Uluu will only gain effects from cards in your current format (Standard, Wild, Arena, etc). (Source)
Uluu will NEVER gain two Choose One effects that both require a target. (Source)
Uluu is a gigantic, alien turtle that's so old and massive that an entire planetary ecosystem has developed on his back. Since he's not a regular ol' planet, he has no orbit and drifts around space however he sees fit! 🪐🐢✨ (Source)
All possible Standard options:
Bolded options require a target, for more info look at the bolded QNA part above.
Summon a 3/2 Panther.
Summon two 1/1 Saplings.
Summon five 2/2 Treants.
Summon three 2/2 Treants.
Summon two 2/2 Treants with Taunt.
Summon copies of all other friendly minions.
Give your minions +1/+1.
Give your other minions +2/+2.
Give your minions +2/+4 and Taunt.
Give your hero +4 Attack this turn.
Give a friendly minion +2 Attack and Rush.
Give a friendly minion +2 Health and Lifesteal.
Deal 2 damage.
Deal 3 damage to a minion.
Deal 1 damage to a minion. Draw a card.
Deal 2 damage to two random enemy minions.
Draw 2 cards.
Draw a Beast.
Draw a spell.
Discover a spell.
Discover a Beast.
Discover a minion.
Spend all your Mana. Gain twice as much Armor.
Spend all your Mana. Gain that much Attack this turn.
In 4 turns, summon three 8/8 Giants (Secretly).
In 2 turns, summon three 5/5 Ancients (Secretly).
Gain 8 Armor.
Gain Spell Damage +1.
Your next Hero Power costs (0).
Transform your Treants into 5/5 Ancients with Taunt.
Restore 7 Health.
Refresh your Hero Power.
Reduce the Cost of spells in your hand by (1).
Get 2 random Nature spells.
Duplicate your hand.
Discard 2 cards.
Destroy one of your Mana Crystals.
Choose an enemy minion. It goes Dormant for 2 turns.
For tokens, related cards, generation pool, cosmetics & more, please click on the card image to open a pop-up, inside this pop-up you can mouse over any thumbnail cards on the right side (on mobile at the bottom) to display them. On mobile, you need to click on the related card image in order to display them.
Posted Oct 19, 2024(Pre-Expansion Nerfs - Radiant Elemental)
Oh, they don't stack? Wow, that's really underwhelming. I thought you could just hold it and then it would be like Yogg. But I guess it's a Druid card. This time it's one of the underpowered cards to compensate for the overpowered ones. Game balancing 101 by Team 5. Of course only applies to Druid. Because reasons.
Posted Oct 19, 2024(Pre-Expansion Nerfs - Radiant Elemental)
And before you ask, no, there's no specific pool of options. It's literally two random Choose One options from all the available cards (so if you play Standard, it's only Standard Choose One stuff).
Posted Oct 19, 2024(Pre-Expansion Nerfs - Radiant Elemental)
I feel this must be a reference to both Maturinor Great A'tuin or maybe both. Pretty cool.
If the card is not too clear, what it does is that it has any random option of any random Choose One card, that swaps each turn, and not necessarily has to belong to the Same Choose One card. So Basically every turn gives you 2 from many random effects. I'm not a huge fan, cause is like a "Wherever card". Like, it's fine, but what do I do with this? Where do I play it? What is its porpouse? It feels like the legendary version of Verdant Longneck , Longneck is a good card, it's flexible, solid stats, but nobody plays it because...it's just there. Even if was a 4-Mana 5/4 wouldn't see play, cause there is no deck to play it. This one is better cause atleast is more interesting and kind of a Wildcard. But, pretty much like Cruise Captain Lora or Colaque , they just don't bring anything to your deck. Are standalone cards that you could replace with any more synergistic card. You can win playing this, but because the rest of your deck is good enough to allow you to run this card. The card itself is like, holding Bandersmosh until eventually does something dope.
The video it's pretty cute. Tho, I don't want to sound mean but, bold choise to decide to do that.
