Patch 30.0 - All Card Changes Datamined

This article shows all the hidden or public information about card changes, additions, and removals introduced with the newest patch! If you have time, please let us know if you like this type of article or if you have any ideas for improvements.

This article is made by a script that compares old and new data extracted directly from the game.

Starting from the top of the article, you'll see all the NEW cards, below all the REMOVED cards, and lastly, all the CHANGED cards. Each section is sorted by the EXPANSION first, then by the CLASS, and lastly by the RARITY.

(ADDED CARD) Demolition RenovatorCore
[Name]: Demolition Renovator
[Sort ID]: 115971
[Card ID]: CORE_REV_023
[Text]: Tradeable\nBattlecry: Destroy \nan enemy location.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy an enemy location.
[Flavor]: "Look, the Sire said he wanted something more open concept..."
[Artist]: Mike Sass
[Obtain]: Unlocked by completing the Tutorial.
[Obtain Golden]: Unlocked after 2500 total wins.
[Set]: Core
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Drag To Deck Cost]: 1
[Counterpart Cards]: Demolition Renovator (REV_023)
[Count As Copy]: Demolition Renovator (REV_023)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Tradeable
[Art Texture]: HS26-093_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS26-093_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_REV_023_Female_Goblin_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_REV_023_Female_Goblin_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_REV_023_Female_Goblin_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) PoxiHero Skins
[Name]: Poxi
[Sort ID]: 112708
[Card ID]: HERO_11v
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Character]: Poxi
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Gnome
[Hero Power]: Ghoul Charge (HERO_11vhp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: She has a way of growing on you over time... kind of like toxic spores!\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-002_H.png
[Hero Tray]: HERO_11v_HeroTray_Poxi.png
[Hero Tray Golden]: HERO_11v_HeroTray_Poxi_golden.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HERO_11v_Grounds_Phone.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: HERO_11v_Gem_Mana.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_Poxy_11v_Socketin_FX]: HeroSkin_Poxy_Socketin_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Poxy_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_Poxy_11v_Socketin_FX_opponent]: HeroSkin_Poxy_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_Poxy_11v_Socketin_FX_Friendly_Phone]: HeroSkin_Arfus_11u_Socketin_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Poxy_Socketin_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_Poxy_Socketin_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_Poxy_11v_Socketin_FX_Opponent_Phone]: HeroSkin_Poxy_Socketin_Opponent_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Ghoul ChargeHero Skins
[Name]: Ghoul Charge
[Sort ID]: 112709
[Card ID]: HERO_11vhp
[Text]: [x]Hero Power\nSummon a 1/1 Ghoul\nwith Charge. It dies at\nend of turn.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Ghoul Frenzy (HERO_11vhp2)
[Keywords]: Charge
[Art Texture]: HS27-003_HP.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Poxy_11v_OverrideSpawn_HeroPower_Super
(ADDED CARD) Icecream SaiHero Skins
[Name]: Icecream Sai
[Sort ID]: 112711
[Card ID]: HERO_11w
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Class]: Death Knight
[Emote Character]: Sai
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Human
[Hero Power]: Ghoul Charge (HERO_11cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He only does this kind of thing on vacation, but it’s pretty cool.\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-005_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-005_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Pier HalveriaHero Skins
[Name]: Pier Halveria
[Sort ID]: 112723
[Card ID]: HERO_10an
[Artist]: N. Saviori & T. Shevtsov
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Class]: Demon Hunter
[Emote Character]: Halveria
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Worgen
[Hero Power]: Demon Claws (HERO_10cbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: She would’ve insisted she wasn’t scared of the ride—if anyone had asked her.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-017_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-017_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Catnap XuenHero Skins
[Name]: Catnap Xuen
[Sort ID]: 112712
[Card ID]: HERO_06aq
[Artist]: N. Saviori & T. Shevtsov
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Druid
[Emote Class]: Druid
[Emote Character]: Xuen
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Shapeshift (HERO_06ebp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Even an August Celestial deserves a little break every now and then.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-006_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-006_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Canoe HulnHero Skins
[Name]: Canoe Huln
[Sort ID]: 112715
[Card ID]: HERO_05aq
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Hunter
[Emote Class]: Hunter
[Emote Character]: Huln
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Tauren
[Hero Power]: Steady Shot (HERO_05dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: The splendor of nature is always waiting for those willing to explore.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-009_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-009_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) A. F. KayHero Skins
[Name]: A. F. Kay
[Sort ID]: 112702
[Card ID]: HERO_08az
[Artist]: Arthur Gimaldinov
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Emote Class]: Mage
[Emote Character]: A. F. Kay
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Human
[Hero Power]: Fireblast (HERO_08azhp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: After idling in Battlegrounds too long, she ended up here!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-003_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-003_H_Premium.png
[Hero Tray]: A.png
[Hero Tray Golden]: A.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: A.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: A.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX_Impact_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Cast.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX_Opponent]: HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX_phone]: HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_AFKay_08az_SocketIn_FX_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) FireblastHero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast
[Sort ID]: 112703
[Card ID]: HERO_08azhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $1 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Fireblast Rank 2 (HERO_08azhp2)
[System]: Dev State
[Art Texture]: R6_a075_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: AFKay_08az_HeroPower_Super
(ADDED CARD) Mermaid KitHero Skins
[Name]: Mermaid Kit
[Sort ID]: 112722
[Card ID]: HERO_08ba
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Mage
[Emote Class]: Mage
[Emote Character]: Kit Waxwhisker
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Fireblast (HERO_08fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: No one is having a more perfect getaway than she is!\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-016_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-016_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Fireblast Rank 2Hero Skins
[Name]: Fireblast Rank 2
[Sort ID]: 112704
[Card ID]: HERO_08azhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nDeal $2 damage.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Mage_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: AFKay_08az_HeroPower_Super
(ADDED CARD) Detectorist FinleyHero Skins
[Name]: Detectorist Finley
[Sort ID]: 112720
[Card ID]: HERO_04as
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Paladin
[Emote Class]: Paladin
[Emote Character]: Rastakhan
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Murloc
[Hero Power]: Reinforce (HERO_04fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: One time he discovered a ring worth at least 50 copper, and then he was hooked!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-014_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-014_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Castle NozdormuHero Skins
[Name]: Castle Nozdormu
[Sort ID]: 114323
[Card ID]: HERO_04at
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Paladin
[Emote Class]: Paladin
[Emote Character]: Nozdormu
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Blood Elf
[Hero Power]: Reinforce (HERO_04fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He’s the reason why your vacations always seem to end so quickly.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-015_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) TalanjiHero Skins
[Name]: Talanji
[Sort ID]: 112705
[Card ID]: HERO_09ar
[Artist]: Tales Irie
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Priest
[Emote Class]: Priest
[Emote Character]: Talanji
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Frame Type]: Diamond
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Troll
[Hero Power]: Lesser Heal (HERO_09arhp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: As long as zombies are at her command, her kingdom of Zandalar is truly forever.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-001_H.png
[Art Texture Hero Collection]: Garrosh_D.png
[Hero Frame]: HERO_09ar_Talanji_hl_Frame.png
[Hero Tray]: Hero_HERO_02at_Nerzhul_Tray.png
[Hero Tray Phone]: HeroHERO_02at_Nerzhul_hl_CornerTray.png
[Hero Mana Gem Phone]: Hero_HERO_02at_Nerzhul_Gem.png
[Disable Golden Hero Tray]: Yes
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Hero Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Disable Legendary Skin In Deck Collection]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Use Legendary Skin For History Bar]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Pre Attack Animation]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Has Fidget Animation]: No
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [VO Starts Come Into Play]: Yes
[Legendary Skin Settings] → [Allow Summon Interruption]: Yes
[Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
[Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
[Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn]: HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent] → [HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Opponent]: HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Friendly Phone] → [HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_phone]: HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Cast_Sound.wav, HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Start Animation Opponent Phone] → [HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Opponent_phone]: HeroSkin_HERO_09ar_Talanji_SocketIn_Opponent_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Lesser HealHero Skins
[Name]: Lesser Heal
[Sort ID]: 112706
[Card ID]: HERO_09arhp
[Text]: Hero Power\nRestore #2 Health.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Rank 2 Hero Power]: Heal (HERO_09arhp2)
[Art Texture]: WOW_TRINK_007_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Talanji_09ar_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Lifeguard HedanisHero Skins
[Name]: Lifeguard Hedanis
[Sort ID]: 114321
[Card ID]: HERO_09as
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Priest
[Emote Class]: Priest
[Emote Character]: Hedanis
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Blood Elf
[Hero Power]: Lesser Heal (HERO_09dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He couldn’t resist Marin’s offer of a free vacation in return for a day of watching over the beach.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-008_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-008_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) HealHero Skins
[Name]: Heal
[Sort ID]: 112707
[Card ID]: HERO_09arhp2
[Text]: Hero Power\nRestore #4 Health.
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: Priest_power2_D.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Talanji_09ar_HeroPower_FX
(ADDED CARD) Highseas EdwinHero Skins
[Name]: Highseas Edwin
[Sort ID]: 112717
[Card ID]: HERO_03at
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Rogue
[Emote Class]: Rogue
[Emote Character]: Edwin
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Human
[Hero Power]: Dagger Mastery (HERO_03dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He’s either looking for vengeance or an island without any nobles on it.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-011_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-011_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) SkatetronHero Skins
[Name]: Skatetron
[Sort ID]: 114322
[Card ID]: HERO_03as
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Rogue
[Emote Class]: Rogue
[Emote Character]: Blingtron
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Dagger Mastery (HERO_03dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: To avoid rusting, he sticks to the boardwalk instead of the beach.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-010_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-010_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) SurfheartHero Skins
[Name]: Surfheart
[Sort ID]: 112713
[Card ID]: HERO_02av
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Fireheart
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Human
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Everybody’s gone surfin’... Surfin’ Spiral Isles!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-007_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-007_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Surfer RastakhanHero Skins
[Name]: Surfer Rastakhan
[Sort ID]: 112726
[Card ID]: HERO_02aw
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Shaman
[Emote Class]: Shaman
[Emote Character]: Rastakhan
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Troll
[Hero Power]: Totemic Call (HERO_02fbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: He couldn’t let King Tide be the only royal surfer.\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-004_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-004_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Vacation RafaamHero Skins
[Name]: Vacation Rafaam
[Sort ID]: 112724
[Card ID]: HERO_07as
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warlock
[Emote Class]: Warlock
[Emote Character]: Rafaam
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Life Tap (HERO_07ebp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Lately, Rafaam has been stealing some zzzs.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-018_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-018_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) N'zoth, Last ResortHero Skins
[Name]: N'zoth, Last Resort
[Sort ID]: 114324
[Card ID]: HERO_07at
[Artist]: N. Saviori & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warlock
[Emote Class]: Warlock
[Emote Character]: N'Zoth
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Old God
[Hero Power]: Life Tap (HERO_07ebp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Marin would really like to know who invited him here...\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-019_H.png
[Art Texture Golden]: SKN30-019_H_Premium.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Feast DenathriusHero Skins
[Name]: Feast Denathrius
[Sort ID]: 112718
[Card ID]: HERO_01ar
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Emote Class]: Warrior
[Emote Character]: Denathrius
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Hero Power]: Armor Up! (HERO_01dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: The buffet bar will never be the same!\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-012_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Hot Spring DeathwingHero Skins
[Name]: Hot Spring Deathwing
[Sort ID]: 112719
[Card ID]: HERO_01as
[Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
[Set]: Hero Skins
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Hero
[Rarity]: Free
[Class]: Warrior
[Emote Class]: Warrior
[Emote Character]: Deathwing
[Health]: 30
[Faction]: Neutral
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Human
[Hero Power]: Armor Up! (HERO_01dbp)
[System]: Hide Watermark
[Description]: Pain... Agony... He soaks in it!\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Hero Type]: Skin
[Art Texture]: SKN30-013_H.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
(ADDED CARD) Ghoul FrenzyLegacy
[Name]: Ghoul Frenzy
[Sort ID]: 112710
[Card ID]: HERO_11vhp2
[Text]: [x]Hero Power\nSummon a 2/1 Ghoul\nwith Charge. It dies at\nend of turn.
[Set]: Legacy
[Type]: Hero Power
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Keywords]: Charge
[Art Texture]: HS27-112_HP.png
[Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
[Effect Play]: Poxy_11v_OverrideSpawn_HeroPower_Super
(ADDED CARD) TemporaryLegacy
[Name]: Temporary
[Sort ID]: 115623
[Card ID]: GBL_999e
[Text]: Discarded at the end of your turn.
[Set]: Legacy
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(ADDED CARD) Eliza GorebladePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Eliza Goreblade
[Sort ID]: 107720
[Card ID]: VAC_426
[Text]: Deathrattle: For the rest of\nthe game, your minions\nhave +1 Attack.
[Flavor]: Dead men tell no tales, but Undead Pirates are yappers.
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Cost Blood]: 1
[Cost Frost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Pirate, Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-024_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-024_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: VAC_426_diamond_elizagoreblade_skip2.png
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_ElizaGoreblade_DeathRattle_AE_FX
[Sound Play] → [VAC_426_ElizaGoreblade_Stinger]: VAC_426_ElizaGoreblade_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_426_Female_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_426_Female_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Swords1_Attack_Underlay]: Swords1_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_426_Female_Undead_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Swords1_Death_Underlay]: Swords1_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_ElizaGoreBlade_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) ButtonsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Buttons
[Sort ID]: 107926
[Card ID]: VAC_437
[Text]: Shaman Tourist\n Battlecry: Draw a spell of each spell school.
[Flavor]: "I\'ll give you an arm and a leg for your Flametongue Pin."
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Signature Artist]: Alex Stone
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Shaman Tourist, Tourist
[Art Texture]: HS32-025_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-025_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-213_S.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Buttons_Battlecry_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_437_Buttons_Stinger]: VAC_437_Buttons_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_437_Male_Abomination_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_437_Male_Abomination_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_437_Male_Abomination_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_Buttons_CustomSummon]: Buttons_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav, Buttons_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Slippery SlopePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Slippery Slope
[Sort ID]: 105854
[Card ID]: VAC_513
[Text]: Freeze a character. Draw a card for each Frozen character.
[Flavor]: It's all downhill from here.
[Artist]: Mike Sass
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Cost Frost]: 2
[Spell School]: Frost
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-148_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-148_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_DeathKnight_Missile_VerySmall_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Frostbitten FreebooterPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Frostbitten Freebooter
[Sort ID]: 106497
[Card ID]: VAC_402
[Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Freeze 3\nrandom enemies. Any\nthat were already Frozen\n __take 5 damage instead.
[Flavor]: Alongside Eliza Goreblade and Peggy Brittlebone, the three Pirate Sisters terrorize the sea.
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Cost Frost]: 1
[Races]: Pirate, Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-149_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_402_Female_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [FrostMagic_Play_Underlay]: FrostMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_402_Female_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [FrostMagic_Attack_Underlay]: FrostMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_402_Female_Undead_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [FrostMagic_Death_Underlay]: FrostMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Horizon's EdgePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Horizon's Edge
[Sort ID]: 107719
[Card ID]: VAC_425
[Text]: [x]Deal 3 damage\nrandomly split among all\nenemies. After a friendly\nminion dies, reopen this.
[Flavor]: Originally named Horizony McHorizonface.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Location Action Cost]: 0
[Art Texture]: HS32-147_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-147_L_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Generic_Missile_Cannon_Super
(ADDED CARD) Snow ShredderPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Snow Shredder
[Sort ID]: 107790
[Card ID]: VAC_429
[Text]: Costs (1) if a character\nis Frozen.
[Flavor]: "Yeah dude, snowboarding is like, totally safe. I\'ve only ever been injured once."
[Artist]: Mike Sass
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Cost Frost]: 1
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-146_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-146_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_429_Male_Ghoul_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_DRG_104t2_SnowElemental_Play]: DRG_104t2_SnowElemental_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_429_Male_Ghoul_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_DRG_104t2_SnowElemental_Attack]: DRG_104t2_SnowElemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_429_Male_Ghoul_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_DRG_104t2_SnowElemental_Death]: DRG_104t2_SnowElemental_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Brittlebone BuccaneerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Brittlebone Buccaneer
[Sort ID]: 107920
[Card ID]: VAC_436
[Text]: Whenever you play a Deathrattle minion,\ngive it Reborn.
[Flavor]: How much does a pirate pay for corn? A buck an ear arr arr arrr arrr!
[Artist]: Mauricio Herrera
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 4
[Cost Unholy]: 1
[Races]: Pirate, Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Reborn
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-150_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_436_Female_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_436_Female_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_436_Female_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Dreadhound HandlerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dreadhound Handler
[Sort ID]: 105855
[Card ID]: VAC_514
[Text]: [x]Rush\nDeathrattle: Summon a 1/1\nDreadhound with Reborn.
[Flavor]: The handler being undead speaks to a spotty safety record.
[Artist]: Gabor Szikskai
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Pirate, Undead
[Related Cards]: Dreadhound (VAC_514t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Reborn, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-128_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-128_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_514_Male_SkeletalOrc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Felhound_DAL_582t2_Play]: Felhound_DAL_582t2_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_514_Male_SkeletalOrc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Felhound_DAL_582t2_Attack]: Felhound_DAL_582t2_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_514_Male_SkeletalOrc_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Felhound_DAL_582t2_Death]: Felhound_DAL_582t2_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) CorpsiclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Corpsicle
[Sort ID]: 107775
[Card ID]: VAC_427
[Text]: Deal $3 damage. Spend 3 Corpses to return this to your hand\nat the end of your turn.
[Flavor]: Comes in three tasty flavors: Gross, Disgusting, and Chocolate!
[Artist]: Patrik Bjorkstrom
[Signature Artist]: Brian Despain
[Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 2
[Cost Frost]: 1
[Spell School]: Frost
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Keywords]: Corpse
[Art Texture]: HS32-127_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-127_S_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-235_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_DeathKnight_Missile_Small_Super_WithIdle
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_DeathKnight_SpawnToHand_Super
(ADDED CARD) Ghouls' NightPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ghouls' Night
[Sort ID]: 108436
[Card ID]: VAC_445
[Text]: Summon five 1/1 Ghouls that attack random enemies.
[Flavor]: "Ohmygosh, did you hear what Jessicorpse said to Deathanny??"
[Artist]: Timur Shevtsov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 4
[Cost Unholy]: 1
[Related Cards]: Slumbering Ghoul (VAC_445t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-151_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-151_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Slumbering GhoulPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Slumbering Ghoul
[Sort ID]: 108437
[Card ID]: VAC_445t
[Artist]: Timur Shevtsov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Undead
[Art Texture]: HS32-152_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-152_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_ICC_034t_Ghoul_Play]: ICC_034t_Ghoul_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_ICC_034t_Ghoul_Attack]: ICC_034t_Ghoul_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_ICC_034t_Ghoul_Death]: ICC_034t_Ghoul_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) DreadhoundPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dreadhound
[Sort ID]: 111484
[Card ID]: VAC_514t
[Text]: Reborn
[Artist]: Gabor Szikskai
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Death Knight
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast, Undead
[Keywords]: Reborn
[Art Texture]: HS32-129_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-129_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_LakkariFelhound_UNG_833_Attack]: LakkariFelhound_UNG_833_Attack.wav
[Sound Play] → [LargeChains_Underlay_Play]: LargeChains_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_LakkariFelhound_UNG_833_Play]: LakkariFelhound_UNG_833_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [LargeChains_Underlay_Attack]: LargeChains_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_LakkariFelhound_UNG_833_Death]: LakkariFelhound_UNG_833_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [LargeChains_Underlay_Death]: LargeChains_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Aranna, Thrill SeekerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Aranna, Thrill Seeker
[Sort ID]: 105540
[Card ID]: VAC_501
[Text]: [x]Priest Tourist\nDamage your hero takes\non your turn is redirected\nto a random enemy.
