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Might look like a meme, but with Grand Magister Rommath the Shield Battery is a +6 hp if combined with Solid Alibi. Not bad at all.
I don't see it being meta, but what would be fun is if the recasting of Rommath would count towards adding on top of Colossus's Protoss spell counter. Then you could finish your opponent off using the Colossus and Potion of Illusion for an infinite amount of times.
Well, depends on what you call 'fun' xD
No, it does not count. Colossus says ‘you cast.’ The player must cast the spells themselves to improve Colossus.
And to be honest, I don’t think it’s fun for one reason: when you go infinite with Rommath, you’ve probably already won. The real fun is when the new cards are the main reason you win.
It’s similar to when a Druid does the Linecracker combo, essentially securing the win, and then shuffles Jade Idols and plays Elise Starseeker.
Call me crazy but the extra oompf is what makes a combo fun. A little bit of unnecessary extras. You can get Elwynn Boar weapon, but what's the fun in it without having windfury?
I prefer having a slightly lower winrate for a greedier funny combo. But yes of course, if you wanna win, Lightshow Rommath is gg, that's boring tho imo.
I mean, I don't think is fun cause I hate the Rommath deck, and even if was fun, that's the kind of deck that is fun...once or twice and then is very repetitive and not that exciting.
But, even if dosn't works the way you said, you don't really need it to work to being able to do it. If you just play 1 Shield Battery, 1 Resonance Coil and wherever the spell Resonanse Call gives you, your Colossus already deals 8 damage each turn, which is kinda crazy. It's a Mordresh Fire Eye every turn. Your opponent can't make a board, it takes 8 each turn, you don't need it to scale more than that.
But Mage has a lot of access to ways to multiply spells, so if only with 3 spells does that, on a dedicated deck you could easily play 6 or 8 Protoss spells bia Rewind and Pupil, and then your Colossus is going to be dealing 20 damage each turn, which is basically Highkeeper Ra but with close to no efford. And at that point you kinda don't even need Rommath, just play a Buy One, Get One Freeze and win the game on the spot.
Seems like a decent little control package. Maybe viable after the rotation.
Colossus should be decent with 3-4 Protoss spells cast (4-5 damage dealt twice)
Reminds me of Mordresh Fire Eye but this might be harder to get online than I thought.
Mage loves armor and healing. Cheap armor with mana cheat is an auto include card in mage. I can see colossus being a late game stabilizing card, but the cost seems to be holding it back too much. Being reliant on mana cheat late in the game, I wonder how the card will find its place in the meta. Might work out in slower matchups.
Mage love 2 mana do nothing?
I don’t see every Mage deck running Ice Barrier if they love armor and healing that much.
I get what you mean but it's not really a 2 mana do nothing though. The discount matters, cause it sort of makes the spell 0 mana: Gain 6 armor. Unless you have no other Protoss spells in hand to deal with the board or to draw cards. And if that's true than you had no plays anyway, so getting to at least spend your mana and get some armor is nice, to live to your next turn and make that next turn potentially more powerful due to the mana cheat.
And it's always one more count for Colossus too, which you presumably run cause why run Protoss cards at all otherwise.
It's not the best card ever printed, but brushing it off as 2 mana do nothing is shortsighted.
Actually. There have been quite a few lists with ice barrier relatively recently. Particularly mid range/tempo mage. Of course this depends heavily on how aggressive the meta is.