Hearthstone on X just showcased the teaser images for tomorrow's patch, with many buffs and nerfs.
- Dirdra, Rebel Captain
- Voronei Recruiter
- Sha'tari Cloakfield
- Yrel, Beacon of Hope
- Interstellar Starslicer
- Askara
- The Gravitational Displacer
- Starship Schematic
- Scrounging Shipwright
- Felfire Thrusters
- The Exodar
- Ace Wayfinder
- Dimensional Core
- Astral Vigilant
- Reska, the Pit Boss
- Threads of Despair
- Sleep Under the Stars
- Funnel Cake
- Mystery Egg
- Seabreeze Chalice
- Everything Must Go!
- Quasar
- Conniving Conman
- Sea Shill
- Wave of Nostalgia
- Malted Magma
- Reno, Lone Ranger
- Lamplighter
The Ceaseless Expanse is most likely going to be unbanned.BATTLEGROUNDS
- Karmic Chameleon
- Iridescent Skyblazer
- Famished Felbat
- Living Azerite
- Critter Wrangler
- Soft-hearted Siren
I'm really happy that the only change to elemental mage is lamplighter, which I'm REALLY hoping is removing it from going face The deck is strong, and blazing accretion probably could have been knocked down to draw 2, but the deck will play completely differently when it loses the absurd reach of lamplighter just nuking you from half your health.
My hope for Reno is that it'll be a double-sided board wipe.
absolutely none of those cards needed to be buffed
How would you fix the problem that 90% of the expansion, including the big selling feature of Starships, is unplayable without buffing?
Nerf the cards that are keeping them from seeing play.
Everything's relative.
probably, and thanks, reno 11 mana. B)
Leave Reska out of this madness! Dumbass dev team :-( .. Funny they cant make new cards without destroying the old ones.. :P
Should’ve been nerfed ages ago
Are you ever gonna learn that buffs is a bad thing? It creates future problems where you ALWAYS need to keep up and printing better and better cards until the game is that unplayable mess that it is today
People are going to downvote your comment, but there’s truth to what you said. Conniving Conman and Mystery Egg are getting nerfed even though they were buffed before. They’ve nerfed many cards in the past that were previously buffed because they were considered “bad.” I remember Razzle-Dazzler, Treasure Distributor, Crescendo, and Tsunami getting buffed and then nerfed. I also remember Luna's Pocket Galaxy getting buffed and then nerfed.
Sometimes, certain decks or cards are bad not because they are actually weak, but because other decks or cards are problematic and don’t let them shine. With every balance patch, they nerf and buff many cards at the same time, which I don’t think is right.
And as you said, when there are many broken cards, they have to print even more broken cards to keep up and compete. "more broken" cards mean potentially problematic and hard-to-balance cards.
Asteroid Shaman almost untouched except for Malted Magma. Will e strong after the nerfs.
Devs errd on the side of caution. Nerfs are a week past relevance. Gg shamanstone
I think nerfing the only decent deck that runs new expansion cards besides Ethereal Oracle would qualify as a mistake. The objective of this patch is to nuke old strategies off the map so it feels like we actually got an expansion.
Strong, sure, but who knows, other decks might pop up that can outlive it.
I’ m not so sure. I play asteroid shaman and without magma to clear the board minions will soak up a lot of damage that could instead go face
Good patch. I'm surprised to see Reno nerfed yet again but I guess it's because Blizzard doesn't want Starship counters to be prevalent. He will probably only poof minions now.
YO! THEYRE NERFING RESKA!?!? FINALLY!!! And reno too!!! HELL YEAH! Murder that stupid card. Worst mechanic ever added to HS. Just delete reno, or hey, let's have a comprimise because a lot of people like playing the reno mechanic despite it being the least creative, least interesting way to play the game. Make reno 6 mana or something, not effect the board and make it so you can choose which hero power he gets each turn. That'd at least be fun.
I hate all the buffs though. They're very scary. People dont realize how good the demon hunter crewmate deck is lol. This one guy made a list and I have like an 80% winrate with it. I predict that that deck is going to be the new one people wont shut up about until the next patch. Also, starships arent half as bad as people whine that they are. It has the potential to be an extremely oppressive mechanic. I predict that Star Vulpera will be a staple in every deck.
I knew they will nerf magma but I'm still wondering what will they change
3 mana
either won't hit face anymore or 3 mana deal 2; just increasing to 3 mana might as well ban the card.
3 mana deal 2 would probably be a buff though, as that 1 extra damage hits a lot of important breakpoints and is much better Damage:Mana ratio. You already often cast Magma multiple times a turn, this makes the card much better for that purpose.