Blizzard just banned The Ceaseless Expanse in the Wild constructed mode following a game-breaking interaction with Holy Wrath.
We have no information as of now whether it'll be unbanned after this deck gets adjusted in an upcoming balance patch or not.
Quote from BlizzardWe are ceasing The Ceaseless Expanse in Wild Mode. The card will still be usable in other formats.
"throwing assumptions around. You don't know the first thing about me or what and how I like to play the game."
"you fantasize" "If you weren't so full of yourself thinking 'I'm smart because I play more cards and take longer to win a game'"
The last time I played a value deck was during the Descent of Dragons expansion. I don’t play value or Reno decks at all. You can check my account’s posts—I usually criticize Reno decks, Titans, Yogg-Titan, and Marin the Manager. I only play decks that aim to kill the opponent, not to ‘outvalue’ them. I play aggro, control (with actual threats meant to end the game), and combo decks.
I know it’s hard for you to believe me because you’re not used to seeing someone who judges the game objectively.
If you think value decks are the only decks that struggle against Holy Wrath Paladin, then by that logic, Demon Seed is also a value deck because it loses to Holy Wrath.
Maybe you hate value decks so much that you’re glad there’s a deck that destroys them. I dislike them too, but that doesn’t mean there should be a deck that wins by turn 5 with just two cards.
"what people should or shouldn't play or enjoy"
Again, players don’t actually enjoy ‘Holy Wrath’ (or any other broken deck); they just play it because it gives them easy wins and a false sense of accomplishment. If they truly enjoyed the deck, they would continue playing it. You can still play it and win frequently. The devs didn’t kill the deck. I’m sure they just moved on to playing the next most broken deck, lol.
@kawhi1weefc I don't hate value decks. Like I said before, I think that every strategy should be viable or at least have a shot so that there's a deck for everyone to enjoy but hey keep ignoring half of what I said and put words in my mouth like the very objective guy that you are lol. But you are right, in that usually the players that complain about "broken" strategies that kill them from hand on turn 5 are the ones that like to milk the value out of every card and sit there and gain armor and throw removal for 2 hours and expect the opponent to do the same. And I never said value decks are the only ones that struggle against holy wrath, as far as I know, druids can gain 1k plus armor, warriors can use ceaseless expanse too to gain 100 armor with dredge, mages have ice blocks and solid alibis, there's neutral cards that give your hero elusive and I could go on but sure ban the new card so that nobody can use it anymore because one deck uses it to kill people on turn 5.
"someone who judges the game ovjectively" ---> " players don't enjoy holy wrath because I say so and I know better than them what they enjoy" LOL yeah very objective. Players enjoy winning. You also enjoy winning, it's a very natural thing to enjoy and that's basically why everyone ever even bothers to play a game. To try to win at it. How they like to win is totally up to them with the strategies available. You play aggro, which is even more funny to judge a deck for winning on turn 5 given the fact that most aggro decks either lose or win by that turn as well. But hey, you play 5 more low cost cards than holy wrath paladin by turn 5 to win therefore you must be better than them and it means you actually enjoy the game unlike them right? lmao, there's that ego again " I'm smart because I don't play broken decks to win wow I'm so special".
And a "false sense of accomplishment" is the funniest shit, you are giving yourself too much credit for winning at a card game with a specific deck just because it's not one of those "broken" decks. Wake up dude, no matter how you win the game it's a "false sense of accomplishment" by that logic because you didn't actually accomplish anything more "real" than those guys who play broken decks. At the end of the day you are still sitting there on your chair and clicking a bunch of virtual green cards until your opponents health equals 0 or less, just like them. No matter how much you try to flatter yourself that what you do is real and matters more because you use a slighty more complex strategy than others. I know it's probably too much to ask but, grow up.
Arguing with you is pointless, and I regret wasting my time on it.
"grow up" lol
give me the damn dust !!
It is only temporary until they come up with a nerf patch for Holy Wrath or most likely Order in the Court
Sure, the combo was unreliable; and for it to be viable required a deck that was focused on producing the combo. Nonetheless, when it succeeded it was pretty much game over unless you somehow accumulated a ton of armor or had Ice Block up. It just wasn't fun to play against. Control in WIld is already struggling; this made it impossible. Don't worry, The Ceaseless Expanse will be back once they've figured out how to fix this.
No more bonk?
The deck had so many counters, cards that increase the cost of spells (three of them are neutral!), ice block and many other class specific counters. Both rogue and Druid can OTK consistently on turn 5-6. Priest and Demon Hunter can kill the paladin on turn 4 pretty consistently. The holy wrath deck was very good, but not even the best deck in wild. I’m really sad about this, dreading to see what the nerf is going to be. Hopefully they don’t butcher the deck
Right? I immediately went and started playing the Stormwind Quest Mage deck and stomping opponents with that instead. That exact deck was a counter to the Holy Wrath Paladin deck, and often times was faster than it anyways.
