(ADDED CARD) Golden MonkeyBattlegrounds
[Name]: Golden Monkey
[Sort ID]: 117712
[Card ID]: BG23_353t
[Text]: Taunt\n(You found it!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Triple]: Golden Monkey (BG23_353_Gt)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Wherever This Is, Triple
[Art Texture]: HS6-004_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Monkey_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Monkey_Death_Underlay.wav
[Name]: Golden Monkey
[Sort ID]: 117712
[Card ID]: BG23_353t
[Text]: Taunt\n(You found it!)
[Set]: Battlegrounds
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Tavern Tier]: 1
[Triple]: Golden Monkey (BG23_353_Gt)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Wherever This Is, Triple
[Art Texture]: HS6-004_D.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Monkey_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Monkey_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) The CoinEvent
[Name]: The Coin
[Sort ID]: 117582
[Text]: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
[Flavor]: May this coin bring you luck for many days to come!\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Artist]: Dez Bencosme
[Set]: Event
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Coin Card
[Art Texture]: HS32-400_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-400_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_ManaGain_Coin_Impact
[Name]: The Coin
[Sort ID]: 117582
[Text]: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
[Flavor]: May this coin bring you luck for many days to come!\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Artist]: Dez Bencosme
[Set]: Event
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Coin Card
[Art Texture]: HS32-400_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-400_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_ManaGain_Coin_Impact
(ADDED CARD) Steampunk Lana'thelHero Skins
[Name]: Steampunk Lana'thel
[Sort ID]: 114333
[Card ID]: HERO_11y
[Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Character]: Queen Lana'thel
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Ghoul Charge (HERO_11cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Lana'thel has mastered the curious art of being scary when she’s insulting and even scarier when she’s polite.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-405_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Name]: Steampunk Lana'thel
[Sort ID]: 114333
[Card ID]: HERO_11y
[Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Character]: Queen Lana'thel
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Ghoul Charge (HERO_11cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Lana'thel has mastered the curious art of being scary when she’s insulting and even scarier when she’s polite.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-405_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Halveria SteamravenHero Skins
[Name]: Halveria Steamraven
[Sort ID]: 112763
[Card ID]: HERO_10aq
[Artist]: Rodrigo Camilo
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Character]: Halveria
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Worgen
[Hero Power]: Demon Claws (HERO_10cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Her costumes may change, but the music is forever.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-407_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-407_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Name]: Halveria Steamraven
[Sort ID]: 112763
[Card ID]: HERO_10aq
[Artist]: Rodrigo Camilo
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Character]: Halveria
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Worgen
[Hero Power]: Demon Claws (HERO_10cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Her costumes may change, but the music is forever.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-407_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-407_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) LeyaraHero Skins
[Name]: Leyara
[Sort ID]: 114329
[Card ID]: HERO_06as
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba & Rafael Zanchetin
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Emote Class]: Druid
[Emote Character]: Leyara
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Night Elf
[Hero Power]: Shapeshift (HERO_06ashp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: After losing her husband and daughter, Leyara joined the Druids of the Flame for one purpose: vengeance.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-402_H.png
[Hero Tray]: Leyara_Tray_PC.png
[Hero Tray Golden]: Leyara_Tray_PC_Golden.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: Leyara_Tray_Phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: Leyara_Gem.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06asi_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_FX_Opponent]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_phone_ 1]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_phone_ 1]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Name]: Leyara
[Sort ID]: 114329
[Card ID]: HERO_06as
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba & Rafael Zanchetin
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Emote Class]: Druid
[Emote Character]: Leyara
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Night Elf
[Hero Power]: Shapeshift (HERO_06ashp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: After losing her husband and daughter, Leyara joined the Druids of the Flame for one purpose: vengeance.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-402_H.png
[Hero Tray]: Leyara_Tray_PC.png
[Hero Tray Golden]: Leyara_Tray_PC_Golden.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: Leyara_Tray_Phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: Leyara_Gem.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06asi_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_FX_Opponent]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_phone_ 1]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_phone_ 1]: HeroSkin_Leyara_06as_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) ShapeshiftHero Skins
[Name]: Shapeshift
[Sort ID]: 114330
[Card ID]: HERO_06ashp
[Text]: Hero Power\n+$a1 Attack this turn.\n+$d1 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Dire Shapeshift (HERO_06ashp2)
[Art Texture]: W2_203_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Leyara_06as_HeroPower_FX
[Name]: Shapeshift
[Sort ID]: 114330
[Card ID]: HERO_06ashp
[Text]: Hero Power\n+$a1 Attack this turn.\n+$d1 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Dire Shapeshift (HERO_06ashp2)
[Art Texture]: W2_203_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Leyara_06as_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Dire ShapeshiftHero Skins
[Name]: Dire Shapeshift
[Sort ID]: 114331
[Card ID]: HERO_06ashp2
[Text]: Hero Power\n+$a2 Attack this turn.\n+$d2 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Druid_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Leyara_06as_HeroPower_FX
[Name]: Dire Shapeshift
[Sort ID]: 114331
[Card ID]: HERO_06ashp2
[Text]: Hero Power\n+$a2 Attack this turn.\n+$d2 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Druid_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Leyara_06as_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) FireblastHero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast
[Sort ID]: 112754
[Card ID]: HERO_08bchp
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $1 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Fireblast Rank 2 (HERO_08bchp2)
[System]: Dev State
[Name]: Fireblast
[Sort ID]: 112754
[Card ID]: HERO_08bchp
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $1 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Fireblast Rank 2 (HERO_08bchp2)
[System]: Dev State
(ADDED CARD) Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast Rank 2
[Sort ID]: 112755
[Card ID]: HERO_08bchp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $2 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Name]: Fireblast Rank 2
[Sort ID]: 112755
[Card ID]: HERO_08bchp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $2 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
(ADDED CARD) Steamraider NozdormuHero Skins
[Name]: Steamraider Nozdormu
[Sort ID]: 114332
[Card ID]: HERO_04av
[Artist]: Rodrigo Camilo
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Paladin
[Emote Class]: Paladin
[Emote Character]: Nozdormu
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Blood Elf
[Hero Power]: Reinforce (HERO_04fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He won’t admit it, but Nozdormu finds this timeway most delightful.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-404_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-404_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Name]: Steamraider Nozdormu
[Sort ID]: 114332
[Card ID]: HERO_04av
[Artist]: Rodrigo Camilo
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Paladin
[Emote Class]: Paladin
[Emote Character]: Nozdormu
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Blood Elf
[Hero Power]: Reinforce (HERO_04fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He won’t admit it, but Nozdormu finds this timeway most delightful.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-404_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-404_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Ragnaros the FirelordHero Skins
[Name]: Ragnaros the Firelord
[Sort ID]: 112742
[Card ID]: HERO_02ax
[Artist]: I. Fomin & Hearthstone Art Team
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Ragnaros Diamond Skin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: 2
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Corner Replacement Type]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02axhp)
[System]: Hero Doesnt Move On Attack, Hide Watermark
[Description]: YOU SOUGHT THE POWER OF RAGNAROS. NOW YOU SHALL SEE IT FIRSTHAND!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_10am_Illidan_StaticPortrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: Hero_HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: RAG_HeroFrame_On.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_02ax_tray_phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_02ax_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Effect After Play]: HERO_10am_IllidanMeta_hl_SocketIn
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_10am_IllidanStormrage_Opponen_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_phone]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav, HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Sound.wav, LOOTA_BOSS_47h_Lava_FilledRoom_Emote.wav
[Name]: Ragnaros the Firelord
[Sort ID]: 112742
[Card ID]: HERO_02ax
[Artist]: I. Fomin & Hearthstone Art Team
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Ragnaros Diamond Skin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: 2
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Corner Replacement Type]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02axhp)
[System]: Hero Doesnt Move On Attack, Hide Watermark
[Description]: YOU SOUGHT THE POWER OF RAGNAROS. NOW YOU SHALL SEE IT FIRSTHAND!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_10am_Illidan_StaticPortrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: Hero_HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: RAG_HeroFrame_On.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_02ax_tray_phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_02ax_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Effect After Play]: HERO_10am_IllidanMeta_hl_SocketIn
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_10am_IllidanStormrage_Opponen_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_phone]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_hl_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav, HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Sound.wav, LOOTA_BOSS_47h_Lava_FilledRoom_Emote.wav
(ADDED CARD) Totemic CallHero Skins
[Name]: Totemic Call
[Sort ID]: 112743
[Card ID]: HERO_02axhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nSummon a random basic Totem.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Totemic Slam (HERO_02axhp2)
[Art Texture]: W11_138_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
[Name]: Totemic Call
[Sort ID]: 112743
[Card ID]: HERO_02axhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nSummon a random basic Totem.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Totemic Slam (HERO_02axhp2)
[Art Texture]: W11_138_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Overcharged KingHero Skins
[Name]: Overcharged King
[Sort ID]: 112762
[Card ID]: HERO_02ay
[Artist]: Tales Irie
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Thunder King
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Yeah, he’s powerful and intimidating, but he also never needs batteries!\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-406_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-406_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Name]: Overcharged King
[Sort ID]: 112762
[Card ID]: HERO_02ay
[Artist]: Tales Irie
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Thunder King
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Yeah, he’s powerful and intimidating, but he also never needs batteries!\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-406_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-406_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Totemic SlamHero Skins
[Name]: Totemic Slam
[Sort ID]: 112744
[Card ID]: HERO_02axhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nSummon a Totem of your choice.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Shaman_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
[Effect Choice]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
[Name]: Totemic Slam
[Sort ID]: 112744
[Card ID]: HERO_02axhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nSummon a Totem of your choice.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Shaman_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
[Effect Choice]: RagnarosFirelord_Totem_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Ragnaros the FirelordHero Skins
[Name]: Ragnaros the Firelord
[Sort ID]: 117487
[Card ID]: HERO_01bb
[Artist]: I. Fomin & Hearthstone Art Team
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Ragnaros Diamond Skin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: 2
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Corner Replacement Type]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Armor Up! (HERO_01bbhp)
[System]: Hero Doesnt Move On Attack, Hide Watermark
[Description]: YOU SOUGHT THE POWER OF RAGNAROS. NOW YOU SHALL SEE IT FIRSTHAND!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_10am_Illidan_StaticPortrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: Hero_HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: RAG_HeroFrame_On.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_02ax_tray_phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_02ax_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Effect After Play]: HERO_10am_IllidanMeta_hl_SocketIn
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_10am_IllidanStormrage_Opponen_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_phone]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav, HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Sound.wav, LOOTA_BOSS_47h_Lava_FilledRoom_Emote.wav
[Name]: Ragnaros the Firelord
[Sort ID]: 117487
[Card ID]: HERO_01bb
[Artist]: I. Fomin & Hearthstone Art Team
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Ragnaros Diamond Skin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: 2
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Corner Replacement Type]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Armor Up! (HERO_01bbhp)
[System]: Hero Doesnt Move On Attack, Hide Watermark
[Description]: YOU SOUGHT THE POWER OF RAGNAROS. NOW YOU SHALL SEE IT FIRSTHAND!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: Hero_10am_Illidan_StaticPortrait.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: Hero_HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: RAG_HeroFrame_On.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_02ax_tray_phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_02ax_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Effect After Play]: HERO_10am_IllidanMeta_hl_SocketIn
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_10am_IllidanStormrage_Opponen_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_phone]: No Audio
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HERO_10am_Illidan_hl_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav, HERO_02ax_Ragnaros_SocketIn_Sound.wav, LOOTA_BOSS_47h_Lava_FilledRoom_Emote.wav
(ADDED CARD) Armor Up!Hero Skins
[Name]: Armor Up!
