Hearthstone on X just revealed a new The Great Dark Beyond card: The Ceaseless Expanse
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Druid mana cards will unironically allow it to play this at full cost one day.
Just watched a few games with token heavy decks on Youtube and in all of them I counted about 30 to 45 card draws / plays / destroys by the start of turn 6. Maybe that could give some reference on how viable this is. None made it close to 100 but that's probably a coincidence.
Warlock + Gaslight Gatekeeper field day.
In b4 150 mana nerf.
I'm the kind of person that would put Animated Armor inside of ETC after losing against Holy Wrath Paladin Once.
Holy Wrath
If this ended up being too good, it would be hilarious if they hit it with the 1 mana nerf.
Stats are too good for the cost.
Blackrock 'n' Roll + Charge / Warsong Commander for some Wild shenanigans.
Why does this site have a policy to hide leaks?
If they were, they would’ve have locked/deleted the thread about it in the forum.
I mean the front page didn't have them, when reddit had them all for 2 days. I guess they try to be in good terms with the company.
At some point this card will cost 69 mana. Nice.
I guess any deck can run this card thanks to its symmetrical discount effect. It might be its most useless state (comes up very very late game) in Control vs Control or Combo vs Combo match up.
Get this card played before it gets too cheap!
Blackrock 'n' Roll
as long as its in your deck it would count as 100 mana minion
Warrior giving Charge keyword....
with difficulty maybe you can play it after turn 9\10
your opponent: yogg --> mine
Reska, the Pit Boss goes down incredibly fast and just has 1/3 of the discount effect of this card. So I wouldn't be surprised if the rigth deck can play this on turn (10).
But I don't think is fair to judge a card based on another card countering it. Is like saying that Eonar, the Life-Binder is bad because you can steal it. The turn comes to play clears the board, so it has immediate impact and forces your opponent to react to a 15/15 threat. And if gets cheap enough, you can play other things alongside this card.