31.2.2 Patch Notes - Balance Changes Across The Board!

Team 5 has just announced upcoming balance changes that will impact all the popular game modes - Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds! Dive in to see what's being changed!

Quote from Blizzard

Patch 31.2.2 is releasing today with the following updates:

Hearthstone Updates

Dev Comment: This is our last round of changes before the holiday break, so we're aiming to keep this patch smaller and lower risk. The mini-set is also coming in the not too distant future, and we expect it to do a good job of shaking things up in its own right. Our goal with this patch was to hit the biggest outliers (per usual, considering both play experience and balance).

The following cards are being adjusted to be weaker:

Sonya Waterdancer

  • Old: After you play a 1-Cost card, get a copy of it that costs (0).
  • New: After you play a 1-Cost minion, get a copy of it that costs (0).
  • Dev Comment: We've seen this happen many times before—a rogue card or deck that isn't overly powerful outside of very high level play, but which is a problem for top legend. Sonya has been a focal point in rogue for a while and the recent play patterns have leaned more into frustrating than fun. This change maintains the spirit of the card while removing a lot of its more potent combo potential.


Zilliax Deluxe 3000 (Pylon Module)

  • Old: Your other minions have +1/+1.
  • New: Your other minions have +1 Attack.
  • Dev Comment: Congratulations, Zilliax Deluxe 3000 is the most-nerfed card in history! (To be fair, it's also a bunch of cards in one.) (But to be real, we might need to nerf it again at some point.) This change should still let Pylon Module remain a relevant piece for aggressive decks, but make it easier to get back into a game against an early Zilliax Deluxe 3000 board.


Sigil of Skydiving

  • Old: At the start of your next turn, summon three 1/1 Pirates with Charge.
  • New: At the start of your next turn, summon two 1/1 Pirates with Charge.
  • Dev Comment: Aggressive decks are getting toned down across the board with Zilliax Deluxe 3000, but Shaman is a particular stand out that we wanted to further adjust. This change tones down both its burst potential and its ability to build big boards early in the game (both of which Shaman is better at using this card to do than Demon Hunter is, even though it is a Demon Hunter card). We adjusted this card, instead of a Shaman-only card, because it's the best individual target to accomplish our goals across a swath of Shaman decks.


Crystal Cluster

  • Old: [6 Mana]
  • New: [7 Mana]
  • Dev Comment: Druid has received a variety of ways to ramp in recent sets, because that's a core part of its class identity. But this card allows Druid to ramp to Travelmaster Dungar faster and more consistently than we'd like. We're adjusting this card instead of Dungar directly because this is an overperforming card in the deck even outside of Dungar, and this change will have a slightly larger impact on the deck as a whole than increasing Dungar's mana to 10 would.



  • Old: After your hero takes damage, refresh a Mana Crystal.
  • New: Battlecry: If your hero took damage this turn, refresh 3 Mana Crystals.


The Demon Seed

  • Old: 10 damage per Questline stage.
  • New: 12 damage per Questline stage.
  • Dev Comment: The Demon Seed has had its ups and downs in Wild since its release. Our balance philosophy for Wild is that we generally step in when a deck is too powerful, too strong, and too frustrating to play against. Questline Warlock is currently the most popular deck in the format and has one of the highest winrates—it has always been one of the most polarizing cards in the game. So we're double tapping it here. Darkglare is the most egregious part of the deck, allowing for huge boards and consistent quest completion earlier than we'd like, so it is getting hit hardest. We're also ramping up the Questline requirements to adjust the non-Darkglare versions of the deck.


The above disenchantable cards will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 31.2.2.

The following card is being adjusted to be stronger:


  • Old: [4 Mana] 4/4
  • New: [3 Mana] 3/3
  • Dev Comment: With the mini-set in the not too distant future, we weren't looking to make many buffs this patch. However, Talgath has been an especially underwhelming card since launch and with Rogue getting hit in this patch, we thought this was a fine time to give it a bit of a boost as well.



Battlegrounds Updates

Dev Comment: We hope you are enjoying the new cards in the Tavern. Since this is the first balance patch of the season, we wanted to focus primarily on pulling down some of the early overperformers to make room for other strategies to shine. Specifically, we wanted to pull back the power of Quillboar and Dragons as a whole, plus some other individual card outliers. We also wanted to bump up Naga, Undead, Murlocs, Demons and Menagerie a little to help them compete.

We also adjusted some underperforming heroes in this patch. These are primarily high-confidence buffs that we know will improve their winrates without significant risk of unintended consequences. We're evaluate how all these changes shake out after the new year and are expecting to make more changes once we have more time and data. Happy holidays and we'll see you in the Tavern!

