks that play little or no minions, unlike Dirty Rat that becomes kinda pointless, you still give Reborn to all your other minions.
You could even on turn 5 without board, play a Baneling with some buffs, then play Viper, summon a thing and clear the board of your opponent and still keep your minions, The gameplay of the card is very different from Dirty Rat.
Viper is insanely op. Infestor seems ok, baneling barrage is good but requires more setup, good synergy with Viper. Solid cards for DK
It's 4 mana, doesn't perform the attack itself meaning you need board first, and if you summon a big minion all your stuff will have 1 hp afterwards. People don't seem to realise the power level HS is currently in. It's a great card but nowhere near OP.
As with the Rat, it depends on the meta. If people will play hyper aggro, this is absolutely useless. If people play greedy value or combo decks, this is insane. Having This and Rat means that you can burn your opponent's hand pretty efficiently.