Patch 30.4 - All Card Changes Datamined

(ADDED CARD) Golden MonkeyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Golden Monkey
[Sort ID]: 117712
[Card ID]: BG23_353t
[Text]: Taunt\n(You found it!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Triple]: Golden Monkey (BG23_353_Gt)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Wherever This Is, Triple
[Art Texture]: HS6-004_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Monkey_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Monkey_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) The CoinEvent
[Name]: The Coin
[Sort ID]: 117582
[Text]: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
[Flavor]: May this coin bring you luck for many days to come!\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Artist]: Dez Bencosme
[Set]: Event
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Coin Card
[Art Texture]: HS32-400_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-400_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_ManaGain_Coin_Impact
(ADDED CARD) Steampunk Lana'thelHero Skins
[Name]: Steampunk Lana'thel
[Sort ID]: 114333
[Card ID]: HERO_11y
[Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Character]: Queen Lana'thel
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Ghoul Charge (HERO_11cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Lana'thel has mastered the curious art of being scary when she’s insulting and even scarier when she’s polite.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-405_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Halveria SteamravenHero Skins
[Name]: Halveria Steamraven
[Sort ID]: 112763
[Card ID]: HERO_10aq
[Artist]: Rodrigo Camilo
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Character]: Halveria
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Worgen
[Hero Power]: Demon Claws (HERO_10cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Her costumes may change, but the music is forever.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-407_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-407_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) LeyaraHero Skins
[Name]: Leyara
[Sort ID]: 114329
[Card ID]: HERO_06as
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba & Rafael Zanchetin
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Emote Class]: Druid
[Emote Character]: Leyara
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Night Elf
[Hero Power]: Shapeshift (HERO_06ashp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: After losing her husband and daughter, Leyara joined the Druids of the Flame for one purpose: vengeance.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-402_H.png
[Hero Tray]: Leyara_Tray_PC.png
[Hero Tray Golden]: Leyara_Tray_PC_Golden.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: Leyara_Tray_Phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: Leyara_Gem.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06asi_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_FX_Opponent]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_phone_ 1]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_phone_ 1]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) ShapeshiftHero Skins
[Name]: Shapeshift
[Sort ID]: 114330
[Card ID]: HERO_06ashp
[Text]: Hero Power\n+$a1 Attack this turn.\n+$d1 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Dire Shapeshift (HERO_06ashp2)
[Art Texture]: W2_203_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Leyara_06as_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Dire ShapeshiftHero Skins
[Name]: Dire Shapeshift
[Sort ID]: 114331
[Card ID]: HERO_06ashp2
[Text]: Hero Power\n+$a2 Attack this turn.\n+$d2 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Druid_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Leyara_06as_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) FireblastHero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast
[Sort ID]: 112754
[Card ID]: HERO_08bchp
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $1 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Fireblast Rank 2 (HERO_08bchp2)
[System]: Dev State
(ADDED CARD) Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast Rank 2
[Sort ID]: 112755
[Card ID]: HERO_08bchp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $2 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
(ADDED CARD) Steamraider NozdormuHero Skins
[Name]: Steamraider Nozdormu
[Sort ID]: 114332
[Card ID]: HERO_04av
[Artist]: Rodrigo Camilo
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Paladin
[Emote Class]: Paladin
[Emote Character]: Nozdormu
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Blood Elf
[Hero Power]: Reinforce (HERO_04fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He won’t admit it, but Nozdormu finds this timeway most delightful.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-404_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-404_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Ragnaros the FirelordHero Skins
[Name]: Ragnaros the Firelord
[Sort ID]: 112742
[Card ID]: HERO_02ax
[Artist]: I. Fomin & Hearthstone Art Team
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Ragnaros Diamond Skin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: 2
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Corner Replacement Type]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02axhp)
[System]: Hero Doesnt Move On Attack, Hide Watermark
[Description]: YOU SOUGHT THE POWER OF RAGNAROS. NOW YOU SHALL SEE IT FIRSTHAND!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_10am_Illidan_StaticPortrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: Hero_HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: RAG_HeroFrame_On.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_02ax_tray_phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_02ax_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Effect After Play]: HERO_10am_IllidanMeta_hl_SocketIn
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_10am_IllidanStormrage_Opponen_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_phone]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav, HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Sound.wav, LOOTA_BOSS_47h_Lava_FilledRoom_Emote.wav
(ADDED CARD) Totemic CallHero Skins
[Name]: Totemic Call
[Sort ID]: 112743
[Card ID]: HERO_02axhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nSummon a random basic Totem.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Totemic Slam (HERO_02axhp2)
[Art Texture]: W11_138_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Overcharged KingHero Skins
[Name]: Overcharged King
[Sort ID]: 112762
[Card ID]: HERO_02ay
[Artist]: Tales Irie
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Thunder King
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Yeah, he’s powerful and intimidating, but he also never needs batteries!\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-406_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-406_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Totemic SlamHero Skins
[Name]: Totemic Slam
[Sort ID]: 112744
[Card ID]: HERO_02axhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nSummon a Totem of your choice.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Shaman_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
[Effect Choice]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Ragnaros the FirelordHero Skins
[Name]: Ragnaros the Firelord
[Sort ID]: 117487
[Card ID]: HERO_01bb
[Artist]: I. Fomin & Hearthstone Art Team
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Ragnaros Diamond Skin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: 2
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Corner Replacement Type]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Armor Up! (HERO_01bbhp)
[System]: Hero Doesnt Move On Attack, Hide Watermark
[Description]: YOU SOUGHT THE POWER OF RAGNAROS. NOW YOU SHALL SEE IT FIRSTHAND!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_10am_Illidan_StaticPortrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: Hero_HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: RAG_HeroFrame_On.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_02ax_tray_phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_02ax_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Effect After Play]: HERO_10am_IllidanMeta_hl_SocketIn
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_10am_IllidanStormrage_Opponen_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_phone]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav, HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Sound.wav, LOOTA_BOSS_47h_Lava_FilledRoom_Emote.wav
(ADDED CARD) Armor Up!Hero Skins
[Name]: Armor Up!