Hero Changes

The JailerRunic Empowerment

  • Old: Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after seven friendly minions die.
  • New: Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after five friendly minions die.


Ini StormcoilMechGyver

  • Old: [Passive] After 10 friendly minions die, get a random mech.
  • New: [Passive] After 9 friendly minions die, get a random mech.


Millificent ManastormTinker

  • Old: [Passive] Whenever you summon a Mech, give it +2 Attack.
  • New: [Passive] Whenever you summon a Mech, give it +3 Attack.


SindragosaStay Frosty

  • Old: Freeze a card in the Tavern. Passive: At the end of your turn, Frozen minions get +2/+1.
  • New: Freeze a card in the Tavern. Passive: At the end of your turn, Frozen minions get +2/+2.



  • Old: [Passive] After you kill 20 enemy minions, get Sulfuras.
  • New: [Passive] After you kill 16 enemy minions, get Sulfuras.


Queen AzsharaAzshara's Ambition

  • Old: [Passive] When your warband reaches 25 total Attack, begin your Naga Conquest.
  • New: [Passive] When your warband reaches 30 total Attack, begin your Naga Conquest.


Tavish StormpikeDeadeye

  • Old: Start of Combat: Deal 2 damage to your target. (Doubles every 3 turns!)
  • New: Start of Combat: Deal 3 damage to your target. (Doubles every 3 turns!)


Sylvanas WindrunnerReclaimed Souls

  • Old: Give +2/+1 to your minions that died last combat.
  • New: Give +3/+1 to your minions that died last combat.


Edwin VanCleefSharpen Blades

  • Old: Give a minion +1/+1. Upgrades after you buy 3 cards.
  • New: Give a minion +2/+2. Upgrades after you buy 5 cards.
  • Dev Comment: Sharpen Blades now get +2/+2 sharper when they upgrade.


Armor Changes

The following heroes now have less Armor:

The following heroes now have more Armor:

Card Pool Changes

Card Changes

Implant Subject

  • Old: 3/2. Stealth. Whenever a friendly minion loses a Bonus Keyword, gain +1/+1 permanently.
  • New: 4/3. Stealth. Whenever a friendly minion loses a Bonus Keyword in combat, gain +1/+1 permanently.
  • Dev Comment: This update is primarily intended as a bug fix. With this change, Implant Subject has been unbanned from the minion pool.

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Hunter of Gatherers

  • Old: [Tier 5] 4/6. Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +2 Health.
  • New: [Tier 4] 3/5. Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +1 Health.

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Prized Promo-Drake

  • Old: [Tier 4] Start of Combat: Give your other Dragons +3/+3.
  • New: [Tier 5] Start of Combat: Give your other Dragons +5/+4.

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Bountiful Bedrock

  • Old: [Tier 2] 2/2.
  • New: [Tier 3] 3/4.

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  • Old: 3/1
  • New: 3/3

NEUTRAL_BG25_041_enUS_Felemental-97553_NORMAL.png NEUTRAL_BG25_041_G_enUS_Felemental-97554_GOLDEN.png

Gem Rat

  • Old: [Tier 3] 3/3
  • New: [Tier 4] 4/4

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  • Old: 3/3
  • New: 2/2

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Critter Wrangler

  • Old: 3/6. Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +3/+3.
  • New: 4/6. Whenever you cast a spell on a minion, give it +2/+2.

NEUTRAL_BG23_003_enUS_CritterWrangler-80741_NORMAL.png NEUTRAL_BG23_003_G_enUS_CritterWrangler-80759_GOLDEN.png

Zesty Shaker

  • Old: [Tier 4] 6/6
  • New: [Tier 2] 3/4

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Arcane Cannoneer

  • Old: 5/6. Whenever this attacks, deal 1 damage to the target. (Improved by every 4 spells you've cast this game!)
  • New: 2/6. Whenever this attacks, deal 2 damage to the target. (Improved by every 4 spells you've cast this game!)
  • Dev Comment: Improves by 2 damage each time.

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Sprightly Scarab

  • Old: [Tier 3] 2/1. Choose One – Give a Beast +1/+1 and Reborn; or +3/+3 and Taunt.
  • New: [Tier 4] 3/2. Choose One – Give a Beast +2/+2 and Reborn; or +5/+5 and Taunt.

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Sly Raptor

  • Old: [Tier 4] 1/3. Deathrattle: Summon a random Beast. Set its stats to 7/7.
  • New: [Tier 3] 1/2. Deathrattle: Summon a random Beast. Set its stats to 5/5.

