IGN just revealed a new The Great Dark Beyond card: Talgath
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How does fighting an Undamaged Enemy even fit the Fantasy of being a Rogue or a Demon? it feels too Honorable, like "here let me make sure you are alright before I stab you." As a long time Rogue enjoyer, I hope Monk shows up so it can take this awful trope off our hands, I want to kick sand into the face of my enemy's minions while they are near deaths door, not get out a power move while they are healthy.
Heck, this card would feel more Rogue if it was. "Damaged Minions take Double Damage, Combo: gain a Backstab." cause then I could stab a minion and have one of my goobers go finish him like some kind of horrible goblin.
Maybe to make it better it should FILL your hand with backstabs? Maybe then it could be on in some "play a bunch of cards Edwin like deck" or something.
Well with the starship card that deals 5 to a character you can deal 10 damage + 4 from backstab, and any minions you have on board.
Id say reduce the cost to 3 mana. Also there are cards to reduce the cost of this to 0 + all the coins Rogue has right now and shadow step.
Its a bad card because Rogue is too good.
This gotta be designed by AI
this could be a battlecry and still be shit
I think it's a good card but not as a legendary. Should be epic.
The worst thing there is such epic card already 3 mana 3/3 "on your turn enemy minions take double damage" and that card saw no play.
they could have gotten rid of the "undamaged" part and it still would be underwhelming
I don't know man. Doesn't every other minion have rush right now which means half the time enemy minions will already be damaged?
Maybe make them take triple damage instead? and maybe make it cost 2 or 3 mana so that we can follow up?
This is the most unlegendary effect, like how is this okay ? maybe as a 2mana 3/2 it will see some play but that doesn't take from the fact that its just a boring card.
Well its finally officially revealed so I can talk about how shitty this Legendary is
It only effect Undamaged enemy minions. I thought it allowed for OTK potential when your opponent at full health but nope, enemy face is unaffected so you can't deal 8 damage with something like Eviscerate
Rogues have limited access to AoE so you will be using your own minions and single target spells to make good trades while this legendary is on the board, that if any enemy minions on the board aren't damaged already.
Tar Slick is still available, it is 1 mana and it can deal 1 damage to face and can easily follow up with anything without worrying about minions being undamaged or not.
Your reward for combo-ing this is dealing 4 damage on undamaged minion with Backstab... you don't get 2 or 3 backstabs, you get one. Hey, it might help you combo off another card that isn't as shitty as this legendary.
It is a Demon so the only saving grace for it is being discovered or randomly generated by another class that has AoE that can capitalize on its double damage shtick.
I mean if rogue actually had a decent AOE and if its effect was to just deal double damage to minions and combo gave a buffed version of backstab maybe it would see play. But I doubt it when we have 1 mana 1-3 and 2 mana 2/3-4 cards its just such a terrible card design I wanna book a flight and find out the designer so I can slap some sense into them.
I guess Rogues can
suicideunalive themselves easier by casting Fine Print after summoning Talgath I guess.Wow a 0 mana backstab that can only target undamaged minions for 2-4 damage in 2024 when we have 1 mana 1-3 cards seems super useful. Said like 2 years back when we started to see 4 hp 2 mana cards backstab needs buffing now in 2024 they give us possibly the worse legendary card I've seen for a class since millhouse manastone neutral.
"Undamaged" because otherwise it would be too broken? Lol, who comes up with these cards
I get their reasoning is for flavor however, makeing a card that bad cuz of flavor is horrendous designe philosophy.
I don't think that is for flavor because there is like 6 cards in the whole game that only affect undamaged characters. So they kinda moved away from it. Wherever they use it is for balance reasons, like Walk the Plank (That it would be nice that was buffed since is pointless now) but originally was designed around Assassinate costing (5).
I feel the card lacks a "Battlecry: This game," right at the start. So with a Mana adjustment, depending on how strong a "Your cards are Poisonous this game" effect would actually be if you bounce the cards a couple of times. Honestly not sure if is *that* strong.
What a bland card. Tho this is the first time we return to the "undamaged" theme of Rogue since like what? Shadow Strike ? is had been a while.
4-Mana 4/4, deal 4 damage with a condition. "Wait that's Gormok the Impaler " you might say, except you won't because there is no way in heaven that somebody thinks on Gormok the Impaler in 2024. Autism's Perks. But the effect of Tar Slick is actually kinda huge. Do you rather play this than Tar Slick? I don't know, but It is not an effect to be underestimated. Also could deal a lot of damage if your Opponent is undamaged but has a bunch of Armor. Which is niche enough to not even been worth mention it, but I mention it anyway because not everything in Autism are perks.
it only affects minions, no use against armored opponents
Damn, you are right. I think I mixed it up for mentioning Shadow Strike that weirdly can damage any character (something that was relevant like in 1 out of 30 games) But still is a good effect for board clear.