[Sort ID]: 117488
[Card ID]: HERO_01bbhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nGain $d2 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Tank Up! (HERO_01bbhp2)
[Art Texture]: w14_a208_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_01au_HeroPower_Impact_Super
[Name]: Armor Up!
[Sort ID]: 117488
[Card ID]: HERO_01bbhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nGain $d2 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Tank Up! (HERO_01bbhp2)
[Art Texture]: w14_a208_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_01au_HeroPower_Impact_Super
(ADDED CARD) Tank Up!Hero Skins
[Name]: Tank Up!
[Sort ID]: 117489
[Card ID]: HERO_01bbhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nGain $d4 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Warrior_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_01bb_HeroPower_Impact_Super
[Name]: Tank Up!
[Sort ID]: 117489
[Card ID]: HERO_01bbhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nGain $d4 Armor.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Warrior_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: RagnarosFirelord_01bb_HeroPower_Impact_Super
(ADDED CARD) Eternal LayoverPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Eternal Layover
[Sort ID]: 112372
[Card ID]: WORK_028
[Text]: [x]Give ALL minions Reborn,\nthen destroy all minions.
[Flavor]: Get away from it all! Forever.
[Artist]: Brian Despain
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Cost Unholy]: 1
[Keywords]: Reborn
[Art Texture]: HS32-153_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-153_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Eternal Layover
[Sort ID]: 112372
[Card ID]: WORK_028
[Text]: [x]Give ALL minions Reborn,\nthen destroy all minions.
[Flavor]: Get away from it all! Forever.
[Artist]: Brian Despain
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Cost Unholy]: 1
[Keywords]: Reborn
[Art Texture]: HS32-153_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-153_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Travel SecurityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Travel Security
[Sort ID]: 110762
[Card ID]: WORK_010
[Text]: Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a random\n8-Cost minion.
[Flavor]: "You\'re just gonna let ANY 8-Cost minion get past you!?"\n"...Yeah..."
[Artist]: Jason Kang
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-312_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-312_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Death_01.wav
[Name]: Travel Security
[Sort ID]: 110762
[Card ID]: WORK_010
[Text]: Taunt. Deathrattle: Summon a random\n8-Cost minion.
[Flavor]: "You\'re just gonna let ANY 8-Cost minion get past you!?"\n"...Yeah..."
[Artist]: Jason Kang
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-312_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-312_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_010_Male_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Soul SearchingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Soul Searching
[Sort ID]: 111485
[Card ID]: WORK_070
[Text]: Discover a card from your deck. Spend 5 Corpses to copy it.
[Flavor]: ctrl-f 'soul'
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Cost Unholy]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Keywords]: Corpse, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-311_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-311_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Soul Searching
[Sort ID]: 111485
[Card ID]: WORK_070
[Text]: Discover a card from your deck. Spend 5 Corpses to copy it.
[Flavor]: ctrl-f 'soul'
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Cost Unholy]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Keywords]: Corpse, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-311_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-311_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Demonic DealPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Demonic Deal
[Sort ID]: 110767
[Card ID]: WORK_014
[Text]: [x]Lifesteal. Deal $4 damage\nto a minion. Put a random\nDemon that costs (5) or\nmore on top of your deck.
[Flavor]: The Burning Legion upped their efforts to sell Argus Timeshares.
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fel
[Keywords]: Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-317_S.png
[Name]: Demonic Deal
[Sort ID]: 110767
[Card ID]: WORK_014
[Text]: [x]Lifesteal. Deal $4 damage\nto a minion. Put a random\nDemon that costs (5) or\nmore on top of your deck.
[Flavor]: The Burning Legion upped their efforts to sell Argus Timeshares.
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fel
[Keywords]: Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-317_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Spirit PeddlerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Spirit Peddler
[Sort ID]: 110768
[Card ID]: WORK_015
[Text]: [x]Rush\nDeathrattle: Reduce the\nCost of a random minion\nin your hand by (6).
[Flavor]: *facepalm* I asked for an art piece of a ghost on a bicycle...
[Artist]: Ian Ameling
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-318_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-318_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Name]: Spirit Peddler
[Sort ID]: 110768
[Card ID]: WORK_015
[Text]: [x]Rush\nDeathrattle: Reduce the\nCost of a random minion\nin your hand by (6).
[Flavor]: *facepalm* I asked for an art piece of a ghost on a bicycle...
[Artist]: Ian Ameling
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-318_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-318_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_015_Male_Demon_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Infernal StaplerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Infernal Stapler
[Sort ID]: 110769
[Card ID]: WORK_016
[Text]: After your hero attacks, deal 3 damage to your hero.
[Flavor]: Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler…
[Artist]: Studio Hive
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Durability]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-319_W.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-319_W_Premium.png
[Name]: Infernal Stapler
[Sort ID]: 110769
[Card ID]: WORK_016
[Text]: After your hero attacks, deal 3 damage to your hero.
[Flavor]: Excuse me, I believe you have my stapler…
[Artist]: Studio Hive
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Durability]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-319_W.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-319_W_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Handle with BearPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Handle with Bear
[Sort ID]: 110786
[Card ID]: WORK_024
[Text]: [x]Get two 3/3 Bears\nwith Taunt. Each turn\nthey are in your hand,\nthey gain +1/+1.
[Flavor]: We guarantee your luggage will arrive at the speed of bear.
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Nature
[Related Cards]: Careful Bear (WORK_024t)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-333_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-333_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Handle with Bear
[Sort ID]: 110786
[Card ID]: WORK_024
[Text]: [x]Get two 3/3 Bears\nwith Taunt. Each turn\nthey are in your hand,\nthey gain +1/+1.
[Flavor]: We guarantee your luggage will arrive at the speed of bear.
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Nature
[Related Cards]: Careful Bear (WORK_024t)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-333_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-333_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Number CruncherPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Number Cruncher
[Sort ID]: 110789
[Card ID]: WORK_025
[Text]: [x]Rush, Taunt\nChoose Thrice - Gain\n+2 Attack; or +2 Health.
[Flavor]: *gasp* So 7 DID eat 9!!
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Aggressive Projections (WORK_025a), Conservative Forecast (WORK_025b)
[Keywords]: Rush, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-335_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-335_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Death.wav
[Name]: Number Cruncher
[Sort ID]: 110789
[Card ID]: WORK_025
[Text]: [x]Rush, Taunt\nChoose Thrice - Gain\n+2 Attack; or +2 Health.
[Flavor]: *gasp* So 7 DID eat 9!!
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Aggressive Projections (WORK_025a), Conservative Forecast (WORK_025b)
[Keywords]: Rush, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-335_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-335_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_025_NumberCruncher_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Un'Goro BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Un'Goro Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110882
[Card ID]: WORK_050
[Text]: [x]Draw two minions.\nGive them +2/+2.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: Our Un'Goro package includes the Tortollan travel tour! Just don't mind the Devilsaurs.
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Nature
[Related Cards]: Dalaran Brochure (WORK_050t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-338_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-338_S_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Arcane_CardInHand_Transform_Impact
[Name]: Un'Goro Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110882
[Card ID]: WORK_050
[Text]: [x]Draw two minions.\nGive them +2/+2.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: Our Un'Goro package includes the Tortollan travel tour! Just don't mind the Devilsaurs.
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Nature
[Related Cards]: Dalaran Brochure (WORK_050t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-338_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-338_S_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Arcane_CardInHand_Transform_Impact
(ADDED CARD) Dalaran BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dalaran Brochure
[Sort ID]: 112389
[Card ID]: WORK_050t
[Text]: [x]Draw two spells.\nThey cost (1) less.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS32-339_S.png
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Nature_Druid
[Name]: Dalaran Brochure
[Sort ID]: 112389
[Card ID]: WORK_050t
[Text]: [x]Draw two spells.\nThey cost (1) less.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS32-339_S.png
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Nature_Druid
(ADDED CARD) Careful BearPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Careful Bear
[Sort ID]: 110787
[Card ID]: WORK_024t
[Text]: Taunt\nAt the start of your turn,\nif this is in your hand, gain +1/+1.
