Zeddy just revealed a new The Great Dark Beyond card: Exarch Maladaar
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kinda weird sering draeni as DK
the auchenai are necromancers so its fine.
Stockpiling corpses to play The Ceaseless Expanse!
Play sticky cards the enemy won't kill like eggs on turn 6, turn 7 this cage head and death growl will be GG. Wouldn't surprise me to see this nerfed in first balance patch to 8 mana and death growl to 2 mana with all the death rattle cards DK has now Death Growl being 1 mana is just too good.
Meh. I mean it's alright. Not a bad card. But is kind of a Legendary Blood Crusader (a card that saw much less play that how it should in my opinion). I think is a "nice to have" card, but not a "Must have". At the end of the day you are just cheating up to (4) Mana. IF you have the amount of Corpse that you need. If was "Your next card cost Corpses (if possible)" then I would see this with other eyes, but as it is, it's kinda lacklustre.
The main thing that made Blood Crusader not see play was it only worked with Paladin minions.
This works with everything. CNE for 6, Scourge for 6, Yogg for 6, Reno for 6. All great hits.
Looks like Knull
Oh, but they will never learn.
Friendship ended with Mana cheat, now Corpse cheat is my new best friend!
I doubt Rainbow will lose favor as the go-to configuration, and this certainly does not change that assumption.
6-mana Cage Head can probably be abused in some way.
Looks like an auto include for any green+ deck.
Yet another dull rgb deck support