Some teaser images went out from Blizzard with balance change previews, including for Wild!
Quote from BlizzardBalance updates for Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds are rolling out tomorrow in Patch 31.2.2.
Some teaser images went out from Blizzard with balance change previews, including for Wild!
Quote from BlizzardBalance updates for Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds are rolling out tomorrow in Patch 31.2.2.
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Sonya why?? Unplayable rogue, all archetypes are tier 3.. Another terrible balance changes..
On what planet do you live?
Someone isn't very good at playing Rogue
A tweak to keep paladin in check maybe? It’s getting obnoxious both in standard and in wild
I'm just saying.... I want Reno un-nerfed please :)
Its not that I hate starships, I just have this thing about being held hostage while they have 200 armor. its just not for me.
He had is time to shine let it die
Was Crystal Cluster really what made Dungar druid busted?
Druid has other ramp decks that also have a very high winrate, and this hits all of them.
Why the fuck is dungar druid only getting a tiny nerf to a mostly insignificant card. This dev team is dogshit at balance
Would be a great patch if Rangari Scout was nerfed too, so weird they left it out
Hunter gets 1 fun card, immediately people want it butchered.
All glory unto The Demon Seed finally being nerfed! And Darkglare as well, as he was a huge portion of why that deck has been broken for so long.
Eh. Beyond the first few weeks I've never played Demon Seed myself, but Blizz will print another Healthstone level card somewhere in the future and then the Demon Seed will rise from the ashes again as it has done like 3 or 4 times now. Tale as old as time.
I don`t see how to nerf Skydiving without killing this card (and killing Pirate DH in Wild).
But at last Quest Warlock will be nerfed again.
only summon 2?
Pirate DH is the fastest killing deck at the moment. I don’t think it’s going to be missed
giving them rush and not charge would be fine. shaman can't bloodlust kill with no way for opponent to stop it without taunts.
2 mana for 3 1/1 rush next turn? LOL