Hearthtoon just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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I still don't have a clear idea of how easy is for Terran to Launch Starships, but I can see Brann Shenanigans with Thor . Looks like a strong finisher.
Yamato Cannon feels like the weakest Starship Piece in the game. it feels kinda Rock-Paper-Scissorish cause if you are facing Protoss with huge units is quite strong, if you are facing Zergs with a swarm of Tokens is very weak. Depends a lot of the mach up, but it dosn't impresses me too much.
What a weird thing to say. You could say that about the majority of the cards in the game, including the cards that see play.
I mean for this Mini-Set. The most probable thing is that what most people is going to be playing the first weeks is going to be the Factions. So if you have 3 Factions, For how they are made. Then is a Rock-Paper-Scissor scenario. Because there are 3 Factions, one plays big minions, so this is good, the other play small minions, so this is bad, and the other plays medium size minions so is alrigh.
I'm talking about the context of the next Meta. I'm not saying Deadly Shot is a Rock-Paper-Scissorish card.
Thor gonna enable insanely slow control decks that OTK you on turn 20.
I assume Thor doesn’t need to be in your hand to transform.
I am not feeling the mini set so far and I hope I don’t just end up smorcing my way with Aggro Priest yet again.
It says "transforms if you've launched a starship 'this game'" so it doesn't need to be in hand.
The other cards are kind of w/e but Thor looks archetype defining. It combines with any board clear for a 1 card otk (The Ceaseless Expanse or any pricier board clear with New Heights). You don't store up, you cost reduce and launch often. Jim Raynor launches a handful by himself. Thor counts to 30 pretty fast, you get two, and it's flexible enough to play as a board clear or just pushing some extra face.
This looks like a really powerful mini-set to me. The protoss look strong to me too.
this mini set is killer so far. love the flavor and deisgn! sc2 is one of my favorite games
Starcraft has no place in HS. It's just another brainless cash grab for simps. They are completely out of ideas and done creatively. Next we will have Diablo, then Overwatch, then Lost Vikings. BS.
It is a card game. If you are really so worried about "The Lore" in a card game then imagine the in-game creator of Hearthstone in WoW imagined a world where these Zergs, Protoss and Terrans fight in outer space and designed cards around them.
Kinda like how irl the early founders of Blizzards thought of these fantasy worlds where Orcs, Humans, Elves and rest fight in a fantasy world... Orcs, Elves and rest have no place irl
It's kinda funny to me when people complains about this crossover for not being Warcraft Lore related, cause everybody that knows about Warcraft Lore knows that for many year HS dosn't has anything to do with Warcraft Lore. HS is like Warcraft Wattpad, is inspired on that worldbuilding to do something totally different from the sourse material.
This Starcraft set is super dry cause they don't have space to be goofing around. The cards are just "[Insert Game Unit Here]"
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