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-334_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-334_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Cart_Play_Underlay]: Cart_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Death.wav
[Name]: Careful Bear
[Sort ID]: 110787
[Card ID]: WORK_024t
[Text]: Taunt\nAt the start of your turn,\nif this is in your hand, gain +1/+1.
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-334_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-334_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Cart_Play_Underlay]: Cart_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_024t_Bonded_Bear_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Aggressive ProjectionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Aggressive Projections
[Sort ID]: 110790
[Card ID]: WORK_025a
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-336_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-336_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Aggressive Projections
[Sort ID]: 110790
[Card ID]: WORK_025a
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-336_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-336_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Aggressive ProjectionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Aggressive Projections
[Sort ID]: 110791
[Card ID]: WORK_025ae
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Aggressive Projections (WORK_025a)
[Name]: Aggressive Projections
[Sort ID]: 110791
[Card ID]: WORK_025ae
[Text]: +2 Attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Aggressive Projections (WORK_025a)
(ADDED CARD) Conservative ForecastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Conservative Forecast
[Sort ID]: 110792
[Card ID]: WORK_025b
[Text]: +2 Health.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-337_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-337_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Conservative Forecast
[Sort ID]: 110792
[Card ID]: WORK_025b
[Text]: +2 Health.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-337_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-337_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Conservative ForecastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Conservative Forecast
[Sort ID]: 110793
[Card ID]: WORK_025be
[Text]: +2 Health.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Conservative Forecast (WORK_025b)
[Name]: Conservative Forecast
[Sort ID]: 110793
[Card ID]: WORK_025be
[Text]: +2 Health.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Conservative Forecast (WORK_025b)
(ADDED CARD) Monkey BusinessPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Monkey Business
[Sort ID]: 110776
[Card ID]: WORK_020
[Text]: Add 8 Bananas to your hand. Any that can't fit are randomly fed to friendly minions in play.
[Flavor]: Why aren't the bananas randomly split???
[Artist]: Patrik Bjorkstrom
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 4
[Related Cards]: Bananas (EX1_014t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-327_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-327_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Monkey Business
[Sort ID]: 110776
[Card ID]: WORK_020
[Text]: Add 8 Bananas to your hand. Any that can't fit are randomly fed to friendly minions in play.
[Flavor]: Why aren't the bananas randomly split???
[Artist]: Patrik Bjorkstrom
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 4
[Related Cards]: Bananas (EX1_014t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-327_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-327_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) WorkhorsePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Workhorse
[Sort ID]: 110772
[Card ID]: WORK_018
[Text]: Deathrattle: Summon two 2/1 Ponies.
[Flavor]: Give me ONE reason why a horse shouldn’t be allowed in the travel agency.
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Workpony (WORK_018t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-324_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-324_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay.wav
[Name]: Workhorse
[Sort ID]: 110772
[Card ID]: WORK_018
[Text]: Deathrattle: Summon two 2/1 Ponies.
[Flavor]: Give me ONE reason why a horse shouldn’t be allowed in the travel agency.
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Workpony (WORK_018t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-324_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-324_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_018_Workhorse_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cash CowPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cash Cow
[Sort ID]: 110775
[Card ID]: WORK_019
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nWhenever this takes\ndamage, get a Coin.
[Flavor]: Show me the moo-ney!
[Artist]: Jaemin Kim
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 7
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: The Coin (GAME_005)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-326_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-326_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_019_CashCow_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_019_CashCow_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_019_CashCow_Death.wav
[Name]: Cash Cow
[Sort ID]: 110775
[Card ID]: WORK_019
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nWhenever this takes\ndamage, get a Coin.
[Flavor]: Show me the moo-ney!
[Artist]: Jaemin Kim
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 7
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: The Coin (GAME_005)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-326_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-326_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_019_CashCow_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_019_CashCow_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_019_CashCow_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Zug ZugPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Zug Zug
[Sort ID]: 110856
[Card ID]: WORK_041e
[Text]: Costs (2) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Hunter
[Origin]: Busy Peon (WORK_041)
[System]: Aura
[Name]: Zug Zug
[Sort ID]: 110856
[Card ID]: WORK_041e
[Text]: Costs (2) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Hunter
[Origin]: Busy Peon (WORK_041)
[System]: Aura
(ADDED CARD) WorkponyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Workpony
[Sort ID]: 112395
[Card ID]: WORK_018t
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Art Texture]: HS32-325_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-325_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay.wav
[Name]: Workpony
[Sort ID]: 112395
[Card ID]: WORK_018t
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Art Texture]: HS32-325_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-325_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_018t_Workpony_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay]: HorseNoVox_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Portalmancer SkylaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Portalmancer Skyla
[Sort ID]: 110965
[Card ID]: WORK_063
[Text]: [x]Rogue Tourist\nBattlecry: Swap the Costs of\nthe lowest and highest Cost\nspells in your hand.
[Flavor]: "Say goodbye to red-eye gryphon flights!"
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Signature Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Rogue Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is
[Art Texture]: HS32-342_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-342_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-228_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [WORK_063_PortalMaster_Stinger]: WORK_063_PortalMaster_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_PortalMaster_CustomSummon]: Portalmaster_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Portalmaster_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
[Name]: Portalmancer Skyla
[Sort ID]: 110965
[Card ID]: WORK_063
[Text]: [x]Rogue Tourist\nBattlecry: Swap the Costs of\nthe lowest and highest Cost\nspells in your hand.
[Flavor]: "Say goodbye to red-eye gryphon flights!"
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Signature Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Rogue Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is
[Art Texture]: HS32-342_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-342_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-228_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [WORK_063_PortalMaster_Stinger]: WORK_063_PortalMaster_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_063_Female_Worgen_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_PortalMaster_CustomSummon]: Portalmaster_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Portalmaster_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) BurndownPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Burndown
[Sort ID]: 110795
[Card ID]: WORK_026
[Text]: [x]Draw 3 cards and\nlight them on fire.\nIn 3 turns, any still\n__in hand are destroyed!
[Flavor]: Trust me, the next 3 cards in my deck are FIRE.
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fire
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-341_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-341_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Burndown
[Sort ID]: 110795
[Card ID]: WORK_026
[Text]: [x]Draw 3 cards and\nlight them on fire.\nIn 3 turns, any still\n__in hand are destroyed!
[Flavor]: Trust me, the next 3 cards in my deck are FIRE.
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fire
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-341_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-341_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Huddle UpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Huddle Up
[Sort ID]: 110794
[Card ID]: WORK_012
[Text]: Fill your board with random Naga.
[Flavor]: Spell, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga...
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 7
[Art Texture]: HS32-340_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-340_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Huddle Up
[Sort ID]: 110794
[Card ID]: WORK_012
[Text]: Fill your board with random Naga.
[Flavor]: Spell, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga, Naga...
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 7
[Art Texture]: HS32-340_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-340_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Trust FallPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Trust Fall
[Sort ID]: 110844
[Card ID]: WORK_001
[Text]: [x]Discover two minions\nthat cost (5) or less.\nThey gain each other's\nAttack and Health.
[Flavor]: Earthmother, catch me.
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-300_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-300_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Trust Fall
[Sort ID]: 110844
[Card ID]: WORK_001
[Text]: [x]Discover two minions\nthat cost (5) or less.\nThey gain each other's\nAttack and Health.
[Flavor]: Earthmother, catch me.
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-300_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-300_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Busy-BotPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Busy-Bot
[Sort ID]: 110751
[Card ID]: WORK_002
[Text]: Battlecry: Give your\n1-Attack minions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: Busy-Bot likes a clean desktop.
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-301_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-301_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Books_Play_Underlay]: Books_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Books_Attack_Underlay]: Books_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Books_Death_Underlay]: Books_Death_Underlay.wav
[Name]: Busy-Bot
[Sort ID]: 110751
[Card ID]: WORK_002
[Text]: Battlecry: Give your\n1-Attack minions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: Busy-Bot likes a clean desktop.
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-301_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-301_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Books_Play_Underlay]: Books_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Books_Attack_Underlay]: Books_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_002_Male_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Books_Death_Underlay]: Books_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Vacation PlanningPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Vacation Planning
[Sort ID]: 110753
[Card ID]: WORK_003
[Text]: Restore #4 Health. Summon 3 Silver Hand Recruits. Draw 2 cards.
[Flavor]: Reporting for vacation!
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Related Cards]: Silver Hand Recruit (CS2_101t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-302_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-302_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Vacation Planning
[Sort ID]: 110753
[Card ID]: WORK_003
[Text]: Restore #4 Health. Summon 3 Silver Hand Recruits. Draw 2 cards.
[Flavor]: Reporting for vacation!
