Oyatsu just revealed a new The Great Dark Beyond card: Askara
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I think you'd incentivized to play Ace Wayfinder, then play Askara, then play Velen, Leader of the Exiled then play Shield of Askara.
This way, your Velen might
get some decent random bonus effectsthen pass them to Shield of Askara.Edit: Nevermind, Velen can't gain bonus effects because its on a deathrattle.
I don't really see the pay off for this card then except maybe Shield of AskaraI thought you could play Velen, Leader of the Exiled right after it and get a super beefed up Draenai(s) or something but it again falls back to just playing Shield of Askara after one or two Velen(s) die.Zzzzz
A simple but quite powerful effect. There are already some interesting Draenai cards and future cards might make this even better. Draenai Priest here we come!
Pretty decent, but not exciting. You're probably intended to use this with Shield of Askara.
needs some banger deathrattle and/or passive effects cards
I mean, If you play this, and your only other Draenei is Prophet Velen I guess you could have a pretty reliable OTK, which I'm not a fan. But depends on that other Draenei. I'm not sure if this goes in a Draenei deck, looks like a card that is good when you play it along one very specifict card, but your other Draenei minions would be in the way.
Could be interesting if you play this into The One-Amalgam Band. But if a card can be used for a toxic Combo, is going to be used in a toxic Combo. The question is if that Toxic Combo is going to exist, or this is just a tempo card. that allows you to play this on 5, and any 6-cost Draenei on curve.
It's not toxic if it works. It's just the Devs doing bad game design, like when the lead Dev just announced they first care to set minions to 7/7/7 and then do anything else.
That's not really bad game design though, nor is it the first time cards have been designed with a specific stat distribution to reference something. It was literally seen in the first adventure with Stalagg and Feugen mirroring each others stats and then combining them to an 11/11 Thaddius. Besides, it's a solid stat line and it's better the cards use it and be playable than have weak stars and be unplayed
Pretty mid
Priest domination in Wild is back