[Flavor]: "Aranna, I feel like you only came to this island so you could use the zipline."
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Signature Artist]: Grafit
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[System]: Priest Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-035_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-035_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-215_S.png
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_ArannaTheExtreme_TriggerSuper
[Sound Play] → [VAC_501_ArannaTheExtreme_Stinger]: VAC_501_ArannaTheExtreme_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_501_Female_NightElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [LOE_DigSite_Rope_Sound_01]: LOE_DigSite_Rope_Sound_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_501_Female_NightElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [LOE_DigSite_Rope_Sound_02]: LOE_DigSite_Rope_Sound_02.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_501_Female_NightElf_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [LOE_DigSite_Rope_Sound_03]: LOE_DigSite_Rope_Sound_03.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_ArannatheExtreme_CustomSummon]: ArannaTheExtreme_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, ArannaTheExtreme_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Patches the PilotPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Patches the Pilot
[Sort ID]: 106620
[Card ID]: VAC_933
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Shuffle six\nParachutes into your deck\nthat summon a 1/1 Pirate\n_____with Charge when drawn.___
[Flavor]: Finally, a Patches you want to draw on turn 1!
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Demon, Pirate
[Related Cards]: Parachute (VAC_933t), Falling Illidari (VAC_926t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Charge
[Art Texture]: HS32-032_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-032_M_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_PatchesThePilot_SpawnToDeck_Super
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_PatchesThePilot_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_933_PatchesThePilot_Stinger]: VAC_933_PatchesThePilot_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_933_Male_Observer_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_VO_DRG_061_Gyrocopter_Play]: VO_DRG_061_Gyrocopter_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_933_Male_Observer_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_VO_DRG_061_Gyrocopter_Attack]: VO_DRG_061_Gyrocopter_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_933_Male_Observer_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_VO_DRG_061_Gyrocopter_Death]: VO_DRG_061_Gyrocopter_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_PatchesThePilot_CustomSummon]: PatchesThePilot_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cliff DivePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cliff Dive
[Sort ID]: 106583
[Card ID]: VAC_926
[Text]: [x]Summon 2 minions\nfrom your deck and give\nthem Rush. They go back\nat the end of your turn.
[Flavor]: "Is it safe?"\n"Sure, we have plenty of replacement pirates."
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Keywords]: Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-030_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-030_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Climbing HookPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Climbing Hook
[Sort ID]: 106618
[Card ID]: VAC_932
[Text]: Doesn't lose Durability while you control a minion with 5 or more Attack.
[Flavor]: "It LOOKS like a grappling hook but it\'s actually a climbing hook. It\'s a really important distinction you just wouldn\'t get it."
[Artist]: Studio Hive
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 5
[Durability]: 2
[Art Texture]: HS32-168_W.png
(ADDED CARD) ParaglidePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Paraglide
[Sort ID]: 106591
[Card ID]: VAC_928
[Text]: [x]Both players\ndraw 3 cards.\nOutcast: Only you do.
[Flavor]: I can see my hand from here!!!!!
[Artist]: Ursula Dorada
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Keywords]: Outcast
[Art Texture]: HS32-034_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-034_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Dangerous CliffsidePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dangerous Cliffside
[Sort ID]: 106614
[Card ID]: VAC_929
[Text]: [x]Summon two 1/1\nPirates with Charge.\nAfter your hero attacks,\nreopen this.
[Flavor]: It's not as dangerous as it looks… IT'S EVEN MORE DANGEROUS!
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 4
[Health]: 3
[Location Action Cost]: 0
[Related Cards]: Falling Illidari (VAC_926t)
[Keywords]: Charge
[Art Texture]: HS32-166_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-166_L_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Skirting DeathPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Skirting Death
[Sort ID]: 106616
[Card ID]: VAC_931
[Text]: Choose a minion.\nThis turn, your hero steals 4 Attack from it.
[Flavor]: Skkrrt *death* Skkrrt
[Artist]: Juan Calle
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: HS32-167_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-167_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Sigil of SkydivingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sigil of Skydiving
[Sort ID]: 106582
[Card ID]: VAC_925
[Text]: At the start of your\nnext turn, summon three 1/1 Pirates with Charge.
[Flavor]: Aim for the bushes?
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fel
[Related Cards]: Falling Illidari (VAC_926t)
[Keywords]: Charge
[System]: Sigil
[Art Texture]: HS32-029_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-029_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Adrenaline FiendPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Adrenaline Fiend
[Sort ID]: 106584
[Card ID]: VAC_927
[Text]: After a friendly Pirate attacks, give your hero\n+1 Attack this turn.
[Flavor]: Puts the "devil" in daredevil.
[Artist]: Alex Horley Orlandelli
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Demon, Pirate
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-165_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-165_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_927_Male_Terrorguard_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [TanarisHogchopper_Underlay_Play]: TanarisHogchopper_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_927_Male_Terrorguard_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [TanarisHogchopper_Underlay_Attack]: TanarisHogchopper_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_927_Male_Terrorguard_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) All Terrain VoidhoundPerils in Paradise
[Name]: All Terrain Voidhound
[Sort ID]: 106615
[Card ID]: VAC_930
[Text]: Whenever this attacks, give your hero +5 Attack this turn.
[Flavor]: 4 claw drive, independent joint suspension AND a 7 mana warranty? Where do I sign?
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 8
[Races]: Demon
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-033_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-033_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_930_AllTerrainVoidhound_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_930_AllTerrainVoidhound_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_930_AllTerrainVoidhound_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Skirting DeathPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Skirting Death
[Sort ID]: 106617
[Card ID]: VAC_931e
[Text]: -4 Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Faction]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Skirting Death (VAC_931)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) HookedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hooked
[Sort ID]: 106619
[Card ID]: VAC_932e
[Text]: Doesn't lose Durability while you control a minion with 5 or more Attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Origin]: Climbing Hook (VAC_932)
(ADDED CARD) ParachutePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Parachute
[Sort ID]: 106621
[Card ID]: VAC_933t
[Text]: Casts When Drawn\nSummon a 1/1 Pirate with Charge.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Keywords]: Casts When Drawn, Charge
[Art Texture]: HS32-169_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-169_S_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_PatchesThePilot_OverrideSpawn
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_PatchesThePilot_Ambush_Super
(ADDED CARD) Falling IllidariPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Falling Illidari
[Sort ID]: 107830
[Card ID]: VAC_926t
[Text]: Charge
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Charge
[Art Texture]: HS32-031_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-031_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_926t_Male_NightElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_926t_Male_NightElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_926t_Male_NightElf_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) AdrenalinePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Adrenaline
[Sort ID]: 109441
[Card ID]: VAC_927e
[Text]: Increased Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Origin]: Adrenaline Fiend (VAC_927)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) SkirtedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Skirted
[Sort ID]: 110684
[Card ID]: VAC_931e1
[Text]: +@ Attack this turn
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Faction]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Skirting Death (VAC_931)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) Off RoadPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Off Road
[Sort ID]: 115883
[Card ID]: VAC_930e
[Text]: Increased Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Demon Hunter
[Placeholder Data 1]: 1
[Origin]: All Terrain Voidhound (VAC_930)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) Cruise Captain LoraPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cruise Captain Lora
[Sort ID]: 105546
[Card ID]: VAC_506
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon 2\nrandom locations.
[Flavor]: To your left is our award winning spa area! And to the right, THE PRISON OF YOGG-SARON!
[Artist]: Gabriel Lopes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-194_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-194_M_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_CruiseCaptain_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [VAC_506_CruiseCaptain_Stinger]: VAC_506_CruiseCaptain_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_506_Female_NightElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_506_Female_NightElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_506_Female_NightElf_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_CruiseCaptain_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Mistah VistahPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Mistah Vistah
[Sort ID]: 105893
[Card ID]: VAC_519
[Text]: [x]Mage Tourist\nBattlecry: In 3 turns, replay\nevery spell you've cast\n__between now and then.
[Flavor]: His government name is Vister.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Signature Artist]: Dez Bencosme
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Scenic Vista (VAC_519t3)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Mage Tourist, Tourist
[Art Texture]: HS32-067_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-067_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-220_S.png
[Effect After Play]: MISFX_Product9_YoggFogg_Super
[Effect Trigger]: MISFX_Product9_YoggFogg_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_519_MistahVistah_Stinger]: VAC_519_MistahVistah_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_519_Male_Troll_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_519_Male_Troll_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_519_Male_Troll_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_MistahVistah_CustomSummon]: MistahVistah_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, MistahVistah_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
[Event Spawn] → [MISFX_Product9_YoggFogg_Super]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Sleep Under the StarsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sleep Under the Stars
[Sort ID]: 105813
[Card ID]: VAC_907
[Text]: [x]Choose Thrice - Draw 2\ncards; Gain 5 Armor;\nRefresh 3 Mana Crystals.
[Flavor]: THRICE?! What's next, FOURTHST?!
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 7
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Related Cards]: Cat Constellation (VAC_907t1), Bear Constellation (VAC_907t2), Moonkin Constellation (VAC_907t3)
[Art Texture]: HS32-064_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-064_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) New HeightsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: New Heights
[Sort ID]: 107891
[Card ID]: VAC_949
[Text]: [x]Increase your maximum\nMana by 3 and gain an\nempty Mana Crystal.
[Flavor]: The sky's the limit (or at least 99 is).
[Artist]: Eva Widermann
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS32-065_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-065_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Cat ConstellationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cat Constellation
[Sort ID]: 111996
[Card ID]: VAC_907t1
[Text]: Draw 2 cards.
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 7
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS32-190_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-190_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Bear ConstellationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bear Constellation
[Sort ID]: 111997
[Card ID]: VAC_907t2
[Text]: Gain 5 Armor.
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 7
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS32-191_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-191_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Moonkin ConstellationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Moonkin Constellation
[Sort ID]: 111998
[Card ID]: VAC_907t3
[Text]: Refresh 3 Mana Crystals.
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 7
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS32-192_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-192_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Dozing DragonPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dozing Dragon
[Sort ID]: 105810
[Card ID]: VAC_511
[Text]: [x]Dormant for 2 turns.\nWhile Dormant, summon\na 3/5 Dragon with Taunt\n_at the end of your turn.
[Flavor]: Emerald dreams can become emerald realities.
[Artist]: Alex Stone
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 5
[Races]: Dragon
[Related Cards]: Restless Whelp (VAC_511t)
[Keywords]: Dormant, Taunt
[System]: Starts Dormant
[Art Texture]: HS32-061_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_511_Female_Dragon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_511_Female_Dragon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_511_Female_Dragon_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Hiking TrailPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hiking Trail
[Sort ID]: 105891
[Card ID]: VAC_517
[Text]: Discover a Taunt minion. After you gain Armor, reopen this.
[Flavor]: "Hello adventurers!"\n"Hi King Trale!"
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Location Action Cost]: 0
[Keywords]: Discover, Taunt
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-189_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-189_L_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Hydration StationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hydration Station
[Sort ID]: 107856
[Card ID]: VAC_948
[Text]: [x]Resurrect your 3 highest\nCost Taunt minions.
[Flavor]: They're drinking in herds... they do drink in herds.
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Signature Artist]: Grafit
[Obtain Signature]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 8
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 1
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-066_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-066_S_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-233_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Trail MixPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Trail Mix
[Sort ID]: 105795
[Card ID]: VAC_508
[Text]: Gain 2 Mana Crystals next turn only.
[Flavor]: You can tell this is an escapist fantasy game because there are no raisins.
[Artist]: Melvin Chan
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Nature
[Art Texture]: HS32-063_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-063_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Tortollan TravelerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Tortollan Traveler
[Sort ID]: 105892
[Card ID]: VAC_518
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nDeathrattle: Draw another\nTaunt minion. Reduce\nits Cost by (2).
[Flavor]: Tortolla, preserve my energy for this hike!
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 5
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-188_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-188_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_518_Female_Tortollan_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_518_Female_Tortollan_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_518_Female_Tortollan_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bouldering BuddyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bouldering Buddy
[Sort ID]: 107892
[Card ID]: VAC_950
[Text]: [x]Rush, Taunt\nCosts (1) if you have at\nleast 10 Mana Crystals.
[Flavor]: Why would you buy a walking stick when the forest is full of them!?
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 7
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Rush, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-193_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-193_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_950_BoulderingBuddy_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_950_BoulderingBuddy_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_950_BoulderingBuddy_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) OversleepingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Oversleeping
[Sort ID]: 105811
[Card ID]: VAC_511e
[Text]: Dormant. Awaken in 2 |4(turn, turns).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Score Value 1]: 2
[Origin]: Dozing Dragon (VAC_511)
[System]: Trigger Visual
(ADDED CARD) Scenic VistaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Scenic Vista
[Sort ID]: 107900
[Card ID]: VAC_519t3
[Text]: In 3 turns, recast every spell you played while this was in play.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Druid
[Quest Value]: 3
[Placeholder Data 2]: 9239875
[System]: Hide Stats, Objective
[Art Texture]: HS32-070_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-070_S_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_MistahVistah_YoggFogg_Super
(ADDED CARD) SleepyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sleepy
[Sort ID]: 108946
[Card ID]: VAC_511e2
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Placeholder Data 1]: 2
[Score Value 1]: 2
[Origin]: Dozing Dragon (VAC_511)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(ADDED CARD) Restless WhelpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Restless Whelp
[Sort ID]: 108947
[Card ID]: VAC_511t
[Text]: Taunt
[Artist]: Alex Stone
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Druid
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 5
[Races]: Dragon
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-062_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-062_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_GIL_190t_NightscaleWhelp_Attack]: GIL_190t_NightscaleWhelp_Attack.wav
[Sound Play] → [WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Play]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_GIL_190t_NightscaleWhelp_Play]: GIL_190t_NightscaleWhelp_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Attack]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_GIL_190t_NightscaleWhelp_Death]: GIL_190t_NightscaleWhelp_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Death]: WingFlapTiny_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) TravellingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Travelling
[Sort ID]: 111933
[Card ID]: VAC_518e
[Text]: Costs (2) less
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Druid
[Origin]: Tortollan Traveler (VAC_518)
(ADDED CARD) Ranger GillyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ranger Gilly
[Sort ID]: 106638
[Card ID]: VAC_413
[Text]: [x]Warrior Tourist. At the end of\nyour turn, get a 2/3 Crocolisk.\nDeathrattle: Give all minions\nin your hand +2/+3.
[Flavor]: Get you someone who looks at you the way Ranger Gilly looks at that Crocolisk.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Signature Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Neutral
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Island Crocolisk (VAC_413t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Tourist, Trigger Visual, Warrior Tourist
[Art Texture]: HS32-051_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-051_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-218_S.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_RangerGilly_SpawnToHand_Impact_Super, VACFX_RangerGilly_HandBuff_ScaleUp_OpponentAE_Green_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_413_RangerGilly_Stinger]: VAC_413_RangerGilly_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_413_Male_Dwarf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_413_Male_Dwarf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_ULD_190_PitCrocolisk_Attack]: ULD_190_PitCrocolisk_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_413_Male_Dwarf_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_ULD_190_PitCrocolisk_Death]: ULD_190_PitCrocolisk_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_RangerGilly_CustomSummon]: VACFX_RangerGilly_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) SasquawkPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sasquawk
[Sort ID]: 106671
[Card ID]: VAC_415
[Text]: Battlecry: Repeat each card you played last turn.
[Flavor]: He makes your last turn this turn. But if you play him next turn, your next turn is this turn. Doing both would make this turn last turn and next turn this turn. Which turn is this next turn last turn?
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-050_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-050_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: VAC_415_diamond_sasquawk_skip4.png
[Effect Additional Play]: VACFX_Sasquawk_YoggFogg_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_415_Sasquawk_Stinger]: VAC_415_Sasquawk_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Sasquawk_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [BirdWingFlaps_Medium_Play_Underlay]: BirdWingFlaps_Large_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Sasquawk_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [BirdWingFlaps_Medium_Attack_Underlay]: BirdWingFlaps_Large_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Sasquawk_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [BirdWingFlaps_Medium_Death_Underlay]: BirdWingFlaps_Large_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_Sasquawk_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Chatty MacawPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Chatty Macaw
[Sort ID]: 106571
[Card ID]: VAC_407
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Repeat the last\nspell you cast at an enemy\n(at a random enemy\nif possible).
[Flavor]: Stop repeating yourself! Stop repeating yourself!
[Artist]: Ramzy Kamen
[Signature Artist]: L. Lullabi & I. Campelo da Silva
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Beast, Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-049_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-049_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-231_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_407_Female_Macaw_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_407_Female_Macaw_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_407_Female_Macaw_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Death RollPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Death Roll
[Sort ID]: 106679
[Card ID]: VAC_416
[Text]: [x]Destroy an enemy minion.\n Deal damage equal to its\nAttack randomly split\namong all enemies.
[Flavor]: There's a Crocolisk on my boot!
[Artist]: Alex Stone
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 5
[System]: Affected By Spell Power, Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-178_S.png
(ADDED CARD) BirdwatchingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Birdwatching
[Sort ID]: 106574
[Card ID]: VAC_408
[Text]: [x]Discover a minion\nfrom your deck. Give all\ncopies of it +2/+1\n(wherever they are).
[Flavor]: A bird in the hand is worth two in the deck.
[Artist]: Adam Byrne
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-043_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-043_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Parrot SanctuaryPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Parrot Sanctuary
[Sort ID]: 106576
[Card ID]: VAC_409
[Text]: [x]Your next Battlecry\nminion costs (1) less.\nAfter you play a Battlecry\nminion, reopen this.
[Flavor]: Did you know? It's very loud in a parrot sanctuary. This has been bird facts with Ranger Gilly.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Location Action Cost]: 0
[Faction]: Neutral
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-179_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-179_L_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: BaconFX_BirdBuddy_Parrot_Feathers_Impact_Source_Super
(ADDED CARD) Furious FowlsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Furious Fowls
[Sort ID]: 106585
[Card ID]: VAC_410
[Text]: Choose an enemy. Summon two 3/2 Birds with Immune while attacking to attack it.
[Flavor]: They were already mad and you had to call them 'foul'??
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 6
[Related Cards]: Angry Bird (VAC_410t)
[Keywords]: Immune
[Art Texture]: HS32-045_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-045_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Catch of the DayPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Catch of the Day
[Sort ID]: 106636
[Card ID]: VAC_412
[Text]: [x]Rush\nBattlecry: Summon a 2/1\nWorm for your opponent.
[Flavor]: Only its fish mother thinks it's a catch.
[Artist]: Tanamaes Leejierasaes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Delicious Worm (VAC_412t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-047_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-047_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_412_CatchofTheDay_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [TSC_Packopening_bubbles_BuildUp1_Sound]: TSC_Packopening_bubbles_BuildUp1_Sound.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_412_CatchofTheDay_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [TSC_Packopening_bubbles_BuildUp2_Sound]: TSC_Packopening_bubbles_BuildUp2_Sound.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_412_CatchofTheDay_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [TSC_Packopening_bubbles_BuildUp3_Sound]: TSC_Packopening_bubbles_BuildUp3_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Trusty Fishing RodPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Trusty Fishing Rod
[Sort ID]: 109323
[Card ID]: VAC_960
[Text]: [x]After your hero\n attacks, summon\na 1-Cost minion\nfrom your deck.
[Flavor]: That's weird… I can only catch magic carps with this old fishing rod.
[Artist]: Tanamaes Leejierasaes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 1
[Durability]: 2
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-044_W.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-044_W_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Pet ParrotPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Pet Parrot
[Sort ID]: 109326
[Card ID]: VAC_961
[Text]: Battlecry: Repeat the last 1-Cost card you played.
[Flavor]: You are REQUIRED to give it crackers. It's the Bird Law.
