Nyhmnim just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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Roach is kinda weird. Because it says "Another Zerg" with in HS at least implies that is a "non-Roach Zerg minion" but its effect feels like is intended to work with itself cause gives you an extra one. Feels a bit counterintuitive.
If you have a Zerg in turn one (Which I think there is exactly one 1-Cost Zerg minion) is pretty strong, is a free Totem Golem one of the strongest 2-drops in the game back in the day. But I kinda feel it lacks Rush or some impact. It reminds me a lot to Lushwater Murcenary just that works with far less minions. That you get an extra copy is when the value is, but the minion itself is kinda lacklustre in my opinion.
So far Zerg doesn't have a gimmick like Terran or Protoss. Just cards that say "if you have zerg: good thing happen." They go well with both token payoffs and handbuff, which the classes they're in have access to. Ok, I guess. It's hard to feel too excited.
their gimmick is going face
The gimmick is swarming the board
You get what I mean, right? Terran has unique token starship pieces and launching cost reductions and a starship with a tribal tag. Protoss has a global cost reduction thing going on that we haven't seen before. "Tokens" just doesn't have the same panache. DH got a token set last expansion, Hunter two expansions ago. It's just an extremely normal tribal deck.
All solid cards for hunter that will see play