A teaser went out for upcoming Balance changes in Constructed, Battlegrounds and the Battlegrounds Buddies. Read on to learn more!
Quote from BlizzardPatch 30.0.3 is launching tomorrow with a whole bunch of balance updates (including buffs!).
Constructed Balance Changes
- The Ryecleaver
- Ranger Gilly
- Razzle-Dazzler
- Natural Talent
- Buttons
- Cruise Captain Lora
- Tsunami
- Service Ace
- Twilight Medium
- Nightshade Tea
- Conniving Conman
Today I pulled Raylla, Sand Sculptor as my only tourist; unlike most other tourists, it sees no play whatsoever, AND it doesn't get buffed... but Concierge gets nerfed, which was the one thing that made the Paladin set for Mage somewhat interesting (sunscreens and drinks).
I know that Concierge gets nerfed for a good reason, but there goes what little excitement I had for an underwhelming card as collateral damage.
But I guess it's better than getting no tourist at all, and it was good enough to get the event quest done. -_-
Reason #231 why i play drastically less Hearthstone now. This Dev team sat around a table and agreed that Tsunami needs a buff.
I'm slightly concerned about the buff to Tsunami as I think this is already quite a powerful card and the reason it doesn't see play has nothing to do with this card.
That said, I much prefer the timing between the announcement of card changes and the actual card changes. Nothing more irritiating that playing against decks for a whole week which you know are going to be nerfed.
Why don't they include the card changes right away though, I never got that.
maybe not all decided yet (buff/nerf new stats)
no proactive nerfs to aggro pirates huh, hmm alright then
Well Zilliax nerf is going to hit all aggro decks so we’ll see
aggro pirate is quite bad in standard though, it just cant beat any of the current meta decks
best thing you can do is turn it "midrange" by going shaman+dh tourist
its good in wild but its mostly because wild is filled with meme decks
you must not play literally any standard then considering pirate dh tourist shaman is one of the highest WR and most played decks in the format
Warrior abuses a Druid card, so Druid gets nerfed too. This tourist stuff is so great.
Let's not give Warrior all the blame for this - Druid was also running the card for the exact same reasons as Warrior, just less extreme because there's no Inventor Boom or Chemical Spill.
I’ve seen Druid summon multiple Zilliax too
Really hope they don't touch the mana cost on Tsunami, I want it at 8 mana for my Legendary spell. Don't like the other 8 mana spells.
I cant see what else they would change. Making it summon 4 elemenetals would be pretty busted (see Nagrand Slam).
My comparison to Nagrand Slam was strangely prophetic....
Well prepare for flood paladin and shaman meta boys
I wanted more buffs. Some cards are really unplayable. Not all card should be but I would have loved to see an up of the mage titan.
I lost few times vs. 2 x Lamplighter 15 dmg to face.
buffing Tsunami. wtf
Yes.. because Big mage sucks.. only thing viable is elementals. so they buffed other decks.