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Related Cards]: Silver Hand Recruit (CS2_101t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-302_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-302_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) TrustingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Trusting
[Sort ID]: 110851
[Card ID]: WORK_001e2
[Text]: Increased stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Trust Fall (WORK_001)
[Name]: Trusting
[Sort ID]: 110851
[Card ID]: WORK_001e2
[Text]: Increased stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Trust Fall (WORK_001)
(ADDED CARD) Silvermoon BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Silvermoon Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110771
[Card ID]: WORK_017
[Text]: Give a minion Immune this turn and +2/+2. (Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: It's lovely to visit this time of year. Just ignore that enormous scarred area outside.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Holy
[Related Cards]: Gilneas Brochure (WORK_017t)
[Keywords]: Immune
[Art Texture]: HS32-320_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-320_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Holy_BuffImpact_Heal_Small_Super_WithIdle
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Card_Hand_Ally_Transform_Worgen
[Name]: Silvermoon Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110771
[Card ID]: WORK_017
[Text]: Give a minion Immune this turn and +2/+2. (Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: It's lovely to visit this time of year. Just ignore that enormous scarred area outside.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Holy
[Related Cards]: Gilneas Brochure (WORK_017t)
[Keywords]: Immune
[Art Texture]: HS32-320_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-320_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Holy_BuffImpact_Heal_Small_Super_WithIdle
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Card_Hand_Ally_Transform_Worgen
(ADDED CARD) Envoy of ProsperityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Envoy of Prosperity
[Sort ID]: 110849
[Card ID]: WORK_031
[Text]: Battlecry: Put the highest Cost card in your hand on top of your deck.
[Flavor]: "Our prosperity is beyond a shadow of a doubt!"
[Artist]: Guillaume Beauchêne
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-322_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-322_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Name]: Envoy of Prosperity
[Sort ID]: 110849
[Card ID]: WORK_031
[Text]: Battlecry: Put the highest Cost card in your hand on top of your deck.
[Flavor]: "Our prosperity is beyond a shadow of a doubt!"
[Artist]: Guillaume Beauchêne
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-322_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-322_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_031_Male_Draenei_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Gilneas BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Gilneas Brochure
[Sort ID]: 112379
[Card ID]: WORK_017t
[Text]: Silence a minion\nand give it -2/-2.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Keywords]: Silence
[Art Texture]: HS32-321_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-321_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Tendrils_Pain_Super
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Holy_Paladin
[Name]: Gilneas Brochure
[Sort ID]: 112379
[Card ID]: WORK_017t
[Text]: Silence a minion\nand give it -2/-2.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Keywords]: Silence
[Art Texture]: HS32-321_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-321_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Tendrils_Pain_Super
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Holy_Paladin
(ADDED CARD) Job ShadowerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Job Shadower
[Sort ID]: 110850
[Card ID]: WORK_032
[Text]: Battlecry: If your hero took damage this turn, summon a copy of this.
[Flavor]: "Our prosperity… is beyond… a shadow of… a doubt! Ok, got it!"
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-323_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-323_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Play]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Attack]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Death]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Death.wav
[Name]: Job Shadower
[Sort ID]: 110850
[Card ID]: WORK_032
[Text]: Battlecry: If your hero took damage this turn, summon a copy of this.
[Flavor]: "Our prosperity… is beyond… a shadow of… a doubt! Ok, got it!"
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-323_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-323_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Play]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Attack]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_032_Male_UndeadShade_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Death]: AV_657t_DesecratedShade_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Agency EspionagePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Agency Espionage
[Sort ID]: 110754
[Card ID]: WORK_004
[Text]: Shuffle a card from each other class into your deck. They cost (1).
[Flavor]: What gnomish monitoring devices lack in subtlety, they make up for in robustness.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-303_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-303_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Agency Espionage
[Sort ID]: 110754
[Card ID]: WORK_004
[Text]: Shuffle a card from each other class into your deck. They cost (1).
[Flavor]: What gnomish monitoring devices lack in subtlety, they make up for in robustness.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-303_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-303_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) RobocallerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Robocaller
[Sort ID]: 110757
[Card ID]: WORK_006
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Draw an\n8, 8, and 8-Cost card.\n(Numbers dialed randomly\neach turn!)
[Flavor]: When I was your age, robocallers had to dial themselves!
[Artist]: Stefan Bogdasarov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-307_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-307_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Trigger_01.wav
[Name]: Robocaller
[Sort ID]: 110757
[Card ID]: WORK_006
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Draw an\n8, 8, and 8-Cost card.\n(Numbers dialed randomly\neach turn!)
[Flavor]: When I was your age, robocallers had to dial themselves!
[Artist]: Stefan Bogdasarov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-307_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-307_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_WORK_006_Female_Mech_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sharp ShipmentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sharp Shipment
[Sort ID]: 110756
[Card ID]: WORK_005
[Text]: Give your weapon +2/+2.
[Flavor]: Pre-check is amazing these days. New rules say you don't have to take off your shoes, helmet, or daggers!
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-304_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-304_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Sharp Shipment
[Sort ID]: 110756
[Card ID]: WORK_005
[Text]: Give your weapon +2/+2.
[Flavor]: Pre-check is amazing these days. New rules say you don't have to take off your shoes, helmet, or daggers!
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-304_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-304_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) TurbulusPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Turbulus
[Sort ID]: 110765
[Card ID]: WORK_013
[Text]: Hunter Tourist. Battlecry: Give +1/+1 to all other Battlecry minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
[Flavor]: "Passengers, we will be experiencing some minor Turbulus in the next few expansions."
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Signature Artist]: Ludo Lullabi
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Hunter Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is
[Art Texture]: HS32-316_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-316_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-230_S.png
[Effect After Play]: WORKFX_Turbulus_Battelcry_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [WORK_013_Turbulus_Stinger]: WORK_013_Turbulus_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_Turbulus_CustomSummon]: Turbulus_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Turbulus_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
[Name]: Turbulus
[Sort ID]: 110765
[Card ID]: WORK_013
[Text]: Hunter Tourist. Battlecry: Give +1/+1 to all other Battlecry minions in your hand, deck, and battlefield.
[Flavor]: "Passengers, we will be experiencing some minor Turbulus in the next few expansions."
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Signature Artist]: Ludo Lullabi
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Hunter Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is
[Art Texture]: HS32-316_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-316_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-230_S.png
[Effect After Play]: WORKFX_Turbulus_Battelcry_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [WORK_013_Turbulus_Stinger]: WORK_013_Turbulus_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_013_Female_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_Turbulus_CustomSummon]: Turbulus_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Turbulus_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Blackrock BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Blackrock Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110847
[Card ID]: WORK_030t
[Text]: Deal $3 damage to a minion and $1 to\nits neighbors.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Related Cards]: Icecrown Brochure (WORK_030)
[Art Texture]: HS32-315_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_Missile_Fireball_Medium_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Frost_Mage
[Name]: Blackrock Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110847
[Card ID]: WORK_030t
[Text]: Deal $3 damage to a minion and $1 to\nits neighbors.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Related Cards]: Icecrown Brochure (WORK_030)
[Art Texture]: HS32-315_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_Missile_Fireball_Medium_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Frost_Mage
(ADDED CARD) Icecrown BrochurePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Icecrown Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110848
[Card ID]: WORK_030
[Text]: Deal $3 damage to a minion and Freeze its neighbors.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: The Icecrown ski slopes really are to die for.
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Frost
[Related Cards]: Blackrock Brochure (WORK_030t)
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-314_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-314_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_AE_Targeted_ConeOfCold_Super_WithImpact
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Physical_Warrior
[Name]: Icecrown Brochure
[Sort ID]: 110848
[Card ID]: WORK_030
[Text]: Deal $3 damage to a minion and Freeze its neighbors.\n(Flips each turn.)
[Flavor]: The Icecrown ski slopes really are to die for.
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Frost
[Related Cards]: Blackrock Brochure (WORK_030t)
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-314_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-314_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_AE_Targeted_ConeOfCold_Super_WithImpact
[Effect Trigger]: BARFX_RankedSpell_Upgrade_Impact_Physical_Warrior
(ADDED CARD) Hydration TotemPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hydration Totem
[Sort ID]: 110763
[Card ID]: WORK_011
[Text]: [x]At the end of your\nturn, give adjacent\nminions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: This filtered water really cleanses the spirit.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Totem
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-313_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-313_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Death.wav
[Name]: Hydration Totem
[Sort ID]: 110763
[Card ID]: WORK_011
[Text]: [x]At the end of your\nturn, give adjacent\nminions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: This filtered water really cleanses the spirit.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Totem
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-313_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-313_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: WORK_011_WatercoolerTotem_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) ChattingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Chatting
[Sort ID]: 110764
[Card ID]: WORK_011e
[Text]: +1/+1
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Hydration Totem (WORK_011)
[Name]: Chatting
[Sort ID]: 110764
[Card ID]: WORK_011e
[Text]: +1/+1
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Hydration Totem (WORK_011)
(ADDED CARD) TurbulencePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Turbulence
[Sort ID]: 110766
[Card ID]: WORK_013e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Turbulus (WORK_013)
[Name]: Turbulence
[Sort ID]: 110766
[Card ID]: WORK_013e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Turbulus (WORK_013)
(ADDED CARD) DeadlinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Deadline
[Sort ID]: 110759
[Card ID]: WORK_007
[Text]: Tradeable, Temporary\nDestroy a minion.
[Flavor]: For all you procrastinators out there, don't worry. That's why we added Tradeable.
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Drag To Deck Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Temporary, Tradeable
[Art Texture]: HS32-308_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-308_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Shadowbolt_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
[Name]: Deadline
[Sort ID]: 110759
[Card ID]: WORK_007
[Text]: Tradeable, Temporary\nDestroy a minion.
[Flavor]: For all you procrastinators out there, don't worry. That's why we added Tradeable.
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Drag To Deck Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Temporary, Tradeable
[Art Texture]: HS32-308_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-308_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Shadowbolt_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Fine PrintPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Fine Print
[Sort ID]: 110760
[Card ID]: WORK_008
[Text]: Deal $4 damage to all_minions.\n(Excess damage hits your_hero.)
[Flavor]: Text in italics can't hurt you. (Yes it can.)
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Shadow
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-309_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-309_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Fine Print
[Sort ID]: 110760
[Card ID]: WORK_008
[Text]: Deal $4 damage to all_minions.\n(Excess damage hits your_hero.)
