30.6 Known Issues - Arena Set Bug - Saurfang Missing - Log In Issues

Blizzard posted the Known Issues for the 30.6 Patch. These are all issues Blizzard is aware of or has already fixed.
Quote from Blizzard

Patch 30.6 is now here on all devices, starting the countdown until the LAUNCH of The Great Dark Beyond! It also includes some stellar rewards and card updates you can get right now.

Here are some known issues that mission control is working through right now:

  • [General] Some players experienced login errors when the new patch went live. Those issues have now been resolved.

  • [Hearthstone] Avatar of Hearthstone requires hand space for its effect to work. The team is looking into giving it more room to grow.

  • [Hearthstone] There’s a visual bug where Narain Soothfancy’s Fortunes don’t have their visual augmentation when transformed.

  • [Battlegrounds] Ghost opponents have Start of Combat effects that were in effect on the turn they died, but wouldn’t still be active.

  • [Arena] A small number of players were able to draft from the wrong sets after the patch went live, resulting in them getting some cards that don’t function as intended. The team is working on resolving the issue.

  • [Collection] The team is investigating Diamond Deathbringer Saurfang going missing.

Battlegrounds Pool Changes:

Surprise Portrait has been temporarily removed from the Trinket Pools while we address a bug with it.

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