I stg, people like you who are desperate for the easiest broken decks are the worst type of people in this game. people who need the most busted decks to climb really suck at the game. You are sad about the card ban because this insane deck is so easy for you to play or maybe it is the only deck you have.
"That exact deck was a counter".
Dude, if a deck has only one counter, then it’s a broken deck. Every deck in the game has a counter. By your logic, they should never nerf any card because everything has at least one counter.
We'll go line by line:
"I stg (sic?), people like you who are desperate for the easiest broken decks are the worst type of people in this game."
• Bruh, it's Wild. ALL decks are busted. Mage is 4th in Wild behind Paladin, DH and Priest, and now Quasar Rogue is in the mix too. Before this latest expansion launch, I was rolling Big Shaman and Fatigue DH in Wild and was eager for something new.
"You are sad about the card ban because this insane deck is so easy for you to play or maybe it is the only deck you have."
• I'm frustrated that it was even introduced to Wild when it was SUPER OBVIOUS it was problematic at reveal time. My grump was that it's Friday, I finally got a chance to even try the busted deck and it was yanked away, 4 days after release. Smol Indie Company.
"Dude, if a deck has only one counter, then it’s a broken deck."
• It wasn't the ONLY counter deck, I said "That exact deck (Quest Mage) was a counter". Mostly because that Paladin deck was an OTK deck and Mage with 2-3 Iceblocks is the obvious counter if they aren't running any anti-secret tech. And a greedy OTK deck like that wasn't.
Anything else?
I climbed to legend 3 straight seasons with holy wrath paladin before this expansion. I’ve been rank 1 legend with control paladin in 2017. I’m not salty because “an easy deck” is getting nerfed, I’m mad because there are better decks that aren’t going to get nerfed
Kobold Monk, 3 mana elusive hero battle cry=neutral
Loatheb, Stormwind trade guy, 3/2 spells cost more=neutral
Neutral counters= a skill issue if not used
Okay, so you’re saying the deck doesn’t need a nerf because it has neutral counters. But doesn’t every deck or card that’s been nerfed in Hearthstone’s history have neutral counters?
Also, don’t you think taking 100 damage from only two cards around turn 5 is pretty frustrating? I know many decks can kill by turn 5, but the fact that this deck only uses two cards to do it is what makes it feel frustrating, and that’s why I call it an easy deck.
it isn't, big shaman does the same thing lol
40 health decks: wrath finley wrath with thaurissan setup i guess, warriors are rare matchup anyway
Was doing a Highlander XL deck a little earlier today, made dinner, ate, came back and tried to make a new one without the highlander bit: Banned card. 4 days after it was launched as a problematic card.
Goddamn Blizzard is just straight incompetent. It's almost inconceivable how bad they are at aspects of their jobs.
They aren’t bad; they know very well that the card would be problematic in Wild. They know that the majority of Hearthstone players are eager to play those broken decks. I never blamed the devs—I blame the players. Players don’t want actual fun; they want overpowered decks to easily climb to Legend, as if Legend is some kind of promised land or something.
Nah, they are indeed incompetent. Because they destroyed Radiant Elemental in advance knowing that they printed an umplayable card in Wild that had a broken interaction with one of the best Priest minions of all times.
They could literally do the same with Holy Wrath , knowing that nobody plays that card anyway, and that they don't even care if people play that card for what they did to Radiant Elemental. But somehow the most obvious interaction flew over their radar, like who that ever heard about Holy Wrath didn't think about that Combo? Is like see Stalwart Avenger and think "Wait a minute. Isn't this actually good with Unyielding Vindicator ?" It obviously is, you can't miss that.
My only explanation for how they handle Wild is that all the employees that worked in those sets were already fired, and nobody bother to check. Cause you don't ban a card 4 days after a set if you was expecting this to happen. It's simply negligence at work.
I didn’t mean to defend the devs. My point is that we should also hate the players as well. The devs are just giving people what they want. With every expansion, they release insanely broken cards, and many players react by saying things like, ‘OMG, this card is busted; I love it. I’ll play it on day one,’ or ‘I’ll try to use this broken deck to hit Legend before they nerf it.’ You’re angry at the devs for allowing these unfun cards and decks in the game, but what about the players (the vast majority) who love using them?.
I think the reason they let some overpowered cards is to attract players who enjoy easy, quick wins with those types of cards. This makes those players happy initially, and then they nerf the cards to satisfy the rest of the player base. They don’t want to let all the OP cards in so that the rest of the players don’t get too angry.