[Flavor]: Text in italics can't hurt you. (Yes it can.)
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Shadow
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-309_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-309_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Imployee of the MonthPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Imployee of the Month
[Sort ID]: 110761
[Card ID]: WORK_009
[Text]: Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Lifesteal.
[Target Arrow]: Give Lifesteal.
[Flavor]: Imployee of the Month, 666 months running.
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-310_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-310_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Death_01.wav
[Name]: Imployee of the Month
[Sort ID]: 110761
[Card ID]: WORK_009
[Text]: Battlecry: Give a friendly minion Lifesteal.
[Target Arrow]: Give Lifesteal.
[Flavor]: Imployee of the Month, 666 months running.
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-310_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-310_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_009_Male_Demon_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) This is FinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: This is Fine
[Sort ID]: 113338
[Card ID]: WORK_026e
[Text]: In 3 turns, destroy the opponent's cards that are on fire.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Burndown (WORK_026)
[Name]: This is Fine
[Sort ID]: 113338
[Card ID]: WORK_026e
[Text]: In 3 turns, destroy the opponent's cards that are on fire.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Burndown (WORK_026)
(ADDED CARD) This is FinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: This is Fine
[Sort ID]: 113340
[Card ID]: WORK_026e2
[Text]: This card is on fire!
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Burndown (WORK_026)
[Name]: This is Fine
[Sort ID]: 113340
[Card ID]: WORK_026e2
[Text]: This card is on fire!
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Burndown (WORK_026)
(ADDED CARD) ImpspiredPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Impspired
[Sort ID]: 117639
[Card ID]: Work_009e
[Text]: Lifesteal
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Imployee of the Month (WORK_009)
[Name]: Impspired
[Sort ID]: 117639
[Card ID]: Work_009e
[Text]: Lifesteal
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Imployee of the Month (WORK_009)
(ADDED CARD) Reserved SpotPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Reserved Spot
[Sort ID]: 110780
[Card ID]: WORK_021
[Text]: [x]Give a random minion\nin your hand +4/+4.\nIf it's the only one there,\nreduce its Cost by (2).
[Flavor]: She needs a spot to make sure she can quickly get to her trunk.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS32-330_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-330_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Reserved Spot
[Sort ID]: 110780
[Card ID]: WORK_021
[Text]: [x]Give a random minion\nin your hand +4/+4.\nIf it's the only one there,\nreduce its Cost by (2).
[Flavor]: She needs a spot to make sure she can quickly get to her trunk.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS32-330_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-330_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Punch CardPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Punch Card
[Sort ID]: 110783
[Card ID]: WORK_022
[Text]: Give your hero +3_Attack and "Also damages adjacent minions" this turn.
[Flavor]: Don't forget to punch out when you Cleave.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS32-331_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-331_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Punch Card
[Sort ID]: 110783
[Card ID]: WORK_022
[Text]: Give your hero +3_Attack and "Also damages adjacent minions" this turn.
[Flavor]: Don't forget to punch out when you Cleave.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS32-331_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-331_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Alloy AdvisorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Alloy Advisor
[Sort ID]: 110785
[Card ID]: WORK_023
[Text]: Taunt\nWhenever this takes damage, gain 3 Armor.
[Flavor]: Numbers may betray you, but steel... steel you can trust.
[Artist]: Jim Nelson
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-332_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-332_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Play]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Attack]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Death]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Death.wav
[Name]: Alloy Advisor
[Sort ID]: 110785
[Card ID]: WORK_023
[Text]: Taunt\nWhenever this takes damage, gain 3 Armor.
[Flavor]: Numbers may betray you, but steel... steel you can trust.
[Artist]: Jim Nelson
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Mech
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-332_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-332_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Play]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Attack]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: ClunkyMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Death]: TTN_734_Mecha-Leaper_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Punched InPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Punched In
[Sort ID]: 110784
[Card ID]: WORK_022e
[Text]: +3 Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Punch Card (WORK_022)
[System]: One Turn Effect
[Name]: Punched In
[Sort ID]: 110784
[Card ID]: WORK_022e
[Text]: +3 Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Punch Card (WORK_022)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) ReservedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Reserved
[Sort ID]: 117638
[Card ID]: WORK_021e
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Reserved Spot (WORK_021)
[Name]: Reserved
[Sort ID]: 117638
[Card ID]: WORK_021e
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Reserved Spot (WORK_021)
(ADDED CARD) Dreamplanner ZephrysPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dreamplanner Zephrys
[Sort ID]: 110796
[Card ID]: WORK_027
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Choose a\nTravel Tour to get two\npotentially perfect\ncards from it.
[Flavor]: "Your trip is my suggestion!"
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-131_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-131_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: WORK_027_diamond_zephryswishmaker_skip5.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [WORK_027_ZephrysTheOverworked_Stinger]: WORK_027_ZephrysTheOverworked_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_ZephrysOverworked_CustomSummon]: No Audio
[Event Choice Reveal] → [WORKFX_ZephrysOverworked_Choice_Reveal]: WWFX_SnakeEyes_CardReveal_Sound.wav
[Name]: Dreamplanner Zephrys
[Sort ID]: 110796
[Card ID]: WORK_027
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Choose a\nTravel Tour to get two\npotentially perfect\ncards from it.
[Flavor]: "Your trip is my suggestion!"
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-131_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-131_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: WORK_027_diamond_zephryswishmaker_skip5.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [WORK_027_ZephrysTheOverworked_Stinger]: WORK_027_ZephrysTheOverworked_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_027_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_ZephrysOverworked_CustomSummon]: No Audio
[Event Choice Reveal] → [WORKFX_ZephrysOverworked_Choice_Reveal]: WWFX_SnakeEyes_CardReveal_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Travelmaster DungarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Travelmaster Dungar
[Sort ID]: 110859
[Card ID]: WORK_043
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon three\nminions from your\ndeck that are from\ndifferent expansions.
[Flavor]: Our travel options will take you to Paradise and beyond!
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-346_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-346_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: WORK_043_diamond_travelmasterdungar_skip6.png
[Effect Play]: WORKFX_TravelMaster_Battlecry
[Sound Play] → [WORK_043_TravelmasterDungar_Stinger]: WORK_043_TravelmasterDungar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_TravelMaster_CustomSummon]: TravelMaster_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, TravelMaster_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
[Name]: Travelmaster Dungar
[Sort ID]: 110859
[Card ID]: WORK_043
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon three\nminions from your\ndeck that are from\ndifferent expansions.
[Flavor]: Our travel options will take you to Paradise and beyond!
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-346_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-346_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: WORK_043_diamond_travelmasterdungar_skip6.png
[Effect Play]: WORKFX_TravelMaster_Battlecry
[Sound Play] → [WORK_043_TravelmasterDungar_Stinger]: WORK_043_TravelmasterDungar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_043_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [WORKFX_TravelMaster_CustomSummon]: TravelMaster_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, TravelMaster_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carnivorous CubiclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carnivorous Cubicle
[Sort ID]: 110858
[Card ID]: WORK_042
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Destroy a\nfriendly minion.\nSummon a copy of it at\n the end of your turns.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy a friendly minion.
[Flavor]: Hey, no eating at your desk!
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 6
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-345_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-345_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Play]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Attack]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Death]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Death.wav
[Name]: Carnivorous Cubicle
[Sort ID]: 110858
[Card ID]: WORK_042
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Destroy a\nfriendly minion.\nSummon a copy of it at\n the end of your turns.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy a friendly minion.
[Flavor]: Hey, no eating at your desk!
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 6
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-345_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-345_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Play]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Attack]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Death]: LOOT_161_CarnivorousCube_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Clumsy StewardPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Clumsy Steward
[Sort ID]: 110853
[Card ID]: WORK_040
[Text]: After ANY card is drawn, make it Temporary.
[Flavor]: "Aww, bummer! I spilled coffee all over your cards! Dang it! What a shame!"
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Temporary
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-343_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-343_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Junk_Underlay_Play]: Junk_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Junk_Underlay_Attack]: Junk_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Junk_Underlay_Death]: Junk_Underlay_Death.wav
[Name]: Clumsy Steward
[Sort ID]: 110853
[Card ID]: WORK_040
[Text]: After ANY card is drawn, make it Temporary.
[Flavor]: "Aww, bummer! I spilled coffee all over your cards! Dang it! What a shame!"
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Temporary
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-343_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-343_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Junk_Underlay_Play]: Junk_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Junk_Underlay_Attack]: Junk_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_040_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Junk_Underlay_Death]: Junk_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Busy PeonPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Busy Peon
[Sort ID]: 110855
[Card ID]: WORK_041
[Text]: Deathrattle: Your next location costs (2) less.
[Flavor]: Chopping wood, mining gold and repairing buildings? None of these pursuits called to Grob...pencil doodling on wood was his true labor of love.
[Artist]: Luca Zontini
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-344_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-344_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Death_01.wav
[Name]: Busy Peon
[Sort ID]: 110855
[Card ID]: WORK_041
[Text]: Deathrattle: Your next location costs (2) less.
[Flavor]: Chopping wood, mining gold and repairing buildings? None of these pursuits called to Grob...pencil doodling on wood was his true labor of love.
[Artist]: Luca Zontini
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-344_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-344_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_WORK_041_Male_Orc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Busy Busy BusyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Busy Busy Busy
[Sort ID]: 110752
[Card ID]: WORK_002e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Busy-Bot (WORK_002)
[Name]: Busy Busy Busy
[Sort ID]: 110752
[Card ID]: WORK_002e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Busy-Bot (WORK_002)
(ADDED CARD) Espionage!Perils in Paradise
[Name]: Espionage!