[Sort ID]: 117488
[Card ID]: HERO_01bbhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nGain $d2 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Tank Up! (HERO_01bbhp2)
[Art Texture]: w14_a208_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_01au_HeroPower_Impact_Super
(ADDED CARD) Tank Up!Hero Skins
[Name]: Tank Up!
[Sort ID]: 117489
[Card ID]: HERO_01bbhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nGain $d4 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Warrior_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_01bb_HeroPower_Impact_Super
(ADDED CARD) Eternal LayoverPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Eternal Layover
[Sort ID]: 112372
[Card ID]: WORK_028
[Text]: [x]Give ALL minions Reborn,\nthen destroy all minions.
[Flavor]: Get away from it all! Forever.
[Artist]: Brian Despain
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Cost Unholy]: 1
[Keywords]: Reborn
[Art Texture]: HS32-153_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-153_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Travel SecurityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Travel Security
[Sort ID]: 110762
[Card ID]: WORK_010
[Text]: Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a random\n8-Cost minion.
[Flavor]: "You\'re just gonna let ANY 8-Cost minion get past you!?"\n"...Yeah..."
[Artist]: Jason Kang
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-312_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-312_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Soul SearchingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Soul Searching
[Sort ID]: 111485
[Card ID]: WORK_070
[Text]: Discover a card from your deck. Spend 5 Corpses to copy it.
[Flavor]: ctrl-f 'soul'
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Cost Unholy]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Keywords]: Corpse, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-311_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-311_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Demonic DealPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Demonic Deal
[Sort ID]: 110767
[Card ID]: WORK_014
[Text]: [x]Lifesteal. Deal $4 damage\nto a minion. Put a random\nDemon that costs (5) or\nmore on top of your deck.
[Flavor]: The Burning Legion upped their efforts to sell Argus Timeshares.
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fel
[Keywords]: Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-317_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Spirit PeddlerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Spirit Peddler
[Sort ID]: 110768
[Card ID]: WORK_015
[Text]: [x]Rush\nDeathrattle: Reduce the\nCost of a random minion\nin your hand by (6).
[Flavor]: *facepalm* I asked for an art piece of a ghost on a bicycle...
[Artist]: Ian Ameling
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-318_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-318_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Infernal StaplerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Infernal Stapler
[Sort ID]: 110769
[Card ID]: WORK_016
[Text]: After your hero attacks, deal 3 damage to your hero.
[Flavor]: Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler…
[Artist]: Studio Hive
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Durability]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-319_W.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-319_W_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Handle with BearPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Handle with Bear
[Sort ID]: 110786
[Card ID]: WORK_024
[Text]: [x]Get two 3/3 Bears\nwith Taunt. Each turn\nthey are in your hand,\nthey gain +1/+1.
[Flavor]: We guarantee your luggage will arrive at the speed of bear.
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Nature
[Related Cards]: Careful Bear (WORK_024t)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-333_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-333_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Number CruncherPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Number Cruncher
[Sort ID]: 110789
[Card ID]: WORK_025
[Text]: [x]Rush, Taunt\nChoose Thrice - Gain\n+2 Attack; or +2 Health.
[Flavor]: *gasp* So 7 DID eat 9!!
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Aggressive Projections (WORK_025a), Conservative Forecast (WORK_025b)
[Keywords]: Rush, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-335_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-335_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Un'Goro BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Un'Goro Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110882
[Card ID]: WORK_050
[Text]: [x]Draw two minions.\nGive them +2/+2.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: Our Un'Goro package includes the Tortollan travel tour! Just don't mind the Devilsaurs.
