Blizzard just announced the new Hearthstone Mini Set for The Gread Dark Beyond expansion, with some card previews and a release date.
Newly Revealed Cards
This faction consists of Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warlock.
This faction consists of Druid, Mage, Priest, and Rogue.
This faction consists of Paladin, Shaman, and Warrior.
Quote from BlizzardWe've explored new technologies, charted new worlds, and faced new threats across the universe. But now it's nearly time for Hearthstone to boldly go further than it's ever gone before with The Great Dark Beyond Mini-Set: Heroes of StarCraft!
Heroes of StarCraft, launching on January 21 , is our biggest Mini-Set ever, consisting of 49 new cards (instead of the usual 38): 4 Legendary cards, 1 Epic card, 20 Rare cards, and 24 Commons cards. Those are broken down into 3 class cards per class, 5 multi-class cards per StarCraft faction, and one non-faction neutral card, Grunty.
Those cards can either be opened in The Great Dark Beyond packs or unlocked as a complete 94-card set.* The normal version of the Mini-Set is available for $19.99 USD or 2500 Gold. The all-Golden version of the Mini-Set is available for $79.99 USD or 12,000 Gold and comes with a bonus Diamond Legendary card: Grunty! For this special Mini-Set, you can also get normal versions of each of the individual factions for $9.99 or 1200 Gold if you just want one.**
* Includes one copy of each Legendary card and two copies of each other card in the Mini-Set.
** Includes one copy of each Legendary card and two copies of each other card in that particular faction of the Mini-Set, meaning the 5 multi-class cards for that faction, plus the 3 class cards for each of the classes that make up that faction. Single-faction size, class, and rarity breakdown depends on the particular faction.
Command Your Faction
The Heroes of StarCraft Mini-Set is split into the three iconic StarCraft factions: the Zerg, the Protoss, and the Terrans. Each faction has 5 cards that can be played across all the classes within that faction, including a Legendary Hero card as their leader, plus three class-specific cards per class within the faction.
Death Knight, Demon Hunter, Hunter, and Warlock have joined the Zerg! Led by the vicious Sarah Kerrigan, the Zerg are known for swarming aggression. They are good at generating lots of minion tokens to take their opponents down with attacks and direct damage.
Druid, Mage, Priest, and Rogue fight for the Protoss. Led by the noble High Templar Artanis, they specialize in powerful, higher-cost cards that are made cheaper throughout the game. They are good at ramping up to explosive bursts of power.
And finally, Paladin, Shaman, and Warrior make up the Terran forces. Led by the legendary Jim Raynor, the Terran have special Starship synergies that help them launch multiple Starships each game.
The Terran classes also now have a special Starship: the Battlecruiser! The Battlecruiser has new art and the Mech minion type.* If you have a Signature Starship piece in your Starship, you will get the Signature-art version of the Battlecruiser.
* If you are a Paladin, Shaman, or Warrior when you launch your Starship, it will be the Battlecruiser—just like how the Starship classes had unique art treatments in the main set, but expanded to also add a minion type.
Special Heroes of StarCraft Events
Join legendary StarCraft and Hearthstone players for a showmatch years in the making! On January 23 , starting at 10 a.m. (PT), TrumpSC and Day9 will face off in a showmatch highlighting the Heroes of StarCraft. Casting their match will be another pair of icons: Tasteless and Artosis! Watch the Twitch stream and earn 1 The Great Dark Beyond Pack and 1 Golden The Dark Beyond Pack (make sure you link your Twitch and accounts so that your viewing time counts towards the drops).
Then join community creators for Hearthstone matches and mini-games as they compete for faction dominance! Faction members will also take turns guest-casting matches with host and Caster extraordinaire, Sottle.
- Team Terran: Feelink , Jambre , Babybear
- Team Protoss: Zeddy , Tars , Theo
- Team Zerg: Curly , Lilithy , D0nkey
The show starts on January 24 , at 9 a.m. (PT). Watch on PlayHearthstone or SolaryHS (French language, hosted by Odemian ) Twitch channels and earn 1 The Great Dark Beyond Pack and 1 Golden The Great Dark Beyond Pack!