[Sort ID]: 110755
[Card ID]: WORK_004e
[Text]: Costs (1).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Agency Espionage (WORK_004)
[Name]: Espionage!
[Sort ID]: 110755
[Card ID]: WORK_004e
[Text]: Costs (1).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Agency Espionage (WORK_004)
(ADDED CARD) In FlightPerils in Paradise
[Name]: In Flight
[Sort ID]: 110770
[Card ID]: WORK_017e
[Text]: Immune this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Silvermoon Brochure (WORK_017)
[System]: Hide Watermark, One Turn Effect
[Name]: In Flight
[Sort ID]: 110770
[Card ID]: WORK_017e
[Text]: Immune this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Silvermoon Brochure (WORK_017)
[System]: Hide Watermark, One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) CarefulPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Careful
[Sort ID]: 110788
[Card ID]: WORK_024te
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Careful Bear (WORK_024t)
[Name]: Careful
[Sort ID]: 110788
[Card ID]: WORK_024te
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Careful Bear (WORK_024t)
(ADDED CARD) Modest TourPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Modest Tour
[Sort ID]: 110820
[Card ID]: WORK_027t1
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially impact the enemy's battlefield.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-347_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-347_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Modest Tour
[Sort ID]: 110820
[Card ID]: WORK_027t1
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially impact the enemy's battlefield.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-347_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-347_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Extravagant TourPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Extravagant Tour
[Sort ID]: 110821
[Card ID]: WORK_027t2
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially spend a lot of Mana.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-348_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-348_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Extravagant Tour
[Sort ID]: 110821
[Card ID]: WORK_027t2
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially spend a lot of Mana.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-348_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-348_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Hectic TourPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hectic Tour
[Sort ID]: 110822
[Card ID]: WORK_027t3
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially deal damage to the enemy hero.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-349_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-349_S_Premium.png
[Name]: Hectic Tour
[Sort ID]: 110822
[Card ID]: WORK_027t3
[Text]: Get 2 random cards that can potentially deal damage to the enemy hero.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-349_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-349_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) ReassuredPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Reassured
[Sort ID]: 110845
[Card ID]: WORK_001e
[Text]: Increased stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Trust Fall (WORK_001)
[Name]: Reassured
[Sort ID]: 110845
[Card ID]: WORK_001e
[Text]: Increased stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Trust Fall (WORK_001)
(ADDED CARD) PeddledPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Peddled
[Sort ID]: 111554
[Card ID]: WORK_015e
[Text]: Costs (6) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Spirit Peddler (WORK_015)
[Name]: Peddled
[Sort ID]: 111554
[Card ID]: WORK_015e
[Text]: Costs (6) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Spirit Peddler (WORK_015)
(ADDED CARD) Silvermoon SouvenirPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Silvermoon Souvenir
[Sort ID]: 112378
[Card ID]: WORK_017e2
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Silvermoon Brochure (WORK_017)
[Name]: Silvermoon Souvenir
[Sort ID]: 112378
[Card ID]: WORK_017e2
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Silvermoon Brochure (WORK_017)
(ADDED CARD) Gilnean CursePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Gilnean Curse
[Sort ID]: 112380
[Card ID]: WORK_017te
[Text]: -2/-2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Gilneas Brochure (WORK_017t)
[Name]: Gilnean Curse
[Sort ID]: 112380
[Card ID]: WORK_017te
[Text]: -2/-2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Gilneas Brochure (WORK_017t)
(ADDED CARD) Exotic DestinationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Exotic Destination
[Sort ID]: 112388
[Card ID]: WORK_050e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Un'Goro Brochure (WORK_050)
[Name]: Exotic Destination
[Sort ID]: 112388
[Card ID]: WORK_050e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Un'Goro Brochure (WORK_050)
(ADDED CARD) DigestingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Digesting
[Sort ID]: 113333
[Card ID]: WORK_042e
[Text]: Destroyed {0}.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Carnivorous Cubicle (WORK_042)
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Name]: Digesting
[Sort ID]: 113333
[Card ID]: WORK_042e
[Text]: Destroyed {0}.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Carnivorous Cubicle (WORK_042)
[System]: Trigger Visual
(ADDED CARD) SharpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sharp
[Sort ID]: 117637
[Card ID]: WORK_005e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Sharp Shipment (WORK_005)
[Name]: Sharp
[Sort ID]: 117637
[Card ID]: WORK_005e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Sharp Shipment (WORK_005)
(ADDED CARD) Soul FoundPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Soul Found
[Sort ID]: 117643
[Card ID]: WORK_070e
[Text]: Dies at end of turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Soul Searching (WORK_070)
[Name]: Soul Found
[Sort ID]: 117643
[Card ID]: WORK_070e
[Text]: Dies at end of turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Soul Searching (WORK_070)
(ADDED CARD) PortalledPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Portalled
[Sort ID]: 113336
[Card ID]: WORK_063e
[Text]: Swapped Cost
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Origin]: Portalmancer Skyla (WORK_063)
[Name]: Portalled
[Sort ID]: 113336
[Card ID]: WORK_063e
[Text]: Swapped Cost
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Origin]: Portalmancer Skyla (WORK_063)
(REMOVED CARD) Stay FrostyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Stay Frosty
[Sort ID]: 115682
[Card ID]: VAC_328e
[Text]: Permanently Frozen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Meltemental (VAC_328)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
[Name]: Stay Frosty
[Sort ID]: 115682
[Card ID]: VAC_328e
[Text]: Permanently Frozen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Meltemental (VAC_328)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
Kurtrus AshfallenBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 17
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 17
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
Edwin VanCleefBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 17
(NEW) [Armor]: 20
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 17
(OLD) [Armor]: 17
(NEW) [Armor]: 20
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 17
Patches the PirateBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
Dinotamer BrannBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 18
(NEW) [Armor]: 14
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 11
(OLD) [Armor]: 18
(NEW) [Armor]: 14
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 11
Arch-Villain RafaamBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 15
(NEW) [Armor]: 12
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(OLD) [Armor]: 15
(NEW) [Armor]: 12
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 17
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 17
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
Kael'thas SunstriderBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
Mr. BigglesworthBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 16
(NEW) [Armor]: 19
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 17
(OLD) [Armor]: 16
(NEW) [Armor]: 19
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 17
(OLD) [Armor]: 12
(NEW) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 12
(OLD) [Armor]: 12
(NEW) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 12
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 16
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 11
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(OLD) [Armor]: 13
(NEW) [Armor]: 16
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 11
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 14
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 8
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 5
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 8
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 5
Vanndar StormpikeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 8
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 15
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 8
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 13
(OLD) [Armor]: 12
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(OLD) [Armor]: 12
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 10
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
Tae'thelan BloodwatcherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 18
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 7
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 15
Doctor Holli'daeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 8
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 8
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 5
(OLD) [Armor]: 10
(NEW) [Armor]: 8
(OLD) [BGs Armor Duos]: 8
(NEW) [BGs Armor Duos]: 5
Lightfang EnforcerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +3/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +4/+3.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +3/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +4/+3.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Text]: +3/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: +4/+3.
(OLD) [Text]: +3/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: +4/+3.
Lightfang EnforcerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +6/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +8/+6.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 16
(OLD) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +6/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive a friendly minion\nof each type +8/+6.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 16
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: +8/+6.
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+6.
(NEW) [Text]: +8/+6.
Natural BalanceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Passive\nAfter you buy 30 Tiers'\nworth of cards, get a Triple\nReward. (30 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Passive\nAfter you buy 25 Tiers'\nworth of cards, get a Triple\nReward. (25 left!)
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Passive\nAfter you buy 30 Tiers'\nworth of cards, get a Triple\nReward. (30 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Passive\nAfter you buy 25 Tiers'\nworth of cards, get a Triple\nReward. (25 left!)
Whelp SmugglerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health.
(OLD) [Text]: After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +1 Health.
Whelp SmugglerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +2 Health.
(OLD) [Text]: After a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever a friendly Dragon gains Attack, give it +2 Health.
Snail CavalryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
Corrupted MyrmidonBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: BGs Tied To Naga Lobbies, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Naga Lobbies, Trigger Visual
(OLD) [System]: BGs Tied To Naga Lobbies, Trigger Visual
(NEW) [System]: BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Naga Lobbies, Trigger Visual
Snail CavalryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
Golden MonkeyBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Base Minion]: Golden Monkey (BG23_353t)
(ADDED) [Base Minion]: Golden Monkey (BG23_353t)
Hunter of GatherersBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After this gains Attack, give your minions\n+1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +1 Health.
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 5
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: After this gains Attack, give your minions\n+1 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +1 Health.
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 5
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Hunter of GatherersBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After this gains Attack, give your minions\n+2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +2 Health.
(OLD) [Health]: 12
(NEW) [Health]: 10
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: After this gains Attack, give your minions\n+2 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever this gains Attack, give your minions +2 Health.
(OLD) [Health]: 12
(NEW) [Health]: 10
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 4
Zesty ShakerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nspell is played on this,\nget a new copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nSpellcraft spell is played on\n_this, get a new copy of it.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 6
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nspell is played on this,\nget a new copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nSpellcraft spell is played on\n_this, get a new copy of it.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 6
Zesty ShakerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nspell is played on this,\nget 2 new copies of it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nSpellcraft spell is played on\n_this, get 2 new copies of it.
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 12
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 12
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nspell is played on this,\nget 2 new copies of it.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Once per turn, when a\nSpellcraft spell is played on\n_this, get 2 new copies of it.
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 12
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 12
Channel the DevourerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Ancestral AutomatonBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Has +3/+2 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Has +2/+1 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Has +3/+2 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Has +2/+1 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
Ancestral AutomatonBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Has +6/+4 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Has +4/+2 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Has +6/+4 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Has +4/+2 for each other\nAncestral Automaton you've\nsummoned this game\n(wherever this is).
