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Imagine if Quasar instead of the competitive deck cost reduction effect would have something fun like "Fill your hand with random cards from other classes". Now that would be much more interesting. Maybe would need other adjustments to be playable though. Variable mana cost depending on hand size like The Sunwell would make sense. Yeah, that would be awesome. Sadly they often settle for rather competitive effects/cards like these. Well, at least some of the other Rogue cards look fun.
The art is so sick!!!
I can see some potential in Quasar but it suffers from "Why is it 6 mana, it should be 5 mana" Rogue syndrome.
Rogues can prepare their draws by equipping Quick Pick and placing a Knickknack Shack. Quasar can be cast as early as turn 4 with Preparation. That is 4 cards used from your starting hand so you'd be only shuffling 4 back in, in the best case scenario.
Just a thought experiment, if you cast only 1 Quasar then you can copy these cards with Sonya Waterdancer
No notable 7 mana cost cards that you can copy by dropping down to 1 mana using two Quasar. Although the second Quasar will cost 3 only if you draw it.
Probably you can do better stuff than Sonya, like actually killing your opponent once everything in your deck is minus 3-6 mana in cost
I wanna love Quasar but as others have said it will probably be too slow because of current meta. As for combo just looking at the other combo cards it will never be a viable deck that see's play in the remainder of 2024 way too slow and not impactful enough combo cards to even compete with other classes.
Rogue will be dead class after expansion, desperates will still play mech rogue, after 2 weeks Quasar buffed to 5 mana
Someone giga brain is gonna come up with a Quasar deck that just breaks the game. It wouldn't be impossible to have your whole deck cost 0 and draw through it all in one turn, and you can use Knicknack Shack on board to refill after the Quasar has happened. The current meme deck of the handbuff charge deckhand rogue is all lower costed than 3, btw.
100% Some giga brain as you put it will put one together just off top of my head I think you could get there with just including these.Preperation,Clearance Promoter, Oh, Manager!, Knickknack Shack, Metal Detector, Agency Espionage Sandbox Scoundel
3rd expansion this year with shitty cards for rogue. GG Blizzard, you know best how to annihilate a class that's been the worst for months.
The only time I see Quasar as anything other than 6 mana lose the game is if you topdeck exactly Triple Sevens next turn.
1 almost playable card so far. Not high hopes for the rest of Rouge's cards to be honest.
Quasar gives me hard Astral Communion vibes. It is better because, Rogue has better card draw than Druid, you cheat a significant amount of Mana, and Druid aready has 10-Mana by turn 4 just playing other Ramp cards. But it reminds me to that card, and when something reminds you even slighly to Astral Communion, it's a Red Flag. But we have to see the rest of Rogue. I think that is not as bad as it looks because you can set up a Knickknack Shack and Having a Quick Pick equipped, so you probably can draw 3 or 4 cards the turn you play this, So I can see it being actually good.
Pressure Point feels also quite strong. If you hit two cards is already a " Holy Smite " from that onwards is incredible. Gives me Palm Reading vibes. Another amazing card.
And the Demon...It's cool. since I'm with the Vibes today, this gives me Sweet Tooth vibes, or even Inkveil Ambusher , not the best type of vibes. But those cards are not *that bad* they just never saw play cause Rogue has better things to do.
We ain't living in 2015 anymore. Unplayable unfortunately.
I don't know, Nova. Turn 3 Knickknack Shack > Turn 4 Preparation + Quasar > Drawing and playing 4 cards for 0 Mana, dosn't really looks that umplayable to me. Obviously you have to build a deck that supports that gameplan. But that's the case with every card but Astalor.
Requiring you to have 3 cards in total for 1 mediocre card to be playable. In today's meta that won't work. Let's see for the different cards, but I suspect they will be trash too with 0 synergy. Now if it made all cards cost 0 or 1, it would be worth it imo
Unless they add something to draw all of those cards back consistently, Quasar is worthless. 6 mana will lose you a lot of tempo and then you also lose your hand to catch up.
Pressure Points seems good on paper.
Eredar Skulker is a nice stat swing. Even just going for a 3/3 could work.
6 mana do nothing that removes your resources in a class that is all about tempo. what could possibly go wrong (either its dog shit, or its completely broken and it gets nerfed the following week. As is tradition.)
Quasar feels giga broken. As long as you're not unlucky immediately afterwards then you should be able to draw your entire deck and possibly OTK on turn 7 (earlier with prep/coins).
If you don't have a Knickknack Shack on board, you lose unless you top-deck and chain card draw. The fact you need both and can't tutor either puts a bit of a pin in that. If you have both, then the turn you play quasar you make an insane tempo swing, chain draw your whole deck, and do a Sonya otk the next turn. There's a deck that's broken if it draws both shack and quasar, but the consistency and its power level when it doesn't do that remain to be seen.
We’ll have to see if there’s a way to consistently draw it, but Quasar is nuts with the rogue draw location.
Still though, 6 mana is a lot of mana in rogue, and does nothing if you don’t have setup with it.
Will have to see what else is previewed.
Eredar is absolutely insane in aggro though. Like, insane insane. Combo stealth 3/3>attack next turn>spell burst> attack for 5 next turn.
It will reliably do 8 damage often. Very, VERY strong.
So with Quasar you are left without cards in your hand and it is turn 6? Ouch, that hurts! Or am i missing something? Great art tho.