Hearthstone Reddit just revealed multiple new The Great Dark Beyond cards.
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Perplexing Anomaly is hilarious and has amazing art. hopefully it gets a signature
Good thing I already know expansion's boring trash and don't have to look at these this time.
Perplexing Anomaly
So, is the question mark only there for flavor because Rush and Taunt don’t work well with Stealth?
Yes. I really don't like that, but I need to be self-conscious of the game I'm playing. And this is how things are.
It's kinda tricky, because you can play it as an Stealth minion if you need it, but if you want to play it as a Taunt minion you need to attack an enemy minion, and survive. And for that reason I don't know if is going to see play. the flexibility is always good, but this card is not that flexible. It gives you the ilussion of flexibility.
I think it is your standard filler card. I am now realizing that it is also "perplexing" that it has stealth given how cosmically enormous it is such so it can't stealth out of sight.
Splitting Festeroot is in shambles.
This is so sad guys.
top 10 anime betrayal
They could give it Reborn. But of course why should they do that? Well... I just mean that's what they should do IMO. But they don't really care, right? And considering how much other things there are it probably doesn't make much sense. I still hope though that one day they make a complete overhaul of those old bad cards. I think it's really annoying. Why would you ever use Splitting Festeroot instead of the new card? For Undead synergy I guess? Is that really worth that much? I don't think so. Splitting Festeroot is just a much worse card and that's just dumb.
I for one think that except it's for some deliberate joke (like the Ragers) that all cards should be in some way be at least somewhat playable. Of course it seems not many players and even less so those responsible care about that. And somehow it works. Turn 4 lethal? Yup, just use the most OP cards and don't fall for the "bad cards". Is that what HS has come down to? ...
Well, that's why I try to play more with friends where we can play with "fun decks" that don't just abuse OP cards to win as fast as possible. I just wish there would be a better way to make friends other than to send friend requests to random strangers. Yes, that's kinda more efficient than posting here for example, lol.
To make a small, insignificant defense for Splitting Festeroot , it's an Undead, and Undeads generally benefit more from summoning Tokens. But Powercreep is pretty clear.
Hopefully one day Blizzard will use Twist for something, and buff The Witchwood, a set that totally needs an overhaul, and put Reborn on it to bring them on par.
Escape pod normally just suicides. That's... kinda cruel.
Spacerock is 24/24 of ultra sticky stats, wouldn't be surprised if it becomes viable through synergies.
Yeah. Silencing might be very important this expansion, especially to counter starships.
what exactly is the Draenei tribal's gimmick? bc right now its just like Quilboar.
It's not. They are synergizing with Draenei you play in the future.
Draenei's tribal gimmick is "The Next Draenei you play." See: Ace Wayfinder, Ingenious Artificer, Starlight Wanderer.
great thanks
Thematically this expansion looks incredible so far.
You're just saying that because you want to assume direct control.