Temporal TamperingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your Tavern spells\ncast twice.
(NEW) [Text]: You cast your Tavern spells an extra time.
(OLD) [System]: Hide Cost
(NEW) [System]: Hide Cost, Trigger Visual
(OLD) [Text]: Your Tavern spells\ncast twice.
(NEW) [Text]: You cast your Tavern spells an extra time.
(OLD) [System]: Hide Cost
(NEW) [System]: Hide Cost, Trigger Visual
Gift of the Golden KoboldBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Sub Set]: Legacy
(ADDED) [Sub Set]: Legacy
Fishy StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Rewinder PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Glowing GauntletBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Feral TalismanBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Feral TalismanBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your minions have +5/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: Your minions have +6/+4.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Text]: Your minions have +5/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: Your minions have +6/+4.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+4.
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+3.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+4.
Dalaran Cheese WheelBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Eternal PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Spitescale Sushi RollBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Get a 'Spitescale Special'. Your Spellcraft spells cast twice.
(NEW) [Text]: Get a 'Spitescale Special'. Your first two Spellcraft spells each turn cast twice. (2 left!)
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: Get a 'Spitescale Special'. Your Spellcraft spells cast twice.
(NEW) [Text]: Get a 'Spitescale Special'. Your first two Spellcraft spells each turn cast twice. (2 left!)
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Automaton PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Elementium ChestBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Each combat, after 3\nfriendly Pirates attack,\ngain 1 Gold next turn.\n(3 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Each combat, after 2\nfriendly Pirates attack,\ngain 1 Gold next turn.\n(2 left!)
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Each combat, after 3\nfriendly Pirates attack,\ngain 1 Gold next turn.\n(3 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Each combat, after 2\nfriendly Pirates attack,\ngain 1 Gold next turn.\n(2 left!)
Lucky TabbyBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Conductor PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Snarling Conductor'.\nWhenever you discard a\ncard, play a Blood Gem\non all your minions.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Snarling Conductor'.\nWhenever you discard a\ncard, play a Blood Gem\non 5 friendly minions.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Snarling Conductor'.\nWhenever you discard a\ncard, play a Blood Gem\non all your minions.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Snarling Conductor'.\nWhenever you discard a\ncard, play a Blood Gem\non 5 friendly minions.
Lava LampBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Butcher's SickleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Ship in a BottleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Quilligraphy SetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.
(NEW) [Text]: Avenge (5): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Health this game.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Score Value 1]: 4
(NEW) [Score Value 1]: 5
(OLD) [Text]: Avenge (4): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1/+1 this game.
(NEW) [Text]: Avenge (5): Your Blood Gems give an extra +1 Health this game.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Score Value 1]: 4
(NEW) [Score Value 1]: 5
Kodo Leather PouchBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
Token of the Old GodsBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 1
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 1
Book of MedivhBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Enforcer PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Spell School]: Lesser
(NEW) [Spell School]: Greater
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Spell School]: Lesser
(NEW) [Spell School]: Greater
Karazhan Chess SetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of each of your minions.
(NEW) [Text]: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of your 2 left-most minions.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Text]: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of each of your minions.
(NEW) [Text]: Start of Combat: Summon a copy of your 2 left-most minions.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Primordial TerrariumBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Innkeeper's SteinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Azeroth Model GlobeBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: At the start of every 2 turns, Discover a Tier 6 minion. (2 |4(turn, turns) left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the start of every 2\nturns, Discover a Tier 6\nminion. (2 |4(turn, turns) left!)
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: At the start of every 2 turns, Discover a Tier 6 minion. (2 |4(turn, turns) left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]At the start of every 2\nturns, Discover a Tier 6\nminion. (2 |4(turn, turns) left!)
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Colorful CompassBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Shaman Prayer BeadsBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Charging StaffBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Balladist PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Felbat PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 9
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 9
Tiger CarvingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Dye of the TigerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +2 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Increased Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +2 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Increased Attack.
Demonblood GourdBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 1
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 1
Rockin' Music BoxBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: At the end of each turn, get a random Battlecry minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a random Battlecry\nminion. At the start of\neach turn get another.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 1
(OLD) [Text]: At the end of each turn, get a random Battlecry minion.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a random Battlecry\nminion. At the start of\neach turn get another.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 1
Alliance KeychainBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Rivendare PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Titus Rivendare'.\nStart of Combat: Give\nyour Titus Rivendares\nStealth.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Titus Rivendare'.\nStart of Combat: Double\nthe Health of your\nTitus Rivendares.
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Titus Rivendare'.\nStart of Combat: Give\nyour Titus Rivendares\nStealth.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Get a 'Titus Rivendare'.\nStart of Combat: Double\nthe Health of your\nTitus Rivendares.
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Nether PendantBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 4 times your hero takes damage. (4 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Minions in the Tavern have\n+1/+1. Upgrades every 4\ntimes your hero takes damage\nduring your turn. (4 left!)
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +1/+1. Upgrades every 4 times your hero takes damage. (4 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Minions in the Tavern have\n+1/+1. Upgrades every 4\ntimes your hero takes damage\nduring your turn. (4 left!)
Emerald DreamcatcherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Nomi StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Fridge MagnetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Comfy CoffinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Azerite PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Glowscale PortraitBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Replica CathedralBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your first spell each turn casts twice.
(NEW) [Text]: You cast your first spell each turn an extra time.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: Your first spell each turn casts twice.
(NEW) [Text]: You cast your first spell each turn an extra time.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Souvenir StandBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Designer EyepatchBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Boom ControllerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 99
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 99
Blood Golem StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(3 times per combat.)@[x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(3 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(2 times per combat.)@[x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(2 left!)
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(3 times per combat.)@[x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(3 left!)
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(2 times per combat.)@[x]Whenever a friendly Quilboar\ndies, summon a Golem with\nstats equal to its Blood Gems.\n(2 left!)
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
Yogg-Tastic PastryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Wannabe GargoyleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 9
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 9
Wannabe GargoyleBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 18
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 18
Ice FisherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 8
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Ice FisherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 16
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 16
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
(OLD) [Attack]: 16
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 16
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 6
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 5
Hot-Air SurveyorBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Aura, BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Quilboar Lobbies
(NEW) [System]: Aura, BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Quilboar Lobbies, Trigger Visual
(OLD) [System]: Aura, BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Quilboar Lobbies
(NEW) [System]: Aura, BGs Minion, BGs Tied To Quilboar Lobbies, Trigger Visual
Hot-Air SurveyorBattlegrounds
(OLD) [System]: Aura, Triple
(NEW) [System]: Aura, Trigger Visual, Triple
(OLD) [System]: Aura, Triple
(NEW) [System]: Aura, Trigger Visual, Triple
Thundering AbominationBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+2/+2. If there's no space,\n_______gain +2/+2 permanently.____
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+3/+2. If there's no space,\n_______gain +3/+2 permanently.____
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+2/+2. If there's no space,\n_______gain +2/+2 permanently.____
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+3/+2. If there's no space,\n_______gain +3/+2 permanently.____
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Thundering AbominationBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+4/+4. If there's no space,\n_______gain +4/+4 permanently.____
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+6/+4. If there's no space,\n_______gain +6/+4 permanently.____
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+4/+4. If there's no space,\n_______gain +4/+4 permanently.____
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you summon a\nminion in combat, give it\n+6/+4. If there's no space,\n_______gain +6/+4 permanently.____
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 6
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Mug of the SireBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you would\nsummon a minion that\ndoesn't fit in your warband,\ngive your minions +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you would\nsummon a minion that\ndoesn't fit in your warband,\ngive your minions +5 Attack.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Whenever you would\nsummon a minion that\ndoesn't fit in your warband,\ngive your minions +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you would\nsummon a minion that\ndoesn't fit in your warband,\ngive your minions +5 Attack.
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Crow's Nest SentryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +3 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +4 Health.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +3 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +4 Health.
(OLD) [Attack]: 5
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
Crow's Nest SentryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +6 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +8 Health.
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +6 Health.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Give your other Pirates +8 Health.
(OLD) [Attack]: 10
(NEW) [Attack]: 8
Persistent Poet Player Enchant [DNT]Battlegrounds
(ADDED) [Art Texture]: BG29-054_M.png
(ADDED) [Art Texture]: BG29-054_M.png
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +3/+2.
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+2.
(NEW) [Text]: +3/+2.
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+4.
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+4.
Catacomb CrasherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
(OLD) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Catacomb CrasherBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
(OLD) [Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_AE_ConsumeCorpse_Super
(NEW) [Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Necrotic_DeathKnight_BuffImpact_Small_Super
Tougher TitusBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Name]: Lurking Baron
(NEW) [Name]: Tougher Titus
(OLD) [Text]: Stealth.
(NEW) [Text]: Doubled Health.
(OLD) [Name]: Lurking Baron
(NEW) [Name]: Tougher Titus
(OLD) [Text]: Stealth.
(NEW) [Text]: Doubled Health.
Darnassus PieBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Valorous MedallionBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Start of Combat: Give your minions +5/+5.
(NEW) [Text]: Start of Combat: Give your minions +6/+6.
(OLD) [Text]: Start of Combat: Give your minions +5/+5.
(NEW) [Text]: Start of Combat: Give your minions +6/+6.
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+5.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+6.
(OLD) [Text]: +5/+5.
(NEW) [Text]: +6/+6.
Kodo Leather PouchBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +5/+5.
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: After you buy a card, give a random friendly minion +5/+5.
(REMOVED) [Cost]: 2
Stuffed in the PouchBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +5/+5.