[Artist]: Grace Liu
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-042_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-042_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Pet_Parrot_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [BirdWingFlaps_Small_Play_Underlay]: BirdWingFlaps_Small_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Pet_Parrot_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [BirdWingFlaps_Small_Attack_Underlay]: BirdWingFlaps_Small_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Pet_Parrot_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [BirdWingFlaps_Small_Death_Underlay]: BirdWingFlaps_Small_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Angry BirdPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Angry Bird
[Sort ID]: 107903
[Card ID]: VAC_410t
[Text]: Immune while attacking.
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Immune
[System]: Immune While Attacking
[Art Texture]: HS32-046_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-046_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_410t_AngryBird_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_410t_AngryBird_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_410t_AngryBird_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Delicious WormPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Delicious Worm
[Sort ID]: 109325
[Card ID]: VAC_412t
[Artist]: Tanamaes Leejierasaes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[Art Texture]: HS32-048_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-048_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_412t_DeliciousWorm_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [TSC_SmallBubbles_1]: TSC_SmallBubbles_1.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_412t_DeliciousWorm_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [TSC_SmallBubbles_2]: TSC_SmallBubbles_2.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_412t_DeliciousWorm_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [TSC_SmallBubbles_3]: TSC_SmallBubbles_3.wav
(ADDED CARD) ToothyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Toothy
[Sort ID]: 111676
[Card ID]: VAC_413e3
[Text]: +2/+3.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Mini Set]: Yes
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Hunter
[Origin]: Ranger Gilly (VAC_413)
(ADDED CARD) Island CrocoliskPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Island Crocolisk
[Sort ID]: 113343
[Card ID]: VAC_413t
[Artist]: Ursula Dorada
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Hunter
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Beast
[Art Texture]: HS32-180_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-180_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_413t_IslandCrocolisk_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_413t_IslandCrocolisk_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_413t_IslandCrocolisk_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) A Bird in the HandPerils in Paradise
[Name]: A Bird in the Hand
[Sort ID]: 114951
[Card ID]: VAC_408e
[Text]: +2/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Hunter
[Origin]: Birdwatching (VAC_408)
(ADDED CARD) King TidePerils in Paradise
[Name]: King Tide
[Sort ID]: 106375
[Card ID]: VAC_524
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Both players'\nspells cost (5) until the\nend of your next turn.
[Flavor]: blizz pls surf
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-076_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-076_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: VAC_524_diamond_kingtide_skip5.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_KingTide_Battlecry
[Sound Play] → [VAC_524_KingTide_Stinger]: VAC_524_KingTide_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_524_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_CS2_033_Play_WaterElemental]: CS2_033_Play_WaterElemental.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_524_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_CS2_033_Attack_WaterElemental]: CS2_033_Attack_WaterElemental.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_524_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_CS2_033_Death_WaterElemental]: CS2_033_Death_WaterElemental.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_KingTide_CustomSummon]: KingTide_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav, KingTide_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Raylla, Sand SculptorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Raylla, Sand Sculptor
[Sort ID]: 107187
[Card ID]: VAC_424
[Text]: [x]Paladin Tourist\nAfter you cast a spell, summon\na random 2-Cost minion and\ngive it Divine Shield.
[Flavor]: Is this flavor text raylla the best we can do?
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Signature Artist]: Arthur Gimaldinov
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[System]: Paladin Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-077_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-077_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-221_S.png
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_RayllaSandSculptor_Trigger_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [VAC_424_RayllaSandSculptor_Stinger]: VAC_424_RayllaSandSculptor_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_424_Female_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_424_Female_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Fire_Underlay_Attack]: Fire_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_424_Female_Draenei_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Fire_Underlay_Death]: Fire_Underlay_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_RayllaSandSculptor_CustomSummon]: RayllaSandSculptor_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, RayllaSandSculptor_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) TsunamiPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Tsunami
[Sort ID]: 105797
[Card ID]: VAC_509
[Text]: Summon three 3/6 Water Elementals that Freeze. They attack random enemies.
[Flavor]: Hop in, the water's cold! And angry. And alive.
[Artist]: Patrik Bjorkstrom
[Signature Artist]: Grace Liu
[Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 8
[Spell School]: Frost
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Water Elemental (VAC_509t)
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-072_S.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-234_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Go with the FlowPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Go with the Flow
[Sort ID]: 107776
[Card ID]: VAC_428
[Text]: Choose a minion.\nIf it's an enemy, Freeze it. If it's friendly, give it Spell Damage +1.
[Flavor]: Just go with the flow, bro! No mo' woe fo' yo'!
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Freeze, Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-074_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-074_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Frost_GoWithTheFlow_VariableImpact_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Under the SeaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Under the Sea
[Sort ID]: 107850
[Card ID]: VAC_431
[Text]: Draw a different spell. Summon a\nrandom minion of that\nspell's Cost.
[Flavor]: Spacebar
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 6
[Art Texture]: HS32-200_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Rising WavesPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Rising Waves
[Sort ID]: 108337
[Card ID]: VAC_953
[Text]: Deal $2 damage to all minions. If none die, deal $2 more.
[Flavor]: How do you expect them to do the wave if their arms are buried in the sand??
[Artist]: Mauricio Herrera
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS32-199_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-199_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) SurfalopodPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Surfalopod
[Sort ID]: 108348
[Card ID]: VAC_443
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: The next\nspell you draw is\nCast When Drawn.
[Flavor]: Hi! Octopus expert here. This is NOT funny. Octopi only do this when they're extremely rad.
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 6
[Faction]: Neutral
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Casts When Drawn
[Art Texture]: HS32-071_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-071_M_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Water_DrawAndHold_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_443_WaveRider_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_443_WaveRider_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_443_WaveRider_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Seabreeze ChalicePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Seabreeze Chalice
[Sort ID]: 106369
[Card ID]: VAC_520
[Text]: [x]Deal $2 damage randomly\nsplit among all enemies.\n(3 Drinks left!)
[Flavor]: If your luck has been particularly poor lately, try the extra salted rim!
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Frost
[Related Cards]: Seabreeze Chalice (VAC_520t), Seabreeze Chalice (VAC_520t2)
[Twinspell Copy]: Seabreeze Chalice (VAC_520t)
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-196_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-196_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Seabreeze ChalicePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Seabreeze Chalice
[Sort ID]: 106370
[Card ID]: VAC_520t
[Text]: [x]Deal $2 damage randomly\nsplit among all enemies.\n(2 Drinks left!)
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Frost
[Twinspell Copy]: Seabreeze Chalice (VAC_520t2)
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-197_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-197_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Seabreeze ChalicePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Seabreeze Chalice
[Sort ID]: 106371
[Card ID]: VAC_520t2
[Text]: [x]Deal $2 damage randomly\nsplit among all enemies.\n(Last Drink!)
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Frost
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-198_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-198_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Tide PoolsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Tide Pools
[Sort ID]: 106373
[Card ID]: VAC_522
[Text]: [x]Discover a spell that\ncosts (3) or less.\nAfter you cast a spell,\nreopen this.
[Flavor]: I know they look delicious but do NOT eat them.
[Artist]: Tanamaes Leejierasaes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Keywords]: Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-195_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-195_L_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Marooned ArchmagePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Marooned Archmage
[Sort ID]: 107878
[Card ID]: VAC_435
[Text]: Your first spell each turn costs (2) less.
[Flavor]: Welcome to Maroonland! Population: 2.
[Artist]: Mauricio Herrera
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[System]: Aura
[Art Texture]: HS32-075_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-075_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_435_Male_BloodElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_435_Male_BloodElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_435_Male_BloodElf_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) WaveridingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Waveriding
[Sort ID]: 106376
[Card ID]: VAC_524e
[Text]: All spells cost (5).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Mage
[Origin]: King Tide (VAC_524)
(ADDED CARD) MaroonedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Marooned
[Sort ID]: 107886
[Card ID]: VAC_435e
[Text]: Your first spell each turn costs (2) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Mage
[Origin]: Marooned Archmage (VAC_435)
(ADDED CARD) Ride the Wave 2Perils in Paradise
[Name]: Ride the Wave 2
[Sort ID]: 108349
[Card ID]: VAC_443e2
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Mage
[Origin]: Surfalopod (VAC_443)
(ADDED CARD) Waveriding RivalPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Waveriding Rival
[Sort ID]: 109149
[Card ID]: VAC_524e2
[Text]: All spells cost (5).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Mage
[Origin]: King Tide (VAC_524)
(ADDED CARD) Ride the WavePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ride the Wave
[Sort ID]: 109394
[Card ID]: VAC_443e
[Text]: The next spell you draw is Cast When Drawn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Mage
[Origin]: Surfalopod (VAC_443)
(ADDED CARD) Water ElementalPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Water Elemental
[Sort ID]: 111536
[Card ID]: VAC_509t
[Text]: Freeze any character damaged by this minion.
[Artist]: Todd Harris
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Mage
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 6
[Faction]: Neutral
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-073_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-073_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_509t_WaterElemental_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_509t_WaterElemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_509t_WaterElemental_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sunsapper LynessaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sunsapper Lynessa
[Sort ID]: 105682
[Card ID]: VAC_507
[Text]: [x]Rogue Tourist\nYour spells that cost (2)\nor less cast twice.
[Flavor]: Paladins are sooo lawful that they start feeling like a Rogue just by sitting on someone else's beach chair.
[Artist]: Arthur Gimaldinov
[Signature Artist]: Mooncolony
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 6
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[System]: Aura, Rogue Tourist, Tourist
[Art Texture]: HS32-009_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-009_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-209_S.png
[Sound Play] → [VAC_507_SunsapperLynessa_Stinger]: VAC_507_SunsapperLynessa_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_507_Female_BloodElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_507_Female_BloodElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [HolyMagic_Attack_Underlay]: HolyMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_507_Female_BloodElf_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [HolyMagic_Death_Underlay]: HolyMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_SunsapperLynessa_CustomSummon]: SunsapperLynessa_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound .wav, SunsapperLynessa_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound .wav
(ADDED CARD) Sanc'AzelPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sanc'Azel
[Sort ID]: 106449
[Card ID]: VAC_923
[Text]: Rush\nAfter this attacks, turn\ninto a location.
[Flavor]: That castle has some serious drip.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 8
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Related Cards]: Sanc'Azel (VAC_923t)
[Keywords]: Rush
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-007_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-007_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: VAC_923_diamond_sancazel_skip5.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_SancAzel_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [VAC_923_SancAzel_Stinger]: VAC_923_SancAzel_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_923_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_ULD_197_QuicksandElemental_Play]: ULD_197_QuicksandElemental_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_923_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_ULD_197_QuicksandElemental_Attack]: ULD_197_QuicksandElemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_923_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_ULD_197_QuicksandElemental_Death]: ULD_197_QuicksandElemental_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_SancAzel_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Sanc'AzelPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sanc'Azel
[Sort ID]: 106450
[Card ID]: VAC_923t
[Text]: [x]Give a friendly minion\n+3 Attack and Rush.\nTurn back into a minion.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 5
[Health]: 8
[Location Action Cost]: 0
[Elite]: Yes
[Keywords]: Rush
[Art Texture]: HS32-008_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-008_L_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_SancAzel_Location_Missile_Super
(ADDED CARD) Service AcePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Service Ace
[Sort ID]: 106442
[Card ID]: VAC_920
[Text]: [x]After this minion gains\nAttack, reduce the Cost\nof the highest Cost card\nin your hand by (1).
[Flavor]: No shirt, no shoes, YES service!
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Placeholder Data 1]: 0
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-006_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-006_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_920_Male_Dwarf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_920_Male_Dwarf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_920_Male_Dwarf_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sea ShantyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sea Shanty
[Sort ID]: 109262
[Card ID]: VAC_558
[Text]: Summon three 5/5 Pirates. Costs (1) less for each spell you've cast on characters this game.
[Flavor]: Time for some well-earned arrr and arrr.
[Artist]: Timur Shevtsov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 10
[Related Cards]: Chorus Corsair (VAC_558t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-002_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-002_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Divine BrewPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Divine Brew
[Sort ID]: 106433
[Card ID]: VAC_916
[Text]: Give a character Divine Shield. If it already had one, give it +1 Attack this turn. (3 Drinks left!)
[Flavor]: I'm on a cleanse, do you have any Light drinks?
[Artist]: Melvin Chan
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Holy
[Related Cards]: Divine Brew (VAC_916t2), Divine Brew (VAC_916t3)
[Twinspell Copy]: Divine Brew (VAC_916t2)
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[Art Texture]: HS32-133_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-133_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) LifeguardPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Lifeguard
[Sort ID]: 106439
[Card ID]: VAC_919
[Text]: [x]Taunt\n Battlecry: The next spell\nyou cast has Lifesteal.
[Flavor]: Hey, no aggro in the pool!
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 7
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Lifesteal, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-005_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-005_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_919_Female_Gnome_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Ref_Whistle_Underlay_Play]: Ref_Whistle_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_919_Female_Gnome_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_919_Female_Gnome_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Lifesaving AuraPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Lifesaving Aura
[Sort ID]: 106446
[Card ID]: VAC_922
[Text]: At the end of your turn, get a 1-Cost Sunscreen that gives +1/+2. Lasts 3 turns.
[Flavor]: One ring to rule them all, and in the sunlight save them.
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Holy
[Related Cards]: Sunscreen (VAC_917t)
[System]: Objective, Paladin Aura
[Art Texture]: HS32-137_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-137_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Divine BrewPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Divine Brew
[Sort ID]: 107066
[Card ID]: VAC_916t2
[Text]: Give a character Divine Shield. If it already had one, give it +1 Attack this turn. (2 Drinks left!)
[Artist]: Melvin Chan
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Holy
[Twinspell Copy]: Divine Brew (VAC_916t3)
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[Art Texture]: HS32-134_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-134_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Divine BrewPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Divine Brew
[Sort ID]: 107069
[Card ID]: VAC_916t3
[Text]: Give a character Divine Shield. If it already had one, give it +1 Attack this turn. (Last Drink!)
[Artist]: Melvin Chan
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Holy
[Keywords]: Divine Shield
[Art Texture]: HS32-135_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-135_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Power SpikePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Power Spike
[Sort ID]: 106432
[Card ID]: VAC_915
[Text]: Deal $4 damage.\nGive a random friendly minion +4/+4.
[Flavor]: Jeff, when I said this deck needs a power spike I did not mean it like that.
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Signature Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Obtain Signature]: Obtained by owning 15 Perils in Paradise Legendary cards.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 6
[Spell School]: Holy
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS32-001_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-001_S_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-236_S.png
(ADDED CARD) GrillmasterPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Grillmaster
[Sort ID]: 106435
[Card ID]: VAC_917
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Draw your\nlowest Cost card.\nDeathrattle: Draw your\nhighest Cost card.
[Flavor]: Do you want your steak well done, rare, or LEGENDARY?
[Artist]: Patrik Bjorkstrom
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-004_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-004_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_917_Male_BloodElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Grillmaster_Underlay_Play]: Grillmaster_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_917_Male_BloodElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Grillmaster_Underlay_Attack]: Grillmaster_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_917_Male_BloodElf_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Grillmaster_Underlay_Death]: Grillmaster_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Volley MaulPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Volley Maul
[Sort ID]: 106444
[Card ID]: VAC_921
[Text]: [x]After your hero attacks,\nget a 1-Cost Sunscreen\nthat gives +1/+2.
[Flavor]: "It\'s all fun and games until someone gets hurt." - LAME PARTY POOPERS
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Durability]: 2
[Related Cards]: Sunscreen (VAC_917t)
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-136_W.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-136_W_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Holy_SpawnToHand_Rays_Super
(ADDED CARD) SunbathingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sunbathing
[Sort ID]: 105683
[Card ID]: VAC_507e
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Sunsapper Lynessa (VAC_507)
(ADDED CARD) Cold OnePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cold One
[Sort ID]: 106434
[Card ID]: VAC_916e
[Text]: +1 Attack this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Divine Brew (VAC_916)
(ADDED CARD) Sandy CastlePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sandy Castle
[Sort ID]: 106453
[Card ID]: VAC_923e
[Text]: Has the stats of Sanc'Azel.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Sanc'Azel (VAC_923)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(ADDED CARD) SandyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sandy
[Sort ID]: 106457
[Card ID]: VAC_923e2
[Text]: Increased Attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Sanc'Azel (VAC_923)
(ADDED CARD) SunscreenPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sunscreen
[Sort ID]: 106548
[Card ID]: VAC_917t
[Text]: Give a minion +1/+2.
[Artist]: Caroline Gariba
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 1
[Art Texture]: HS32-132_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-132_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) ProtectionPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Protection
[Sort ID]: 106549
[Card ID]: VAC_919e
[Text]: Your next spell has Lifesteal.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Lifeguard (VAC_919)
(ADDED CARD) Power SpikePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Power Spike
[Sort ID]: 107921
[Card ID]: VAC_915e
[Text]: +4/+4.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Power Spike (VAC_915)
(ADDED CARD) Chorus CorsairPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Chorus Corsair
[Sort ID]: 109261
[Card ID]: VAC_558t
[Artist]: Timur Shevtsov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Paladin
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 1
[Races]: Pirate
[Art Texture]: HS32-003_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-003_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_558t_X_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play Underlay]: Sword1_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_558t_X_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack Underlay]: Sword1_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_558t_X_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death Underlay]: Sword1_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Excellent ServicePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Excellent Service
[Sort ID]: 110733
[Card ID]: VAC_920e
[Text]: Costs less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Service Ace (VAC_920)
(ADDED CARD) SunscreenPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sunscreen
[Sort ID]: 110736
[Card ID]: VAC_917e
[Text]: +1/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Paladin
[Origin]: Grillmaster (VAC_917)
(ADDED CARD) Narain SoothfancyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Narain Soothfancy
[Sort ID]: 106713
[Card ID]: VAC_420
[Text]: Battlecry: Get two Fortunes that are copies of the top card of your deck.
[Flavor]: I predict... that you will be very happy with your reading!
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Signature Artist]: Mooncolony
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Faction]: Alliance
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Fortune (VAC_420t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-040_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-040_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-216_S.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_NarainSoothfancy_SpawnToHand_Super
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Fortune_Shift_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_420_Narain_Soothfancy_Stinger]: VAC_420_Narain_Soothfancy_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_420_Male_Gnome_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_420_Male_Gnome_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_420_Male_Gnome_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_NarainSoothfancy_CustomSummon]: NarainSoothfancy_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, NarainSoothfancy_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Chillin' Vol'jinPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Chillin' Vol'jin
[Sort ID]: 108887
[Card ID]: VAC_957
[Text]: [x]Hunter Tourist\nBattlecry: Choose 2 minions.\nSwap their stats.
[Target Arrow]: Choose 2 minions. Swap their stats.
[Flavor]: After one visit to the cryopractor, YOU TOO can be chillin' like a Vol'jin!
[Artist]: Grafit
[Signature Artist]: Luca Zontini
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Hunter Tourist, Tourist
[Art Texture]: HS32-041_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-041_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-217_S.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_ChillinVoljin_Shadow_Missile_VoljinSwap_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_957_ChillinVoljin_Stinger]: VAC_957_ChillinVoljin_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_957_Male_Troll_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_957_Male_Troll_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_957_Male_Troll_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_ChillinVoljin_CustomSummon]: ChillinVoljin_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, ChillinVoljin_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sensory DeprivationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sensory Deprivation
[Sort ID]: 106705
[Card ID]: VAC_417
[Text]: Summon a copy of an enemy minion. If you have 20 or less Health, destroy the original.
[Flavor]: You'll come out a new person.
[Artist]: Juan Calle
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 6
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: HS32-036_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Tendrils_MindControl_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Twilight MediumPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Twilight Medium
[Sort ID]: 106724
[Card ID]: VAC_423
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nBattlecry: Set the Cost of the\ntop card of your deck to (1).
