McBanterface just revealed multiple new Heroes of Starcraft cards.
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I don’t think we necessarily have to be too worried about a deck just because it can remove 6 cards from hand?
If the rest of the deck is powerful, it might be powerful enough to be meta? But right now that sounds slow and underwhelming.
You need to draw shudderblock first, then draw each ghost separately. Shudderblock in asteroid shaman is good because you have so many good battlecry minions to hit, not just 2-3
Removing 3 cards over two turns is not enough to beat any control deck currently. Against aggro decks, they won’t even have 6 cards in their hand for you to discard, their goal is to be pretty close to killing you by turn 8 already.
I could be wrong and this combo will be better than I think, but in my mind the closest comparison is Reno warrior, which removed 6 from hand, 6 from deck and 6 from field. That is obviously so much stronger, and it doesn’t even see play atm
If you look closely the deck is completely anti aggro. It also puts pressure on control decks and threatens to remove key cards. It is easy to get them through location that draws battlecry minions, deathrattle draw highest cost minion from deck, and also terran spells that draws terran cards. The deck is build aroudn cheap mions you can safely keep shudderblock and ghost in starting hand
Yeah I saw the anti aggro cards in your deck! But what I’m saying is that if this deck survives long enough against aggro to pull off this combo, it’s likely you were already winning that game. Looping 6 from an aggro deck that ran out of gas and couldn’t kill you feels unneeded.
For example when wheel warlock or boom warrior plays against aggro decks, they usually don’t resolve their OTK, their goal is just survival.
and I’m not convinced yet that removing the 6 lowest cost cards in my opponents hand is going to win me the game in a control match-up. most of controls most valuable cards after turn 8 are high cost cards? Thinking about current Druid/warrior/warlock control decks, I just don’t see myself stressing about loosing my low cost stuff. I’d be more scared of shudder/ignus
Who knows how the meta will shake out, your deck could be amazing! But at the very least I don’t think we need to throw on the alarm bells yet.
Hearthstone is literally an item from WoW. It's casted by Innkeepers, to make the player return to an Inn.
The game with the same name is played inside the same Inn. It exists in WoW as a board game.
It's also literally a game from Blizzard. It's casted by Bobby Koticks, to make the player spend money.
The game with the name Starcraft is played inside the same app. It exists on as a video game., I assume, General Trelian's point. Not that he doesn't understand why Hearthstone and WoW are connected.
Too early to say but at the moment I am not seeing anything exciting. I don't think reducing the cost of launching your spaceship going to be that impactful but it might encourage a tempo style spaceship building rather than OTK though.
Need more vespene gas! Not enough minerals!
Spawn more overlords!
Now. Could somebody explain me what means the Sasuke Cursed Mark on the side of the cards?
My guess Is that represents that the card Is playable by all Faction class. And I only make that conclusion because there are classes Faction cards. I thought that Factions where going to work like in Meanstreets of Gadgetzan, but apparently the banner only indicates the Faction, and then has an extra Banner that works as the Gadgetzan Banner, for some reason.
That's my guess, I don't know If they explained it, but I didn't found it.
The side banner means it is a neutral, that can be played by all terran classes (paladin, shaman and warrior). The top banner means it is a terran card. This is for class specific synergies, like lift off. That is what I think
spawn more overlords
Kinda crazy that Ghost is basically a Wild Shaman-only card. Combined with Mutanus the Devourer, Shudderblock, Bolner Hammerbeak, Shudderwock, Brilliant Macaw, you bet everyone is going to absolutely hate it. You can even tutor the Ghost with Lift Off, making it incredibly consistent.
I agree that it’s better in Wild, but you can use it in Standard as a tech card against Libram Paladin since their 4-cost Libram often costs zero in their hand.
I know Libram Paladin isn’t the best deck in Standard, but it might get support in the future and become popular.
Maybe there are certain cheap cards in other decks that you can use Ghost to counter.
"Summon a 2/1 Starship Piece with an effect when launched."
Man, I swear that sometimes when reading card effects in this game, I find myself questioning my own reading comprehension: What is this text saying will happen?
So the Starport location, you play that and click it to activate it, and it 2/1 Starship Piece (a random one?) pops out. And then when that dies and attaches to the starship and THEN that ship launches, it gets a random effect? Or does that Starship Piece have a random effect before it attaches, and it ISN'T a random piece?
Weird, can't edit my post: I totally forgot that they have the "click on the card to see related cards / tokens". So yeah, 6 unique Terran specific tokens. Whomp whomp.
I thought I would hate the idea of non WoW content in Hearthstone Heroes of Warcraft but I believe we need it at this point. We need more lore for them to easily make content.
PS - You must construct additional pylons before commenting.
Honestly, I'm stoked. It always kind of confused me how they never really did anything with Starcraft despite being such a massive franchise they have access to.
Only Diablo would fit that mold.
Don't want to see Starcraft starships and goo guns from Overwatch zooming around all over the place.