Blizzard is rolling out a server-side Hotfix Patch, with updates to Battlegrounds and bug fixes
Quote from BlizzardPatch 30.4.1 is a server-side patch rolling out now with the following updates.
Battlegrounds Updates
Lesser Trinket Changes
Old: 5
New: 6
Old: 4
New: 5
Old: 2
New: 0
Old: 2
New: 0
Old: 2
New: 1
Old: 2
New: 1
- Now appears 50% as often.
Greater Trinket Changes
Old: 4
New: 6
Old: 6
New: 7
Old: 4
New: 7
Old: 5
New: 6
Old: 8
New: 9
Old: 7
New: 8
Old: 3
New: 0
Old: 1
New: 0
Old: 1
New: 0
Old: 2
New: 0
Old: 2
New: 0
Old: 3
New: 1
Bug Fixes & Game Improvements
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Carnivorous Cubicle didn't summon minions at the right time when copied by the opponent.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Carnivorous Cubicle continued summoning minions after a Reno, Lone Ranger.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Carnivorous Cubicle summoned base versions of minions, sometimes resulting in edge case issues (like a 0/0 Zilliax Deluxe 3000 without any Modules).
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Dreamplanner Zephrys's Extravagant Tour could sometimes only give one card.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where Pet Parrot wouldn't recognize 1-Cost cards that got returned to your hand and had their costs changed (like if it was returned to your hand with Freezing Trap).
[Hearthstone] Fixed a bug where The Primus's Runes of Frost Ability didn't give Spell Damage to Mixologist's custom Potions.
[Hearthstone] Fixed a visual bug where Punch Card's history tile didn't show all damaged minions.
[Battlegrounds] Fixed a bug where Spellcraft buffs on Magnetize minions didn't carry over to Polarizing Beatboxer.
Mage nerfs?? How long will we wait???
And where is the nerf of Ancestral Automaton? HTF can you counter this? They have taunt and a divine shield and never lose it.
I asked this a while ago on reddit (for some stupid reason), as I lost with a pretty good board, but couldn't counter the divine shields, reborn, the Kangor's Apprentice, and the Deflecto-o-Bot.
Only thing I was told was to pick up a Sin'dorei Straight Shot but that is near impossible to use to deal with the actual stats...
And the worst thing is, because of the Ancestral Automaton, cards like Transmuted Bramblewitch or Upper Hand does absolutely nothing actually change the cards stats as it just sets the base to 3/3 or x/1 and still applies the bluff. I mean, if Zapp Slywick was still around, at least you could try to deal with the Kangor's Apprentice to have a few less cards to deal with...
Seems like a lot of people know how broken this is because i met some the last few days.
Is there no game testing? Was the QA too expansive? How can this really happen?
It kills the game.
Nah, no time for QA. They have got to throw all staff onto those fancy new $60 legendary skins like Rag. And it's hard to monetize battlegrounds such that people are constantly purchasing stuff for it, so just do the bear minimum.
I will add though, without Ancestral Automaton, it can be pretty hard for Mechs to scale properly right now. That and the greatest way that this cards power is reduced is just by the sheer number of folks who end up going mech, reducing the number available in the pool (unless someone gets lucky like they always seem to do :/
Automations are far from OP, and hard to push them without the trinket. The 8-5 red lady can counter the kangors, alonside Sinderei
Please fix Sire. His quest disappears on me.
It's astonishing how lazy Blizzard is with these Battlegrounds patch notes, is there not a single intern in the whole company who can take 5 minutes to properly show which trinkets got changed?
It is clearly shown which trinkets got cost changes? Hover over the names.
That was later added (after my comment) by the fine folks at Hearthpwn, the original Blizzard notes are just plain text
... And 💚