[Flavor]: This twilight is too dark. And this twilight is too bright. But THIS twilight is juuuuuuuuust right!
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 6
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-176_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-176_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_423_Female_VoidElf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_423_Female_VoidElf_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_423_Female_VoidElf_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Nightshade TeaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Nightshade Tea
[Sort ID]: 106521
[Card ID]: VAC_404
[Text]: Deal $3 damage\nto a minion. Deal $2 damage to your hero.\n(3 Drinks left!)
[Flavor]: Delectable tea, or deadly poison?
[Artist]: Konstantin Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Related Cards]: Nightshade Tea (VAC_404t1), Nightshade Tea (VAC_404t2)
[Twinspell Copy]: Nightshade Tea (VAC_404t1)
[Art Texture]: HS32-172_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Beam_Small_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Sauna RegularPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sauna Regular
[Sort ID]: 106708
[Card ID]: VAC_418
[Text]: Taunt\nCosts (1) less for each\ntime your hero has taken damage on your turn.
[Flavor]: She\'s getting that "falls off the bone" tenderness.
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Faction]: Neutral
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-171_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-171_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_418_Female_Undead_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_418_Female_Undead_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_418_Female_Undead_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Nightshade TeaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Nightshade Tea
[Sort ID]: 108856
[Card ID]: VAC_404t1
[Text]: Deal $3 damage\nto a minion. Deal $2 damage to your hero.\n(2 Drinks left!)
[Artist]: Konstantin Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Twinspell Copy]: Nightshade Tea (VAC_404t2)
[Art Texture]: HS32-173_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Beam_Small_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Nightshade TeaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Nightshade Tea
[Sort ID]: 108857
[Card ID]: VAC_404t2
[Text]: Deal $3 damage\nto a minion. Deal $2 damage to your hero.\n(Last Drink!)
[Artist]: Konstantin Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS32-174_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Beam_Small_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Rest in PeacePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Rest in Peace
[Sort ID]: 109260
[Card ID]: VAC_457
[Text]: [x]Each player summons\ntheir highest Cost minion\nthat died this game.
[Flavor]: RIP to a fictional one.
[Artist]: Ramzy Kamen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: HS32-170_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-170_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Brain MasseusePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Brain Masseuse
[Sort ID]: 105815
[Card ID]: VAC_512
[Text]: [x]Whenever this minion takes\ndamage, also deal that\namount to your hero.
[Flavor]: Squish. SquiSH. sQUIIIISH. Oops. Squish?
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Pirate, Undead
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-039_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-039_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_512_Female_Forsaken_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_512_Female_Forsaken_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_512_Female_Forsaken_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Hot CoalsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hot Coals
[Sort ID]: 106640
[Card ID]: VAC_414
[Text]: [x]Deal $2 damage to all\nenemies. If your hero\ntook damage this turn,\ndeal $1 more.
[Flavor]: This is what Greatfather Winter gives you when you've been REALLY naughty.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fire
[Art Texture]: HS32-175_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-175_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) AcupuncturePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Acupuncture
[Sort ID]: 106709
[Card ID]: VAC_419
[Text]: [x]Deal $4 damage\nto both heroes.
[Flavor]: Bless you puncture!
[Artist]: Jason Kang
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Priest
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: HS32-037_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-037_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Vitality ShiftPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Vitality Shift
[Sort ID]: 108860
[Card ID]: VAC_426e
[Text]: For the rest of the game, your minions have +1 Attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Priest
[Origin]: Eliza Goreblade (VAC_426)
(ADDED CARD) VitalizedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Vitalized
[Sort ID]: 110459
[Card ID]: VAC_426e2
[Text]: +1 Attack
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Priest
[Origin]: Eliza Goreblade (VAC_426)
(ADDED CARD) FortunePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Fortune
[Sort ID]: 111584
[Card ID]: VAC_420t
[Text]: This is a copy of the top card of your deck.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Priest
[Elite]: Yes
[System]: Hide Cost
[Art Texture]: HS32-177_S.png
(ADDED CARD) FortunePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Fortune
[Sort ID]: 111585
[Card ID]: VAC_420e1
[Text]: Transforming into the top card of your deck.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Priest
[Origin]: Narain Soothfancy (VAC_420)
[System]: Shifting Enchantment
(ADDED CARD) Maestra, Mask MerchantPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Maestra, Mask Merchant
[Sort ID]: 107764
[Card ID]: VAC_336
[Text]: [x]Warlock Tourist\nBattlecry: Discover a\nHero card from the past\n(from another class).
[Flavor]: Take a face, leave a face.
[Artist]: Alex Horley Orlandelli
[Signature Artist]: Mooncolony
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Tourist, Use Discover Visuals, Warlock Tourist
[Art Texture]: HS32-014_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-014_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-211_S.png
[Sound Play] → [VAC_336_MaestraMaskMerchant_Stinger]: VAC_336_MaestraMaskMerchant_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_336_Female_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_336_Female_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_336_Female_Orc_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_MaestraMaskMerchant_CustomSummon]: No Audio
[Event Choice Reveal] → [VACFX_MaestraMaskMerchant_Discover_CustomReveal]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Treasure Hunter EudoraPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Treasure Hunter Eudora
[Sort ID]: 109463
[Card ID]: VAC_464
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Go on a Sidequest\nto Discover amazing loot!\nPlay 3 cards from other\nclasses to complete it.
[Flavor]: How hard could it be to hunt treasure? It doesn't even run away when you shoot it!
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Signature Artist]: Anzka Nguyen
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Pirate
[Related Cards]: Eudora's Treasure Hunt (VAC_464t), Necrotic Poison (VAC_464t2), Mutating Injection (VAC_464t3), The Exorcisor (VAC_464t4), Pure Cold (VAC_464t5), Bubba (VAC_464t6), Holy Book (VAC_464t7), Crusty the Crustacean (VAC_464t8), Looming Presence (VAC_464t9), Spyglass (VAC_464t10), Clockwork Assistant (VAC_464t11), Puzzle Box (VAC_464t12), Hyperblaster (VAC_464t14), Gnomish Army Knife (VAC_464t15), Wand of Disintegration (VAC_464t16), Staff of Scales (VAC_464t17), Canopic Jars (VAC_464t18), Ancient Reflections (VAC_464t19), Banana Split (VAC_464t20), Dr. Boom's Boombox (VAC_464t21), Wax Rager (VAC_464t22), Embers of Ragnaros (VAC_464t23), Book of the Dead (VAC_464t24), Annoy-o Horn (VAC_464t25), Grimmer Patron (VAC_464t26), Beastly Beauty (VAC_464t27), Vampiric Fangs (VAC_464t28), Blade of Quel'Delar (VAC_464t29), Hilt of Quel'Delar (VAC_464t30)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover, Side Quest
[Art Texture]: HS32-013_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-013_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-210_S.png
[Sound Play] → [VAC_464_Smuggler_Eudora_Stinger]: VAC_464_Smuggler_Eudora_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_464_Female_Vulpera_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_464_Female_Vulpera_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_464_Female_Vulpera_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_SmugglerEudora_CustomSummon]: SmugglerEudora_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, SmugglerEudora_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Swarthy SwordshinerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Swarthy Swordshiner
[Sort ID]: 106675
[Card ID]: VAC_701
[Text]: Battlecry: Set the Attack and Durability of your weapon to 3.
[Flavor]: Everyone knows swords are slashier when they're shiny!
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-130_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-130_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_701_Male_Goblin_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Swarthy_Swordshiner_Underlay_Play]: Swarthy_Swordshiner_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [1H_SwordThick_Underlay_Play]: 1H_SwordThick_Underlay_Death.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_701_Male_Goblin_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [1H_SwordThick_Underlay_Attack]: 1H_SwordThick_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_701_Male_Goblin_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [1H_SwordThick_Underlay_Death]: 1H_SwordThick_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Snatch and GrabPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Snatch and Grab
[Sort ID]: 106681
[Card ID]: VAC_700
[Text]: Destroy two random enemy minions. Costs (1) less for each card you've played from another class.
[Flavor]: Snatch grabbed the snacks and Grab snatched the grub. The perfect crime.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 8
[Art Texture]: HS32-138_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-138_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Metal DetectorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Metal Detector
[Sort ID]: 107753
[Card ID]: VAC_330
[Text]: After your hero attacks and kills a minion,\nget a Coin.
[Flavor]: Weirdly still works on Sand Coins.
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Durability]: 2
[Related Cards]: The Coin (GAME_005)
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-015_W.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-015_W_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Conniving ConmanPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Conniving Conman
[Sort ID]: 107759
[Card ID]: VAC_333
[Text]: Battlecry: Replay the last card you've played from another class.
[Flavor]: more like coinniving coinman!1!! HAHAHAHH
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-011_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-011_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_333_Male_Worgen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_333_Male_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_333_Male_Worgen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Knickknack ShackPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Knickknack Shack
[Sort ID]: 107762
[Card ID]: VAC_334
[Text]: [x]Draw a card. If you play\nit this turn, reopen this.
[Flavor]: In a hole in the ground there... was a tourist trap?
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Location
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Location Action Cost]: 0
[Art Texture]: HS32-140_L.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-140_L_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Sea ShillPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sea Shill
[Sort ID]: 107757
[Card ID]: VAC_332
[Text]: Battlecry: The next card you play from a non-Rogue class costs (2) less.
[Flavor]: She shills shea sells down at the sea shtore.
[Artist]: Anzka Nguyen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-010_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-010_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_332_Female_Pandaren_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_332_Female_Pandaren_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_332_Female_Pandaren_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Petty TheftPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Petty Theft
[Sort ID]: 107763
[Card ID]: VAC_335
[Text]: Get two random\n1-Cost spells from other classes.
[Flavor]: Room service at a pirate hotel really cleans house.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: HS32-012_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-012_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Sneaky_SpawnToHand_Super_SourceHero
(ADDED CARD) Oh, Manager!Perils in Paradise
[Name]: Oh, Manager!
[Sort ID]: 109324
[Card ID]: VAC_460
[Text]: Deal $2 damage.\nCombo: Get a coin.
[Flavor]: "I\'d like to speak with your admiral."
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Related Cards]: The Coin (GAME_005)
[Keywords]: Combo
[Art Texture]: HS32-139_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-139_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Sea ShillPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sea Shill
[Sort ID]: 107758
[Card ID]: VAC_332e
[Text]: The next card you play from a non-Rogue class costs (2) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Rogue
[Origin]: Sea Shill (VAC_332)
(ADDED CARD) Eudora's Treasure HuntPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Eudora's Treasure Hunt
[Sort ID]: 112025
[Card ID]: VAC_464t
[Text]: Sidequest: Play 3 cards from other classes.\nReward: Discover two amazing pieces of loot!
[Artist]: AJ Nazzaro
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Rogue
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Quest Value]: 3
[Keywords]: Discover, Side Quest
[System]: Dont Pick From Subsets, Trigger Visual, Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-239_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-239_S_Premium.png
[Event Choice Reveal] → [VACFX_SmugglerEudora_Discover_CustomReveal]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 108964
[Card ID]: VAC_449
[Text]: While in your hand,\nplay two different spell\nschools to transform.@\n(2 left!)@ (Ready!)
[Flavor]: Some Naga use their mastery over the elements to go on villainous conquests. Others put on a show!
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Entity Treshold Name]: 2
[Races]: Naga
[Related Cards]: Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t1), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t2), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t3), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t4), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t5), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t6), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t7), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t8), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t9), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t10), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t11), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t12), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t13), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t14), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t15), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t16), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t17), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t18), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t19), Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449t20)
[Art Texture]: HS32-027_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-027_M_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_Transform_CardInHand_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_FireFestival_Fire_Emote_Underlay]: FireFestival_Fire_Emote_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carefree CookiePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carefree Cookie
[Sort ID]: 108965
[Card ID]: VAC_450
[Text]: [x]Demon Hunter Tourist\nAfter a friendly minion dies,\nsummon a random minion\nthat costs (1) more.
[Flavor]: Moisturized, unbothered, and in his cauldron.
[Artist]: Brian Despain
[Signature Artist]: Alex Horley Orlandelli
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Races]: Murloc, Pirate
[System]: Demon Hunter Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-028_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-028_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-214_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_450_Male_Murloc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_450_CarefreeCookie_Stinger]: VAC_450_CarefreeCookie_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_450_Male_Murloc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_450_Male_Murloc_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_450_CarefreeCookie_CustomSummon]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) Razzle-DazzlerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Razzle-Dazzler
[Sort ID]: 106303
[Card ID]: VAC_301
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon a\nrandom 5-Cost minion.\n___Repeat for each spell school___\n_you've cast this game.@ (@)
[Flavor]: Look out Dancin' Deryl, he's coming for your job.
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-162_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-162_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_954_Male_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_954_Male_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_954_Male_Naga_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Natural TalentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Natural Talent
[Sort ID]: 106536
[Card ID]: VAC_329
[Text]: Get a random Naga and a random spell. They cost (1) less.
[Flavor]: Unfortunately, they got 2nd place at the talent show with their synchronized swimming routine.
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Nature
[Art Texture]: HS32-158_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-158_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Frosty DécorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Frosty Décor
[Sort ID]: 106307
[Card ID]: VAC_305
[Text]: Summon two 2/4 Elementals with Taunt and "Deathrattle: Gain\n4 Armor".
[Flavor]: "Yeah, Nature magic pays the bills, but my passion lies elsewhere."
[Artist]: AJ Nazzaro
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Spell School]: Frost
[Related Cards]: Ice Sculpture (VAC_305t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-159_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-159_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Siren SongPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Siren Song
[Sort ID]: 106310
[Card ID]: VAC_308
[Text]: Get two random spells from spell schools you haven't cast this game.
[Flavor]: "Sing along if you know the lyrics! -- WEEWOOWEEWOO!"
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: HS32-163_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-163_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Generic_SpawnToHand_Musical_Super
(ADDED CARD) Cabaret HeadlinerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cabaret Headliner
[Sort ID]: 108338
[Card ID]: VAC_954
[Text]: Battlecry: Reduce the Cost of a spell of each school in your hand by (2).
[Flavor]: "Ummm... I don\'t C a beret????"
[Artist]: Anzka Nguyen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-161_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-161_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_301_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ArcaneMagic_Play_Underlay]: ArcaneMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_301_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ArcaneMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ArcaneMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_301_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ArcaneMagic_Death_Underlay]: ArcaneMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Malted MagmaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Malted Magma
[Sort ID]: 106532
[Card ID]: VAC_323
[Text]: Deal $1 damage\nto all enemies.\n(3 Drinks left!)
[Flavor]: Most celebrities nope out at this one.
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Related Cards]: Malted Magma (VAC_323t), Malted Magma (VAC_323t2)
[Twinspell Copy]: Malted Magma (VAC_323t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-155_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-155_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_AE_Flood_OpponentSide_Super
(ADDED CARD) MeltementalPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Meltemental
[Sort ID]: 106534
[Card ID]: VAC_328
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nThis is permanently Frozen.
[Flavor]: "Who left these wet bracers on the ground?"
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 8
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Freeze, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-154_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-154_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_328_Meltemental_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_328_Meltemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_328_Meltemental_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Matching OutfitsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Matching Outfits
[Sort ID]: 106535
[Card ID]: VAC_324
[Text]: Transform a minion into a random one that costs (1) more, then\nsummon a copy of it.
[Flavor]: On Wednesdays we wear pink!
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 4
[Art Texture]: HS32-026_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-026_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Malted MagmaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Malted Magma
[Sort ID]: 108858
[Card ID]: VAC_323t
[Text]: Deal $1 damage\nto all enemies.\n(2 Drinks left!)
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Twinspell Copy]: Malted Magma (VAC_323t2)
[Art Texture]: HS32-156_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-156_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_AE_Flood_OpponentSide_Super
(ADDED CARD) Malted MagmaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Malted Magma
[Sort ID]: 108859
[Card ID]: VAC_323t2
[Text]: Deal $1 damage\nto all enemies.\n(Last Drink!)
[Artist]: Edgar Hidalgo
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Art Texture]: HS32-157_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-157_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_AE_Flood_OpponentSide_Super
(ADDED CARD) Ice SculpturePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ice Sculpture
[Sort ID]: 109353
[Card ID]: VAC_305t
[Text]: Taunt\nDeathrattle: Gain 4 Armor.
[Artist]: AJ Nazzaro
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-160_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-160_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_305t_Ice_Sculpture_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [MagicCrystal_Underlay_Play]: MagicCrystal_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_305t_Ice_Sculpture_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [MagicCrystal_Underlay_Attack]: MagicCrystal_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_305t_Ice_Sculpture_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [MagicCrystal_Underlay_Death]: MagicCrystal_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111622
[Card ID]: VAC_449t
[Text]: Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.\nDeal 6 damage to the enemy hero.
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111623
[Card ID]: VAC_449t1
[Text]: Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.\nFreeze three random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111624
[Card ID]: VAC_449t2
[Text]: Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.\nGain +2/+2 and Taunt.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Siren SongsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Siren Songs
[Sort ID]: 111625
[Card ID]: VAC_449e1
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Carress, Cabaret Star (VAC_449)
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111626
[Card ID]: VAC_449t3
[Text]: Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.\nRestore 6 Health to\nyour hero.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111627
[Card ID]: VAC_449t4
[Text]: Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.\nDestroy 2 random\nenemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111628
[Card ID]: VAC_449t5
[Text]: Battlecry: Draw 2 cards.\nDeal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111629
[Card ID]: VAC_449t6
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 6 damage\nto the enemy hero.\nFreeze three random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111630
[Card ID]: VAC_449t7
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Deal 6 damage\nto the enemy hero.\nGain +2/+2 and Taunt.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111631
[Card ID]: VAC_449t8
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 6 damage\nto the enemy hero.\nRestore 6 Health to your hero.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111632
[Card ID]: VAC_449t9
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 6 damage\nto the enemy hero.\nDestroy 2 random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111633
[Card ID]: VAC_449t10
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 6 damage\nto the enemy hero.\nDeal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111634
[Card ID]: VAC_449t11
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Gain +2/+2\nand Taunt. Freeze three\nrandom enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111635
[Card ID]: VAC_449t12
[Text]: Battlecry: Restore 6\nHealth to your hero.\nFreeze three random\nenemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111636
[Card ID]: VAC_449t13
[Text]: Battlecry: Destroy two\nrandom enemy minions. Freeze three random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111637
[Card ID]: VAC_449t14
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 2 damage\nto all enemy minions.\nFreeze three random\nenemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111638
[Card ID]: VAC_449t15
[Text]: Battlecry: Gain +2/+2\nand Taunt.\nRestore 6 Health to your hero.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111639
[Card ID]: VAC_449t16
[Text]: Battlecry: Gain +2/+2\nand Taunt.\nDestroy 2 random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111640
[Card ID]: VAC_449t17
[Text]: Battlecry: Gain +2/+2\nand Taunt.\nDeal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111641
[Card ID]: VAC_449t18
[Text]: Battlecry: Restore 6 Health to your hero.\nDestroy 2 random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111642
[Card ID]: VAC_449t19
[Text]: Battlecry: Restore 6 Health to your hero.\nDeal 2 damage to all enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carress, Cabaret StarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carress, Cabaret Star
[Sort ID]: 111643
[Card ID]: VAC_449t20
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 2 damage\nto all enemy minions.\nDestroy 2 random enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Shaman
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-164_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-164_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger]: VAC_449_CarressCabaretStar_Stinger.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_449t_Female_Naga_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_449_Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon]: Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Carress_CabaretStar_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Siren SerenadePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Siren Serenade
[Sort ID]: 111648
[Card ID]: VAC_954e1
[Text]: Costs (2) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Shaman
[Origin]: Cabaret Headliner (VAC_954)
(ADDED CARD) Summoner DarkmarrowPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Summoner Darkmarrow
[Sort ID]: 105543
[Card ID]: VAC_503
[Text]: [x]Death Knight Tourist\nYour Deathrattles trigger twice.\nAfter you play a Deathrattle\nminion, destroy it.
