Wild Combos in the Great Dark Beyond

The Great Dark Beyond is getting ready for launch. We're getting a bunch of new mechanics and unique support for existing archetypes like Discover Hunter and Fire Elemental Mage. Even though many of the new cards are specific in their uses, there are still some that have ridiculous ways to play them in wild. Here, we'll focus on the potential combos you can pull off in Wild mode once these new cards become available.


Demon Hunters that empty their hand often can make decent use of the stars Xor’toth creates. Dispose of Evidence and Bibliomite can very efficiently ditch some cards in between them. It isn’t as fast as other things these decks can do, but 5 damage to all enemies definitely contributes to their game plan and is the most independently impactful card they would usually have at the top end of the curve.


One might ask, “Why not just use Gnomeferatu? Or Tickatus? Or any of the better ways to get rid of a card in the opponent’s deck?” They just don’t understand the true psychological damage the opponent suffers when you gain advantage from discarding their resources instead of yours.

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One of the only relevant Draenei from the past is Prophet Velen. He’s not used as much these days, but he’s still capable of the same burst damage as before. The Brann/Askara play into Velen/Mind Blast the following turn curves nicely between turns eight and nine for a 40 damage hit, which eats away even the extra Prince Renathal Health.


It’s very clear that Quasar is meant to be a build around combo piece. Reducing the cost of all your remaining cards by (3) is an insane rate on a single spell. However, the drawback is pretty backbreaking if you don’t have a way to draw cards once your hand is empty. While there are cards in standard that can offset this downside like Gold Panner or Quick Pick, Voracious Reader is by far the most aggressive draw engine after shuffling your hand away. It can give you enough cards to keep you in the game so you can do whatever it is you’re planning to do with your now much cheaper cards.


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Because of how Infuse works, the base damage of the Sire Denathrius’s Battlecry increases in a way that triggering it through other means doesn’t reset it to 5. While it is possible to easily duplicate his Battlecry on turns after you play him, Murmur lets you do it all at once. In wild, a lot of times being able to pull off your combo one turn earlier is the difference between winning and losing.


Princess Talanji and Krul the Unshackled rarely found themselves in a meta contending deck. That doesn’t necessarily mean they can’t be as degenerate as legendary minions that do. Kil'jaeden gives both of them the materials they need to vomit a large pile of stats onto the battlefield. Even though they’re random Demons in wild, who can say no to spitting out lethal on board?

* Without being able to test it, it’s hard to know whether or not Krul will work like this. Intuitively it should, but there is potential that the portal replacing your deck could be coded in a way that prevents this, like if it counts the endless demon army as having duplicates. It’s hard to know for sure when this is the first time we’ve been able to replace our entire deck with a genuinely infinite value supply.

We hope you give some of these combos a shot. Maybe you'll even discover your own! There are always new ways to use your cards, so experiment away!




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