(OLD) [Text]: +4/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +5/+5.
Dragonwing GliderBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +6 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +8 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +6 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you play a card, give a friendly Dragon +8 Attack.
Wingin' ItBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +6 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +8 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +6 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +8 Attack.
Comfy CoffinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Tiger CarvingBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Dye of the TigerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +5 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +5 Attack.
Glowing GauntletBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +7/+7.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +8/+8.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +7/+7.
(NEW) [Text]: Minions in the Tavern have +8/+8.
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Nomi StickerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Dalaran Cheese WheelBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Nerglish PhrasebookBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Booty Bay BrewBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +2/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +3/+4.
(OLD) [Text]: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +2/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Whenever you spend Gold, give a friendly Pirate +3/+4.
Booty Bay BuffBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +3/+4.
(OLD) [Text]: +2/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +3/+4.
Twin Sky LanternsBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Horde KeychainBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +6/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +7/+5.
(OLD) [Text]: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +6/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: Your minions from Tier 3 or lower have +7/+5.
Horde FanBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +7/+5.
(OLD) [Text]: +6/+4.
(NEW) [Text]: +7/+5.
Quilligraphy SetBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
Bountiful BedrockBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
Bountiful BedrockBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
(OLD) [Attack]: 8
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Tavern Tier]: 3
(NEW) [Tavern Tier]: 2
Ceremonial SwordBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 3
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Cruise ControllerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+5 Attack.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 7
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+5 Attack.
(OLD) [Attack]: 6
(NEW) [Attack]: 7
Cruise ControllerBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+8 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+10 Attack.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 14
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+8 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: For the rest\nof this combat, after you\nsummon a Pirate, give it\n+10 Attack.
(OLD) [Attack]: 12
(NEW) [Attack]: 14
Artisanal UrnBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: Your Undead have\n+7 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Your Undead have\n+8 Attack.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Text]: Your Undead have\n+7 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: Your Undead have\n+8 Attack.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
You've Urned ItBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Text]: +7 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +8 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +7 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +8 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +5 Attack.
(OLD) [Text]: +4 Attack.
(NEW) [Text]: +5 Attack.
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
(ADDED) [Class]: Neutral
Arcane IntellectClassic
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
Arcane IntellectCore
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
DoomkinFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 5
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 7
(OLD) [Attack]: 3
(NEW) [Attack]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 5
DJ ManastormFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Cost]: 10
(NEW) [Cost]: 9
(OLD) [Cost]: 10
(NEW) [Cost]: 9
JIVE, INSECT!Festival of Legends
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_JiveInsect_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_JiveInsect_01]: No Audio
Perpetual FlameForged in the Barrens
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_PerpetualFlame_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_PerpetualFlame_01]: No Audio
Wildpaw GnollFractured in Alterac Valley
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 6
Don't Stand in the Fire!Fractured in Alterac Valley
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_DontStandIntheFire_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_DontStandIntheFire_01]: No Audio
Demon ClawsHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Demon's BiteHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
FireblastHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
FireblastHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Dalaran Kel'ThuzadHero Skins
(OLD) [Art Texture]: SKN30-207_H.png
(NEW) [Art Texture]: SKN30-207_H1.png
(OLD) [Art Texture]: SKN30-207_H.png
(NEW) [Art Texture]: SKN30-207_H1.png
Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
ThorimHero Skins
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
Lord GodfreyHero Skins
(ADDED) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_07am_Socketin_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Opponent_Socketin_Sound.wav
(ADDED) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_07am_Socketin_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_LordGodfrey_Opponent_Socketin_Sound.wav
Life TapHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Soul TapHero Skins
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: HeroSkin_07amhp_LordGodfrey_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: HeroSkin_07amhp_LordGodfrey_HeroPower_FX
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
Ghoul FrenzyLegacy
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: ReskathePitBoss_11o_OverrideSpawn_HeroPower_Super
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: ReskathePitBoss_11o_OverrideSpawn_HeroPower_Super
Sorcerer's ApprenticeLegacy
(OLD) [Text]: Your spells cost (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Your spells cost (1) less\n(but not less than 1).
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Text]: Your spells cost (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Your spells cost (1) less\n(but not less than 1).
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Arcane IntellectLegacy
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_Bloodlust_01]: No Audio
Apprentice's AssitanceLegacy
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (1) less (but not less than 1).
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (1) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (1) less (but not less than 1).
Arcane DefendersMarch of the Lich King
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneDefenders_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneDefenders_01]: No Audio
Arcane BoltMarch of the Lich King
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
Blazing TransmutationMarch of the Lich King
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_BlazingTransmutation_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_BlazingTransmutation_01]: No Audio
Raza the ChainedMean Streets of Gadgetzan
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: SIG30-013_S.png
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: SIG30-013_S.png
BarnesOne Night in Karazhan
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Allan Arello
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: SIG30-014_S.png
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Allan Arello
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: SIG30-014_S.png
Furious FowlsPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/2 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/3 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
(OLD) [Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/2 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
(NEW) [Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/3 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
Angry BirdPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 2
(NEW) [Health]: 3
(OLD) [Health]: 2
(NEW) [Health]: 3
Raylla, Sand SculptorPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 5
(NEW) [Health]: 6
(OLD) [Health]: 5
(NEW) [Health]: 6
Marooned ArchmagePerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 4
Maestra, Mask MerchantPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [System]: Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is, Use Discover Visuals, Warlock Tourist
(NEW) [System]: Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is, Warlock Tourist
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [System]: Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is, Use Discover Visuals, Warlock Tourist
(NEW) [System]: Tourist, Trigger Wherever This Is, Warlock Tourist
Treasure Hunter EudoraPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
(OLD) [Cost]: 6
(NEW) [Cost]: 5
Metal DetectorPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 2
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
Cursed SouvenirPerils in Paradise
(REMOVED) [System]: Trigger Visual
(REMOVED) [System]: Trigger Visual
Food FightPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Text]: Summon a 0/6 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: Summon a 0/4 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
(OLD) [Text]: Summon a 0/6 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
(NEW) [Text]: Summon a 0/4 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
EntréePerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Health]: 6
(NEW) [Health]: 4
Slice of BreadPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 4-Cost Sandwich!
(NEW) [Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 3-Cost Sandwich!
(OLD) [Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 4-Cost Sandwich!
(NEW) [Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 3-Cost Sandwich!
Minion SandwichPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
Tidepool PupilPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 1
(NEW) [Health]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Health]: 1
(NEW) [Health]: 2
Secret PassageScholomance Academy
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
(OLD) [Cost]: 1
(NEW) [Cost]: 2
Wisdom of NorgannonTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_WisdomofNorgannon_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_WisdomofNorgannon_01]: No Audio
Elemental InspirationTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ElementalInspiration_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ElementalInspiration_01]: No Audio
Discovery of MagicTITANS
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_DiscoveryofMagic_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_DiscoveryofMagic_01]: No Audio
Arcane BoltTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
Arcane IntellectTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneIntellect_01]: No Audio
Arcane BoltTutorial
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
(ADDED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01]: No Audio
Thorim, StormlordTwist
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Sound.wav
(OLD) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: No Audio
(NEW) [Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_SocketIn_FX_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Thorim_02am_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
Scalding GeyserVoyage to the Sunken City
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_ScaldingGeyser_01]: No Audio
(REMOVED) [Sound Play] → [VO_HERO_02ax_Male_Elemental_Trigger_ScaldingGeyser_01]: No Audio
Ci'CigiWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Get 3 random\nfirst-edition Demon_Hunter\n_cards (in mint condition).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry, Outcast, and\nDeathrattle: Get a random\n__first-edition Demon Hunter__\ncard (in mint condition).
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Keywords]: Deathrattle
(NEW) [Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle, Outcast
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Get 3 random\nfirst-edition Demon_Hunter\n_cards (in mint condition).
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry, Outcast, and\nDeathrattle: Get a random\n__first-edition Demon Hunter__\ncard (in mint condition).
(OLD) [Health]: 3
(NEW) [Health]: 4
(OLD) [Keywords]: Deathrattle
(NEW) [Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle, Outcast
Mystery EggWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (4) less.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (4) less.
(OLD) [Cost]: 5
(NEW) [Cost]: 4
Mystery EggWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Mini\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Mini\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (4) less.
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Mini\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Mini\nDeathrattle: Get a copy of a\nrandom Beast in your deck.\nIt costs (4) less.
Fetch!Whizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 1
Hatched!Whizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (5) less.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (4) less.
Watercolor ArtistWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 4
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Health]: 4
(NEW) [Health]: 3
Boom WrenchWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
it's so strange that you keep making these posts.. Anyone cares? Really?
It will sometimes specify future hero skins or possible achievement rewards that come with the expansion. It is not a big deal, but maybe could be useful for streamers reporting on every change for the update.
I have the most advanced script regarding card data (4000+ rows of code in total) for every single card in the game and I still keep improving it for better accuracy, etc. It might not be interesting for everyone, but for people that look for all the information because sometimes they might remove something by mistake (which creates bugs, visual issues, whatever) or they can add something (like for example "VO_HERO_08bc_Male_Dragon_Trigger_ArcaneBolt_01" which indicates a new Malygos skin coming in a future big update, similar to the last patch where thanks to this I reported about Ragnaros. Or sometimes they change how certain cards work and it's not in the patch notes and thanks to these types of posts, I and other people can discover it, because it's displayed in a nice and simple-to-understand way.
Yes, of course, I understand. It felt to me a bit of a deep dive for 'regular' forum posts that only people like developers should carry about. Sorry If It sounded pretentious
Well, I'm not a developer but I've always loved looking at all the changes and I'm sure there is at least a few people that also do. :) I'm glad you understand. <3