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Karmic Chameleon

  • Old: [Tier 4]
  • New: [Tier 5]

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Goldrinn, the Great Wolf

  • Old: 3/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +3/+3.
  • New: 4/4. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +4/+4.

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  • Old: 4/13. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, give your minions +2/+1 permanently.
  • New: 4/11. After a friendly Deathrattle minion dies, give your minions +2/+2 permanently.

NEUTRAL_BG29_863_enUS_Ghoul-acabra-114471_NORMAL.png NEUTRAL_BG29_863_G_enUS_Ghoul-acabra-114472_GOLDEN.png

Champion of the Primus

  • Old: 2/9. Avenge (3): Your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are).
  • New: 3/9. Avenge (2): Your Undead have +1 Attack this game (wherever they are).

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Holy Mecherel

  • Old: [Tier 5] 6/4. After another friendly minion loses Divine Shield, gain Divine Shield.
  • New: [Tier 6] 8/4. Divine Shield. After another friendly minion loses Divine Shield, gain Divine Shield.

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Charging Czarina

  • Old: 5/3. Divine Shield. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your minions with Divine Shield +2 Attack.
  • New: 6/3. Divine Shield. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give your minions with Divine Shield +3 Attack.

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Holo Rover

  • Old: 4/8
  • New: 3/5

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Big Brother

  • Old: [Tier 4] 5/4
  • New: [Tier 3] 4/3

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Soul Rewinder

  • Old: 3/1
  • New: 4/1

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  • Old: [Tier 5] 6/7. After your hero takes damage, rewind it and reduce the Cost of your next Tavern spell by (1).
  • New: [Tier 4] 4/5. After your hero takes damage, rewind it and reduce the Cost of your next Tavern spell by (1) (but not less than 1).
  • Dev Comment: Spells can still be reduced to (0) by other cost reduction effects while Archimonde is in play.

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Nether Construct

  • Old: 5/5. Choose One – Minions in the Tavern have +5/+5 this game; or Consume all minions in the Tavern to gain their stats.
  • New: 4/4. Choose One – Minions in the Tavern have +4/+4 this game; or Consume all minions in the Tavern to gain their stats.

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Reckless Cliffdiver

  • Old: 3/1
  • New: 4/1

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Mutated Lasher

  • Old: 7/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your odd-Tier minions have +2/+3.
  • New: 9/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your odd-Tier minions have +3/+3.

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Saloon Dancer

  • Old: 4/5. Taunt. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give two other friendly minions +4/+4.
  • New: 5/5. Taunt. Whenever you cast a Tavern spell, give two other friendly minions +5/+5.

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Young Murk-Eye

  • Old: 9/6. At the end of your turn, trigger the Battlecries of adjacent minions.
  • New: 10/6. At the end of your turn, trigger the Battlecry of the minion to the left of this.

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  • Old: 4/2. Battlecry: Give your other minions +2/+2 for each Bonus Keyword they have.
  • New: 5/3. Battlecry: Give your other minions +3/+2 for each Bonus Keyword they have.

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King Bagurgle

  • Old: Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +3/+3.
  • New: Battlecry: Give your other Murlocs +3/+4.

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Nightbane, Ignited

  • Old: 7/6. Taunt. Deathrattle: Give 2 random friendly minions this minion's Attack.
  • New: 8/6. Taunt. Deathrattle: Give 2 different friendly minions this minion's Attack.
  • Dev Comment: This change means that Nightbane, Ignited's Deathrattle can no longer give Attack to itself or any other friendly Nightbane, Igniteds. The effect is otherwise unchanged.

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Briarback Bookie

  • Old: 3/4. If you have unspent Gold at the end of your turn, get 2 Blood Gems.
  • New: 3/3. At the end of your turn, get a Blood Gem.

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Boundless Potential

  • Old: [4 Gold] Choose One – Discover a minion of your Tier; or a Tavern spell of a Tier higher.
  • New: [3 Gold] Choose One – Discover a minion of your Tier; or a Tavern spell of your Tier.


Fandral's Fortune

  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • New: [4 Gold]



Arena Updates

We're making a couple Arena microadjustments to reduce the power of Death Knight this season:

Bug Fixes and Game Improvements

  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Implant Subject's effect didn't work with Spellcraft spells that gave bonus Keywords.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug with the Bob-blehead Trinket.
  • [Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Exarch Othaar and Zerek, Master Cloner appeared as Bartenders in some places, instead of Heroes.
  • [General] Misc. cosmetic and text updates.



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