Patch 30.2 String Differences - Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & More

We've prepared an article with all the String differences in this patch, such as Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & More.

Lite Skin = no animations, only basic voice lines
Lite w/ Full VO = has no animations, might have a Hero Tray or not, and has completely new voice lines
Full Skin = has animations (Hero Power, Enterance), a Hero Tray, and completely new voice lines
Legendary Skin = has animations (not for Hero Power), completely new voice lines, and a 3D animated portrait


State Tag Text Comment
newicon GAMEPLAY_BACON_TOOLTIP_TRINKETS_BODY The Trinket Shop opens on Turns 6 and 9! Choose one to buy with Gold.
newicon GAMEPLAY_DUOS_END_OF_GAME_PLACE_1 1st Place!!!
newicon GAMEPLAY_MAGIC_ITEM_CAPTION Choose one to buy:
oldicon GAMEPLAY_BACON_ALTERNATE_PLAYER_NAME As {0} 0=character hero name
newicon GAMEPLAY_BACON_ALTERNATE_PLAYER_NAME {0} 0=character hero name
oldicon GAMEPLAY_PlayErrors_REQ_CARD_TAVERN_TIER_LEVEL_TO_PLAY You need at least this card's Tavern Tier Level to play it.
newicon GAMEPLAY_PlayErrors_REQ_CARD_TAVERN_TIER_LEVEL_TO_PLAY You must be at least this card's Tavern Tier to play it.
oldicon GAMEPLAY_PlayErrors_REQ_MINIMUM_TAVERN_TIER_LEVEL_TO_PLAY You need at least Tavern Tier Level {0} to play this card.
newicon GAMEPLAY_PlayErrors_REQ_MINIMUM_TAVERN_TIER_LEVEL_TO_PLAY You must be at least Tavern Tier {0} to play this.


# HERO_06ar is Orgrimmar Faelin: Lite Druid skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Attack_01 Lok-tar—oh dear!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 That's what I came to see!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 That's what I came to see!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 That's what I came to see!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 That's what I came to see!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 That's what I came to see!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 That's what I came to see!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Greetings_01 Ah, um, "mok-rah" to you!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Ooo, you've been practicing!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_MIRROR_START_01 A bit treacherous here, isn't it?
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Oops_01 A trip up?
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Picked_01 I just can't wait to see the sights in Orgrimmar!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Start_01 Calm down, I'm just visiting!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Thanks_01 I'm ever so grateful!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Threaten_01 How can you treat your guests like this?!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Well_Played_01 It was worth the journey just to watch you in action!
newicon VO_HERO_06ar_Male_Nightborne_Wow_01 That's what I came to see!

# HERO_10ao is Gnomergon Omen: Lite Demon Hunter skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Attack_01 Break free!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 A splendid sight!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 A splendid sight!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 A splendid sight!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 A splendid sight!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 A splendid sight!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 A splendid sight!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Greetings_01 We both... greet you.
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 But where is... the way out?
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_MIRROR_START_01 <_howl_>
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Oops_01 Ineffective.
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Picked_01 It is all too small here... Much too small!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Start_01 We will never... be caged!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Thanks_01 You deserve... our biggest thanks.
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Threaten_01 Whoever holds us here... will be punished.
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Well_Played_01 Your talent... is enormous!
newicon VO_HERO_10ao_Male_Beast_Wow_01 A splendid sight!

# HERO_08bb is Dalaran Kel'Thuzad: Lite Mage skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Attack_01 Wilt in my shadow!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 I must have this power!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 I must have this power!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 I must have this power!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 I must have this power!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 I must have this power!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 I must have this power!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Greetings_01 Greetings from the ruins of Dalaran.
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 I like what you've done with the place.
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_MIRROR_START_01 Then let this be your final lesson.
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Oops_01 A blunder?
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Picked_01 At long last, I shall pay a visit to my home!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Start_01 I have exceeded all who taught me!
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Thanks_01 I appreciate that contribution.
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Threaten_01 All the power of Dalaran is dust before me.
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Well_Played_01 Yours is indeed a rare power.
newicon VO_HERO_08bb_Male_Lich_Wow_01 I must have this power!

