Blizzard via a promotional E-mail just revealed a new The Great Dark Beyond card: Gorm the Worldeater
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"The sleeper has awakened"
Alright, deck intro time!!!
Its a good way to pop some deathrattles thats for sure!
Oof I don't know about that Signature tbh. I really love the Starship Signatures for Hunter, but this one seems kinda off to me. I think I actually prefer the standard art over that. Interesting card to say the least.
Its curious how the other cards hinted that the Legendary was going to be a Beast because the footprints, and the Legendary has no feet. I kinda want to feel that is a Dune reference, tho looks more like a Terraria reference to me.
Honestly, I kinda like this. You can manipulate it pretty easily, you can trigger a powerful Deathrattle on command, if you don't want to destroy the minion, just play it to the left of this. When awakes has to be remove it. It's a shame that dosn't has Rush. But on Hunter you can make this card attack with a good amount of cards.
I doubt is going to see play, because people generally don't wants to play cards that you have to work on it. That's why the most popular cards are always cards that you can throw anywere at any time and they do everything from themselves, like Astalor Bloodsworn or Marin the Manager, but I don't think this card is as bad as people thinks. It's going to be factually umplayable for the mere reason that nobody is going to play it, but not because is a bad card itself. I think you could try this in a less competitive deck. And if I learn something about HS, is that you can reach rank Titanium with literally any deck that you want.
But at least the card does something. Even if that something is to meme around with Mecha'thun Hunter. Because as far as I remember, Dormant minions don't count for Mecha'Thun, so you can play this and Mecha'Thun next turn.
"people generally don't wants to play cards that you have to work on it. That's why the most popular cards are always cards that you can throw anywere at any time and they do everything from themselve" lol. Yeah hearthstone players LOVE broken overtuned cards that have the chance to win them the game on the spot(high winrate cards)—for example, titans, reno, or "wondrous wand" from Marin the manager. They call these type of cards "cool and fun cards". But then they complain that the opponent's broken cards are better than their own broken cards, for example, reno druid players complain about reno warrior's brann and boomboss.
hearthstone players' definition of "fun, cool and interesting card" is extremely broken card that can win you the game on the spot.
Its Dune. A Sand Worm that awakens is a double reference.
In the Signature art is a lot more clear that is referencing Dune. But the normal art to me dosn't looks that much like the Sand Worms, but instead reminds me to a Eater of Worlds (Also by the fact that is called Worldeater) from Terraria.
Tho it would be quite a random reference for HS standards. Even if HS has pretty specifict and unexpected reference. Like Intrepid Initiate references, of all possible movies, Good Will Hunting. Which is a pretty good movie, but makes me wonder how many of the target audience of HS actually saw that movie. Then people say that HS is intended for children, meanwhile the game makes references to Citizen Kane and Crime and Punishment from Dostoyevski.
Next we're going to get a 2 mana 10/10 that's dormant for number of turns, reduced by something you do and if that fails a 1 mana 8/8 and if that fails a 0 mana 6/6...
Will be upgraded to +2 turns for destroying minion and will still be crap
I don't know but there are probably use for this card beyond as an egg enabler.
You can for example use Absorbent Parasite and Always a Bigger Jormungar without much other investment in handbuffs. Exarch Naielle is a great tool to search your pieces.
No keywords? Absolute garbage.
Hilarious how quickly you and I get downvotes even though cards like this have never worked out.
Bronze stuck players getting upset over accurate takes on bad cards I guess
How does blizzard not learn from slagmaw/the darkness/etc that these minions are awful. Every class can invest 2-3 mana to kill this.
I called this the worst minion in modern HS. Imik countered with using it with eggs. I'm still not convinced. You'd have to constantly put new eggs between this and whatever you got out of your previous egg to preserve it. That seems extremely underwhelming for a legendary still.
At least the other Hunter stuff seemed fun, I guess?
I was just explaining what their thought behind this horrible card probably was, it sucks even with eggs. 😉😂
Playing Desecrated Graveyard I learn that sometimes you have to accept that your 4/4 is going to be destroyed and is going to summon another 4/4, and is not that big of a deal. Like, I don't see this punishing that much the *current* Eggs of the format.
You play this on 3, and Mystery Egg on curve, and wherever you get from it you play it on 5 to the left of this.
Or you play this on 3, pops the Extraterrestrial Egg you played on turn 2. immidiatly deals 3 damage, possibly to a minion, and then that 3/5, that after the Trade is going to be, lets say, a 3/2 has a whole turn to trade if wasn't removed by your opponent already, and you can play something else in the middle, or just let it die, cause isn't really that relevant of a minion.
To me feels that is really easy to play around this effect. Even if this kills my 1/1 Snake with Stealth, isn't a big deal knowing I'm going to summon a 12/12 on turn 6. Which probably is going to be removed, but if I could use the effect as something positive instead of as a drawback, then isn't that bad.