Quote from BlizzardPatch 30.4.3 is coming later this week with balance changes to Standard and Battlegrounds, including Trinket updates.
Quote from BlizzardPatch 30.4.3 is coming later this week with balance changes to Standard and Battlegrounds, including Trinket updates.
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Wait.... so they teased changes of 3 cards in standard ?!? 3 CARDS ? at this point they should just say what's the changes are... the difference in 1 mana or 1attack and 1hp is SO YUGE secret they cannot say it already... kinda un necasary
It will be mana for sure, 4 mana to cast a free tsunami is ridiculous, expect a bump of 2 mana even.
This not enough. The rogue tourist is just too powerful. One weapon which gives you 2 coins, one mini which reduce your next main class card by 2, and mostly the mini which allow you to replay ANY class card of your main class.
How do you want to balance a game when you give those tools to a class ?
BSM will still be top tier. Each turn they still can still throw you a wave of 4 charge elementals. And they will be able to still play it prematurely with rogue tourist tools.
You're joking. Most people need only an excuse to leave an overplayed netdeck and if the nerf makes it lose at least 1 round then it's not even little,
and it's not top tier even now; that's not the main problem with the deck; it makes the meta too fast.
To be fair, we still can't know if the change are enough or not. Everybody is expecting the Tourist to be 1 Mana more expensive, but as far as we know yet, it could change from Tourist, and being a, lets say, Death Knigh Tourist for no reason.
When will they finally nerf demon seed in Wild?!? From platinum 10 onwards It is completely retarded - every single game is against that deck, which has no weaknesses, so it's a coin flip of who wins the mirror match.
Weakness is tempo and disruption. I never lose with my reno decks against it. Example is, play Mukla on turn 5, burn a card and have a 10/10 on board.
just remove the multi-class card nonsense from the game.
I play a myriad of homebrew decks, all of which couldn’t beat Big Mage this month in diamond (NeutralG on twitch tv). The past two months I made legend with my homebrew decks; this month tsunami has kept me in diamond. I couldnt even make legend because of big mage and what’s worse is it seems like EVERYONE is playing it it feels like 50% of my games in diamond are vs mage. Needed a buff so to speak. Respect the nerfs. Nerf tsunami too four 6 health minions that go face REPEATABLE 3-4 times? Nah bro nerf that shi too - my homebrew decks posted in my twitter hearhstone.lol or high roll.me many hunter main so many good hunter decks couldn’t beat big mage tho.
I made it to legend, against the tsunami waves, with my big paladin. Isn't Secret Hunter supposed to be one of the most successful decks against BSM?
I don't understand why they are not reversing the buff on Tsunami though.
Sham, it seems they can't get mage right for a long time now. It seems other classes have good identity but mage has gotten lost over time.
really cool that we got a single new deck out of the mini-set and now it's gone.
on the bright side, i can't wait to die to weapon rogue lol
Nah bro spell mage still will be solid I’ve got a galactic yogg in the box deck I might try. Homebrew a little
Really doubt that these nerfs will affect the game that much, a nerf isnt the death of a deck and nerfs arent there to kill decks either unlike popular beliefs. And decks that overperforms needs to be tuned down.
My last 10 games against Mage has all had 3/6 elementals spam starting already turn 5 and you cant outpace it them nerfing it makes sense. I also have tried the deck myself just to see how it is 9-0 vs high diamond/low Legend players. Of course the total results was 15-4 but dont count that 6-4 I had against the mirror.
Of course this is a very small sample size but it feels like I really need to severly screw up my game in order to lose against other decks than Mage itself.
I posted a while back (before the mini set) in a thread about big mage. People were complaining that the deck wasn't viable and my comment in that thread was that a deck like big mage cant ever really be viable and still be good for the game.
We've reached the point where BSM is now consistent and it's really not fun to play against. It can be beaten, but only by decks designed with that in mind running the usual spell disruption cards (or by aggro).
These nerfs (presumably changing costs up to 6 mana) will probably just kill BSM and imo that's not a bad thing. That style of extreme mana cheating just doesn't belong as a consitent deck in Hearthstone. If only they would address some of the other toxic decks that plague the ladder...
Had to play mage recently for daily and decided to play a good deck from hsreplay for standard as I‘m actually wild only, but didn‘t wanna play mage in wild. So I played a few games with bigspellmage and man this deck is heavy. Not funny for opponent.
It's not that the cards are -unbalanced-, it's that they're just no fun to play against. I'm not entirely sure what positive impact they thought the cards would bring.
Not sure what your definition of balanced it, but 4 charge water elementals on 4 plus a body doesn't seem balanced to me.
Well, they are just scratching the tip of the unbalanced iceberg.