# HERO_04au is Aponi Brightmane: Paladin hero

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Attack_01 Bless your heart!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Concede_01 The day is yours.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Death_01 <_death exertion_>
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 The battlefield is too full.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_GENERIC_01 Not possible.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 I have too many cards!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 I cannot attack again.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 That one is resting.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 Not enough mana.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 I need a weapon for that.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_PLAY_01 I cannot do that.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_STEALTH_01 It is hiding.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 That minion needs a turn to get ready.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_TARGET_01 I cannot target it.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_ERROR_TAUNT_01 I must take out the taunting one first.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 May the fires burn with the warmth of the Light!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Greetings_01 Good day.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 I have had enough of trickery this Hallow's Eve!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 Let us celebrate the season with a friendly spar.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 I wish you renewal and triumph this Noblegarden.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_LowCards_01 I have few cards remaining.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 It is truly an interesting one!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_MIRROR_START_01 That is why I never lose faith.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_NoCards_01 No more cards!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Oops_01 A mistake?
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_PIRATE_DAY_01 I'll be toleratin' no rapscallions on my ship!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Picked_01 The light of the Sun illuminates the path to wisdom.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Sorry_01 I am sorry.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Start_01 It is always darkest just before the dawn.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Start_Huln_01 Which side of the Earth Mother is stronger, I wonder?
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Start_Uther_01 Let us see if you live up to your reputation...
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Thanks_01 You have my thanks.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Thinking_01 Hmm...
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Thinking_02 Is this right?
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Thinking_03 I must think.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Threaten_01 The ancestors would not approve of this.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Time_01 Time is running out.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Trigger_Consecration_01 There is no hope for evil.
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Trigger_CrusaderAura_01 For the Knights of the Silver Hand!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Trigger_FrontLines_01 To the battlefield!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Trigger_MusterforBattle_01 We move as one!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Trigger_StandAgainstDarkness_01 We must fight with honor!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Trigger_TruesilverChampion_01 Strike true!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_WOW_01 How radiant!
newicon VO_HERO_04au_Female_Tauren_Well_Played_01 You shine almost too brightly.

# HERO_07au is Undercity Mal'ganis: Lite Warlock skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Attack_01 A taste of corruption!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 Such devastation!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 Such devastation!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 Such devastation!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 Such devastation!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 Such devastation!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 Such devastation!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Greetings_01 The night beckons.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 It never changes.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_MIRROR_START_01 Why would I do anything else?
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Oops_01 Never speak of this.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Picked_01 It is easy to plant the seeds of war in peaceful lands.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Start_01 Let the darkness engulf all!
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Thanks_01 Just what I needed.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Threaten_01 I have destroyed entire kingdoms... a single foe is hardly a challenge.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Well_Played_01 With your help, I could conquer all.
newicon VO_HERO_07au_Male_Demon_Wow_01 Such devastation!

# HERO_11x is Goldpan Reska: Lite Death Knight skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Attack_01 Balderdash!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 What a treasure!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 What a treasure!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 What a treasure!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 What a treasure!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 What a treasure!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 What a treasure!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Greetings_01 How's it going?
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Awful slow, but at least it ain't Bloodrock.
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_MIRROR_START_01 Then that would be me.
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Oops_01 Whoops.
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Picked_01 You never know what you'll find out here.
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Start_01 Whoever has the gold makes the rules!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Thanks_01 Thanks!
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Threaten_01 I was searchin' for buried gold, but I could settle for yours.
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Well_Played_01 There's some sparkle in you.
newicon VO_HERO_11x_X_Forsaken_Wow_01 What a treasure!


State Tag Text
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_BACON_DISCOUNTED_TEXT This Trinket costs (1) less than usual.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_BACON_TRINKET_TEXT A powerful passive bonus that can be bought on a specific turn.
oldicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_BONUSEFFECTS_TEXT Divine Shield, Lifesteal, Poisonous, Reborn, Rush, Stealth, Taunt, Windfury
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_BONUSEFFECTS_TEXT Divine Shield, Lifesteal, Poisonous, Reborn, Rush, Elusive, Taunt, Windfury


