Hearthstone on X just revealed a new Traveling Travel Agency card: Punch Card
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Wonder how this works with Outriders Axe if it draws 3 of it kills three minions? and the weapon from Rokara if it can make 3 minions go face? Could be cool
So, with tourist, this means hunter can do that Cleave + Always A Bigger Jorumungar on anything, rather than just doing it with just hound. Not sure if that has any application more than the hound, though.Never mind! This is just for heros. So, ok I guess????
cleave should be a keyword and its still never been good in constructed
Hollow Hound?
I suspect it's related to the non-English speakers playing in English (most languages don't have a native version). Cleave is one of the least known words to non native speakers. They would have to google it every time.
literally me, 10 seconds after posting this, but ill cope and go "well actually it was because of the lifesteal not cleave"
Very powerful cards are coming out... this is a card with charge feature... you hit it the turn you play... either 4 mana will have 3 attacks... or if it is 3 mana, it will have 2 attacks... a card with this feature cannot hit 3 for 3 mana... sideways. The card that hits (i.e. special cards) cannot hit 3 for 3 mana, blizzard...
for example Frost Strike
It hits 3 for 2 mana, but there is a condition... it's not an op...
but Down with the Ship
It hits 3 for 2 mana, there are no conditions, it sends not one but 2... It must either be 3 mana.. or 2 mana must hit 3 and send 1 plague... op card
I don't understand if you are saying that this card is OP, or if Down with the Ship is OP.
This card looks pretty average to be honest. Just look at Heat Wave. Costs 1-less, you don't have to facetank the damage, and it has a plus to hit all enemies instead, and the only trade off is that deals 1 less base damage. So at the very least, the card is fine.
If you are worry because is 3-Mana for 3 damage to face, I mean, that's kinda mediocre. Fiery War Axe deals 3 for 2-Mana, two turns in a row, and dosn't sees play.
Why did the gameplay demo have to include the Odyn, Prime Designate aura? That threw me for a loop because the card was doing a lot more than the expected 6 of Punch Card + Craftsman's Hammer.