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Nature
[Related Cards]: Dalaran Brochure (WORK_050t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-338_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-338_S_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Arcane_CardInHand_Transform_Impact
(ADDED CARD) Dalaran BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dalaran Brochure
[Sort ID]: 112389
[Card ID]: WORK_050t
[Text]: [x]Draw two spells.\nThey cost (1) less.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS32-339_S.png
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Nature_Druid
(ADDED CARD) Careful BearPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Careful Bear
[Sort ID]: 110787
[Card ID]: WORK_024t
[Text]: Taunt\nAt the start of your turn,\nif this is in your hand, gain +1/+1.
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-334_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-334_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Cart_Play_Underlay]: Cart_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Aggressive ProjectionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Aggressive Projections
[Sort ID]: 110790
[Card ID]: WORK_025a
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-336_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-336_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Aggressive ProjectionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Aggressive Projections
[Sort ID]: 110791
[Card ID]: WORK_025ae
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Aggressive Projections (WORK_025a)
(ADDED CARD) Conservative ForecastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Conservative Forecast
[Sort ID]: 110792
[Card ID]: WORK_025b
[Text]: +2 Health.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-337_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-337_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Conservative ForecastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Conservative Forecast
[Sort ID]: 110793
[Card ID]: WORK_025be
[Text]: +2 Health.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Conservative Forecast (WORK_025b)
(ADDED CARD) Monkey BusinessPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Monkey Business
[Sort ID]: 110776
[Card ID]: WORK_020
[Text]: Add 8 Bananas to your hand. Any that can't fit are randomly fed to friendly minions in play.
[Flavor]: Why aren't the bananas randomly split???
[Artist]: Patrik Bjorkstrom
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 4
[Related Cards]: Bananas (EX1_014t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-327_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-327_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) WorkhorsePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Workhorse
[Sort ID]: 110772
[Card ID]: WORK_018
[Text]: Deathrattle: Summon two 2/1 Ponies.
[Flavor]: Give me ONE reason why a horse shouldn’t be allowed in the travel agency.
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Workpony (WORK_018t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-324_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-324_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cash CowPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cash Cow
[Sort ID]: 110775
[Card ID]: WORK_019
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nWhenever this takes\ndamage, get a Coin.
[Flavor]: Show me the moo-ney!
[Artist]: Jaemin Kim
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 7
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: The Coin (GAME_005)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-326_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-326_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_019_CashCow_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_019_CashCow_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_019_CashCow_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Zug ZugPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Zug Zug
[Sort ID]: 110856
[Card ID]: WORK_041e
[Text]: Costs (2) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Hunter
[Origin]: Busy Peon (WORK_041)
[System]: Aura
(ADDED CARD) WorkponyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Workpony
[Sort ID]: 112395
[Card ID]: WORK_018t
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Art Texture]: HS32-325_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-325_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Portalmancer SkylaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Portalmancer Skyla
[Sort ID]: 110965
[Card ID]: WORK_063
[Text]: [x]Rogue Tourist\nBattlecry: Swap the Costs of\nthe lowest and highest Cost\nspells in your hand.
[Flavor]: "Say goodbye to red-eye gryphon flights!"
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Signature Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Rogue Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is
[Art Texture]: HS32-342_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-342_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-228_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [WORK_063_PortalMaster_Stinger]: WORK_063_PortalMaster_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_PortalMaster_CustomSummon]: Portalmaster_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Portalmaster_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) BurndownPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Burndown
[Sort ID]: 110795
[Card ID]: WORK_026
[Text]: [x]Draw 3 cards and\nlight them on fire.\nIn 3 turns, any still\n__in hand are destroyed!
[Flavor]: Trust me, the next 3 cards in my deck are FIRE.
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fire
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-341_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-341_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Huddle UpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Huddle Up
[Sort ID]: 110794
[Card ID]: WORK_012
[Text]: Fill your board with random Naga.
[Flavor]: Spell, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga...
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 7
[Art Texture]: HS32-340_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-340_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Trust FallPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Trust Fall
[Sort ID]: 110844
[Card ID]: WORK_001
[Text]: [x]Discover two minions\nthat cost (5) or less.\nThey gain each other's\nAttack and Health.
[Flavor]: Earthmother, catch me.
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-300_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-300_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Busy-BotPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Busy-Bot
[Sort ID]: 110751
[Card ID]: WORK_002
[Text]: Battlecry: Give your\n1-Attack minions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: Busy-Bot likes a clean desktop.
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-301_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-301_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Books_Play_Underlay]: Books_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Books_Attack_Underlay]: Books_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Books_Death_Underlay]: Books_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Vacation PlanningPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Vacation Planning
[Sort ID]: 110753
[Card ID]: WORK_003
[Text]: Restore #4 Health. Summon 3 Silver Hand Recruits. Draw 2 cards.
[Flavor]: Reporting for vacation!