[Flavor]: Some people say your name can influence what career you go into. Summoner Darkmarrow is not one of those people.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Signature Artist]: Max Grecke
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Races]: Undead
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[System]: Aura, Death Knight Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-023_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-023_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-212_S.png
[Effect After Play]: VAC_503_OverrideDeath_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_503_SummonerDarkmarrow_Stinger]: VAC_503_SummonerDarkmarrow_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_503_Male_Forsaken_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_503_Male_Forsaken_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_503_Male_Forsaken_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay]: ShadowMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
[Event Summon] → [VAC_503_Darkmarrow_CustomSummon]: Darkmarrow_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, Darkmarrow_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Party Planner VonaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Party Planner Vona
[Sort ID]: 107816
[Card ID]: VAC_945
[Text]: Battlecry: If you've taken\n8 damage on your turns, summon Ourobos.@\n(8 left!)@\n(Ready!)
[Flavor]: She\'s known for her popular "occult ritual to summon an otherworldly being" parties.
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Signature Artist]: Eva Widermann
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 4
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Entity Treshold Name]: 2
[Related Cards]: Ourobos, World Serpent (VAC_945t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-125_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-125_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-227_S.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Ourobos_OverrideSpawn_Super
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Ourobos_HandBuff_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_945_PartyPlannerVona_Stinger]: VAC_945_PartyPlannerVona_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_945_Female_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_945_Female_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_945_Female_Human_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_PartyPlannerVona_CustomSummon]: VACFX_PartyPlannerVona_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Announce DarknessPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Announce Darkness
[Sort ID]: 107807
[Card ID]: VAC_941
[Text]: Replace your Hero Power and non-Warlock cards with Warlock ones.\nThey cost (1) less.
[Flavor]: "Ahem.... DARKNESS!!"
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Related Cards]: Life Tap (HERO_07bp)
[Art Texture]: HS32-141_S.png
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Warlock_Impact_Transform_CardInHand_Super
(ADDED CARD) Cursed SouvenirPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cursed Souvenir
[Sort ID]: 107815
[Card ID]: VAC_944
[Text]: Give a minion +3/+3 and "At the start of your turn, deal 3 damage to your hero."
[Flavor]: Most souvenirs are considered tacky and soulless. This one is certainly not one of those things!
[Artist]: Alex Stone
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: HS32-145_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_BuffMissile_Rage_PowerOverwhelming_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Sacrificial ImpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sacrificial Imp
[Sort ID]: 107813
[Card ID]: VAC_943
[Text]: Deathrattle: If it's your turn, summon a 6/6\nImp with Taunt.
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Demon
[Related Cards]: Monstrous Imp (VAC_943t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[System]: Imp
[Art Texture]: HS32-021_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-021_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_943_Male_Imp_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Flamecaller_Play_Underlay]: Flamecaller_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_943_Male_Imp_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Flamecaller_Attack_Underlay]: Flamecaller_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_943_Male_Imp_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Flamecaller_Death_Underlay]: Flamecaller_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) "Health" DrinkPerils in Paradise
[Name]: "Health" Drink
[Sort ID]: 107923
[Card ID]: VAC_951
[Text]: Lifesteal. Deal $3 damage to a minion.\n(3 Drinks left!)
[Flavor]: Do not exceed recommend daily serving size of 0 grams.
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fel
[Related Cards]: "Health" Drink (VAC_951t), "Health" Drink (VAC_951t2)
[Twinspell Copy]: "Health" Drink (VAC_951t)
[Keywords]: Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-142_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-142_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Felfire BonfirePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Felfire Bonfire
[Sort ID]: 107925
[Card ID]: VAC_952
[Text]: [x]Deal $4 damage to\na minion. If it dies, your\nnext Deathrattle minion\ncosts (3) less.
[Flavor]: It was then that Marsh and Mallow understood the meaning of their new nicknames.
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Fel
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-016_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-016_S_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Fel_Fire_Impact_Small_Green_Super
(ADDED CARD) "Health" DrinkPerils in Paradise
[Name]: "Health" Drink
[Sort ID]: 111600
[Card ID]: VAC_951t
[Text]: Lifesteal. Deal $3 damage to a minion.\n(2 Drinks left!)
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fel
[Twinspell Copy]: "Health" Drink (VAC_951t2)
[Keywords]: Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-143_S.png
(ADDED CARD) "Health" DrinkPerils in Paradise
[Name]: "Health" Drink
[Sort ID]: 111601
[Card ID]: VAC_951t2
[Text]: Lifesteal. Deal $3 damage to a minion.\n(Last Drink!)
[Artist]: Vladimir Kafanov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Fel
[Keywords]: Lifesteal
[Art Texture]: HS32-144_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-144_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Eat! The! Imp!Perils in Paradise
[Name]: Eat! The! Imp!
[Sort ID]: 107796
[Card ID]: VAC_939
[Text]: Destroy a friendly\nminion to draw 3 cards.
[Flavor]: No need for flavor text, it's seasoned perfectly!
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Fire
[Art Texture]: HS32-017_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-017_S_Premium.png
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_Warlock_Impact_Chomp_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Party FiendPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Party Fiend
[Sort ID]: 107797
[Card ID]: VAC_940
[Text]: Battlecry: Summon two 1/1 Felbeasts. Deal 3 damage to your hero.
[Flavor]: Arch-rival of the Boogiemonster.
[Artist]: Juan Calle
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Demon
[Related Cards]: Felbeast (VAC_940t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-018_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-018_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_940_PartyFiend_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_940_PartyFiend_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_940_PartyFiend_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Fearless FlamejugglerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Fearless Flamejuggler
[Sort ID]: 107812
[Card ID]: VAC_942
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Gain stats equal\nto the damage your hero\n has taken this turn.0 (0)
[Flavor]: This is incredibly easy with 6 arms.
[Artist]: Anton Zemskov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-020_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-020_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_942_Female_Shivarra_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Fire_Underlay_Play]: Fire_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_942_Female_Shivarra_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Fire_Underlay_Attack]: Fire_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_942_Female_Shivarra_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Fire_Underlay_Death]: Fire_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) FelbeastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Felbeast
[Sort ID]: 107798
[Card ID]: VAC_940t
[Artist]: Juan Calle
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Demon
[Art Texture]: HS32-019_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-019_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_BT_211_ImprisonedFelmaw_Attack]: BT_211_ImprisonedFelmaw_Attack.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_DMF_247t_InsatiableFelhound_Attack]: DMF_247t_InsatiableFelhound_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_BT_211_ImprisonedFelmaw_Attack]: BT_211_ImprisonedFelmaw_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_DMF_247t_InsatiableFelhound_Play]: DMF_247t_InsatiableFelhound_Play.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_BT_211_ImprisonedFelmaw_Death]: BT_211_ImprisonedFelmaw_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_DMF_247t_InsatiableFelhound_Death]: DMF_247t_InsatiableFelhound_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Monstrous ImpPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Monstrous Imp
[Sort ID]: 107814
[Card ID]: VAC_943t
[Text]: Taunt
[Artist]: Konstantin Porubov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Demon
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Imp
[Art Texture]: HS32-022_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-022_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_943t_Male_Imp_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_943t_Male_Imp_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_943t_Male_Imp_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cursed SouvenirPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cursed Souvenir
[Sort ID]: 107817
[Card ID]: VAC_944e
[Text]: +3/+3 and "At the start of your turn, deal 3 damage to your hero."
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Cursed Souvenir (VAC_944)
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Effect Trigger]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Blast_Small_Super_Simultaneous_Quick
(ADDED CARD) Necessary ExpendituresPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Necessary Expenditures
[Sort ID]: 107818
[Card ID]: VAC_945e
[Text]: Deathrattle: Summon Ourobos, World Serpent.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Party Planner Vona (VAC_945)
(ADDED CARD) Hectic PlansPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hectic Plans
[Sort ID]: 109709
[Card ID]: VAC_942e
[Text]: Increased stats.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Fearless Flamejuggler (VAC_942)
(ADDED CARD) Ourobos, World SerpentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ourobos, World Serpent
[Sort ID]: 110862
[Card ID]: VAC_945t
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nDeathrattle: Give a minion\n in your hand "Deathrattle:\n Summon Ourobos."
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Warlock
[Cost]: 8
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 8
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-126_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_945t_Male_Serpent_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_945t_Male_Serpent_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_945t_Male_Serpent_Death_01.wav
[Event Spawn] → [VACFX_Ourobos_CustomSpawn]: VACFX_Ourobos_CustomSpawn_Sound.wav, VACFX_Ourobos_OverrideSpawn_Impact_Sound.wav
[Event Death] → [VACFX_Ourobos_CustomDeath]: VACFX_Ourobos_CustomDeath_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Darkmarrow DeathrattlesPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Darkmarrow Deathrattles
[Sort ID]: 115552
[Card ID]: VAC_503e
[Text]: Your Deathrattles trigger twice.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Summoner Darkmarrow (VAC_503)
(ADDED CARD) Ample OfferingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ample Offering
[Sort ID]: 115824
[Card ID]: VAC_952e
[Text]: Your next Deathrattle minion costs (3) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Felfire Bonfire (VAC_952)
[System]: Aura
(ADDED CARD) Offering AcceptedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Offering Accepted
[Sort ID]: 115825
[Card ID]: VAC_952e2
[Text]: Costs (3) less
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warlock
[Origin]: Felfire Bonfire (VAC_952)
(ADDED CARD) The RyecleaverPerils in Paradise
[Name]: The Ryecleaver
[Sort ID]: 106377
[Card ID]: VAC_525
[Text]: [x]Battlecry and Deathrattle:\nGet a Slice of Bread.\n(Get 2 to Sandwich any\nminions in between!)
[Flavor]: Legend has it that this dreaded blade is be able to slice through even the most stale of sourdough baguettes.
[Artist]: Studio Hive
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Weapon
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 4
[Durability]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Slice of Bread (VAC_525t1), Minion Sandwich (VAC_525t2)
[Mouseover Card]: Slice of Bread (VAC_525t1)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-057_W.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Ryecleaver_SpawnToHand_Super
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Ryecleaver_AE_MakeSandwich_Super, VACFX_RyeCleaver_Impact_SandwichMinions_Super, VACFX_Ryecleaver_Conceal_Impact_Super, VACFX_Ryecleaver_MinionSandwich_SpawnToHand_OverrideSpawn
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_Ryecleaver_SpawnToHand_Super
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_Ryecleaver_CustomSummon]: Ryecleaver_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Hamm, the HungryPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hamm, the Hungry
[Sort ID]: 107770
[Card ID]: VAC_340
[Text]: [x]Druid Tourist\nTaunt. At the end of your turn,\neat a minion in the enemy's\ndeck to gain +2/+2.
[Flavor]: Do tauren have four stomachs?
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Signature Artist]: John Loren
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Banned From Sideboard]: Yes
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Druid Tourist, Tourist, Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-060_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-060_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-219_S.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_HammytheHungry_ImpactOnly_Super
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_HammytheHungry_MinionEat_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_340_HammTheHungry_Stinger]: VAC_340_HammTheHungry_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_340_Male_Tauren_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_340_Male_Tauren_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_340_Male_Tauren_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_HammytheHungry_CustomSummon]: HammytheHungry_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, HammytheHungry_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Draconic DelicacyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Draconic Delicacy
[Sort ID]: 106381
[Card ID]: VAC_527
[Text]: Rush, Elusive\nCan only take 1 damage\nat a time.
[Flavor]: How to Serve your Dragon.
[Artist]: Brian Despain
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 8
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Dragon
[Keywords]: Elusive, Rush
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-052_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-052_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_527_Male_Dragon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_527_Male_Dragon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_527_Male_Dragon_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Food FightPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Food Fight
[Sort ID]: 106390
[Card ID]: VAC_533
[Text]: Summon a 0/6 Entrée for your opponent. When it dies, summon a minion from your deck.
[Flavor]: Now THIS is the deadliest catch.
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Signature Artist]: Uriah Voth
[Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Entrée (VAC_533t)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-055_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-055_S_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-232_S.png
(ADDED CARD) CharPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Char
[Sort ID]: 106379
[Card ID]: VAC_526
[Text]: Deal $7 damage to a minion. Give a minion in your hand stats equal to the excess damage.
[Flavor]: There's just no point trying to add flavor to this now.
[Artist]: Slawomir Maniak
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Fire
[System]: Immune To Spellpower
[Art Texture]: HS32-183_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-183_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) All You Can EatPerils in Paradise
[Name]: All You Can Eat
[Sort ID]: 106382
[Card ID]: VAC_528
[Text]: Draw three minions of different minion types.
[Flavor]: Never design cards when you're hungry.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS32-181_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-181_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Undercooked CalamariPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Undercooked Calamari
[Sort ID]: 107771
[Card ID]: VAC_341
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Destroy an enemy\nminion with Attack less than\nor equal to this minion's.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy an enemy minion with Attack less than or equal to this minion's.
[Flavor]: ITS RAAWWWW!!!
[Artist]: Slawomir Maniak
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-187_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-187_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_341_SelfServeSquid_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_341_SelfServeSquid_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_341_SelfServeSquid_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Line CookPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Line Cook
[Sort ID]: 107766
[Card ID]: VAC_337
[Text]: [x]Tradeable\nTaunt. When you draw this,\nget a copy of it.
[Flavor]: Hold up. Let her cook.
[Artist]: Nicola Saviori
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Drag To Deck Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Casts When Drawn, Taunt, Tradeable
[Art Texture]: HS32-182_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-182_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_337_Female_Pandaren_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Play]: GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_337_Female_Pandaren_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Attack]: GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_337_Female_Pandaren_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Death]: GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Death.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_VAC_337_Female_Pandaren_Trigger_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cup o' MusclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cup o' Muscle
[Sort ID]: 107767
[Card ID]: VAC_338
[Text]: [x]Give a minion in\n__your hand +2/+1. \n(3 Drinks left!)
[Flavor]: Packs quite a punch.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 1
[Related Cards]: Cup o' Muscle (VAC_338t), Cup o' Muscle (VAC_338t2)
[Twinspell Copy]: Cup o' Muscle (VAC_338t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-184_S.png
(ADDED CARD) MuensterosityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Muensterosity
[Sort ID]: 107769
[Card ID]: VAC_339
[Text]: [x]Taunt. At the end of\nyour turn, summon an\nElemental with stats\n__equal to this minion's.
[Flavor]: We were going to put some cheesy joke here, but we goudan't come up with anything.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 9
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 9
[Races]: Elemental
[Related Cards]: Cheese Elemental (VAC_339t)
[Keywords]: Taunt
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-053_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-053_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_339_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_LOOT_117_WaxElemental_PLay]: LOOT_117_WaxElemental_PLay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_339_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_LOOT_117_WaxElemental_Attack]: LOOT_117_WaxElemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_339_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_LOOT_117_WaxElemental_Death]: LOOT_117_WaxElemental_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Cup o' MusclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cup o' Muscle
[Sort ID]: 110330
[Card ID]: VAC_338t
[Text]: [x]Give a minion in\n__your hand +2/+1. \n(2 Drinks left!)
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 1
[Twinspell Copy]: Cup o' Muscle (VAC_338t2)
[Art Texture]: HS32-185_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-185_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Cup o' MusclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cup o' Muscle
[Sort ID]: 110331
[Card ID]: VAC_338t2
[Text]: [x]Give a minion in\n__your hand +2/+1. \n(Last Drink!)
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 1
[Art Texture]: HS32-186_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-186_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Sandwich TrackerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sandwich Tracker
[Sort ID]: 106378
[Card ID]: VAC_525e
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: The Ryecleaver (VAC_525)
(ADDED CARD) EntréePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Entrée
[Sort ID]: 106391
[Card ID]: VAC_533t
[Text]: Deathrattle: Your opponent summons a minion from their deck.
[Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 3
[Health]: 6
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-056_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-056_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_533t_Entree_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_533t_Entree_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_533t_Entree_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Meal in a CupPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Meal in a Cup
[Sort ID]: 107768
[Card ID]: VAC_338e
[Text]: +2/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Spell School]: Fire
[Origin]: Cup o' Muscle (VAC_338)
(ADDED CARD) Cheese ElementalPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cheese Elemental
[Sort ID]: 109192
[Card ID]: VAC_339t
[Artist]: Jaemin Kim
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Elemental
[Art Texture]: HS32-054_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-054_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_339t_CheeseElemental_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_339t_CheeseElemental_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_339t_CheeseElemental_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) StuffedPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Stuffed
[Sort ID]: 109193
[Card ID]: VAC_340e
[Text]: +2/+2
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Warrior
[Origin]: Hamm, the Hungry (VAC_340)
(ADDED CARD) Slice of BreadPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Slice of Bread
[Sort ID]: 109194
[Card ID]: VAC_525t1
[Text]: Get another Slice of Bread to stuff all minions in between into\na 2-Cost Sandwich!
[Artist]: Studio Hive
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Warrior
[System]: Hide Stats
[Art Texture]: HS32-058_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-058_S_Premium.png
(ADDED CARD) Minion SandwichPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Minion Sandwich
[Sort ID]: 109195
[Card ID]: VAC_525t2
[Text]: [x]Summon the minions\nstuffed in this Sandwich.@[x]Summon the {0} |4(minion, minions)\nstuffed in this Sandwich.
[Artist]: Gabriel Lopes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Warrior
[Cost]: 2
[Art Texture]: HS32-059_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-059_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Ryecleaver_MinionSandwich_Minions_OverrideSpawn_Super
(ADDED CARD) IncindiusPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Incindius
[Sort ID]: 106301
[Card ID]: VAC_321
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\nupgrade your Eruptions.\nBattlecry: Shuffle 5\n Eruptions in your deck.
[Flavor]: "I had nothing to do with that eruption! I never even met Kezandius!"
[Artist]: Alex Horley Orlandelli
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 10
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Elemental
[Related Cards]: Eruption (VAC_321t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-106_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-106_M_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Incindius_SpawnToDeck_Super
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Incindius_Trigger_Super, VACFX_Incindius_TriggerImpact
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_Incindius_TriggerImpact
[Sound Play] → [VAC_321_Incindius_Stinger]: VAC_321_Incindius_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_321_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_321_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Fire_Underlay_Attack]: Fire_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_321_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Fire_Underlay_Death]: Fire_Underlay_Death.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_Incindius_CustomSummon]: Incindius_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav, Incindius_CustomSummon_Start_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) GorgonzormuPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Gorgonzormu
[Sort ID]: 108346
[Card ID]: VAC_955
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Get a 2-Cost\nCheese that summons\nthree 1-Cost minions.\nIt upgrades each turn.
[Flavor]: Don't remove this from your deck or else you'll be cutting the cheese.
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Signature Artist]: Nicola Saviori
[Obtain]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Races]: Dragon
[Related Cards]: Delicious Cheese (VAC_955t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-108_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-108_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-225_S.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Gorgonzormu_CardsInHand
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Gorgonzormu_Hand_Buff_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_955_Gorgonzormu_Stinger]: VAC_955_Gorgonzormu_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_955_Male_Dragon_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_955_Male_Dragon_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_955_Male_Dragon_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_Gorgonzormu_CustomSummon]: FX_MinionSummonLarge_Drop.wav, Gorgonzormu_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) A. F. KayPerils in Paradise
[Name]: A. F. Kay
[Sort ID]: 108499
[Card ID]: VAC_446
[Text]: [x]At the end of your turn,\ngive all other friendly\nminions that didn't\nattack +2/+2.
[Flavor]: Talk to the hand 'cause the mouth is sippin'.