State Tag Text
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_DECK_INVALID_LOANER_DECK_BODY Sorry, this deck is invalid for the current format.
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_DECK_INVALID_LOANER_DECK_TOOLTIP_BODY This deck is not usable in this format.
newicon GLUE_QUEST_CHANGE_JOURNAL_POPUP_BODY We've updated several quests, and some objectives, quotas, or XP values may have changed.
newicon GLUE_QUEST_CHANGE_STARTING_POPUP We have lowered requirements for some quests! As a result, these are complete:
newicon GLUE_TIP_BACON_28 <b>Trinkets</b> cost varying amounts of Gold. Among the four offered in a <b>Trinket</b> Shop, only one can be chosen.
oldicon GLUE_TIP_BACON_26 <b>Buddies</b> are powerful minions unique to each Hero Power.
newicon GLUE_TIP_BACON_26 <b>Trinkets</b> are powerful passive bonuses that stay in effect for the whole game.
oldicon GLUE_TIP_BACON_27 The higher a <b>Buddy's</b> Tier, the more Gold it costs to get.
newicon GLUE_TIP_BACON_27 A Lesser <b>Trinket</b> must be bought on Turn 6, and a Greater <b>Trinket</b> on Turn 9.


State Tag Text
oldicon VO_AcolyteOfNZoth_Male_Human_Death_01 "<Death>
newicon VO_AcolyteOfNZoth_Male_Human_Death_01 "<Death>"
oldicon VO_AcolyteOfNZoth_Male_Human_Idle_01 "The whispers of Old Gods have brought me here with a purpose. And I will fulfill it.
newicon VO_AcolyteOfNZoth_Male_Human_Idle_01 "The whispers of Old Gods have brought me here with a purpose. And I will fulfill it."
oldicon VO_CaptainShivers_Male_Human_Death_01 "<Death>
newicon VO_CaptainShivers_Male_Human_Death_01 "<Death>"
oldicon VO_CommanderIchman_Male_Human_Death_01 "<_Death_>
newicon VO_CommanderIchman_Male_Human_Death_01 "<_Death_>"
oldicon VO_LadyAlisstra_Female_Naga_Death_01 "<Death>
newicon VO_LadyAlisstra_Female_Naga_Death_01 "<Death>"
oldicon VO_WarlordRekes_Male_Naga_Death_01 "<Death>
newicon VO_WarlordRekes_Male_Naga_Death_01 "<Death>"


State Tag Text
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_1_6 <b>Elusive</b>,\n<b>Poisonous</b>, <b>Reborn</b>\nCosts (1) less for each minion in play.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_1_6 <b>Elusive</b>,\n<b>Poisonous</b>, <b>Reborn</b>\nCosts (1) less for each friendly minion.
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_2_6 <b>Divine Shield</b>, <b>Taunt</b>,\n<b>Lifesteal</b>, <b>Rush</b>\nCosts (1) less for each minion in play.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_2_6 <b>Divine Shield</b>, <b>Taunt</b>,\n<b>Lifesteal</b>, <b>Rush</b>\nCosts (1) less for each friendly minion.
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_3_6 [x]Your other minions\nhave +1/+1.\nCosts (1) less for each\nminion in play.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_3_6 [x]Your other minions\nhave +1/+1.\nCosts (1) less for each\n friendly minion.
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_4_6 [x]At the end of your turn,\ndeal 3 damage to your hero.\nCosts (1) less for each\nminion in play.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_4_6 [x]At the end of your turn,\ndeal 3 damage to your hero.\nCosts (1) less for each\n friendly minion.
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_5_6 [x]At the start of your turn,\ndouble this minion's Attack.\nCosts (1) less for each\nminion in play.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_5_6 [x]At the start of your turn,\ndouble this minion's Attack.\nCosts (1) less for each\nfriendly minion.
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_6_7 Costs (1) less for\neach minion in play.\n<b>Battlecry:</b> Summon a\ncopy of this.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_6_7 Costs (1) less for each friendly minion.\n<b>Battlecry:</b> Summon a\ncopy of this.
oldicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_6_8 [x]Costs (1) less for\neach minion in play.\n<b>Deathrattle:</b> Shuffle this\ninto your deck.
newicon ZILLIAX_DELUXE_COMBINED_MODULE_6_8 [x]Costs (1) less for each\nfriendly minion.\n<b>Deathrattle:</b> Shuffle this\ninto your deck.


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