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Related Cards]: Silver Hand Recruit (CS2_101t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-302_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-302_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) TrustingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Trusting
[Sort ID]: 110851
[Card ID]: WORK_001e2
[Text]: Increased stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Trust Fall (WORK_001)
(ADDED CARD) Silvermoon BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Silvermoon Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110771
[Card ID]: WORK_017
[Text]: Give a minion Immune this turn and +2/+2. (Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: It's lovely to visit this time of year. Just ignore that enormous scarred area outside.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Holy
[Related Cards]: Gilneas Brochure (WORK_017t)
[Keywords]: Immune
[Art Texture]: HS32-320_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-320_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Holy_BuffImpact_Heal_Small_Super_WithIdle
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Card_Hand_Ally_Transform_Worgen
(ADDED CARD) Envoy of ProsperityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Envoy of Prosperity
[Sort ID]: 110849
[Card ID]: WORK_031
[Text]: Battlecry: Put the highest Cost card in your hand on top of your deck.
[Flavor]: "Our prosperity is beyond a shadow of a doubt!"
[Artist]: Guillaume Beauchêne
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-322_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-322_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Gilneas BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Gilneas Brochure
[Sort ID]: 112379
[Card ID]: WORK_017t
[Text]: Silence a minion\nand give it -2/-2.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Keywords]: Silence
[Art Texture]: HS32-321_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-321_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Tendrils_Pain_Super
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Holy_Paladin
(ADDED CARD) Job ShadowerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Job Shadower
[Sort ID]: 110850
[Card ID]: WORK_032
[Text]: Battlecry: If your hero took damage this turn, summon a copy of this.
[Flavor]: "Our prosperity… is beyond… a shadow of… a doubt! Ok, got it!"
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-323_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-323_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Play]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Attack]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Death]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Agency EspionagePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Agency Espionage
[Sort ID]: 110754
[Card ID]: WORK_004
[Text]: Shuffle a card from each other class into your deck. They cost (1).
[Flavor]: What gnomish monitoring devices lack in subtlety, they make up for in robustness.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-303_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-303_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) RobocallerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Robocaller
[Sort ID]: 110757
[Card ID]: WORK_006
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Draw an\n8, 8, and 8-Cost card.\n(Numbers dialed randomly\neach turn!)
[Flavor]: When I was your age, robocallers had to dial themselves!
[Artist]: Stefan Bogdasarov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-307_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-307_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sharp ShipmentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sharp Shipment
[Sort ID]: 110756
[Card ID]: WORK_005
[Text]: Give your weapon +2/+2.
[Flavor]: Pre-check is amazing these days. New rules say you don't have to take off your shoes, helmet, or daggers!
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-304_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-304_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) TurbulusPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Turbulus
[Sort ID]: 110765
[Card ID]: WORK_013
[Text]: Hunter Tourist. Battlecry: Give +1/+1 to all other Battlecry minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
[Flavor]: "Passengers, we will be experiencing some minor Turbulus in the next few expansions."
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Signature Artist]: Ludo Lullabi
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Hunter Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is
[Art Texture]: HS32-316_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-316_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-230_S.png
[Effect After Play]: WORKFX_Turbulus_Battelcry_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [WORK_013_Turbulus_Stinger]: WORK_013_Turbulus_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_Turbulus_CustomSummon]: Turbulus_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Turbulus_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Blackrock BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Blackrock Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110847
[Card ID]: WORK_030t
[Text]: Deal $3 damage to a minion and $1 to\nits neighbors.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Related Cards]: Icecrown Brochure (WORK_030)
[Art Texture]: HS32-315_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_Missile_Fireball_Medium_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Frost_Mage
(ADDED CARD) Icecrown BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Icecrown Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110848
[Card ID]: WORK_030
[Text]: Deal $3 damage to a minion and Freeze its neighbors.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: The Icecrown ski slopes really are to die for.
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Frost
[Related Cards]: Blackrock Brochure (WORK_030t)
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-314_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-314_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_AE_Targeted_ConeOfCold_Super_WithImpact
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Physical_Warrior
(ADDED CARD) Hydration TotemPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hydration Totem
[Sort ID]: 110763
[Card ID]: WORK_011
[Text]: [x]At the end of your\nturn, give adjacent\nminions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: This filtered water really cleanses the spirit.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Totem
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-313_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-313_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) ChattingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Chatting
[Sort ID]: 110764
[Card ID]: WORK_011e
[Text]: +1/+1
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Hydration Totem (WORK_011)
(ADDED CARD) TurbulencePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Turbulence
[Sort ID]: 110766
[Card ID]: WORK_013e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Turbulus (WORK_013)
(ADDED CARD) DeadlinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Deadline
[Sort ID]: 110759
[Card ID]: WORK_007
[Text]: Tradeable, Temporary\nDestroy a minion.
[Flavor]: For all you procrastinators out there, don't worry. That's why we added Tradeable.
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Drag To Deck Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Temporary, Tradeable
[Art Texture]: HS32-308_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-308_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Shadowbolt_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Fine PrintPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Fine Print
[Sort ID]: 110760
[Card ID]: WORK_008
[Text]: Deal $4 damage to all_minions.\n(Excess damage hits your_hero.)
