DigoHS just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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How can this compare to shaman anti aggro + anti control terran deck with shudderblock and ghost removing opponents hand
They seem alright, I don't like them as much as the Terrans. Which is a shame cause Protoss was my favorite faction in Starcraft, but the gimmic is interesting.
I don't see Immortal tho. A Druid high cost minion that dosn't reads "Battlecry: Win the Game" dosn't feels playable to me. Like Druid dosn't plays cards like Toyrantus that is a 14/14 if you have 10-Mana, And Druid has 10-Mana on turn 6. A 10/16 Taunt is okay, but I feel is just not in the Druid gameplay. I never ever saw them play Bouldering Buddy . Druid dosn't play BIG minions, it plays High Cost minions with incredibly powerfull Effects. (I know Druid PLAYS Big minions on standard right now, but it plays big minions because of Travelmaster Dungar , and Immortal is not a card that you play in a Dungar deck. If wasn't for Dungar Druid wouldn't play big minions, as you can tell, cause it dosn't used to play big minions until they added Dungar)
The other cards look decent. But I'm missing a bit of context on what Protoss do to know how relevant this effects are. Is still kinda weird to me that Protoss are not a Paladin Faction. Protoss looks like space Paladins to me. Maybe a Hot Take, but I feel Rouge should had be a Terran and Paladin a Protoss. The most Rogue thing that Protoss have is Zeratul and is not even in this set.
Of course Terran should be Rogue but then they could shadowstep mana cheat spacecraft launchers and Blizz doesn't like that. It's been years since Blizz prints overcosted Rogue legendaries so they cannot gain much value from shadowstep and then heavy buffs the cards when Rogue sucks. It's only neutral legendaries which Rogue finds worth stepping, rarely class cards
From reading your comment, I can easily tell that you only play Rogue, so you feel the need to say weird stuff to defend your favorite class. Go to your card collection and search for Rogue legendaries instead of posting dumb nonsense here.
The thing I'm sitting here prowling in the bushes for is Raza the Resealed and Papercraft Angel + whatever Artanis's hero power is. Happy to have a tutor for Artanis.
Cheap Protoss units, that's a laugh.