Blizzard on X just revealed a new Heroes of StarCraft card: Artanis
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General Kenobi!
The other hero card seems better. This is of course a much better tempo drop with permanent mana cheat, you want to drop this early. The hero power is kind of boring but double divine shield on demand is not to be taken lightly. With 9 mana you could deal 8 damage face, alone with this card. For classes such as priest, which often lacks face damage, I could see this sealing off some games that would otherwise lack the extra pressure this card opens up.
I think people forgot that Leeroy Jenkins is currently in standard because they are freaking out about the two 3/4 charge minions this Hero Card summons.
Essentially a required card to include for Protoss decks I guess but other than that, it kinda underwhelming. Btw, with how the Hero Power is worded, you can only use it if you have a friendly minion on board. If you dont have a friendly minion out, then you can't use your hero power.
It is good. 7-Mana, 2 minions, 6 damage, a huge discount and a very solid Hero Power.
Howhever. I'm going to use this card to talk about the Faction itself.
I don't know if I'm loving that every Faction is so tightly desigened to work with itsef. Maybe you can splash this card into a non-Protoss deck. But the rest of Protoss cards feel like they are extremely synergistic with the factions, and as a person that enjoys the Deckbuilding the most, it does seems so far quite limited. And the problem in this case is that you could take the Factions as minion Types. But the difference is that all other minion types are always going to get more support, while in this case we are never going to have more Faction support again. So this are the cards that we have. And feels to me that you are playing a Mini-deck inside of your deck.
Maybe it's just a me problem, but I would have rather see more Faction cards less Faction dependant. So they have a bigger flexibility on deckbuilding. Instead of "I'm playing Protoss. I add every card that says Protoss"
Isn't this the case with any parasitic archetype though? If you create a new parasitic archetype in a card game it pretty much implies you're going to use all the cards related to the mechanic, because using more of them makes said mechanic stronger.
If you're playing a starship deck, you use all the starship pieces you can. If you're playing an excavate deck, you put in all the excavate cards. If you're playing a jade deck, you put in all the jade cards. Seems like the same thing to me.
It is the same thing, but the difference is that in those cases you have little packages that are like support for a bigger deck. Like with Jade for example, if you want to play Jade, you have 3 Jade cards, that's a total of 6 you can't make a deck that is just Jade and nothing else.
But I think that with the factions you have enough cards to make a consistent deck that is always going to be the same, with a few utility and support cards. But the biggest difference to me, is that if I'm playing Jades, I could build the rest of my deck to have synergy with Jades. But Protoss only care about Protoss, so is like half of my deck does one thing, and the other half is just fillers.
Which is not necessarely a bad design. I don't say is bad. I said that from a person that enjoys making decks, is a lot less interesting that what I imagine when it was announced, that was cool references, with more universal cards that has some kind of synergy with the previous set, because I missunderstood this was going to be a The Great Dark Beyond mini-set with an starcraft Crossover. But it actually is an independent Starcraft mini-set, that's why dosn't even shares the same emblem that the previous set as all Mini-Sets do.
You are 100% right. I am a deck builder who likes to find synergy between new and old cards (even the weaker ones) to create novel decks.
But we’re talking about Hearthstone players here—they don’t give a f*ck about those things. If the new cards are broken, they’re going to like them. I’m sure the people who liked your comment didn’t do so because they appreciate that type of deck building. They probably just saw you complaining about something and agreed. We all know that comments criticizing the game, its developers, or blizzard tend to get the most upvotes.
I do not disagree, but isn't that rather common these days? About 6-8 cards out of the 10 of a class set are typcially designed for one specific archetype that is oftentimes limited to the expansion it appears in, affecting about 6-8 classes per expansion.
You won't see another card that makes any of the tourists more interesting (unless they are good legendaries as they are). You won't see more Starship stuff beyond this mini-set. Warrior got an entire draenei set in this expansion, and they might not see another draenei-related card for a year, if ever. Demon Hunter got this crewmate thing which likely will never see another addition. You can also think of Warlock's sludges, or every Excavate card, Rogue's questline focusing on SI7-minions, Galakrond with Invokes, etc. etc. etc. There are far too many examples to list them all here.
A lot of cards come in "packages" and you either add all or none of them to your deck. Worst offenders hand you a legendary that you can't play without the support cards, and support cards that make no sense without the legendary. It only starts to get interesting again when there are enough cards for one archetype that you can't fit all of them and need to figure out which direction is best, or if that package can support something outside of it.
It's just part of Hearhtstone's design at this point that a large portion of new cards isn't meant for general deckbuilding, but to be played in a prescribed way, which sometimes feels rather gimmicky.
Hero cards power creep in 2025....
Can we not do charge minions, thanks.
Zealots have charge, it's just a thing in the games. They couldn't give them rush, that's a zerg keyword.
A 7 mana hero card for 4 classes that can be played on curve, generates two 3/4 Charge minions, and a 2 mana hero power that gives you and a minion +1 attack (temporarily) and Divine Shield? AND reduces mana cost for some other cards the rest of the game.
It'll see play.