[Flavor]: Text in italics can't hurt you. (Yes it can.)
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Shadow
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-309_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-309_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Imployee of the MonthPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Imployee of the Month
[Sort ID]: 110761
[Card ID]: WORK_009
[Text]: Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Lifesteal.
[Target Arrow]: Give Lifesteal.
[Flavor]: Imployee of the Month, 666 months running.
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-310_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-310_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) This is FinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: This is Fine
[Sort ID]: 113338
[Card ID]: WORK_026e
[Text]: In 3 turns, destroy the opponent's cards that are on fire.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Burndown (WORK_026)
(ADDED CARD) This is FinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: This is Fine
[Sort ID]: 113340
[Card ID]: WORK_026e2
[Text]: This card is on fire!
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Burndown (WORK_026)
(ADDED CARD) ImpspiredPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Impspired
[Sort ID]: 117639
[Card ID]: Work_009e
[Text]: Lifesteal
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Imployee of the Month (WORK_009)
(ADDED CARD) Reserved SpotPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Reserved Spot
[Sort ID]: 110780
[Card ID]: WORK_021
[Text]: [x]Give a random minion\nin your hand +4/+4.\nIf it's the only one there,\nreduce its Cost by (2).
[Flavor]: She needs a spot to make sure she can quickly get to her trunk.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS32-330_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-330_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Punch CardPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Punch Card
[Sort ID]: 110783
[Card ID]: WORK_022
[Text]: Give your hero +3_Attack and "Also damages adjacent minions" this turn.
[Flavor]: Don't forget to punch out when you Cleave.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS32-331_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-331_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Alloy AdvisorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Alloy Advisor
[Sort ID]: 110785
[Card ID]: WORK_023
[Text]: Taunt\nWhenever this takes damage, gain 3 Armor.
[Flavor]: Numbers may betray you, but steel... steel you can trust.
[Artist]: Jim Nelson
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-332_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-332_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Play]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Attack]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Death]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Punched InPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Punched In
[Sort ID]: 110784
[Card ID]: WORK_022e
[Text]: +3 Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Punch Card (WORK_022)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) ReservedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Reserved
[Sort ID]: 117638
[Card ID]: WORK_021e
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Reserved Spot (WORK_021)
(ADDED CARD) Dreamplanner ZephrysPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dreamplanner Zephrys
[Sort ID]: 110796
[Card ID]: WORK_027
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Choose a\nTravel Tour to get two\npotentially perfect\ncards from it.
[Flavor]: "Your trip is my suggestion!"
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-131_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-131_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: WORK_027_diamond_zephryswishmaker_skip5.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [WORK_027_ZephrysTheOverworked_Stinger]: WORK_027_ZephrysTheOverworked_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_ZephrysOverworked_CustomSummon]: No Audio
[Event Choice Reveal] → [WORKFX_ZephrysOverworked_Choice_Reveal]: WWFX_SnakeEyes_CardReveal_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Travelmaster DungarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Travelmaster Dungar
[Sort ID]: 110859
[Card ID]: WORK_043
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon three\nminions from your\ndeck that are from\ndifferent expansions.
[Flavor]: Our travel options will take you to Paradise and beyond!
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-346_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-346_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: WORK_043_diamond_travelmasterdungar_skip6.png
[Effect Play]: WORKFX_TravelMaster_Battlecry
[Sound Play] → [WORK_043_TravelmasterDungar_Stinger]: WORK_043_TravelmasterDungar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_TravelMaster_CustomSummon]: TravelMaster_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, TravelMaster_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carnivorous CubiclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carnivorous Cubicle
[Sort ID]: 110858
[Card ID]: WORK_042
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Destroy a\nfriendly minion.\nSummon a copy of it at\n the end of your turns.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy a friendly minion.
[Flavor]: Hey, no eating at your desk!
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 6
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-345_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-345_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Play]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Attack]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Death]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Clumsy StewardPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Clumsy Steward
[Sort ID]: 110853
[Card ID]: WORK_040
[Text]: After ANY card is drawn, make it Temporary.
[Flavor]: "Aww, bummer! I spilled coffee all over your cards! Dang it! What a shame!"
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Temporary
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-343_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-343_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Junk_Underlay_Play]: Junk_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Junk_Underlay_Attack]: Junk_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Junk_Underlay_Death]: Junk_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Busy PeonPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Busy Peon
[Sort ID]: 110855
[Card ID]: WORK_041
[Text]: Deathrattle: Your next location costs (2) less.
[Flavor]: Chopping wood, mining gold and repairing buildings? None of these pursuits called to Grob...pencil doodling on wood was his true labor of love.
[Artist]: Luca Zontini
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-344_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-344_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Busy Busy BusyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Busy Busy Busy
[Sort ID]: 110752
[Card ID]: WORK_002e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Busy-Bot (WORK_002)
(ADDED CARD) Espionage!Perils in Paradise
[Name]: Espionage!
