Hearthstone on X just showcased the teaser images for tomorrow's patch, with many buffs and nerfs.
- Dirdra, Rebel Captain
- Voronei Recruiter
- Sha'tari Cloakfield
- Yrel, Beacon of Hope
- Interstellar Starslicer
- Askara
- The Gravitational Displacer
- Starship Schematic
- Scrounging Shipwright
- Felfire Thrusters
- The Exodar
- Ace Wayfinder
- Dimensional Core
- Astral Vigilant
- Reska, the Pit Boss
- Threads of Despair
- Sleep Under the Stars
- Funnel Cake
- Mystery Egg
- Seabreeze Chalice
- Everything Must Go!
- Quasar
- Conniving Conman
- Sea Shill
- Wave of Nostalgia
- Malted Magma
- Reno, Lone Ranger
- Lamplighter
The Ceaseless Expanse is most likely going to be unbanned.BATTLEGROUNDS
- Karmic Chameleon
- Iridescent Skyblazer
- Famished Felbat
- Living Azerite
- Critter Wrangler
- Soft-hearted Siren
they killed reno, thank god
no strong shaman nerf? or astroids? well the aoe sure which will hit DK more I guess but the idea of them beeing affected by spell+ is just wrong
No Paladin nerfs? Honestly, can't even be surprised anymore.
Conniving Conman and Sea Shill are paladin cards. They are also mage cards. Some of the best. They'll probably be reverted which won't nerf them for rogue but will nerf both pipsi paladin and big spell mage.
Wake up little boy. Every sweaty paladin plays buff pally. That is the real problem. Insane tempo, insane sustain, insane cheating
If you had gotten past angry chicken rank before the patch, you would've encountered Pipsi paladin. It was roughly six times as popular as handbuff paladin at top 1k legend. Handbuff paladin only had 0.52% playrate at those ranks. These numbers were from the latest Vicious Syndicate data reaper report which pulled from over a hundred thousand games. I imagine these players, by virtue of their high rank, were substantially sweatier than anyone you could queue into.
How could they nerf Reno? Well...I have an idea, though of course Blizz will most likely take a different route entirely.
My idea is in addition to the card text already there, they could rework his mana cost to act like a Giant card.
His hard mana cost is 12. Then they add the text "Costs (1) less for each NON-DUPLICATE card you ALREADY played this game!".
That way, you have to play highlander cards BEFORE you get to play Reno. AKA Zeph, OG Reno, etc. Not only does it slow the card down by a great deal, it makes playing him for his effect seem like an actual huge payoff after.
Just an idea.
I think Reno is going to only remove minions from the board to make some room for starship decks.
The current period reminds me "Tolarian Winter". The period when magic was almost dead because of combo decks (which decks were unresponsive)
It's nowhere near that bad
Last chance to get refund on Reno if he still lingers in your collection. Feels good man.
Dang he's finally going to 11 mana. Sucks to not be druid.
I am sure it will still be relevant
Lol no buff for meme 4 mana 4-4 combo deal 4 damage to an undamaged minion
Disappointed that there are no direct Buffs for Draenei Warrior, but otherwise these changes seem good
Reska, the Pit Boss nerf?
Well - after introduction of The Ceaseless Expanse it was totally obvious, that it becomes available in low cost to play too early. At least for me.
Quasar nerf?
Awww yeah! In standard & Wild it was just mind-blowing for me facing rogues...
... But another Reno, Lone Ranger nerf? What they wanna do? Increase hero power's cost to 3? Now that's a puzzle... At least for me.
Not only a lot of nerfs, but also a lot of buffs? Awww yeah - at least if they will become to strong, they will nerf them back, but at least people "stuck" with them will have some kind of "payback time".
I've already reached legend with my weirdo DK, like over a week ago, and I'm already stacking gold for Starcraft expansion & future expansion, but maybe with these nerfs and buffs finishing achievements for XP will be easier :S
No board space limit seems legit.