Posted Oct 20, 2024(Pre-Expansion Nerfs - Radiant Elemental)
I‘m reading the discworld books at the moment so I was thinking on Great-A-Tuin immediately. Druid is one of the less classes I‘m not at lv. 60. But I guess this will change soon, if this card will be playable in any way.
Posted Oct 19, 2024(Pre-Expansion Nerfs - Radiant Elemental)
For anyone that didn't watch the video: the way this works is it pulls from all the choose one cards in whichever format its in for its options. The options on any given turn don't have to be from the same card. So you might roll choose one: summon two 1/1s (from Living Roots) and give your minions +2/+4 and taunt (from Drum Circle). Uluu will be a 5 mana 6/5 with that choose one effect.
Ok sooo... the floor is pretty high because its a 5 mana 6/5. Even hitting something really crappy is still ok stats for the cost. Fundamentally this "cheats" the cost of whichever effects you roll. If you hit one that's normally tied to 7 or 8 mana, this card is pretty broken. Honestly seems really degenerate. Baseline decent card that randomly wins games.
I am digging the art I just wished it was like a ruined city or perhaps a void city on his back something to go with his monsterous face. Its dope.
I like the concept of two choices that aren't an option already. Getting two from two different cards is neat.
Would be really good if it had taunt, or could synergise with Embrace of Nature but sadly neither… pretty underwhelming.
Well... It looks like it'll be pretty funny at least
a card
Do they stack or be replaced each turn?
Guess replaced
Oh, they don't stack? Wow, that's really underwhelming. I thought you could just hold it and then it would be like Yogg. But I guess it's a Druid card. This time it's one of the underpowered cards to compensate for the overpowered ones. Game balancing 101 by Team 5. Of course only applies to Druid. Because reasons.
And before you ask, no, there's no specific pool of options. It's literally two random Choose One options from all the available cards (so if you play Standard, it's only Standard Choose One stuff).
I'm waiting for when you move to play this card and it gets "Choose one: Discard 2 cards, or destroy one of your mana crystals"
I feel this must be a reference to both Maturin or Great A'tuin or maybe both. Pretty cool.
If the card is not too clear, what it does is that it has any random option of any random Choose One card, that swaps each turn, and not necessarily has to belong to the Same Choose One card. So Basically every turn gives you 2 from many random effects. I'm not a huge fan, cause is like a "Wherever card". Like, it's fine, but what do I do with this? Where do I play it? What is its porpouse? It feels like the legendary version of Verdant Longneck , Longneck is a good card, it's flexible, solid stats, but nobody plays it because...it's just there. Even if was a 4-Mana 5/4 wouldn't see play, cause there is no deck to play it. This one is better cause atleast is more interesting and kind of a Wildcard. But, pretty much like Cruise Captain Lora or Colaque , they just don't bring anything to your deck. Are standalone cards that you could replace with any more synergistic card. You can win playing this, but because the rest of your deck is good enough to allow you to run this card. The card itself is like, holding Bandersmosh until eventually does something dope.
The video it's pretty cute. Tho, I don't want to sound mean but, bold choise to decide to do that.
I‘m reading the discworld books at the moment so I was thinking on Great-A-Tuin immediately. Druid is one of the less classes I‘m not at lv. 60. But I guess this will change soon, if this card will be playable in any way.
For anyone that didn't watch the video: the way this works is it pulls from all the choose one cards in whichever format its in for its options. The options on any given turn don't have to be from the same card. So you might roll choose one: summon two 1/1s (from Living Roots) and give your minions +2/+4 and taunt (from Drum Circle). Uluu will be a 5 mana 6/5 with that choose one effect.
Ok sooo... the floor is pretty high because its a 5 mana 6/5. Even hitting something really crappy is still ok stats for the cost. Fundamentally this "cheats" the cost of whichever effects you roll. If you hit one that's normally tied to 7 or 8 mana, this card is pretty broken. Honestly seems really degenerate. Baseline decent card that randomly wins games.
If this were an epic card, I would 100% agree and be happy with the card. It just feels bad as a Legendary given the current powercreep.