TheFishou just revealed multiple new Traveling Travel Agency cards.
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oh that's unbearable.
What happens when I use a deck with 'fuse Choose cards' with Thrice cards?
Choose Thrice is an annoyingly gimmicky keyword, with no synergy in previous sets. Rubbish in wild, and needlessly different to choose one.
Number Cruncher looks alright, you can summon a 4-Mana - 4/5 which is the best one I think, if you want to remove a minion a 8/1 is decent, if you need a wall a 2/7 is...kinda mediocre, but still fine. Looks pretty flexible. However I don't see what deck actually wants to play a card like that.
The same with Bear with me. The card itself is alright, but I'm a Druid, I'm a little silly, I can play 25 mana worth of cards in a weak turn, I don't really see why I would care about the bears. Like, I can think in failed archetypes like, Beast Druid, Hand Druid, Taunt Druid, but for actual Druid decks that see competitive play, that card has close to no porpouse.
I'd rather not give information to people who can't discuss.
I mean, on paper.
I don't remember the last time I saw a Druid that is not a Combo that wins from hand or an aggro swarm.
And I tried to make Beast Druid and Taunt Druid work a lot, but they are just the weakest thing that you can do with the class. And the playes usually play the stronger decks they have avalible.
I saw a Hadronox druid once, in the last...year. And this cards are pretty bad on that deck, a deck that is itself Tier-3 at least.
isnt there the Neutral 3/3 that summons copy if u have a 5+ Mana Spell. This Card here looks terrible if you compare
15min to reveal 2 cards and not even in English?
Hearthstone is played world wide. That means people in other languages also play Hearthstone and want to hear about card reveals.
It will shock you but there's reveals done by Chinese streamers that don;t even show the English language art. We just have to translate them or be lucky that Blizz releases the art swiftly.
Now imagine being French/Spanish/Portuguese/ETC/ETC and barely speaking English and getting every single card reveal done in English, without any of the major HS sites covering the cards in your language. Now THAT is pain.
This is simply catering to one of the many languages HS is played in, while still showing the cards in English for the audience.
News by random streamers is a mistake. They diminish the spread of the news for the hope the stans of streamers are more (they are a minority compared to the player base).
I get that it promotes your site because you do the job of Blizzard collecting the news properly in 1 place but that's the main thing benefiting here.
This doesn't explain why it's 15min of talking.
They cut off the animated card reveals and we get this.
Number Cruncher is really flexible. All of the possible forms, except probably 6/3, have situations where they are useful. I imagine the most commonly used forms will be as an 8/1 to kill something big, or as a 4/5 to kill something midsized and leave a Taunt behind.
I'm less optimistic about Handle with Bear. It compares so poorly to Gorgonzormu, where for 1 more up-front mana, you get a 3/3, better starting effect, and better scaling.
Handle with bear is a solid taunt Druid card with generous stats to compensate for the tempo loss. But will it be played in the absurdly op current state of druid? 3 stars
Number cruncher is a very versatile card that can fit in numerous Druid decks, but with too fair stats to see any play in current Druid. Dragon Druid is extremely dependent on mana cheat and this does not fit any holes where Druid is already lacking. 2 stars
Bear with me i think Handle with Bear might be a decent card
I rly would like Taunt-Druid to be viable, but somehow there is no real wincondition for the deck... The midrange beasts seem fine, but no lategame.