[Sort ID]: 110755
[Card ID]: WORK_004e
[Text]: Costs (1).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Agency Espionage (WORK_004)
(ADDED CARD) In FlightPerils in Paradise
[Name]: In Flight
[Sort ID]: 110770
[Card ID]: WORK_017e
[Text]: Immune this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Silvermoon Brochure (WORK_017)
[System]: Hide Watermark, One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) CarefulPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Careful
[Sort ID]: 110788
[Card ID]: WORK_024te
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Careful Bear (WORK_024t)
(ADDED CARD) Modest TourPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Modest Tour
[Sort ID]: 110820
[Card ID]: WORK_027t1
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially impact the enemy's battlefield.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-347_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-347_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Extravagant TourPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Extravagant Tour
[Sort ID]: 110821
[Card ID]: WORK_027t2
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially spend a lot of Mana.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-348_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-348_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Hectic TourPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hectic Tour
[Sort ID]: 110822
[Card ID]: WORK_027t3
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially deal damage to the enemy hero.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-349_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-349_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) ReassuredPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Reassured
[Sort ID]: 110845
[Card ID]: WORK_001e
[Text]: Increased stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Trust Fall (WORK_001)
(ADDED CARD) PeddledPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Peddled
[Sort ID]: 111554
[Card ID]: WORK_015e
[Text]: Costs (6) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Spirit Peddler (WORK_015)
(ADDED CARD) Silvermoon SouvenirPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Silvermoon Souvenir
[Sort ID]: 112378
[Card ID]: WORK_017e2
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Silvermoon Brochure (WORK_017)
(ADDED CARD) Gilnean CursePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Gilnean Curse
[Sort ID]: 112380
[Card ID]: WORK_017te
[Text]: -2/-2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Gilneas Brochure (WORK_017t)
(ADDED CARD) Exotic DestinationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Exotic Destination
[Sort ID]: 112388
[Card ID]: WORK_050e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Un'Goro Brochure (WORK_050)
(ADDED CARD) DigestingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Digesting
[Sort ID]: 113333
[Card ID]: WORK_042e
[Text]: Destroyed {0}.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Carnivorous Cubicle (WORK_042)
[System]: Trigger Visual
(ADDED CARD) SharpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sharp
[Sort ID]: 117637
[Card ID]: WORK_005e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Sharp Shipment (WORK_005)
(ADDED CARD) Soul FoundPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Soul Found
[Sort ID]: 117643
[Card ID]: WORK_070e
[Text]: Dies at end of turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Soul Searching (WORK_070)
(ADDED CARD) PortalledPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Portalled
[Sort ID]: 113336
[Card ID]: WORK_063e
[Text]: Swapped Cost
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Origin]: Portalmancer Skyla (WORK_063)
(REMOVED CARD) Stay FrostyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Stay Frosty
[Sort ID]: 115682
[Card ID]: VAC_328e
[Text]: Permanently Frozen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Meltemental (VAC_328)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
Kurtrus AshfallenBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 17
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
Edwin VanCleefBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 17
(NEW) [Armor]: 20
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 17
Patches the PirateBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
Dinotamer BrannBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 18
(NEW) [Armor]: 14
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 11
Arch-Villain RafaamBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 15
(NEW) [Armor]: 12
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 17
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
Kael'thas SunstriderBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
Mr. BigglesworthBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 16
(NEW) [Armor]: 19
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 17
(OLD) [Armor]: 12
(NEW) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 12
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 16
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 11
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 8
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 5
Vanndar StormpikeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 8
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(OLD) [Armor]: 12
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
Tae'thelan BloodwatcherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
Doctor Holli'daeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 8
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 8
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 5
Lightfang EnforcerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +3/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +4/+3.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Text]: +3/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: +4/+3.
Lightfang EnforcerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +6/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +8/+6.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 16
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: +8/+6.
Natural BalanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Passive\nAfter you buy 30 Tiers'\nworth of cards, get a Triple\nReward. (30 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Passive\nAfter you buy 25 Tiers'\nworth of cards, get a Triple\nReward. (25 left!)
Whelp SmugglerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health.
Whelp SmugglerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +2 Health.
Snail CavalryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
Corrupted MyrmidonBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: BGs Tied To Naga Lobbies, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Naga Lobbies, Trigger Visual
Snail CavalryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
Golden MonkeyBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Base Minion]: Golden Monkey (BG23_353t)
Hunter of GatherersBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After this gains Attack, give your minions\n+1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +1 Health.
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 5
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Hunter of GatherersBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After this gains Attack, give your minions\n+2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +2 Health.
(OLD) [Health]: 12
(NEW) [Health]: 10
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Zesty ShakerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nspell is played on this,\nget a new copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nSpellcraft spell is played on\n_this, get a new copy of it.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 6
Zesty ShakerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nspell is played on this,\nget 2 new copies of it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nSpellcraft spell is played on\n_this, get 2 new copies of it.
