mlYanming just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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I have the feeling that is going to be strong. Specially because you have Tutors and most important, the main mechanic of the Protoss is Mana reduction. So if you play some Photon Cannon , Blink , Warp Gate , you could easily play both for very cheap, and then create multiple copies of the Anchor bia Rogue shenanigans. I feel that it looks viable. The Anchor is very strong.
Something you could miss about the card, which I did at first, is that it says "Another Templar" which is not fully clear, but means that you need both the Dark and High Templar for the fusion, instead of 2 copies of any Templar. But Tutor them is so easy that I don't really see that much of a problem with that.
This news makes no sense without the Archon. It's an 8/8, that shoots 8 to the hero and 2 AOE.
How do these cards even work? Does the first one have to be alive on board when you play the 2nd? Do they both instantly "die" and summon the 8/8? Or does the 8/8 get added to your hand? I rarely have problem interpreting the wording of HS cards, but I got no clue with this one.
They merge into that 1 minion. So both have to be on the board at the same time, then they die and transform/merge into the more powerful version.
I'm pretty sure it works just as Blood of The Ancient One
which in case you never saw it, both minions are destroyed and you summon the new minion instead. Kinda like Fusions in Yu-Gi-OH!
So one is a 5/3 the other a 3/5, they Merge into a 8/8 cause they convine their stats. on top of getting the new Ability that is what your actually care about.
Way too overpriced, The Templars suck hard if not mana cheated heavily. While other classes are cheating out 20/20 star ships, you will have to pay 14 mana to destroy 1 minion and deal 2 dmg to the board. Wonder what Druid can do with that amount of mana.
Looks kinda gimmicky but maybe it works. Protoss is built around mana cheating and some decks can't kill a stealthed 5/3. If you high templar -> archon, then you wipe board decks and kill them next turn if they can't kill an 8/8. Chrono Boost is an absurdly good card to prep out on turn 2, pushes a lot of damage. Construct Pylons means you have four copies of prep in your deck to make that happen. Blink's really good to prep out too. I remember prep -> Reconnaissance being really strong.
I feel like this protoss thing has a lot of good cards and strong plays and punching faces in ways that are hard to deal with.
But Rouge is Not able to use Pylons, do they?
You're right. I didn't realize that was a druid card.
Since they said "play" then Templars won't work by summoning (one Templar can be summoned, the other have to played from hand)
And I guess its a thing now with Rogue and 6 mana cards that feel like they should have been costed 5 instead.
Well, the Archon is pretty good. If you play High Templar second then it is as if you dealt 4 damage to all minions this turn. The Archon is pretty good card to gain back board advantage, the problem is drawing and playing the two 6 mana different Templars
Why is a High Templar in Rogue?
Rogue class cards are meant to be no shadowstep viable. No fun allowed. Best quality trolling blizz devs
Maybe it’s a disguise. They even fooled you.
If the developers are doing that, then I 100% support them. For Hearthstone players, a ‘fun card’ usually means an extremely broken card that’s super obnoxious to play against.
Anyway, what you said is false. Velarok Windblade , Mimiron, the Mastermind , Sonya Waterdancer, Tess Greymane, mini Sandbox Scoundrel, and others are viable with shadowstep.
velarok was buffed and is rotating out. Mimiron is rotating out and it was a tempo minion. You were supposed to give it elusive or stealth or duplicate it to stick it to the board and snowball. No mech rogue was running shadowstep. Tess was strongly buffed and still does not see play, nor is reliable to shadowstep as she often removes herself cause the spell targeting is random. Sandbox Scoundrel is terrible card itself and only meant to combo with Sonya. Sonya is bad design APM card. You don't really shadowstep Sonya, you shadowstep cards with broken interaction to otk your opponent. Also recently nerfed. What you said is false and bad theorycrafting
Step out of your cave and try playing classes other than Rogue. Sticking to just one class is so boring and stupid.
It is! I like Rogue but Terran was my favourite in StarCraft. I'm going to mass delete cards from your hand from turn 6-7 and you will regret I did not stuck to Rogue lol
What a weird response.
You did not expect that huh? Like terran banshee rush. I will hunt you and delete your hand so don't even try to play when mini set launches