Exclusive Mini-Set Card Reveals
We're deeply grateful to Blizzard for giving us the opportunity to reveal some new cards on our site - something we haven't had the chance to do in nearly 8 years! And before we get to the reveal, don't forget that this mini-set will launch on January 21st, which is next week on Tuesday!
Can be powerful in combination with cards like Sigil of Skydiving, Dangerous Cliffside, or the newly introduced Spawning Pool.
Has a new interesting mechanic that cares about board positioning. This card can potentially kill 3 minions at once or go face for significant damage if neighbors are missing!
This is a returning "Aura" or "Objective" mechanic with quite a powerful effect for your Zerg minions, enabling the previous cards to do some damage.
Previously Revealed Neutral Zerg Cards
In this section you can see all the previously revealed Zerg cards you can play along these new Demon Hunter additions.
For tokens, related cards, generation pool, cosmetics & more, please click on the card image to open a pop-up, inside this pop-up you can mouse over any thumbnail cards on the right side (on mobile at the bottom) to display them.
On mobile, you need to click on the related card image in order to display them.
The artwork of our revealed cards
[Click on the image to enlarge it]
Wasn't expecting Control Zerg or Charge Protoss.
Mutalisk is 100% getting nerfed, it's way too insane when given rush.
Nice update Hearthpwn! Great!
Beautiful design guys!
I know it's been a while,
...but EIGHT YEARS?!? Regardless, Congratz!
It's been quite some time, haha. Thanks! <3
Finally Blizz shows the best hs site some love!!!! This mini set looks SICK. Im a huge sc2 fan so Im in heaven
I love Zergs and even though they dont seem much fun Ill still play each Zerg class lol
good to see new display,
thanks to great work hearthpwn
so if you have tumor and attack single opponent minion with mutalisk it can be 12 damage face on turn 4(or 3) or just 6 damage?
Only works 1 time. See comment from Hat below.
idk the zerg classes just feel incomplete without being able to be a full zerg deck. Death Knight, and probably Warlock, being the exception since their options feel more controlly/utility.
A reprint of pirate dh. I hope next expansion dh finds a way to reinvent itself. Feels like it's been stuck in one place for a while.
Gratz with the promo! Well deserved.
And enjoy the cool extras our pop up brings. Hero Powers, tokens, card pools, full scale art if we have it. All the things!
Works the same way in our guides! With changeable backgrounds that are perfect for reviews!