[Artist]: Ramzy Kamen
[Obtain Diamond]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Diamond Quality]: Yes
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-107_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-107_M_Premium.png
[Diamond Model]: VAC_446_diamond_afkay_skip6.png
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_AFKay_Impact_Super
[Sound Play] → [VAC_446_AFKay_Stinger]: VAC_446_AFKay_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_446_Female_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_446_Female_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_446_Female_Human_Death_01.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_VAC_446_Female_Human_Trigger_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_AFKay_CustomSummon]: AFKay_CustomSummon_Sound.wav
(ADDED CARD) Griftah, Trusted VendorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Griftah, Trusted Vendor
[Sort ID]: 108967
[Card ID]: VAC_959
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Discover an\namazing Amulet to give to\nboth players. (The enemy's\nis a phony version!)
[Flavor]: "Tiki mugs will match any kind of home décor! They\'re timeless!"
[Artist]: Mike Sass
[Signature Artist]: Juan Calle
[Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Legendary
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Elite]: Yes
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Amulet of Passions (VAC_959t01t), Amulet of Passions (VAC_959t01), Amulet of Tracking (VAC_959t05t), Amulet of Tracking (VAC_959t05), Amulet of Critters (VAC_959t06t), Amulet of Critters (VAC_959t06), Amulet of Warding (VAC_959t07t), Amulet of Warding (VAC_959t07), Amulet of Energy (VAC_959t08t), Amulet of Energy (VAC_959t08), Amulet of Mobility (VAC_959t09t), Amulet of Mobility (VAC_959t09), Amulet of Strides (VAC_959t10t), Amulet of Strides (VAC_959t10)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[Art Texture]: HS32-110_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-110_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-226_S.png
[Sound Play] → [VAC_959_GriftahMasterVendor_Stinger]: VAC_959_GriftahMasterVendor_Stinger.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_959_Male_Troll_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_959_Male_Troll_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_959_Male_Troll_Death_01.wav
[Event Summon] → [VACFX_GriftahShopVendor_CustomSummon]: GriftahShopVendor_CustomSummon_Cast_Sound.wav, GriftahShopVendor_CustomSummon_Impact_Sound.wav
[Event Choice Reveal] → [VACFX_GriftahShopVendor_Discover_CustomReveal]: No Audio
(ADDED CARD) MixologistPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Mixologist
[Sort ID]: 106374
[Card ID]: VAC_523
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Craft a\ncustom 1-Cost Potion.
[Flavor]: You can't put your pinky up when you only have 3 fingers.
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Signature Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
[Obtain Signature]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Related Cards]: Mixologist's Special (VAC_523t), Felbloom (CFM_621t4), Netherbloom (CFM_621t10), Ichor of Undeath (CFM_621t37), Heart of Fire (CFM_621t2), Stonescale Oil (CFM_621t3), Goldthorn (CFM_621t6), Icecap (CFM_621t5), Kingsblood (CFM_621t8), Shadow Oil (CFM_621t9)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-095_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-095_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-222_S.png
[Effect Play]: CFMFX_Kazakus_Discover_FX_Screen
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_523_Male_Troll_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_523_Male_Troll_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_523_Male_Troll_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Carry-On GrubPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carry-On Grub
[Sort ID]: 106715
[Card ID]: VAC_935
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Get a 1-Cost\nSuitcase. Pack the top 2\n_cards of your deck into it.
[Flavor]: Early worm gets priority boarding.
[Artist]: Konstantin Turovec
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Beast
[Related Cards]: Carry-On Suitcase (VAC_935t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-100_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-100_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_935_CarryOnGrub_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_935_CarryOnGrub_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_935_CarryOnGrub_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Seaside GiantPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Seaside Giant
[Sort ID]: 107929
[Card ID]: VAC_439
[Text]: [x]Costs (2) less for\neach time you've used\na location this game.
[Flavor]: Everywhere's the shallow end when you're 88 feet tall.
[Artist]: Luca Zontini
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 10
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 8
[Art Texture]: HS32-205_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-205_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_439_SeasideGiant_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_439_SeasideGiant_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_439_SeasideGiant_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Dread DeserterPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dread Deserter
[Sort ID]: 108612
[Card ID]: VAC_447
[Text]: Has Charge if this didn't start in your deck.
[Flavor]: "I uh... need to go walk my uh… fish."
[Artist]: James Ryman
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 6
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Charge
[Art Texture]: HS32-104_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-104_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_447_Male_Gnoll_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_447_Male_Gnoll_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_447_Male_Gnoll_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Adaptive AmalgamPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Adaptive Amalgam
[Sort ID]: 108950
[Card ID]: VAC_958
[Text]: [x]This has all minion types.\nDeathrattle: Shuffle this\ninto your deck. It keeps\nany enchantments.
[Flavor]: We've only explored 5% of the ocean. So there's like a 95% chance this is accurate.
[Artist]: Slawomir Maniak
[Signature Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Obtain Signature]: Obtained by owning 27 Perils in Paradise Legendary cards.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Epic
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 2
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Races]: All
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-103_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-103_M_Premium.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-223_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_958_AdaptiveAmalgam_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_958_AdaptiveAmalgam_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_958_AdaptiveAmalgam_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bumbling BellhopPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bumbling Bellhop
[Sort ID]: 106372
[Card ID]: VAC_521
[Text]: [x]Taunt\nBattlecry: If you're holding a\nspell that costs (5) or more,\n__summon a copy of this.
[Flavor]: Put some respect on his name: Estebone Soulio Screamcardo Groantoya De la Grossa Ramirooze.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Pirate, Undead
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-093_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-093_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_521_Male_Forsaken_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_521_Male_Forsaken_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_521_Male_Forsaken_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Octo-masseusePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Octo-masseuse
[Sort ID]: 106718
[Card ID]: VAC_936
[Text]: Deals octuple damage\nto minions.
[Flavor]: Oh yeah, all of those are the spots.
[Artist]: Mooncolony
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 8
[Races]: Beast, Mech
[Art Texture]: HS32-102_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-102_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_936_Male_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_936_Male_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_936_Male_Mech_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Travel AgentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Travel Agent
[Sort ID]: 107928
[Card ID]: VAC_438
[Text]: Battlecry: Discover a location from any class.
[Flavor]: I could've hired her or some Dodo.
[Artist]: Ryan Bowlin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-094_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-094_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_438_Female_Goblin_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_438_Female_Goblin_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_438_Female_Goblin_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Customs EnforcerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Customs Enforcer
[Sort ID]: 107931
[Card ID]: VAC_440
[Text]: [x]Enemy cards that\ndidn't start in their\ndeck cost (2) more.
[Flavor]: Anything to declare? "yes... CHAMPION! Azeroth cries out..."
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 5
[Races]: Pirate
[System]: Aura
[Art Texture]: HS32-098_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-098_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_440_Male_Tauren_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_440_Male_Tauren_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_440_Male_Tauren_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Package DealerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Package Dealer
[Sort ID]: 107933
[Card ID]: VAC_441
[Text]: After you draw a card, 50% chance to draw another.
[Flavor]: I'm always getting my neighbor's mail. And my other neighbor. And my other neighbor. I'm stealing their packages.
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Rare
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 7
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-097_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-097_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_441_Male_Ogre_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_441_Male_Ogre_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_441_Male_Ogre_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Seafloor TrawlerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Seafloor Trawler
[Sort ID]: 106300
[Card ID]: VAC_320
[Text]: Battlecry: Dredge. Each player draws a card.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Murloc
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: W18_a119_M_TEMP.png
(ADDED CARD) Tidepool PupilPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Tidepool Pupil
[Sort ID]: 106306
[Card ID]: VAC_304
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: If you've cast 3\nspells while holding this,\nDiscover one of them.@\n(3 left!)@\n(Ready!)
[Flavor]: "Z-I-N A-S-H-A-R-Y!"
[Artist]: Eva Widermann
[Signature Artist]: Tanamaes Leejierasaes
[Obtain Signature]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Has Signature Quality]: Yes
[Entity Treshold Name]: 2
[Races]: Naga
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-204_M.png
[Art Texture Signature]: HS32-229_S.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_304_Male_Nagaling_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay_1]: Water_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay_2]: UnderbellyAngler_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_304_Male_Nagaling_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: Geomancer_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_304_Male_Nagaling_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay_1]: Geomancer_Death_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay_2]: UnderbellyAngler_Underlay_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Scrapbooking StudentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Scrapbooking Student
[Sort ID]: 106385
[Card ID]: VAC_529
[Text]: Battlecry: Summon a copy of a friendly location.
[Target Arrow]: Summon a copy of a friendly location.
[Flavor]: "…and this is the time I rode a dinosaur, and this is the time that I helped solve a murder, and this is the time I got corrupted by the Old Gods..."
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 5
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-082_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-082_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_529_Male_Vulpera_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_529_Male_Vulpera_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_529_Male_Vulpera_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bayfin BodybuilderPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bayfin Bodybuilder
[Sort ID]: 106387
[Card ID]: VAC_531
[Text]: [x]After a minion is summoned\nfor your opponent during\nyour turn, Silence and\ndestroy it.
[Flavor]: Loves to run in flow motion.
[Artist]: AJ Nazzaro
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 7
[Races]: Murloc
[Keywords]: Silence
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-203_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-203_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_531_Male_Murloc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_531_Male_Murloc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_531_Male_Murloc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Coconut CannoneerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Coconut Cannoneer
[Sort ID]: 106388
[Card ID]: VAC_532
[Text]: After an adjacent minion attacks, deal 1 damage to a random enemy.
[Flavor]: You think these just fell out of a coconut tree?
[Artist]: Anzka Nguyen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Pirate
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-083_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-083_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_532_Female_Hozen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_532_Female_Hozen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_532_Female_Hozen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) CryopractorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cryopractor
[Sort ID]: 106529
[Card ID]: VAC_327
[Text]: Battlecry: Give a minion +3/+3 and Freeze it.
[Target Arrow]: Give a minion +3/+3 and Freeze it.
[Flavor]: It's really hard to book an appointment, she always gives her clients the cold shoulder.
[Artist]: Mike Sass
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-086_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-086_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_327_X_Troll_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [FrostMagic_Play_Underlay]: FrostMagic_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_327_X_Troll_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [FrostMagic_Attack_Underlay]: FrostMagic_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_327_X_Troll_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [FrostMagic_Death_Underlay]: FrostMagic_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sleepy ResidentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sleepy Resident
[Sort ID]: 106542
[Card ID]: VAC_406
[Text]: Taunt\nDeathrattle: ALL other minions fall asleep.
[Flavor]: Shouldn’t this be a Priest card?
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 5
[Keywords]: Deathrattle, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-038_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-038_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_406_Male_Orc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_406_Male_Orc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_406_Male_Orc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Weapons AttendantPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Weapons Attendant
[Sort ID]: 106580
[Card ID]: VAC_924
[Text]: Battlecry: If you control another Pirate, equip\na random weapon\nfrom your deck.
[Flavor]: Hotel policy states that you must leave your weapons at the front desk. But GOOD NEWS! You can also buy weapons at the back desk!!
[Artist]: Jakub Kasper
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 6
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-081_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-081_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_924_Male_Tuskarr_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_924_Male_Tuskarr_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_924_Male_Tuskarr_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Beached WhalePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Beached Whale
[Sort ID]: 106714
[Card ID]: VAC_934
[Text]: Taunt\nBattlecry: Deal 10 damage to this minion.
[Flavor]: Call me Illidan. Some years ago — never mind how long precisely — having little or no gold in my purse, and nothing particular to interest me on Azeroth, I thought I would fly about a little and see the demony part of the world…
[Artist]: Matt Dixon
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 20
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-099_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-099_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VAC_934_BeachedWhale_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VAC_934_BeachedWhale_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VAC_934_BeachedWhale_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Snoozin' ZookeeperPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Snoozin' Zookeeper
[Sort ID]: 106720
[Card ID]: VAC_421
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon an 8/8\nBeast for your opponent. It\nattacks all of their minions.
[Flavor]: You snooze, you lose (track of a very large and hungry panther).
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 7
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 8
[Faction]: Alliance
[Related Cards]: Rampaging Beast (VAC_421t)
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-090_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-090_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_421_Female_Draenei_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_421_Female_Draenei_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_421_Female_Draenei_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sailboat CaptainPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sailboat Captain
[Sort ID]: 107114
[Card ID]: VAC_937
[Text]: Battlecry: Give a friendly Pirate Windfury.
[Target Arrow]: Give a friendly Pirate Windfury.
[Flavor]: I just shipped my pandaren!
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Windfury
[Art Texture]: HS32-201_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-201_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_937_Male_Pandaren_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_937_Male_Pandaren_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_937_Male_Pandaren_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Hozen RoughhouserPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hozen Roughhouser
[Sort ID]: 107181
[Card ID]: VAC_938
[Text]: Whenever another\nfriendly Pirate attacks,\ngive it +1/+1.
[Flavor]: NO MONKEY BUSINESS! ...not yet...
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 4
[Races]: Pirate
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-092_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-092_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_938_Male_Hozen_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_938_Male_Hozen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_938_Male_Hozen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Bloodsail RecruiterPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bloodsail Recruiter
[Sort ID]: 107799
[Card ID]: VAC_430
[Text]: Battlecry: Discover a Pirate.
[Flavor]: I want YOU! To plunder from the innocent!
[Artist]: Zoltan Boros
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-087_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-087_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_430_Male_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_430_Male_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_430_Male_Human_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Terrible ChefPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Terrible Chef
[Sort ID]: 107822
[Card ID]: VAC_946
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon a\n0/2 Nerubian Egg.\nDeathrattle: Destroy it.
[Flavor]: Anyone can cook! But not them.
[Artist]: AJ Nazzaro
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Undead
[Related Cards]: Nerubian Egg (CORE_FP1_007)
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-088_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-088_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_946_X_Forsaken_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_LOEA09_7_Cauldron_Play]: LOEA09_7_Cauldron_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_946_X_Forsaken_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_LOEA09_7_Cauldron_Attack]: LOEA09_7_Cauldron_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_946_X_Forsaken_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_LOEA09_7_Cauldron_Death]: LOEA09_7_Cauldron_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Wave Pool ThrasherPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Wave Pool Thrasher
[Sort ID]: 107824
[Card ID]: VAC_947
[Text]: Battlecry: Give all\nother minions -1/-1.\nDeathrattle: Give all\nother minions +1/+1.
[Flavor]: Used to be called Wave Pool Splasher until 'The Incident'.
[Artist]: Stefan Bogdasarov
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 4
[Health]: 5
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-089_M.png
[Effect After Play]: ReuseFX_WaterPoolThrasher_AE_FullBoard_Super
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_947_Female_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_ULD_292_OasisSurger_Play]: ULD_292_OasisSurger_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_947_Female_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_ULD_292_OasisSurger_Attack]: ULD_292_OasisSurger_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_947_Female_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_ULD_292_OasisSurger_Death]: ULD_292_OasisSurger_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Resort ValetPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Resort Valet
[Sort ID]: 107851
[Card ID]: VAC_432
[Text]: Battlecry: Discover a\ncard from the newest expansion.
[Flavor]: "This is my last resort!"
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 5
[Races]: Pirate
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-079_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-079_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_432_Female_Gnome_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_432_Female_Gnome_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_432_Female_Gnome_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) LamplighterPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Lamplighter
[Sort ID]: 108328
[Card ID]: VAC_442
[Text]: Battlecry: Deal 1 damage (Improved by each turn in a row you've played an Elemental).
[Target Arrow]: Deal 1 damage for each turn in a row you've played an Elemental.
[Flavor]: The elemental licked the oil and everybody laughed.
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 2
[Races]: Elemental
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: HS32-080_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-080_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_442_Male_Elemental_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Play]: GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_442_Male_Elemental_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Attack]: GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_442_Male_Elemental_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Death]: GreasefireElemental_DAL_554t_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) OverplannerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Overplanner
[Sort ID]: 108431
[Card ID]: VAC_444
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Discover 3 cards\nin your deck to put on\ntop in that order.
[Flavor]: "Hey kids, what do you call an arrogant skydiving pirate? A condescending con descending!"
[Artist]: Max Grecke
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Discover
[System]: Use Discover Visuals
[Art Texture]: HS32-084_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-084_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_444_Male_Goblin_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_444_Male_Goblin_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_444_Male_Goblin_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) XB-931 HousekeeperPerils in Paradise
[Name]: XB-931 Housekeeper
[Sort ID]: 108449
[Card ID]: VAC_956
[Text]: After you use a location, gain 3 Armor.
[Flavor]: "WHAT IS MY PURPOSE?"\n"You gain Armor."\n"OH GOD."
[Artist]: L. Lullabi & K. Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 3
[Races]: Mech
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS32-085_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-085_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_956_Male_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_956_Male_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_956_Male_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Drink ServerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Drink Server
[Sort ID]: 109334
[Card ID]: VAC_461
[Text]: Deathrattle: Get a\nrandom Drink spell.\n(It has 3 uses!)
[Flavor]: Make sure to tip to help him with his fin-ances.
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Obtain Golden]: Earnable on the Perils in Paradise Reward Track.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Races]: Murloc, Pirate
[Related Cards]: Divine Brew (VAC_916), "Health" Drink (VAC_951), Malted Magma (VAC_323), Nightshade Tea (VAC_404), Cup o\' Muscle (VAC_338), Seabreeze Chalice (VAC_520)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS32-078_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-078_M_Premium.png
[Effect Trigger]: Bacon_BuffImpact_JuiceDrank_Small_SpawnToHand
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_461_Male_Murloc_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_461_Male_Murloc_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_461_Male_Murloc_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) ConciergePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Concierge
[Sort ID]: 109440
[Card ID]: VAC_463
[Text]: Your cards from another class cost (1) less.
[Flavor]: So THAT'S who's making all those keys for my Arena runs.
[Artist]: Adam Byrne
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Collectible]: Yes
[Type]: Minion
[Rarity]: Common
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 4
[Faction]: Neutral
[Races]: Pirate
[System]: Aura
[Art Texture]: HS32-202_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-202_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_VAC_463_Female_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_VAC_463_Female_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_VAC_463_Female_Human_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Sugar RushPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Sugar Rush
[Sort ID]: 105796
[Card ID]: VAC_508e
[Text]: Gain 2 Mana Crystals this turn only.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Score Value 1]: 2
[Origin]: Trail Mix (VAC_508)
(ADDED CARD) EruptionPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Eruption
[Sort ID]: 106364
[Card ID]: VAC_321t
[Text]: [x]Casts When Drawn\nDeal $1 damage to\nall enemies.
[Artist]: Grafit
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Spell School]: Fire
[Elite]: Yes
[Keywords]: Casts When Drawn
[Art Texture]: HS32-206_S.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Eruption_AE_Super
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Eruption_Super
[Effect Trigger]: VACFX_Incindius_CastOnDrawn_Super
(ADDED CARD) ToastyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Toasty
[Sort ID]: 106380
[Card ID]: VAC_526e
[Text]: Increased Stats
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Char (VAC_526)
(ADDED CARD) Carry-On SuitcasePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carry-On Suitcase
[Sort ID]: 106716
[Card ID]: VAC_935t
[Text]: Get {0} and {1}.
