Reniehour just revealed multiple new Traveling Travel Agency cards.
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E.T.C., Band Manager appreciates Deadline quite a bit. Similar to how some Paladin decks ran Lay Down the Law in their E.T.C., I imagine a bunch of slow Warlock decks will add Deadline purely because it's very useful to have 2 mana kill a guy on the ready.
Not sure I like any of these and Deadline is the main offender, I do think Warlock has an excellent library of ways to remove minions of the board and this feels like its just abit to clunky to really replace any of them. Of course if you can use it the first time its put in your hand its a 2 mana destroy a minion fantastic but if you have to trade it like 5 times before you can acutally use it its 7 mana spent on a desotry a minion card.
Same goes for Fine Print, I do feel that Warlock already have better removal tools at their disposal and that its pretty much a dead card the only upside would possibly be if you want to take massive amounts of damage yourself and be able to cheese out cards there can be a line there but its still pretty expensive and Warlock already have tons of way to hurt themself that includes putting stats on the board aswell.
If I played alot of Warlock one of my least played classes dont like it that much but if I did I wouldnt be too happy about these cards, think its some of the weakest cards printed so far in the miniset.
I choose to view Deadline as a card with “Quickdraw: You can play this.”
I love the Max Grecke and I love the flavor and design of Deadline.
It is good tho? Meh. The problem with this two cards is that they are all the things that Warlock always can, always could, and always will be able to do. Hard Removal and Boardclear. And Warlock has dozens of cards that Hard Remove or Clear the Board. I'm skeptical that these are your best options for it. But I wouldn't rule them out, it's not bad to have options.
Fine Print might make a good edition to Demon Seed lock in Wild. However, still may be situational. If you need a full 10 damage to progress and the opponent is something like Pirate Rogue you might be able to get the clear and get the 10 damage needed in one card. However, if the excess damage you'd take is way too high and/or you only need another 3 damage to progress, Hellfire is still a better option.
Might experiment a little next week.
The drawbacks are too big, they should cost 1 less mana.
Also deadline is extremely random. Topdeck or lose, more coinflips
Deadline is random? Removal has usually been "top deck or lose" when you need it. If you mean lose as in it discards, that's what the Tradeable is for. You have the option of cycling it or letting it discard if you feel like you won't need it. And the removal is targeted so there's no randomness there.
Not saying it's a really good card, but random or a coin flip is hardly what I'd call it.
Lay Down the Law saw a lot of the struggles of not being online when needed, and that card has the advantage of not being Temporary. It only saw play in ETC sideboards as a result.
Requiring your removal be topdecked makes it a LOT weaker, as most control decks like to hoard their removal in hand, and you can't do that with Deadline.
What's with the shadow tag on deadline? Meeting a business deadline is um... shadowy or something? Makes less sense to me than Go with the Flow being school-less.
I'd rather not give information to people who can't discuss.
Or like, you could just play Felstring Harp or even INFERNAL! after it.
I don't think is that high of skill cap card, is more like "How good are you at quick maths"
I will say that the only value this provides you is to potentially playing Imprisoned Horror along with this. Other than that, the card dosn't seen a lot better than Hellfire . In fact, if you are playing the Fatigue list, Crescendo is many times better than this. So I don't know. Dosn't drives me crazy. It kinda looks like Soul Rend 2.
I'm a legend player and can't understand how any of those two cards are ''very high skill cap''?
Deadline seems like a decent midrange removal card. For control you probably need the ability to hold it for future threats, but midrange can turn 2-mana removal into tempo on most turns.
Fine Print seems... dangerous to use.
they work like the spells you get from Sweetened Snowflurry, which don't count as being discarded when they go away by themselves
We are reaching that levels of powercreep that devs can't even understand
Stronger cards are allowed.
Powercreep means creating strictly better cards that the previous ones.
Neither of these cards are powercreep.
4 mana flamestrike with no downside in painlock, 2 mana destroy a minion pretty much just better than Sap against non-deathrattles.
You added conditions for both cards, meaning they would not be powercreep even if you didn't conviniently misrepresent them.
Fine Print is not one-sided like Flamestrike and Sap is not temporary like Deadline.
4 mana flamestrike with no downside in painlock