The Countdown's On
Mini-Set cards are being revealed all week! Keep an eye out for all these incoming transmissions:
- January 14 (2am PT): Hearthtoon reveal video
- January 14 (10am PT): Jim Raynor reveal
- January 15 (10am PT): Artanis reveal
- January 16 (10am PT): Sarah Kerrigan reveal
- January 17 (9am PT): 31.4 Patch Notes
- January 17 (12 pm PT): Grunty reveal
- January 21 : 31.4 Patch Live and Mini-Set launch
- January 23 : StarCast event
- January 24 : HearthCraft event
The fun's just getting started. Check out the official Card Library for the full reveal schedule and all the cards that have been revealed so far!
They are totally out of ideas.
I can't wait for Heroes of The Lost Vikings.
nah Rock N Roll Racing cross over is what everyone is asking for
I was slighly dissapointed that the Hydralisk was just a Defias Blastfisher reskin. Now, when I saw Hydralisk I though that Blastfisher was a 4-Mana 4/2, but it was surprisly worst. But I still don't dig it that much. I mean, I could just play Jungle Gym . Unless that the Zerg units are INSANE, I think you always would rather playing Beast in the Beast class than like...what? the 10 Zerg minions at best that they will add to the game? And even then, I don't know if I'm that interested in the idea of the whole faction theme being "A package" of You are playing Zergs? Put all Zergs cards in your deck.
It has sence. That's how Zerg work, they are a swarm. BUT, mechanically feels like pretty limited. Is like having a deck inside of your deck. Just that it dosn't has any deckbuilding, cause you just play with the cards you have access, and is never again going to get any kind of support. So if all the other Zerg cards are going to be as synergistic with each other as I expect them to be, I'm worry about the short longevity of the archetype.
Not a fan of the price increase for a few extra rares/commons.
I'm playing HS less than ever before, the last few expansions and how the meta feels has not been great for a long time.
I'll pick it up for gold, but can't say I'm excited for this miniset at all. Maybe i'll be surprised and things will improve...
I mean, because it has 11 cards more than usual (virtually 22 cause you get all copies) I can justify paying 500G extra for it. It seems fair. I don't have a problem with that.
Now. If they use this as a sneaky way of permanently increase the prize of the Mini-Set to 2500G pretending that we are not going to notice it, just because the one before costed that, I'm going to be pissed.
But it always depends. If you don't concider it worth it or don't care about the Legendaries, if you open...a bunch of packs, you are going to eventually get most of the mini-set. If my math is not too off, getting all the commons and rares from packs cost you 5200G (12 packs to get all commons, + like 40 packs to get all rares), getting that +4 Legendaries guaranteed for half that cost seems like the best deal in the whole game in my opinion.
It’s funny. I’ve realized that when people say such things, they don’t mean just one thing. For example, maybe someone says that phrase because their favorite class or deck isn’t good. Another might say it because their favorite archetype (aggro, control, or combo) isn’t competitive. Yet others might say it for completely different, selfish reasons.
Also, there are those strange people who love to complain about everything in the game and its developers. Even when the devs add something good to the game, those players always find something to complain about.
I used to think that people said it to judge the overall state of the game and that they genuinely cared about the game as a whole. Silly me.
Literally every expansion, I see a few people say, "This is the worst meta ever".
What even is starcraft? An indie game from 25 years ago? kek
I wanted more draeneis and elementals for my decks, not some random mechs.
Additional supply depots required!
You must harvest more vespian gas!
Those kind of voice lines from my old Starcraft 1 days STILL haunt my dreams to this day =/
You do know that ramp is like, Druid's whole schtick right? For Druid, 12 mana is nothing. New Heights isn't even that expensive or even a legendary.
Besides, who's to say there won't be ways to discount the card's cost?
I'm not talking about Druid players that put it in their deck on purpose. If I play Assembly Line in some kind of rogue deck, am I gonna get offered a 12 mana card my deck can't possibly play? Some cards get banned from random pools for being too bad if generated, like quests.
Travelmaster Dungar Rogue?
So is it gonna be possible to randomly generate Carrier? Because in a lot of decks there's no way to play it.
turns Travelmaster Dungar into summon 3, deal 12.
That's a good question. But unless they put an special rule that says "You can't randomly generate Starcraft Faction cards" for some reason, I will say yes. Only because...I don't see Blizzard paying that much attention. But maybe they remove it from the pool. It would be the logic thing to do, not neccessarily the HSnest thing to do.
If there is no reference to Radio Free Zerg in this miniset then it was all for naught.
They called Missle Turret Missle Pod?!?!?!?! How lazy can you get?
Construct Pylons + Photon Cannon
How Enigmatic
So you're saying it's almost... READY TO ROLL OUT!!
Carrier - common. Zergling - rare.