Zhotan just revealed multiple new The Great Dark Beyond cards.
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Final Frontier: Summon a 10 mana minion on turn 3
So druid keeps their titan next year hmm
do you even play hs ? you can't discover titans.
oops forgot about that, ty.
Final frontier : I'll concede the first time my opponent drops an Ultrasaur on me in Standard HS in 2024.
Cosmic Phenomenon is new arbor up
It is insane that they never learn that mana cheat is bad for the game. Every set is full of these cards....
I love this set so far. But something I don't totally like is that there is exactly 2 Neutral Starship Pieces, and they are on its own kinda mediocre. So even if you "Can play it in any class" you won't. Like Excavate. Nobody plays Excavate cards in non-Exavate classes. So is kinda sad that the Coolest mechanic is just for half of the classes.
This cards look okay-ish. Revelation is most likely always good. Cloackfield is an Autoinclude if you want to build a shipman, phenomenom...is not quite Arbor Up but a solid defensive option. Frontier is...I don't know. Copying this spell is fun, but most of those cards for 8-Mana aren't that great. ( C'Thun. the Shattered is not in that pool by the way) But I can imagine people picking Yogg in Standard every single time. So the card could see play just for that highlight. It has plenty of good hits, but a good chunk of them are pretty average cards.
I personally agree with that. Why do they introduce a new keyword and then print 2?! neutral cards with that?!
It’s like: If you wanna play starship, you have to play 2 copies of the 2 neutrals. No matter what. Why are there not more options? Like some good neutral starship pieces for more aggressive decks, some for more controly decks etc.