Blizzard just banned The Ceaseless Expanse in the Wild constructed mode following a game-breaking interaction with Holy Wrath.
We have no information as of now whether it'll be unbanned after this deck gets adjusted in an upcoming balance patch or not.
Quote from BlizzardWe are ceasing The Ceaseless Expanse in Wild Mode. The card will still be usable in other formats.
Dear Blizzard thank you for looking into this to fix wild. While you are at it can you please do something about this pirate BS please? Thanks
Or you could just cap Holy Wrath at 10 damage since it was never really intended to do more than that....
There's a lot of discussion around this one, and its worth noting that I'm not aware of any other card that has text along the lines of "...up to (10) damage." Such a limiting factor from a user interaction just isn't there and flies in the face of a lot of the game design going on here. Order in the Court should simply be changed to not enable loading a bullet in the chamber, and instead require Lorekeeper Polkelt, which is a reasonable constraint (a single minion legendary vs. two tutorable spells).
Reduce Holy Wrath to 2-mana and have it target minions only.
Yes that’s the real fix
They could had revert Order in the Court to Draw a card. Or Capping Holy Wrath to (Up to 10). Or at the bare minimum ban the card ONLY for Paladin. Or at the barest of the minimumest at least say what are they planning to do. Cause as far as we know the card could be banned for 2 years. They didn't said anything about adjusting the other interactions, and it wouldn't be the first time that happens.
I am totally fine with either suggested solutions for the two older cards.
Now that I'm thinking back, that Order in the Court nerf was purely because of it's draw power in standard. It was actually a BUFF for the card in Wild for this very Holy Wrath deck, where the deck's only real weakness was 1. being outrun by Aggro or 2. the opponent would get out of OTK range through health or armor stacking (if not straight up Iceblock). So yeah, PRIME nerf rollback candidate.
hearthstone now doesn't have instruments to ban card combinations, it just would have been better to block the possibility having either holy wrath AND expanse, because there are plenty of paladins that would have used this 100 mana card in other decks (xl pala with DK otk, etc), or holy wrath with shirvallah, so the problem is card combination, not class or card solely
Reverting the Order in the Court nerf solves this issue, as stated above, or at least narrows it to require Lorekeeper Polkelt which is in line with Wild's general tomfoolery level.
Out of all the ways to emergency patch a broken wild deck, banning the new card was probably the worst way. Ban holy wrath? Make holy wrath only target minions?
I'm not surprised that this is overpowered.
But I am surprised that they decided to remove a turn 5 OTK in a gamemode that has been so dominated by aggro over it's entire existence that the winner is usually decided around turn 3.
Quest warlock kills everyone by turn 6 — blizzard bans deck that kills everyone by turn 8
And this deck just laughed about Quest Warlock.
This deck was not only braindead, there was almost no chance you could lose if you don't have suuuuuper bad RNG. The 70% winrate from hsreplay is a joke and gets drawn down from mirror matches only.
Never felt so dirty playing a deck.
It still wasn't the very top deck at the moment, there are still shadow priest, seedlock and hostage mage
This deck just gotten to the same place with them (and not exactly nub version, but xl one). So the reason blizz killed this deck because it was very popular, and nothing else.
Honestly I could totally counter this deck with Kobold Monk and Spellward Jeweler while vs Questlock it is still always insta concede
Maybe it’s because it’s so easy and requires the least effort? You literally only need to play two cards to win with that Paladin deck.
Also, it definitely kills before turn 8. The only time my opponent used the combo on turn 8 was because I played two spell disruption cards beforehand.
I really hope people could be objective when judging their cards and decks. I got tired of that deck that I started playing Mage with Ice Block, and I had a 100% win rate against it. That doesn’t mean the Paladin deck shouldn’t be nerfed, though.
And yet there are plenty of combo decks that are in same level of stupidly easiness that are just less popular because they require a bit more cards to play, like any druid or press x to win decks like big shaman.
wasn't even going to play this deck, but if you nerf one, nerf everything then, or nothing at all.
and about ice block — some matchups in wild are 100% winrate agains some others, it's just about with what key cards you get win
you're arguing with a bunch of crybabies that scream for nerfs everytime they lose a game to a card. It's the same on the reddit sub. "Braindead decks" always existed in hearthstone and they will always exist because they keep printing them. And they will nerf them 1 or 2 weeks after launch anyways because they nerf everything that is popular, even if it's a bad deck, like quasar rogue in standard for example. In reality people hate losing, so they go on and complain and ask for nerfs after 1 day of a new expansion. That's the emotional control and maturity of the majority of community.
@ActuallyLaSolFa No, they’re not crybabies. I’ve come to realize that many people (like you) play card games because they want the feeling of winning something even without having to work for it. They know that in card games (especially Hearthstone), the deck you use is often more important than skill level. So, they choose the most overpowered deck to win often and feel good about themselves. It’s honestly sad. You can’t convince me that playing the same two cards on turn 5 every game to win is actually fun. These people lack the feeling of real achievement, so anything that tells them ‘Victory—you won!’ feels like fun to them.
@kawhi1weefc Yes, they are. You've got triggered and started throwing assumptions around. You don't know the first thing about me or what and how I like to play the game. A lot of players will always choose what's the most easy and simple to play that also wins a lot. Often times because it's usually a cheap deck and many people are casuals that don't want to spend a ton of money to build whatever giga value based decks you fantasize about of being the only valid decks that all people should play because that's what you think it's fun and therefore "deserves to win". I think that this game should have a diverse set of options for decks and there should be something for everyone to play and enjoy. Playing your cards and winning is what people find fun, whether you want to accept that reality or not is a different topic. If you weren't so full of yourself thinking " I'm smart because I play more cards and take longer to win a game" and then patting yourself on the shoulder afterwards, you could see that people like different strategies and enjoy different things and that's totally fine. Even if some of those strategies require "less skill" to win a game. But it seems like you already made up your mind about what people should or shouldn't play or enjoy so... stay crying I guess because those players won't go anywhere and the devs will keep printing archetypes for them because they are easy to design.