[Artist]: Konstantin Turovec
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Counterpart Cards]: Carry-On Suitcase (VAC_935t2)
[Art Texture]: HS32-101_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Carry-On Enchantment TrackerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carry-On Enchantment Tracker
[Sort ID]: 106717
[Card ID]: VAC_935e
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Elite]: Yes
[Origin]: Carry-On Grub (VAC_935)
(ADDED CARD) Rampaging BeastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Rampaging Beast
[Sort ID]: 106721
[Card ID]: VAC_421t
[Artist]: Vika Yarova
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 8
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 8
[Faction]: Horde
[Attack Visual Type]: 1
[Races]: Beast
[System]: Dev State
[Art Texture]: HS32-091_M.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-091_M_Premium.png
[Sound Play] → [Play_Tiger_TRL_309t_Play]: Tiger_TRL_309t_Play.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_SW_431_ParkPanther_Attack]: SW_431_ParkPanther_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Tiger_TRL_309t_Attack]: Tiger_TRL_309t_Attack.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_SW_431_ParkPanther_Play]: SW_431_ParkPanther_Play.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Tiger_TRL_309t_Death]: Tiger_TRL_309t_Death.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_SW_431_ParkPanther_Death]: SW_431_ParkPanther_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) RoughhousingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Roughhousing
[Sort ID]: 107182
[Card ID]: VAC_938e
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Hozen Roughhouser (VAC_938)
(ADDED CARD) Low TidePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Low Tide
[Sort ID]: 107825
[Card ID]: VAC_947e1
[Text]: -1/-1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Wave Pool Thrasher (VAC_947)
(ADDED CARD) High TidePerils in Paradise
[Name]: High Tide
[Sort ID]: 107826
[Card ID]: VAC_947e2
[Text]: +1/+1.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Wave Pool Thrasher (VAC_947)
(ADDED CARD) Cryo-bout ItPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Cryo-bout It
[Sort ID]: 108339
[Card ID]: VAC_327e
[Text]: +3/+3.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Cryopractor (VAC_327)
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of PassionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Passions
[Sort ID]: 108974
[Card ID]: VAC_959t01
[Text]: Take control of an enemy minion until the end of your turn.\n(It has 1 Attack this turn!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 108977
[Art Texture]: HS32-111_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Tendrils_MindControl_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Powerful PassionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Powerful Passions
[Sort ID]: 108977
[Card ID]: VAC_959t01e
[Text]: This minion has switched controllers this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 2
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 2
[Origin]: Amulet of Passions (VAC_959t01)
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of PassionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Passions
[Sort ID]: 108978
[Card ID]: VAC_959t01t
[Text]: Take control of an enemy minion until the end of your turn.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 108974
[Art Texture]: HS32-112_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Shadow_Missile_Tendrils_MindControl_Super_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Phony PassionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Phony Passions
[Sort ID]: 108979
[Card ID]: VAC_959t01e2
[Text]: Attack set to 1 this turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 2
[Enchantment Idle Visual]: 2
[Origin]: Amulet of Passions (VAC_959t01)
[System]: One Turn Effect
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of TrackingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Tracking
[Sort ID]: 109034
[Card ID]: VAC_959t05
[Text]: [x]Get 3 random\nLegendary cards.\n(Then transform them\ninto Commons!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109035
[Art Texture]: HS32-113_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of TrackingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Tracking
[Sort ID]: 109035
[Card ID]: VAC_959t05t
[Text]: [x]Get 3 random\nLegendary cards.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109034
[Art Texture]: HS32-114_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of CrittersPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Critters
[Sort ID]: 109036
[Card ID]: VAC_959t06
[Text]: Summon a\nrandom 4-Cost minion\nand give it Taunt.\n(It can't attack!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109037
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-115_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of CrittersPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Critters
[Sort ID]: 109037
[Card ID]: VAC_959t06t
[Text]: Summon a\nrandom 4-Cost minion\nand give it Taunt.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109036
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: HS32-116_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of WardingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Warding
[Sort ID]: 109038
[Card ID]: VAC_959t07
[Text]: Deal $6 damage.\n(To a minion!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109039
[Art Texture]: HS32-117_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_Missile_Fireball_Medium_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of WardingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Warding
[Sort ID]: 109039
[Card ID]: VAC_959t07t
[Text]: Deal $6 damage.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109038
[Art Texture]: HS32-118_S.png
[Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Fire_Missile_Fireball_Medium_Super_Simultaneous_WithIdle
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of EnergyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Energy
[Sort ID]: 109040
[Card ID]: VAC_959t08
[Text]: Restore #12 Health\nto your hero.\n(Then take $6 damage!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109041
[Art Texture]: HS32-119_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of EnergyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Energy
[Sort ID]: 109041
[Card ID]: VAC_959t08t
[Text]: Restore #12 Health\nto your hero.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109040
[Art Texture]: HS32-120_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of MobilityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Mobility
[Sort ID]: 109042
[Card ID]: VAC_959t09
[Text]: Draw 3 cards.\n(Discard 2 of them!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109043
[Art Texture]: HS32-121_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of MobilityPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Mobility
[Sort ID]: 109043
[Card ID]: VAC_959t09t
[Text]: Draw 3 cards.
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109042
[Art Texture]: HS32-122_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of StridesPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Strides
[Sort ID]: 109044
[Card ID]: VAC_959t10
[Text]: [x]Reduce the Cost of all\ncards in your hand by (1).\n(Except for spells!)
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109045
[Art Texture]: HS32-123_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Amulet of StridesPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Amulet of Strides
[Sort ID]: 109045
[Card ID]: VAC_959t10t
[Text]: [x]Reduce the Cost of all\ncards in your hand by (1).
[Artist]: BOSi Studio
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Elite]: Yes
[Placeholder Data 1]: 109044
[Art Texture]: HS32-124_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Delicious CheesePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Delicious Cheese
[Sort ID]: 109395
[Card ID]: VAC_955t
[Text]: Summon three random 1-Cost minions. (Upgrades each turn!)
[Artist]: Daniil Kudriavtsev
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Elite]: Yes
[Art Texture]: HS32-109_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-109_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_Gorgonzormu_OverrideSpawn_Super
(ADDED CARD) AFKPerils in Paradise
[Name]: AFK
[Sort ID]: 109435
[Card ID]: VAC_446e
[Text]: +2/+2.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: A. F. Kay (VAC_446)
(ADDED CARD) Mixologist's SpecialPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Mixologist's Special
[Sort ID]: 109439
[Card ID]: VAC_523t
[Text]: {0}\n{1}
[Artist]: Sergey Tsvelykh
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: HS32-096_S.png
(ADDED CARD) Announce Darkness EnchPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Announce Darkness Ench
[Sort ID]: 109460
[Card ID]: VAC_941e
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Announce Darkness (VAC_941)
(ADDED CARD) Polished SheenPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Polished Sheen
[Sort ID]: 111480
[Card ID]: VAC_701e
[Text]: Set to 3/3.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Enchantment Birth Visual]: 1
[Origin]: Swarthy Swordshiner (VAC_701)
(ADDED CARD) CorpsiclePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Corpsicle
[Sort ID]: 111611
[Card ID]: VAC_427e
[Text]: Get a Corpsicle at the end of the turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Corpsicle (VAC_427)
(ADDED CARD) Bungee JumpingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bungee Jumping
[Sort ID]: 111677
[Card ID]: VAC_926e
[Text]: Returns to deck at end of turn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Cliff Dive (VAC_926)
[System]: Trigger Visual
(ADDED CARD) Necrotic PoisonPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Necrotic Poison
[Sort ID]: 111940
[Card ID]: VAC_464t2
[Text]: Destroy a minion.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: w11_074_D.png
[Art Texture Golden]: w11_074_D.png
[Effect Play]: AcidGlob_ThrowFromHero_FX
(ADDED CARD) Mutating InjectionPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Mutating Injection
[Sort ID]: 111941
[Card ID]: VAC_464t3
[Text]: Give a minion +4/+4 and Taunt.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 2
[Spell School]: Nature
[Keywords]: Taunt
[Art Texture]: W16_a064_D.png
[Effect Play]: AcidGlob_ThrowFromHero_FX
(ADDED CARD) The ExorcisorPerils in Paradise
[Name]: The Exorcisor
[Sort ID]: 111942
[Card ID]: VAC_464t4
[Text]: Silence any minion attacked by this weapon.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Weapon
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 3
[Durability]: 3
[Keywords]: Silence
[Art Texture]: HS13-345_W.png
(ADDED CARD) Pure ColdPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Pure Cold
[Sort ID]: 111943
[Card ID]: VAC_464t5
[Text]: Deal $8 damage to the enemy hero, and Freeze it.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Spell School]: Frost
[Keywords]: Freeze
[Art Texture]: W10_A231_D.png
[Effect Play]: Ice_FX
(ADDED CARD) BubbaPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Bubba
[Sort ID]: 111944
[Card ID]: VAC_464t6
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Summon six\n1/1 Bloodhounds with\nRush to attack an\nenemy minion.
[Target Arrow]: Choose a minion to attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 8
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS13-361_M.png
[Effect Play]: DogPaws_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [Play]: Bubba_GILA_410_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: Bubba_GILA_410_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: Bubba_GILA_410_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Holy BookPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Holy Book
[Sort ID]: 111945
[Card ID]: VAC_464t7
[Text]: Silence and destroy a minion. Summon a 10/10 copy of it.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 8
[Spell School]: Holy
[Keywords]: Silence
[Art Texture]: HS13-311_S.png
[Effect Play]: HolyFire_Targeted_FX
[Effect Additional Play]: ReviveDead_Holy_Redemption_OverrideSpawn
(ADDED CARD) Crusty the CrustaceanPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Crusty the Crustacean
[Sort ID]: 111946
[Card ID]: VAC_464t8
[Text]: [x]Battlecry: Destroy a minion.\nGain its Attack and Health.
[Target Arrow]: Destroy a minion
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[Elite]: Yes
[Races]: Beast
[Keywords]: Battlecry
[Art Texture]: w9_a177.png
[Effect Trigger]: WaterSplash_OverrideSpawn
[Sound Play] → [Play]: LOOT_111_RavenousCaveCrab_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: LOOT_111_RavenousCaveCrab_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: LOOT_111_RavenousCaveCrab_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Looming PresencePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Looming Presence
[Sort ID]: 111947
[Card ID]: VAC_464t9
[Text]: Draw 2 cards. Gain 4 Armor.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Art Texture]: HS6-092_D.png
[Effect Play]: Rage_Untargeted_CommandingShout_FX
(ADDED CARD) SpyglassPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Spyglass
[Sort ID]: 111948
[Card ID]: VAC_464t10
[Text]: Put a copy of a random card in your opponent's hand into yours. It costs (3) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Art Texture]: HS13-309_S.png
[Effect Play]: Holy_Idle_MindVision
(ADDED CARD) Clockwork AssistantPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Clockwork Assistant
[Sort ID]: 111949
[Card ID]: VAC_464t11
[Text]: Has +1/+1 for each spell you've cast this game.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 1
[Health]: 1
[Races]: Mech
[Art Texture]: HS13-373_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILA_907_Female_Mech_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Play_Underlay.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILA_907_Female_Mech_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Attack_Underlay.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILA_907_Female_Mech_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death Underlay]: CleanMechSmall_Death_Underlay.wav
(ADDED CARD) Puzzle BoxPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Puzzle Box
[Sort ID]: 111950
[Card ID]: VAC_464t12
[Text]: Transform all minions into random ones that cost (3) more.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: W5_104_S.png
[Effect Play]: Evolve_FX_Fast
(ADDED CARD) HyperblasterPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hyperblaster
[Sort ID]: 111951
[Card ID]: VAC_464t14
[Text]: Poisonous.\nYour hero is Immune while attacking.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Weapon
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 1
[Durability]: 4
[Keywords]: Immune, Poisonous
[Art Texture]: HS14-309.png
(ADDED CARD) Gnomish Army KnifePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Gnomish Army Knife
[Sort ID]: 111952
[Card ID]: VAC_464t15
[Text]: [x]Give a minion Rush,\nWindfury, Divine Shield,\nLifesteal, Poisonous,\nTaunt, and Stealth.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Keywords]: Divine Shield, Lifesteal, Poisonous, Rush, Stealth, Taunt, Windfury
[Art Texture]: HS14-247.png
[Effect Play]: Holy_Targeted_Healing_ImpactOnly_FX
(ADDED CARD) Wand of DisintegrationPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Wand of Disintegration
[Sort ID]: 111953
[Card ID]: VAC_464t16
[Text]: Silence and destroy all enemy minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Faction]: Neutral
[Keywords]: Silence
[Art Texture]: R6_a084_S.png
[Effect Play]: Laser_Disintegration_FX
(ADDED CARD) Staff of ScalesPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Staff of Scales
[Sort ID]: 111954
[Card ID]: VAC_464t17
[Text]: Summon three 1/1 Snakes with Rush, Poisonous and Reborn.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Keywords]: Poisonous, Reborn, Rush
[Art Texture]: HS17-208.png
[Effect Play]: Snakeshot_OverrideSpawn_FX 1
(ADDED CARD) Canopic JarsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Canopic Jars
[Sort ID]: 111955
[Card ID]: VAC_464t18
[Text]: [x]Give your minions\n"Deathrattle: Summon\na random Legendary\nminion."
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Faction]: Neutral
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS17-204.png
[Effect Play]: DK_Blue_Buff_ImpactOnly_FX
[Effect Trigger]: ReviveDead_Spectral_OverrideSpawn_Random
(ADDED CARD) Ancient ReflectionsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Ancient Reflections
[Sort ID]: 111956
[Card ID]: VAC_464t19
[Text]: Choose a minion.\nFill your board with 1/1 copies of it.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Spell School]: Arcane
[Art Texture]: HS17-225.png
[Effect Play]: TitanHologramDisc_OverrideSpawn
(ADDED CARD) Banana SplitPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Banana Split
[Sort ID]: 111957
[Card ID]: VAC_464t20
[Text]: Give a friendly minion +2/+2. Summon two copies of it.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Spell School]: Nature
[Art Texture]: HS14-208.png
[Effect Play]: Nature_Green_Buff_FX
[Effect Additional Play]: EchoingOoze_OverrideSpawn
(ADDED CARD) Dr. Boom's BoomboxPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Dr. Boom's Boombox
[Sort ID]: 111958
[Card ID]: VAC_464t21
[Text]: [x]Summon 7 'Boom Bots'.
[Artist]: Alex Garner
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 4
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Steady Shot (HERO_05bp)
[Art Texture]: HS12-323_S.png
[Effect Play]: DrBoom_Trigger_FX
(ADDED CARD) Wax RagerPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Wax Rager
[Sort ID]: 111959
[Card ID]: VAC_464t22
[Text]: Deathrattle: Resummon this minion.
[Artist]: Nathan Bowden
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 5
[Health]: 1
[Faction]: Neutral
[Races]: Elemental
[Hero Power]: Steady Shot (HERO_05bp)
[Keywords]: Deathrattle
[Art Texture]: HS12-320_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: LOOTA_840_WaxRager_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: LOOTA_840_WaxRager_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: LOOTA_840_WaxRager_Death.wav
(ADDED CARD) Embers of RagnarosPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Embers of Ragnaros
[Sort ID]: 111960
[Card ID]: VAC_464t23
[Text]: Shoot three fireballs at random enemies that deal $8 damage each.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 10
[Spell School]: Fire
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS12-324_S.png
[Effect Play]: Fireball_FX_Sequential
(ADDED CARD) Book of the DeadPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Book of the Dead
[Sort ID]: 111961
[Card ID]: VAC_464t24
[Text]: Deal $7 damage to all enemies. Costs (1) less for each minion that's died this game.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 14
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Art Texture]: HS17-206.png
[Effect Play]: Fel_AE_OpponentArea_Purple_FX
(ADDED CARD) Annoy-o HornPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Annoy-o Horn
[Sort ID]: 111963
[Card ID]: VAC_464t25
[Text]: Fill your board with annoying minions.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 8
[Art Texture]: HS14-242.png
[Effect Play]: AnnoyOHorn_OverrideSpawn_FX
(ADDED CARD) Grimmer PatronPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Grimmer Patron
[Sort ID]: 111964
[Card ID]: VAC_464t26
[Text]: At the end of your turn, summon a copy of this minion.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 3
[Health]: 3
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS16-328.png
[Effect Trigger]: GrimPatron_Trigger_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_DALA_705_Male_Dwarf_Play_01.wav
[Sound Play] → [Play_Underlay]: FriendlyBartender_Underlay_Play.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_DALA_705_Male_Dwarf_Attack_02.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack_Underlay]: FriendlyBartender_Underlay_Attack.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_DALA_705_Male_Dwarf_Death_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death_Underlay]: FriendlyBartender_Underlay_Death.wav
[Sound Trigger] → [Trigger]: VO_DALA_705_Male_Dwarf_Trigger_02.wav
(ADDED CARD) Beastly BeautyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Beastly Beauty
[Sort ID]: 111965
[Card ID]: VAC_464t27
[Text]: [x]Rush\nAfter this attacks a minion\nand survives, transform\nthis into an 8/8.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Attack]: 2
[Health]: 6
[Keywords]: Rush
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS13-108_M.png
[Effect Trigger]: Polymorph_Worgen_ImpactOnly_FX
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GILSLUSH_012_Female_Human_Play_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILSLUSH_012_Female_Human_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILSLUSH_012_Female_Human_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Vampiric FangsPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Vampiric Fangs
[Sort ID]: 111966
[Card ID]: VAC_464t28
[Text]: Destroy a minion. Restore its Health to your hero.
[Artist]: Ivan Fomin
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 3
[Spell School]: Shadow
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS13-330_S.png
[Effect Play]: DKGuldan_VampiricLeech_FX
(ADDED CARD) Candle LitPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Candle Lit
[Sort ID]: 112255
[Card ID]: VAC_423e4
[Text]: Costs (1).
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Twilight Medium (VAC_423)
(ADDED CARD) Blade of Quel'DelarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Blade of Quel'Delar
[Sort ID]: 113391
[Card ID]: VAC_464t29
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Weapon
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Attack]: 2
[Durability]: 2
[Faction]: Neutral
[Art Texture]: HS12-336_W.png
(ADDED CARD) Hilt of Quel'DelarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Hilt of Quel'Delar
[Sort ID]: 113392
[Card ID]: VAC_464t30
[Text]: Give a minion +3/+3.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Faction]: Neutral
[Hero Power]: Steady Shot (HERO_05bp)
[Art Texture]: HS12-322_S.png
[Effect Play]: Holy_Targeted_Healing_ImpactOnly_FX
(ADDED CARD) AsleepPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Asleep
[Sort ID]: 114000
[Card ID]: VAC_406e
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Sleepy Resident (VAC_406)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(ADDED CARD) Carry-On SuitcasePerils in Paradise
[Name]: Carry-On Suitcase
[Sort ID]: 114077
[Card ID]: VAC_935t2
[Text]: Get {0}.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 1
[Counterpart Cards]: Carry-On Suitcase (VAC_935t)
[Count As Copy]: Carry-On Suitcase (VAC_935t)
[Art Texture]: HS32-101_S.png
(ADDED CARD) The CoinPerils in Paradise
[Name]: The Coin
[Sort ID]: 114503
[Card ID]: VAC_COIN1
[Text]: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
[Flavor]: Some Mana to tide you over!\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
[Artist]: Tanamaes Leejierasaes
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Coin Card
[Art Texture]: HS32-207_S.png
[Art Texture Golden]: HS32-207_S_Premium.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_SandCoin_Super
(ADDED CARD) The CoinPerils in Paradise
[Name]: The Coin
[Sort ID]: 114504
[Card ID]: VAC_COIN2
[Text]: Gain 1 Mana Crystal this turn only.
[Flavor]: Yarrr, be warned ye who tries to take this treasure, lest ye suffer a terrible fate! Any who plunder this coin shall forever be cursed to go second!\n\nObtained by owning 145 Perils in Paradise cards.