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 12
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 12
Channel the DevourerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Ancestral AutomatonBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Has +3/+2 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Has +2/+1 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
Ancestral AutomatonBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Has +6/+4 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Has +4/+2 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
Temporal TamperingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your Tavern spells\ncast twice.
(NEW) [Text]: You cast your Tavern spells an extra time.
(OLD) [System]: Hide Cost
(NEW) [System]: Hide Cost, Trigger Visual
Gift of the Golden KoboldBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Sub Set]: Legacy
Fishy StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Rewinder PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Glowing GauntletBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Feral TalismanBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Feral TalismanBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your minions have +5/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: Your minions have +6/+4.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+4.
Dalaran Cheese WheelBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Eternal PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Spitescale Sushi RollBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Get a 'Spitescale Special'. Your Spellcraft spells cast twice.
(NEW) [Text]: Get a 'Spitescale Special'. Your first two Spellcraft spells each turn cast twice. (2 left!)
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Automaton PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Elementium ChestBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Each combat, after 3\nfriendly Pirates attack,\ngain 1 Gold next turn.\n(3 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Each combat, after 2\nfriendly Pirates attack,\ngain 1 Gold next turn.\n(2 left!)
Lucky TabbyBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Conductor PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Snarling Conductor'.\nWhenever you discard a\ncard, play a Blood Gem\non all your minions.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Snarling Conductor'.\nWhenever you discard a\ncard, play a Blood Gem\non 5 friendly minions.
Lava LampBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Butcher's SickleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Ship in a BottleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Quilligraphy SetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.
(NEW) [Text]: Avenge (5): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Health this game.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Score Value 1]: 4
(NEW) [Score Value 1]: 5
Kodo Leather PouchBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
Token of the Old GodsBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 1
Book of MedivhBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Enforcer PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Spell School]: Lesser
(NEW) [Spell School]: Greater
Karazhan Chess SetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of each of your minions.
(NEW) [Text]: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of your 2 left-most minions.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Primordial TerrariumBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Innkeeper's SteinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Azeroth Model GlobeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: At the start of every 2 turns, Discover a Tier 6 minion. (2 |4(turn, turns) left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the start of every 2\nturns, Discover a Tier 6\nminion. (2 |4(turn, turns) left!)
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Colorful CompassBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Shaman Prayer BeadsBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Charging StaffBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Balladist PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Felbat PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 9
Tiger CarvingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Dye of the TigerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +2 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Increased Attack.
Demonblood GourdBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 1
Rockin' Music BoxBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: At the end of each turn, get a random Battlecry minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a random Battlecry\nminion. At the start of\neach turn get another.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 1
Alliance KeychainBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Rivendare PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Titus Rivendare'.\nStart of Combat: Give\nyour Titus Rivendares\nStealth.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Titus Rivendare'.\nStart of Combat: Double\nthe Health of your\nTitus Rivendares.
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Nether PendantBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 4 times your hero takes damage. (4 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Minions in the Tavern have\n+1/+1. Upgrades every 4\ntimes your hero takes damage\nduring your turn. (4 left!)
Emerald DreamcatcherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Nomi StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Fridge MagnetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Comfy CoffinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Azerite PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Glowscale PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Replica CathedralBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your first spell each turn casts twice.
(NEW) [Text]: You cast your first spell each turn an extra time.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Souvenir StandBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Designer EyepatchBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Boom ControllerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 99
Blood Golem StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(3 times per combat.)@[x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(3 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(2 times per combat.)@[x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(2 left!)
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
Yogg-Tastic PastryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Wannabe GargoyleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 9
Wannabe GargoyleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 18
Ice FisherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Ice FisherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 16
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 16
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Hot-Air SurveyorBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Aura, BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Quilboar Lobbies
(NEW) [System]: Aura, BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Quilboar Lobbies, Trigger Visual
Hot-Air SurveyorBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Aura, Triple
(NEW) [System]: Aura, Trigger Visual, Triple
Thundering AbominationBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+2/+2. If there's no space,\n_______gain +2/+2 permanently.____
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+3/+2. If there's no space,\n_______gain +3/+2 permanently.____
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Thundering AbominationBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+4/+4. If there's no space,\n_______gain +4/+4 permanently.____
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+6/+4. If there's no space,\n_______gain +6/+4 permanently.____
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Mug of the SireBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you would\nsummon a minion that\ndoesn't fit in your warband,\ngive your minions +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you would\nsummon a minion that\ndoesn't fit in your warband,\ngive your minions +5 Attack.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Crow's Nest SentryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +3 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +4 Health.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
Crow's Nest SentryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +6 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +8 Health.
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
Persistent Poet Player Enchant [DNT]Battlegrounds
(ADDED) [Art Texture]: BG29-054_M.png
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +3/+2.
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+4.
Catacomb CrasherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Catacomb CrasherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Tougher TitusBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Lurking Baron
(NEW) [Name]: Tougher Titus
(OLD) [Text]: Stealth.
