30.2 Known Issues - Quests Not Updating - Sandbox Scoundrel Not Generating Mini - Battlegrounds Bugs & Bans

The Known Issues for Patch 30.2 which brought Season 8 to Battlegrounds.

Updated: Monday 26th.

Quote from Blizzard

30.2 is now live, with Battlegrounds Season 8: Trinkets & Travels! We hope you find
the perfect knick-knacks to remember your stay here.

Here are some bugs we’re tracking with this patch:

  • [Partially Resolved, Updated] [Progression] Most players who were unable to claim their free Golden Pack from the shop should now have gotten their pack automatically. A small number of players who happened to try to claim it between fix attempts still need to be granted their pack. All players who haven’t tried to claim the pack yet should claim it now, before it’s gone. (Update: we’re extending the free Golden pack for one more week, just to make sure nobody misses it. The next free gift still comes tomorrow, and the rest of the gift claim periods will still last one week each.)

  • [Resolved] [Arena] Arena has been temporarily shut down as we work on resolving a bug with card generation pools. Arena is now open again (you may need to logout and log back in to get access).

  • [Battlegrounds] The team is working on a bug fix to an issue where all players can sometimes have a turn skipped and their Trinket for the turn auto-selected.

  • [Battlegrounds] When tripling an “All” type minion with Elemental of Surprise, the Golden version loses its “All” type and becomes just an elemental.

  • [Battlegrounds] Colorful compass can offer a version for a minion type not in the game if it’s your most common type (because of “All” minions).

  • [Battlegrounds] Twin Sky Lanterns doesn’t work the first turn you have it.

  • [Updated 8/21] [Hearthstone] The team is investigating a report that Sandbox Scoundrel returned to your hand and replayed may not always generate the Mini Sandbox Scoundrel. This bug may also be causing an issue where Forging a card from Spirit of the Badland’s Mirage makes it lose the Mirage effect.

  • [Added 8/21] [Progression] The team is looking into reports of quests not progressing properly. Player reports indicate this is a visual-only bug that is resolved by logging out and logging back in.

  • [Added 8/21] [Progression] The next freebie gift is now live in the shop! You have one week to claim it. Similar to the previous issue, players are reporting they aren’t seeing it after claiming it. The team is investigating, but it seems that restarting the client resolves this issue.

  • [Added 8/21] [Battlegrounds] Nether Pendants aren’t stacking (so only one effect applies if you have two). Conversely, Peacebloom candles are stacking when they shouldn’t (meaning they progress at the same time and you, again, only get one activation).

  • [Added 8/21] [Battlegrounds] The team is investigating various visual issues with the teammate view in Duos, like issues during Trinket selection and Discover options.

  • [Added 8/24] [Hearthstone] The Miniaturize bug above also means that returning The Replicator-inator to your deck causes it to not give the Miniaturized or Gigantified versions.

Battlegrounds Pool Updates

  • Silas Darkmoon and Tickatus have been temporarily removed from the hero pool.

  • Catacomb Crasher and The Glad-iator have been temporarily removed from the minion pool.

  • Demonblood Gourd, Glowscale Portrait, Twin Sky Lantern, Spitescale Sushi Roll, Rivendare Portrait, and Souvenir Stand have been removed from the Trinkets pool.

Other Actions

  • [Added 8/21] Players who improperly got Demolition Renovator in their end-of-season rewards last season have now been granted 400 Dust to make up for that missing Epic reward.

Watch this post for more updates throughout the patch.


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