Feelink just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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My issue with the whole Protoss mechanic being Mana Reduction is that it feels that this cards artificially cost more that how they should JUST so you can reduce them. But I don't really see the reason you want the cards to be that cheap. I mean the cheapest the better, but the Protoss cards don't really do much on their own. You have the Mage Protoss Win-condition that is Colossus , the (very generously) Druid Protoss Win-condition that is Carrier, the Rogue Protoss Win-condition that is Archon , and the Priest Protoss Win-condition, that is trying to get the Win-conditions of the other classes.
But it kinda feels like the whole faction is build around playing the one card of your class that does something. And is not just that you play the card and win, you need to build the whole deck around that. I'm curious to see how the deck plays, but my first impression is that most cards are only support for your big Protoss drop that is the only one that does something impactful.
People complaining about Protoss mana cheat when basically the entire class is just built around reducing the costs to make your 12 mana minions playable are hilarious to me.
Here we go again discounts on minions , another 0 Mana meta , how Can they not learn every single expansion, miniset , same old , just add but not less then 1 on this type of cards already
Hallucination is op as hell. Mothership seems way too expensive and unreliable. Sentry seems like a solid tempo drop that swings the game in your favor.