30.6.2 Patch Notes - Balance Changes Standard, Wild & Battlegrounds

Blizzard posted the Patch Notes for Patch 30.6.2, with Balance Changes in most game modes and more.

Quote from Blizzard

Patch 30.6.2 is rolling out today with the following updates:

Hearthstone Changes

November 5

Some of these are reversions to prior changes—our balance philosophy remains that we'll try to make the best changes for the game in each specific patch window and not be afraid to revert changes when they don't work out or the circumstances are no longer right for them.

Finally, in Wild, we're changing Radiant Elemental to be consistent with Sorcerer's Apprentice. This effect is generally very powerful, even by Wild's standards, and this change is being made with upcoming cards in mind. With this change, we're also unbanning Crimson Clergy to give him another shot to not get himself re-banned.

The following cards have been adjusted to be weaker:

Yogg-Saron, Unleashed

  • Old: [9 Mana]
  • New: [10 Mana]


Wondrous Wand (generated by Marin the Manager)

  • Old: Draw 3 cards. Reduce their costs to (0).
  • New: Draw 3 cards. Reduce their costs by (3).


Puppetmaster Dorian

  • Old: [4 Mana]
  • New: [5 Mana]


Treasure Distributor

  • Old: After you summon a Pirate, give it and this minion +1 Attack.
  • New: After you summon a Pirate, give it +1 Attack.


Party Fiend

  • Old: [1 Mana] 1/1
  • New: [2 Mana] 2/1



  • Old: [2 Mana]
  • New: [3 Mana]



  • Old: [10 Mana] Summon four 3/6 Water Elementals that Freeze. They attack random enemies.
  • New: [8 Mana] Summon three 3/6 Water Elementals that Freeze. They attack random enemies.



  • Old: [6 Mana]
  • New: [7 Mana]


Injured Hauler

  • Old: Overheal: Deal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
  • New: Overheal: Deal 1 damage to all enemy minions.


Radiant Elemental

  • Old: Your spells cost (1) less.
  • New: Your spells cost (1) less (but not less than 1).


The above disenchantable cards, plus Heistbaron Togwaggle, will be eligible for full dust refunds for two weeks following Patch 30.6.2.

The following card has been adjusted to be stronger:

Golden Kobold (generated by Marin the Manager)

  • Old: Taunt. Battlecry: Replace your hand with Legendary minions.
  • New: Taunt. Battlecry: Replace your hand with Legendary minions. They cost (1) less.
  • Dev Comment: We've seen players primarily pick Wondrous Wand off Marin the Manager. As we weaken Wand, we're giving some help to one of the treasures that isn't picked very frequently, so that all the choices are more interesting.


Crimson Clergy is no longer banned in Wild.


Battlegrounds Changes

Dev Comment: We hope you're enjoying the new trinkets in both Solos and Duos! Since the meta is still new, we focused our changes primarily on more notable power outliers. We'll be monitoring the game and make further adjustments as needed after The Great Dark Beyond launches.

Lesser Trinket Changes

Goose Portrait

Bleeding Heart

  • Old: Avenge (6): Summon and get a random Undead.
  • New: Avenge (7): Summon and get a random Undead.

Fishy Sticker

  • Old: [0 Gold] Start of Combat: Summon a Fish of N'Zoth that copies Deathrattles.
  • New: [3 Gold] Get a Fish of N'Zoth that copies Deathrattles.

Bartend-o-Tron's Oilcan

  • Old: [0 Gold] At the start of your turn, reduce the Cost of upgrading the Tavern by (3).
  • New: [2 Gold] Reduce the Cost of upgrading the Tavern by (3). At the start of your turn, repeat this.

Fungalmancer Sticker

  • Old: [0 Gold]
  • New: [3 Gold]

Yogg-Tastic Pastry

  • Adjusted the average number of targets for Rod of Roasting so that it's more consistent.

Mystery Cube

Orc-estra Portrait (Duos)

  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • New: [5 Gold]

Charm of Generosity (Duos)

  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • New: [5 Gold]

Bottle Sticker (Duos)

  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • New: [4 Gold]

Investment Contract (Duos)

  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • New: [0 Gold]

Greater Trinket Changes

Fishy Sticker

  • Removed from the Greater Trinket pool.

Shaman Prayer Beads

  • Old: [Greater Trinket, 0 Gold]
  • New: [Lesser Trinket, 3 Gold]

Promo Portrait

  • Old: [4 Gold]
  • New: [3 Gold]

Gilnean Thorned Rose

  • Old: Avenge (3): Give your minions +3/+3 permanently and deal 1 damage to them.
  • New: Avenge (4): Give your minions +3/+3 permanently and deal 1 damage to them.

Flagbearer Portrait

Quilligraphy Set

  • Old: [5 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +2/+1 this game.
  • New: [2 Gold] Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.

Primalfin Portrait

  • Old: [3 Gold]
  • New: [4 Gold]

Redeemer Portrait

  • Old: [6 Gold]
  • New: [7 Gold]

Surprise Portrait

  • Reduced the odds of each outcome by a surprising amount.