(NEW) [Text]: Doubled Health.
Darnassus PieBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Valorous MedallionBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Start of Combat: Give your minions +5/+5.
(NEW) [Text]: Start of Combat: Give your minions +6/+6.
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+5.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+6.
Kodo Leather PouchBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +5/+5.
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
Stuffed in the PouchBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +5/+5.
Dragonwing GliderBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +6 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +8 Attack.
Wingin' ItBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +6 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +8 Attack.
Comfy CoffinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Tiger CarvingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Dye of the TigerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +5 Attack.
Glowing GauntletBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +7/+7.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +8/+8.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Nomi StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Dalaran Cheese WheelBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Nerglish PhrasebookBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Booty Bay BrewBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +2/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +3/+4.
Booty Bay BuffBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +3/+4.
Twin Sky LanternsBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Horde KeychainBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +6/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +7/+5.
Horde FanBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +7/+5.
Quilligraphy SetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Bountiful BedrockBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
Bountiful BedrockBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
Ceremonial SwordBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Cruise ControllerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+5 Attack.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 7
Cruise ControllerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+8 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+10 Attack.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 14
Artisanal UrnBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your Undead have\n+7 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Your Undead have\n+8 Attack.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
You've Urned ItBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +7 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +8 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +5 Attack.
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
Arcane IntellectClassic
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
Arcane IntellectCore
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
DoomkinFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 5
DJ ManastormFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Cost]: 10
(NEW) [Cost]: 9
JIVE, INSECT!Festival of Legends
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_JiveInsect_01]: No Audio
Perpetual FlameForged in the Barrens
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_PerpetualFlame_01]: No Audio
Wildpaw GnollFractured in Alterac Valley
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Don't Stand in the Fire!Fractured in Alterac Valley
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_DontStandIntheFire_01]: No Audio
Demon ClawsHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Demon's BiteHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
FireblastHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
FireblastHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Dalaran Kel'ThuzadHero Skins
(OLD) [Art Texture]: SKN30-207_H.png
(NEW) [Art Texture]: SKN30-207_H1.png
Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
ThorimHero Skins
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
Lord GodfreyHero Skins
(ADDED) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_07am_Socketin_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Opponent_Socketin_Sound.wav
Life TapHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Soul TapHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: HeroSkin_07amhp_LordGodfrey_HeroPower_FX
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
Ghoul FrenzyLegacy
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: ReskathePitBoss_11o_OverrideSpawn_HeroPower_Super
Sorcerer's ApprenticeLegacy
(OLD) [Text]: Your spells cost (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Your spells cost (1) less\n(but not less than 1).
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Arcane IntellectLegacy
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
Apprentice's AssitanceLegacy
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (1) less (but not less than 1).
Arcane DefendersMarch of the Lich King
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneDefenders_01]: No Audio
Arcane BoltMarch of the Lich King
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
Blazing TransmutationMarch of the Lich King
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_BlazingTransmutation_01]: No Audio
Raza the ChainedMean Streets of Gadgetzan
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: SIG30-013_S.png
BarnesOne Night in Karazhan
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Allan Arello
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: SIG30-014_S.png
Furious FowlsPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/2 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/3 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
Angry BirdPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 2
(NEW) [Health]: 3
Raylla, Sand SculptorPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 5
(NEW) [Health]: 6
Marooned ArchmagePerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 4
Maestra, Mask MerchantPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [System]: Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is, Use Discover Visuals, Warlock Tourist
(NEW) [System]: Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is, Warlock Tourist
Treasure Hunter EudoraPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Metal DetectorPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
Cursed SouvenirPerils in Paradise
(REMOVED) [System]: Trigger Visual
Food FightPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Text]: Summon a 0/6 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: Summon a 0/4 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
EntréePerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
Slice of BreadPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 4-Cost Sandwich!
(NEW) [Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 3-Cost Sandwich!
Minion SandwichPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Tidepool PupilPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 1
(NEW) [Health]: 2
Secret PassageScholomance Academy
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Wisdom of NorgannonTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_WisdomofNorgannon_01]: No Audio
Elemental InspirationTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ElementalInspiration_01]: No Audio
Discovery of MagicTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_DiscoveryofMagic_01]: No Audio
Arcane BoltTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
Arcane IntellectTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
Arcane BoltTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
Thorim, StormlordTwist
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
Scalding GeyserVoyage to the Sunken City
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_ScaldingGeyser_01]: No Audio
Ci'CigiWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Get 3 random\nfirst-edition Demon_Hunter\n_cards (in mint condition).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry, Outcast, and\nDeathrattle: Get a random\n__first-edition Demon Hunter__\ncard (in mint condition).
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Keywords]: Deathrattle
(NEW) [Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle, Outcast
Mystery EggWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (4) less.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Mystery EggWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Mini\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Mini\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (4) less.
Fetch!Whizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Hatched!Whizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
Watercolor ArtistWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 3
Boom WrenchWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3


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