KrisOFive just revealed multiple new Heroes of StarCraft cards.
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I don't know if there was an Argument for the other Starship parts for not being Mechs, but surely Ultra-Capacitor takes it away.
I think they look solid. Ultra-Capacitator is like...frostwolf something. Frostwolf Warlord but costs 3 less. I think easily could be a 2-Mana 5/5 in any Paladin deck. Looks decent even if you are not playing a Starship or Terran Deck. Could be a good card even in Mech Paladin or any kind of Token Paladin. Not half bad.
Hellion looks mediocre, but since Terran can Launch Starships super easily, is quite brutal once transformed. is a better Houndmaster Shaw , which I don't know if means much in a class that has Dance Floor , but I think is also quite a good looking card.
And Salvage the Bunker seems fine. It virtually costs (1) Mana. And two 2/2 Taunt bodies ain't bad at all.
Hellion seems kinda bad initially. Sure, for 1 more mana for +2/+1 on Raid Leader... but you want that effect cheap moreso than on a good body. When it transforms, it turns into a great way to secure that last bit of burst. +2 Attack on your guys converts into a lot of damage, plus being able to play some cheap garbage to Rush into Taunts blocking your other attackers. But that's all it's good for, 4 mana is an awkward number for giving your board Rush as it eats a lot into your turn, case in point Houndmaster Shaw.