Hearthstone on X just revealed a new Traveling Travel Agency card: Icecrown Brochure
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This is just avalanche, but like way way better
its just avalanche
The Frost part is the clear better half, as freezing is usually better than dealing 1 damage. But because its "normal" state is as a Frost spell, it will be tutored by Harbinger of Winter and is a Fire spell which won't disrupt drawing Malted Magma from Buttons. The Fire form is still decent, it's much better against cheap swarm decks, but there are usually better options like Malted Magma.
But... these "Brochure" cards give me a strong vibe similar to the old Harmonic/Dissonant spells of FoL, namely that they are unreliable due to swapping each turn. Sure, this card is good against both wide and tall boards, but nerfing itself into the version bad in this matchup every other turn is undesirable.
The Blackrock part works better with Spell Damage tho. With the Air Totem you could kinda clear an Aggro board, while the Icecrown is going to work better into a big minion board. So, I think they are kinda at the same level, situationally.
Nonsense... Will 2 mana cause 3...6 damage to the sides? This card must be 4 mana.. 3 minion freeze ?? OP card ...
Holy Smite priest continues to hit 3 for 1 mana... there is only one priest left to eat... why? There is no shield feature... even the mage prints a lot of shields, warriors, druids and shamans also participate... strange priest 30 health... otk decks continue to throw one by one... the priest is waiting for solid cards... the last expansion pack overheal has not even arrived ... no dragon no undead ... exatuve excavation process no mining