Minion Changes

Papa Bear

  • Old: 12/12. Deathrattle: Summon 3 Mama Bears.
  • New: 8/8. Whenever you summon a Beast, give it +8/+8.

zzNEUTRAL_BG27_509_enUS_PapaBear-103009_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG27_509_G_enUS_PapaBear-103016_GOLDEN.png

Tea Master Theotar

  • Old: 6/6. After you play a minion with no type, give 3 friendly minions of different types +2/+2.
  • New: 8/8. After you play a minion with no type, give 3 friendly minions of different types +4/+4.

zzNEUTRAL_BG24_020_enUS_TeaMasterTheotar-92408_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG24_020_G_enUS_TeaMasterTheotar-92438_GOLDEN.png

Humming Bird

  • Old: 0/4. Start of Combat: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +2 Attack.
  • New: 1/4. Start of Combat: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +1 Attack.

zzNEUTRAL_BG26_805_enUS_HummingBird-98939_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG26_805_G_enUS_HummingBird-98941_GOLDEN.png

Goldrinn, the Great Wolf

  • Old: 4/4. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +4/+4.
  • New: 3/3. Deathrattle: For the rest of this combat, your Beasts have +3/+3.

zzNEUTRAL_BGS_018_enUS_GoldrinntheGreatWolf-59955_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_TB_BaconUps_085_enUS_GoldrinntheGreatWolf-59956_GOLDEN.png


  • Old: [Tier 4] 4/5
  • New: [Tier 5] 6/7

zzNEUTRAL_BG31_873_enUS_Archimonde-116699_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG31_873_G_enUS_Archimonde-116700_GOLDEN.png

Amber Guardian

  • Old: 5/5. Start of Combat: Give another friendly Dragon +5/+5 and Divine Shield.
  • New: 3/3. Start of Combat: Give another friendly Dragon +3/+3 and Divine Shield.

zzNEUTRAL_BG24_500_enUS_AmberGuardian-95006_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG24_500_G_enUS_AmberGuardian-95010_GOLDEN.png

Depraved Felfin

  • Old: [Tier 5]
  • New: [Tier 4]

zzNEUTRAL_BG30_115_enUS_DepravedFelfin-113294_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG30_115_G_enUS_DepravedFelfin-113295_GOLDEN.png

'Loc Prince

  • Old: 3/2. Whenever this gains stats, add +3/+2 to that amount (wherever this is).
  • New: 2/2. Divine Shield. Whenever this gains stats, add +2/+2 to that amount (wherever this is).

zzNEUTRAL_BG29_889_enUS_LocPrince-113369_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG29_889_G_enUS_LocPrince-113370_GOLDEN.png

Slippery Slider

  • Old: 4/5. Spellcraft: Refresh the Tavern with two extra Tavern spells that cost (1) less.
  • New: 5/5. Spellcraft: Refresh the Tavern with an extra Tavern spell that costs (1) less.

zzNEUTRAL_BG30_929_enUS_SlipperySlider-117861_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG30_929_G_enUS_SlipperySlider-117862_GOLDEN.png

Salty Looter

  • Old: 1/1
  • New: 5/5

zzNEUTRAL_BGS_081_enUS_SaltyLooter-62734_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_TB_BaconUps_143_enUS_SaltyLooter-62739_GOLDEN.png

Putrid Pupil

  • Old: 1/7. After you summon 7 minions in combat, get a random Tavern spell.
  • New: 2/7. After you summon 5 minions in combat, get a random Tavern spell.

zzNEUTRAL_BG30_754_enUS_PutridPupil-117910_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG30_754_G_enUS_PutridPupil-117911_GOLDEN.png

Colossus of the Sun

  • Old: 8/8
  • New: 9/9

zzNEUTRAL_BG25_050_enUS_ColossusoftheSun-98867_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG25_050_G_enUS_ColossusoftheSun-98868_GOLDEN.png

Mechanized Gift Horse

  • Old: [Tier 4]
  • New: [Tier 5]

zzNEUTRAL_BG27_008_enUS_MechanizedGiftHorse-103682_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG27_008_G_enUS_MechanizedGiftHorse-103683_GOLDEN.png

Karmic Chameleon

  • Old: [Tier 5] 5/8
  • New: [Tier 4] 4/6

zzNEUTRAL_BG31_802_enUS_KarmicChameleon-115579_NORMAL.png zzNEUTRAL_BG31_802_G_enUS_KarmicChameleon-115580_GOLDEN.png

Other Changes

  • Top Shelf (Darkmoon Prize) now Discovers a minion from a Tier higher instead of always a Tier 6 minion (but it won't get Tier 7 minions on Tier 6 unless they are generally in the game, just like Infinite Toki's Hero Power).
  • Galakrond's Greed (Hero Power) and Token of the Old Gods (Trinket) have had updates to no longer say “Discover.”


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