[Artist]: Vlad Botos
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[System]: Coin Card
[Art Texture]: HS32-208_S.png
[Effect Play]: VACFX_SeafarersCoin_Super
(ADDED CARD) Tourist VFX EnchantmentPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Tourist VFX Enchantment
[Sort ID]: 114625
[Card ID]: VAC_422e
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Effect After Play]: VACFX_Tourist_Ritual_CardFromScript_Super
(ADDED CARD) Quel'DelarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Quel'Delar
[Sort ID]: 114911
[Card ID]: VAC_464t31
[Text]: After your hero attacks, deal 4 damage to all_enemies.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Weapon
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 6
[Attack]: 4
[Durability]: 4
[Faction]: Neutral
[System]: Trigger Visual
[Art Texture]: HS12-335_W.png
[Effect Trigger]: Holy_AE_Queldelar_FX
(ADDED CARD) Forging Quel'DelarPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Forging Quel'Delar
[Sort ID]: 114913
[Card ID]: VAC_464t31t
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Spell
[Class]: Neutral
[Faction]: Neutral
[Effect Play]: SwordFromDeck_Throw_FX
(ADDED CARD) ParrotingPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Parroting
[Sort ID]: 114950
[Card ID]: VAC_409e
[Text]: Your next Battlecry minion costs (1) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Parrot Sanctuary (VAC_409)
(ADDED CARD) SteamyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Steamy
[Sort ID]: 115553
[Card ID]: VAC_418e
[Text]: Costs (1) less.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Sauna Regular (VAC_418)
(ADDED CARD) Stay FrostyPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Stay Frosty
[Sort ID]: 115682
[Card ID]: VAC_328e
[Text]: Permanently Frozen
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Meltemental (VAC_328)
[System]: Enchantment Invisible
(ADDED CARD) ForgeryPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Forgery
[Sort ID]: 115992
[Card ID]: VAC_959t06e
[Text]: Can't attack.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Amulet of Critters (VAC_959t06)
(ADDED CARD) Spirit SwapPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Spirit Swap
[Sort ID]: 116212
[Card ID]: VAC_957e
[Text]: Swapped stats.
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Chillin' Vol'jin (VAC_957)
(ADDED CARD) Beautiful BeastPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Beautiful Beast
[Sort ID]: 116260
[Card ID]: VAC_464t27t
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Minion
[Class]: Neutral
[Cost]: 5
[Attack]: 8
[Health]: 8
[Counterpart Cards]: Beautiful Beast (ONY_005ta9t)
[Art Texture]: HS13-109_M.png
[Sound Play] → [Play]: VO_GIL_113_Female_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Attack] → [Attack]: VO_GILSLUSH_013_Female_Worgen_Attack_01.wav
[Sound Death] → [Death]: VO_GILSLUSH_013_Female_Worgen_Death_01.wav
(ADDED CARD) Going with the FlowPerils in Paradise
[Name]: Going with the Flow
[Sort ID]: 116919
[Card ID]: VAC_428e
[Text]: Spell Damage +1
[Set]: Perils in Paradise
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Neutral
[Origin]: Go with the Flow (VAC_428)
(ADDED CARD) Family ValuesShowdown in the Badlands
[Name]: Family Values
[Sort ID]: 116984
[Card ID]: WW_357e
[Text]: Increased Health.
[Set]: Showdown in the Badlands
[Type]: Enchantment
[Class]: Death Knight
[Origin]: Maw and Paw (WW_357)
EvocationAshes of Outland
(OLD) [Text]: Fill your hand with random Mage spells.\nAt the end of your turn, discard them.
(NEW) [Text]: Fill your hand with random Mage spells.\nThey are Temporary.
Reliquary PrimeAshes of Outland
(OLD) [Text]: Taunt, Lifesteal\nElusive on your\nopponent's turn.
(NEW) [Text]: Taunt, Lifesteal\nElusive on your\nopponent's turn.
(OLD) [Keywords]: Elusive, Lifesteal, Taunt
(NEW) [Keywords]: Lifesteal, Taunt
Gunglaive KurtrusBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Azerite VardenBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Treason TamsinBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Dart Huntress SylvanasBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Stand-off JandiceBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Kingpin DenathriusBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Lone Ranger RenoBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Bulletstorm Al'AkirBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Jailbreak RafaamBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Dune Dweller ZephrysBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Quicksand NozdormuBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Oil Guzzler N'ZothBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Narrator HartlyBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Long-shot TavishBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Cowboy TeronBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Brigand Drek'tharBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Deputy VanndarBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Artist]: N. Saviori & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: N. Saviori & Mooncolony
Eyes of the Earth MotherBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Vika Yarova
Top of the BeanstalkBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
Buddy UpBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Cost]: 4
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(ADDED) [BGs Tavern Spell Available]: Yes
Geomagus RoogugBattlegrounds
(REMOVED) [Effect Trigger]: BaconFX_BloodGem_Missiles_Super_FastActorTrigger
Trusty PupBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Ivan Fomin
Silver GooseBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Marta Vives Poch
Iridescent SkyblazerBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Monika Palosz
Thousandth Paper DrakeBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Valeria Styajkina
Draconic DeathscaleBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Marta Vives Poch
Persistent PoetBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Alex Horley Orlandelli
The Uninvited GuestBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Todd Harris
Hoarding HatespawnBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Joseph Weston
Slimy FelbloodBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
Unforgiving TreantBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Valeria Styajkina
Fairy GillmotherBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Ivan Fomin
Veranus, Stormlord's MountBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Monika Palosz
Akali, Rock RhinoBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Alex Horley Orlandelli
Reliquary AttendantBattlegrounds
(ADDED) [Artist]: Kevin Sidharta
Crow's Nest SentryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Art Texture]: BG24-017_M1.png
(NEW) [Art Texture]: BG24-017_M.png
Crow's Nest SentryBattlegrounds
(OLD) [Art Texture]: BG24-017_M1.png
(NEW) [Art Texture]: BG24-017_M.png
MagnanimooseBattlegrounds Duos
(ADDED) [Artist]: Christina Kraus
Portal in a BottleBattlegrounds Duos
(ADDED) [Artist]: Inès (Ourka) Rotzinger
Jumping JackBattlegrounds Duos
(OLD) [Artist]: Grafit
(NEW) [Artist]: Vika Yarova
Catch!Battlegrounds Duos
(ADDED) [Artist]: Kleston Marques
Recruitment ProgramBattlegrounds Duos
(ADDED) [Artist]: Gabriel Lopes
Glorious GlooplingBattlegrounds Duos
(ADDED) [Artist]: Todd Harris
Murozond, Thief of TimeCaverns of Time
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Corpse BrideCore
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Spend up to 10\n_Corpses to summon a Risen_\nGroom with Taunt and that\n_much Attack and Health.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Spend up to 10\nCorpses. Summon a Risen\nGroom with stats equal\nto the amount spent.
Genn GreymaneCore
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Baku the MooneaterCore
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. PilotCore
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Molten GiantCore
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (1) less for\neach Health your hero\nis missing.
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Night Elf HuntressCore
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Warsong GruntCore
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Arthas's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nDark Transformation,\nHowling Blast, or\nDeath Strike.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nDark Transformation,\nHowling Blast, or\nDeath Strike.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Illidan's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Fel Barrage, Chaos Strike, or Chaos Nova.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Fel Barrage, Chaos Strike, or Chaos Nova.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Malfurion's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary\nFeral Rage, Wild Growth,\nor Swipe.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary\nFeral Rage, Wild Growth,\nor Swipe.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Rexxar's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nQuick Shot, Deadly Shot,\nor Explosive Shot.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nQuick Shot, Deadly Shot,\nor Explosive Shot.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Jaina's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, or Fireball.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, or Fireball.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Uther's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Equality, Consecration, or Blessing of Kings.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Equality, Consecration, or Blessing of Kings.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Anduin's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nPower Word: Shield,\nShadow Word: Pain,\nor Mind Control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nPower Word: Shield,\nShadow Word: Pain,\nor Mind Control.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Valeera's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nBackstab, Deadly Poison,\nor Fan of Knives.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nBackstab, Deadly Poison,\nor Fan of Knives.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Thrall's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Lightning Storm, Hex,\nor Bloodlust.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Lightning Storm, Hex,\nor Bloodlust.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Gul'dan's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nMortal Coil, Siphon Soul,\nor Twisting Nether.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nMortal Coil, Siphon Soul,\nor Twisting Nether.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Garrosh's GiftEvent
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Execute, Shield Block, or Brawl.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Execute, Shield Block, or Brawl.
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
Harth StonebrewEvent
(OLD) [Obtain]: Unlocked after completing Apprentice.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after opening a Whizbang's Workshop card pack.
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Cover ArtistFestival of Legends
(OLD) [Artist]: Jay Axer
(NEW) [Artist]: J. Axer
Beautiful BeastFractured in Alterac Valley
(ADDED) [Counterpart Cards]: Beautiful Beast (VAC_464t27t)
Annoy-o-TronGoblins vs Gnomes
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
V-07-TR-0NGoblins vs Gnomes
(OLD) [Keywords]: Charge
(NEW) [Keywords]: Charge, Mega Windfury
Zombie Queen ScarletHero Skins
(OLD) [Description]: The zombies would be beside her, but they got cold feet. \n\nObtainable by participating in a special event.
(NEW) [Description]: The zombies would be beside her, but they got cold feet.\n\nObtainable by participating in a special event, or purchasable when available in the shop.
Ghoul FrenzyHero Skins
(OLD) [Effect Play]: DarionMograine_CustomSpawn_HeroPower_Super
(NEW) [Effect Play]: QueenLanathel_11l_OverrideSpawn_HeroPower_Super
Trainer KurtrusHero Skins
(OLD) [Description]: He has glowing tattoos and giant demon wings. Who wouldn't take his advice?\nEarnable after purchasing the Tavern Pass.
(NEW) [Description]: He has glowing tattoos and giant demon wings. Who wouldn't take his advice?\n\nEarnable after purchasing the Tavern Pass, or purchasable when available in the shop.
Cherry Blossom LunaraHero Skins
(OLD) [Description]: You can always count on her style to be seasonally appropriate. Obtained by purchasing the Blooming Flower bundle.
(NEW) [Description]: You can always count on her style to be seasonally appropriate.\n\nPurchasable when available in the shop.
Dire ShapeshiftHero Skins
(OLD) [Effect Play]: Nature_HeroPower_FX
(NEW) [Effect Play]: Ulfar_06ai_HeroPower_FX
Sylvanas, Ranger GeneralHero Skins
(OLD) [Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_05z_action.mp4
(NEW) [Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_11b_action.mp4
(OLD) [Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_05z_action_texture.png
(NEW) [Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_11b_action_texture.png
(ADDED) [Store Visuals] → [Video Feature]: hero_11b_featured.mp4
(ADDED) [Store Visuals] → [Texture Feature]: hero_11b_feature_texture.png
Queen AzsharaHero Skins
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_08x_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Cast.wav, HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Impact.wav
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_08x_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Impact.wav
Patches the PirateHero Skins
(OLD) [Artist]: I. Fomin & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: I. Fomin & Mooncolony
King RastakhanHero Skins
(OLD) [Emote Character]: Rakistan
(NEW) [Emote Character]: Rastakhan
Daring FireheartHero Skins
(REMOVED) [Effect Death]: Death
Arthas's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nDark Transformation,\nHowling Blast, or\nDeath Strike.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nDark Transformation,\nHowling Blast, or\nDeath Strike.
Illidan's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Fel Barrage, Chaos Strike, or Chaos Nova.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Fel Barrage, Chaos Strike, or Chaos Nova.
Malfurion's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary\nFeral Rage, Wild Growth,\nor Swipe.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary\nFeral Rage, Wild Growth,\nor Swipe.
Rexxar's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nQuick Shot, Deadly Shot,\nor Explosive Shot.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nQuick Shot, Deadly Shot,\nor Explosive Shot.
Jaina's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, or Fireball.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Frostbolt, Arcane Intellect, or Fireball.
Uther's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Equality, Consecration, or Blessing of Kings.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Equality, Consecration, or Blessing of Kings.
Anduin's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nPower Word: Shield,\nShadow Word: Pain,\nor Mind Control.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nPower Word: Shield,\nShadow Word: Pain,\nor Mind Control.
Valeera's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nBackstab, Deadly Poison,\nor Fan of Knives.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nBackstab, Deadly Poison,\nor Fan of Knives.
Thrall's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Lightning Storm, Hex,\nor Bloodlust.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Lightning Storm, Hex,\nor Bloodlust.
Gul'dan's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Discover a temporary\nMortal Coil, Siphon Soul,\nor Twisting Nether.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Discover a Temporary\nMortal Coil, Siphon Soul,\nor Twisting Nether.
Garrosh's GiftHidden
(OLD) [Text]: Discover a temporary Execute, Shield Block, or Brawl.
(NEW) [Text]: Discover a Temporary Execute, Shield Block, or Brawl.
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtained by purchasing the TITANS Mega Bundle.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Harth StonebrewHidden
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Totemic CallLegacy
(REMOVED) [Always Render Golden Portrait]: Yes
Gnomelia, S.A.F.E. PilotLegacy
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Molten GiantLegacy
(OLD) [Text]: Costs (1) less for each damage your hero has taken.
(NEW) [Text]: Costs (1) less for\neach Health your hero\nis missing.
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(REMOVED) [Art Texture Golden]: HS31-215_M_Premium.png
Night Elf HuntressLegacy
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
(REMOVED) [Art Texture Golden]: HS31-214_M_Premium.png
Warsong GruntLegacy
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Throw GlaiveMadness at the Darkmoon Faire
(OLD) [Text]: Deal $2 damage to a minion. If it dies, add a_temporary copy of this to your hand.
(NEW) [Text]: Deal $2 damage to a minion. If it dies, add a_Temporary copy of this to your hand.
Sylvanas WindrunnerMarch of the Lich King
(REMOVED) [Store Visuals] → [Video Action]: hero_05z_action.mp4
(REMOVED) [Store Visuals] → [Texture Action]: hero_05z_action_texture.png
Apex Predator 3Mercenaries
(OLD) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +3 Health and repeat this.
(NEW) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +@ Health and repeat this.
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 3
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 12
Apex Predator 2Mercenaries
(OLD) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +2 Health and repeat this.
(NEW) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +@ Health and repeat this.
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 2
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 12
Apex Predator 1Mercenaries
(OLD) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +1 Health and repeat this.
(NEW) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +@ Health and repeat this.
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 1
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 12
Apex Predator 4Mercenaries
(OLD) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +4 Health and repeat this.
(NEW) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +@ Health and repeat this.
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 4
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 12
Apex Predator 5Mercenaries
(OLD) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +5 Health and repeat this.
(NEW) [Text]: Attack the lowest\n Health enemy.\n Deathblow: Gain +@ Health and repeat this.
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 1]: 5
(ADDED) [Placeholder Data 2]: 12
The Light! It Burns!Murder at Castle Nathria
(ADDED) [System]: Affected By Spell Power
Door of ShadowsMurder at Castle Nathria
(OLD) [Text]: Draw a spell. Infuse (2): Add a temporary copy of it to your hand.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Draw a spell. Infuse_(2):\nAdd a Temporary copy\nof it to your hand.
Door of ShadowsMurder at Castle Nathria
(OLD) [Text]: Infused\nDraw a spell. Add a temporary copy of it to your hand.
(NEW) [Text]: Infused\nDraw a spell. Add a Temporary copy of it to your hand.
Demolition RenovatorMurder at Castle Nathria
(ADDED) [Counterpart Cards]: Demolition Renovator (CORE_REV_023)
Lady DeathwhisperPath of Arthas
(OLD) [Artist]: Jay Axer
(NEW) [Artist]: J. Axer
Marin the ManagerPerils in Paradise
(OLD) [Artist]: Grafit
(NEW) [Artist]: Zoltan Boros
(ADDED) [Signature Artist]: Ivo Campelo da Silva
(ADDED) [Obtain Golden]: Earnable after purchasing the Perils in Paradise Tavern Pass.
(ADDED) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable in Perils in Paradise card packs.
(ADDED) [Has Signature Quality]: Yes
(ADDED) [Art Texture Signature]: HS32-224_S.png
Splish-Splash WhelpShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Cost]: 2
(NEW) [Cost]: 3
(OLD) [Attack]: 1
(NEW) [Attack]: 3
(OLD) [Health]: 1
(NEW) [Health]: 2
Doctor Holli'daeShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Deepminer BrannShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Flint FirearmShowdown in the Badlands
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Frost Lotus SeedlingTITANS
(OLD) [Flavor]: Really bad flavor text. (Blossoms in 1 expansion.)
(NEW) [Flavor]: Even WORSE flavor text!
Yogg-Saron, UnleashedTITANS
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Celestial ProjectionistTITANS
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Choose a\nfriendly minion. Add a temporary copy of it to your hand.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Battlecry: Choose a\nfriendly minion. Add a\nTemporary copy of it\nto your hand.
The SoulariumThe Boomsday Project
(OLD) [Text]: Draw 3 cards.\nAt the end of your turn, discard them.
(NEW) [Text]: Draw 3 cards.\nThey are Temporary.
ZilliaxThe Boomsday Project
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtained by purchasing the TITANS Mega Bundle.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Genn GreymaneThe Witchwood
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Baku the MooneaterThe Witchwood
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Queen AzsharaTwist
(OLD) [Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_08x_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Cast.wav, HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Impact.wav
(NEW) [Start Animation Friendly] → [HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_08x_SocketIn_FX]: HeroSkin_QueenAzshara_Socketin_Impact.wav
Patches the PirateTwist
(OLD) [Artist]: I. Fomin & . Mooncolony
(NEW) [Artist]: I. Fomin & Mooncolony
Submerged SpacerockVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Add two Arcane\nMage spells to your hand.\nAt the end of your turn,\ndiscard them.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Deathrattle: Add two Arcane\nMage spells to your hand.\nThey are Temporary.
Whispers of the DeepVoyage to the Sunken City
(OLD) [System]: Immune To Spellpower
(NEW) [System]: Affected By Spell Power, Immune To Spellpower
N'Zoth's First MateWhispers of the Old Gods
(OLD) [Obtain Signature]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Signature]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Workshop MishapWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Keywords]: Lifesteal, Outcast
(NEW) [Keywords]: Outcast
OwloniusWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
King PlushWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Wilderness PackWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: Add 5 random Beasts to your hand. At the end of your turn, discard them.
(NEW) [Text]: Add 5 random\nBeasts to your hand.\nThey are Temporary.
Watercolor ArtistWhizbang’s Workshop
(REMOVED) [Art Texture Golden]: HS31-035_M_Premium.png
Twisted PackWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Add 5 random\ncards from other classes\nto your hand. At the end of\nyour turn, discard them.
(NEW) [Text]: Add 5 random cards from other\nclasses to your hand.\nThey are Temporary.
Wave of NostalgiaWhizbang’s Workshop
(ADDED) [Effect Play]: ReuseFX_Decay_AE_Transform_Devolve_GreenSmoke_BothSides_Super
Sketch ArtistWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: Battlecry: Draw a Shadow spell. Get a temporary copy of it.
(NEW) [Text]: Battlecry: Draw a Shadow spell. Get a Temporary copy of it.
Crane GameWhizbang’s Workshop
(ADDED) [Spell School]: Shadow
Inventor BoomWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Lab PatronWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: The first time you gain Armor each turn, summon another Lab Patron.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Whenever you gain armor,\n summon another Lab Patron\n(once per turn).
Standardized PackWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: Add 5 random Taunt minions to your hand. At the end of your turn, discard them.
(NEW) [Text]: Add 5 random Taunt minions to your hand. They are Temporary.
Li'Na, Shop ManagerWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Obtain]: Earnable on the Whizbang's Workshop Reward Track.
(NEW) [Obtain]: Earnable after collecting 30 Whizbang's Workshop cards.
Puppetmaster DorianWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Obtain Diamond]: Obtainable by purchasing in the shop.
(NEW) [Obtain Diamond]: Purchasable when available in the shop.
Sweetened SnowflurryWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nBattlecry: Get 2 random\ntemporary Frost spells.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Miniaturize\nBattlecry: Get 2 random\nTemporary Frost spells.
Sweetened SnowflurryWhizbang’s Workshop
(OLD) [Text]: [x]Mini\nBattlecry: Get 2 random\ntemporary Frost spells.
(NEW) [Text]: [x]Mini\nBattlecry: Get 2 random\nTemporary Frost spells.


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