The party is here! Work together with another player to decorate the tavern and kickoff a New Year's party!
This is a Cooperative Brawl where both players work towards a common goal.
The gimmick is that you work together and use the synergy between both players decks to first get 25 decorations up with their Hero Powers, and then to defeat the Pinata boss that spawns.
Tavern Brawl | Start | End |
499 | Now | January 8, 2025 |
446 | December 27, 2023 | January 3, 2024 |
343 | January 5, 2022 | January 12, 2022 |
290 | December 30, 2020 | January 6, 2021 |
237 | December 25, 2019 | January 1, 2020 |
165 | August 8, 2018 | August 13, 2018 |
Click or hover over the chest to see the rewards!
Did they change the deck lists for the brawl? I don't remember there being survival of the fittest....which is kinda silly and really sucks given they are always going to have a party crasher out. *shrug*
I gave up on it after 2 trials...too damn frustrating....give me a call when there's a brawl where I can choose my own cards and have advocacy on my plays.
Yeah, I understand this brawl, played it so many times.
But doing 5 wins for a weekly quest is quite difficult because of terrible opponents who:
1. Exit the game in the middle of play
2. Heal themselves instead of manage the board
3. Break all designed combos which is not helping at all.
I don't see where you're being told multiple times. Unless you're on desktop. I am on mobile. Once I hit play I don't see anything other than "decorate. 0/25 progress" I understand the brawl but others might be new to co op brawls.
I'm consistently getting players who are destroying all of my guys, and I can't tell if they are trolling or genuinely don't know that we are supposed to work together, even though we are told multiple times.
I mean... SMOrc...
These kind of brawls are the best ones!
Hope they are preparing something cool for the 500th Brawl next week
They didn't even prepare anything cool for the game's 10th anniversary...
Just a heads-up to some unintuitive rules concerning this Tavarn Brawl specifically:
You must destroy the Pinata with damage (effects) or by attacking with Turalyon, the Tenured (Cenarion Ward)
Targeting the Pinata with the following minions will crash the game:
- Abominable Lieutenant
- Kologarn
- Natalie Seline
- Poisonous
- The Black Knight
And lastly, wish for a partner who knows what they're doing! They can be few and far between.
Congrats Blizzard for selecting a TERRIBLE Tavern Brawl to kick-off New Year. SO many useless cards in these outdated decks prepared so many years ago, while having to fight endless horde of unavoidable charge minions....
Work together, guys. Not just tryng to kill your partners, for the love of god sake.
I luckily got a good partner first try. One and done this time!
I got a win on my second attempt. First game I had no idea what I was doing, and after my opponent/teammate hit my dude I just went ham and killed them off for the game to end in a tie. I then came here and played another with a good teammate who crushed the ai opponent with me. ::)
Both games I played as Rogue, which I feel is the easier of the two options.