It's Aviana's Night at the tavern and the feeling's alright! The first card you play each turn will be on the house!
This Brawl uses Standard Deckbuilding Rules.
The gimmick is that every first card you play each turn costs 0 mana. Decks with some late game bombs played early will be expected.
Tavern Brawl | Start | End |
487 | Now | October 16, 2024 |
411 | April 26, 2023 | May 3, 2023 |

Click or hover over the chest to see the rewards!
Dungar is GOAT
i did my pack with reno and rag accessories like con artist. I dont think this brawl is gonna be fun on repeat
Half of the deck expensive whammy stuff, other half tradeable stuff. Easy peasy.
Just make it a random deck so I can just hit the button and play fast.
I don't wanna build my own deck damn it.
turn one malygos :D
Because it can be better? Is this too complicated?
Of course it can be better, but blizz don‘t spent much ressources on this mode again, if they ever had. I was happy when they announced, there‘s a special team for new brawls. But everytime I watched here it was a returning brawl. Maybe 2-3 new in all that years. And many brawls are the same just with one little change and most of them are annoying, especially if you play it against other players. So I decided to go the easy way and just play fast games against a friend. I don‘t have that much time for playing and especially for this mode. Playing casualmode is often more fun than brawl imo.
I don't think you understood my comment. I want more from the mode. More is better.
I personally would rather it exist in a mediocre state than not exist at all
They should just stop with Tavern Brawl. They still haven't bothered to make the mode interesting. Give us reasons to play it multiple times!
Then just don't play it. If it's not fun or worth your time, there's no point in forcing yourself to keep playing Tavern Brawl.
Reason to play it multiple times is play against a friend. You win one, friend win one, play again to make your daily quest if necessary. That’s all. It’s been years I‘ve played tavern brawl against someone other than a friend. Easy way to get a pack and make quests once per week. Why should you make it complicated and play against other players when it’s so easy?
What a stupid brawl design, lazy as usual