Blizzard posted a teaser with balance changes, for Battlegrounds, Standard and notably, Wild, with Radiant Elemental apparently a victim of nerfs.
Quote from BlizzardBalance updates to Standard, Wild, and Battlegrounds (including Trinkets) are coming tomorrow in Patch 30.6.2.
Balance Changes
- Yogg-Saron, Unleashed
- Wondrous Wand
- Puppetmaster Dorian
- Treasure Distributor
- Party Fiend
- Crescendo
- Tsunami
- Razzle-Dazzler
- Injured Hauler
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What is even going to be the buff of Kobold? That the Lengedaries cost (1) less?
I can see Dorian obviously going to (5), Yogg...I don't know what is doing here, but most likely is going to cost (10). But then what you ever do to Party Fiend? either increase the cost to (2) or summoning 1 less Felbeast would destroy the card.
The only nerf I kinda agree is with Tsunami , and most likely is going to be a buff revertion. And Dorian, tho saddly is the classic case of the just pay for the sinners because that card is only unbalanced in Druid, because Druid is unbalanced. I rather they Ban cards for specific classes than nerfing the card for everybody.
And Radiant Elemental was highly predictable. I feel that it kills 75% of Priest decks just for one specicif interaction, that could be easily solved if they just made Echo an Evergreen keyword, since they keep printing Repeatable cards.
Not very happy with the Patch. At least now that Radiant Elemental isn't it, they are going to add again Crimson Clergy finally to the format. I don't recall that Radiant Elemental was the problem of Crimson Clergy, I don't even remember that those two cards were together in the same deck, but they unbanded it anyway.
Tomorrow will be a good day for Hearthstone.
Holy hell that's a lot of nerfs, i wonder how they'll buff Kobold though. Also Treasure Distributor and Dorian nerfs will affect wild as well.
Reduce the cost of the random legendaries probably
Unkilliax still dodging nerf, full-healing to 40hp and saving noobs no matter how many miss-plays they do
Ladies and gentlemen
Quest warlock dodges it again
Everybody give it up for Blizzard 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼
what are you writing? echo cards can't cost below 1
lightspeed is not a reason, the reasons are all buff (a.k.a. combo if you look up here priest decks that set up board with 7/8 grave horrors or otk with potion of madness, and both is done by turn 3-5
also i would nerf manaburn and voidtouched attendant too, make first 0 manacost burn 1 mana (2 mana is too much, or 1 mana burn 1 and 2 with outcast), voidtouch 1/3 => 1/2 so it would be easier to kill, but it's just my opinion
Lightspeed is not an echo card though, they had this issue once before, and they fixed it by adding echo to the card. "Repeatable this turn" does not (or at least used to not) have the same protection as Echo, and therefore could cost 0 permanently.
so they nerf card that sees more play instead of changing cursed interaction itself like with wretched tiller and hysteria
strange as always
Mmm... Hysteria. one of my favorite decks was a Hysteria OTK deck I made after the nerf. 5 cards, 12-14 mana (since they kept nerfing Hysteria it got worse and worse). I actually had over 50% win rate with the deck, pretty handy.
In case anyone is wondering, the trick is to use betrayal on one of the minions that damages you whenever it attacks, and then get an immune target dummy and let it attack that until they die, not worried about people stealing my deck, since I quit almost a year ago when they announced killing duels, and I will not ever play again unless they bring it back, and say sorry very nicely.
I just don't get why they don't do Echo an Evergreen keyword. If you tell me that they don't want to because is a themed Keyword that is not intended to be used outside The Witchwood, fine, but they keep printing repeatable cards. At this point, if you take into concideration that Unstable Evolution was originaly a "Repeatable this Turn" card, there is literally more "Repeatable this Turn" spells, than actual Echo spells.
Or just change "Repeatable this Turn" to "Get a Temporary copy." and change the Temporary Keyword to can't be reduced under (0) Mana, because basically dosn't matters anyway.
The worst part is that Radiant Elemental sees a ton of play in Wild, and Lightspeed is not going to be played at all. So even if I don't like Bans at all, it would had being better Banning Lightspeed than shadowbanning Radiant Elemental.
So glad to see Wondrous Wand is getting nerfed. Mana cheating for that much is just game breaking.
Is Heistbaron Togwaggle gonna get refund?
yes, the hs community manager said so on reddit
So this is the next week patch or i am missing something ?
Also, I’m so happy that Yogg got nerfed, even though I used it a lot myself. I hate those insanely broken cards that have zero synergy with the deck and require zero setup, yet can win you the game instantly. I also dislike the idea of Titans and Highlander cards in general. The cool thing about card games is building decks around a theme or synergy. Highlander decks and Titans are just a collection of individual high-winrate cards. Cards like ‘Zul’jin’ or ‘Jace’ were powerful and could win you the game, but you had to build your entire deck around them. That’s unlike Titans or Highlander cards, which have no synergy or setup required.
I know you’ll all laugh at me for saying this, but to me, the best-designed Highlander card is ‘Krul the Unshackled’ because it requires synergy and setup. You need to build your deck in a specific way—adding lots of demons and a way to draw them—in order to unlock the card's great potential.
Looks like Radiant Elemental is finally getting the Sorc app treatment of (Not less than 1).
It feels like that was someone at blizz holding this stuff back for years and they finally got fired recently.
Thank you. I really hated that wand from “Marin the Manager,” even though I used it a lot (because I had to—since you need broken stuff to beat broken stuff). I despise when either I or my opponent plays it and gets an insane swing turn by drawing zero-cost Yogg, Titan, or Reno, along with other cards like “Razzle-Dazzler,” and wins the game. These kinds of ridiculous swing turns take the skill out of the game.
I remember playing it once, and then following it up by playing “Sasquawk.” I drew multiple zero-cost cards, and of course, my opponent couldn’t handle that monstrosity and lost. I was so disgusted with that match—and with how Hearthstone has evolved in general—that I just closed the game, LOL. These “fun and cool” swing turns have become far too common in Hearthstone.
Obviously, all of you love this card when you play it and win the game. But for me, it’s about how I win.
I’m not saying this is the only card that does that. Dorian is also disgusting in Druid
Not to mention, Pop'gar + Crescendo combo is so swingy. clear the opponent board while dealing lots of damage AND heal to full.
Marin just goes to show you how powercrept the game is. Back in the day, he cost 1 more, he'd create a chest that had to be destroyed to get a random treasure. Now it's play it, choose 1, shuffle the others for later.