Blizzard on X just revealed a new Heroes of StarCraft card: Jim Raynor
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Jim is absolutely nuts in Shaman Terran. You just need to avoid trap cards like Ghost, Siege Tank or Lock On, play lower curve, focus on getting Starship's Pieces, reduce launch cost to 1 and launch into Jim Raynor on the same turn. Explosive.
I didnt see much cards that reduce the cost of spaceship launch so I am not really feeling the whole launching spaceships for tempo rather than OTK/Big Value. Guess you can look at Raynor as your spaceship split into two halves (you are technically getting 4 ships total) because realistically you most likely launching two spaceships before playing Raynor to get them back most of the time.
Maybe Hearthstone really is becoming a multi-franchise game.
I like that Terrans are so heavy into the Starship mechanic. And the card looks quite good.
It's sort of a hyperspecifict N'zoth? Yeah, sorta. But I still think is quite strong. I kinda don't care about the Hero Power, but is solid. In a Terran deck is better than both Unseal the Vault and Hack the System and you don't have to do anything but play this card.
The only issue I see with the card is that you are almost never going to play it on Curve, so is going to be there in your hand waiting until a point of the game when is worth playing. But you can argue N'zoth works like that. And you are going to find Hayao Miyazaki using AI art before than finding me disrespecting my boy N'zoth.
Yeah makes sense. Terrains love their ships.
It’s not an issue at all. The point is that it’s cheap, so if you have some Terran minions on the board, you could play it on turn 9 to buff them for lethal.
As you said, it’s a N’Zoth-type card, but it has the upside of allowing you to buff your board with the Hero Power on the same turn or use the remaining mana for something else.
Also, don’t forget that Terran classes have ways to launch their starships for cheap, plus they can generate cheap starship pieces from Starport. This means you could launch a decent starship before turn 7 and before playing the Hero card.
Why did I find myself mousing over Hayao Miyazaki and expecting a card to pop-up... I even knew better.
Oh my goodness... thank Yogg it's not a Warlock card.
Elon Raynor
Elon Raynor hahah brilliant 😂 Raynor is basicly Elon Musk of the expansion.
We need Overmind hero skin or hero card.
Awaken my child and embrace the glory that is your birthright. Know that I am the Overmind and you have been created to serve me.
If anything is going to be a Warlock Hero Skin (Tho I doubt it. They usually don't make cosmetic for Mini-Sets but being a special Mini-Set maybe they add some additional content), all the Legendaries of the set were already revealed. Like not revealed, but we know what characters are going to be.
I'm going to reserve my comments about casting Murky as one of the Legendaries instead of every other possible iconic character of the franchise for when the card gets revealed.
Battlecry: SpaceX.