Patch 30.0 String Differences - Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & More

We've prepared an article with all the String differences in this patch, such as Voice Lines, Tutorial, Glue, Gameplay & More.

Lite Skin = no animations, only basic voice lines
Lite w/ Full VO = has no animations, might have a Hero Tray or not, and has completely new voice lines
Full Skin = has animations (Hero Power, Enterance), a Hero Tray, and completely new voice lines
Legendary Skin = has animations (not for Hero Power), completely new voice lines, and a 3D animated portrait


# HERO_06aq is Catnap Xuen: Lite Druid skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Attack_01 Quiet!
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Greetings_01 Greetings to you.
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 <_yawn_> Ah, yes.
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_MIRROR_START_01 Ones of victory and splendor!
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Oops_01 A curious outcome...
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Picked_01 Even in stillness, there can be visions of glory.
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Start_01 What dreams may come?
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Thanks_01 You have my appreciation.
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Threaten_01 Rest restores power. And I am very well rested.
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Well_Played_01 Your skill commends you.
newicon VO_HERO_06aq_Male_Tiger_Wow_01 An inspiring sight!

# HERO_05aq is Canoe Huln: Lite Hunter skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Attack_01 Row!
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Greetings_01 Hail to you.
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 And you!
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_MIRROR_START_01 I was trying to!
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Oops_01 Hmm...That was treacherous.
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Picked_01 Where shall we explore this time?
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Start_01 Go with the flow.
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Thanks_01 Ah, thank you.
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Threaten_01 Ever found yourself up a creek without a paddle?
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Well_Played_01 Your gifts are many.
newicon VO_HERO_05aq_Male_Tauren_Wow_01 A heartening sight!

# HERO_10an is Pier Halveria: Lite Demon Hunter skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Attack_01 Loop-the-loop!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Greetings_01 Um, hi.
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 That's what I always say!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_MIRROR_START_01 I can handle it!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Oops_01 Oof!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Picked_01 I'm here for the thrills!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Start_01 This is gonna be a bumpy ride!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Thanks_01 Thanks, I guess.
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Threaten_01 Better hold onto your safety bar!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Well_Played_01 I never know what you'll do next!
newicon VO_HERO_10an_Female_Worgen_Wow_01 Wahoo!

# HERO_08ba is Mermaid Kit: Lite Mage skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Attack_01 Here it comes!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Greetings_01 Hiya!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Ooh! I can't believe we get to be mermaids together!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_MIRROR_START_01 I'm so excited, I can't contain it!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Oops_01 Oh no!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Picked_01 You want to go play at the beach with me, right?
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Start_01 This is going to be amazing!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Thanks_01 Ooo, thank you!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Threaten_01 You'd better be nice to me!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Well_Played_01 You're making a big splash here!
newicon VO_HERO_08ba_Female_Kobold_Wow_01 Wow-ee!

# HERO_08az is A. F. Kay: Mage hero

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Attack_01 Take that!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Concede_01 You've won this time.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Death_01 <_death exertion_>
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 It's totally packed on my side.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_GENERIC_01 Nope.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 Oh no! Yikes, a full hand!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 Give me a break, I just attacked!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 It's worn out.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 Mana's too low.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 Gotta have a weapon for that.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_PLAY_01 No can do.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_STEALTH_01 I can't hit the stealthed ones.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 It needs a rest.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_TARGET_01 That's beyond me.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_ERROR_TAUNT_01 Gotta get the taunting one first.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 Maybe I'll stay up for the fireworks this year! Or maybe not.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 Whoa!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 Whoa!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 Whoa!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 Whoa!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Greetings_01 Wonderful to see you.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 How spooky!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 I just love this season. There's so much time off!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 Don't you just love springtime?
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_LowCards_01 My cards are low.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 The pleasure is mine.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_MIRROR_START_01 Look alive!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_NoCards_01 Out of cards!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Oops_01 Whoops!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_PIRATE_DAY_01 A pirate is never late. She arrives precisely when she means to!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Picked_01 Who, me? Oh. Be right there!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Sorry_01 My bad.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Start_01 Uh, can this wait?
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Thanks_01 Thank you!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Thinking_01 Hmm...
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Thinking_02 <_Humming_>
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Thinking_03 What if...?
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Threaten_01 You can't beat me!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Time_01 Clock is ticking.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Trigger_ConjureManaBiscuit_01 Ah, my favorite!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Trigger_ManaBiscuit_01 I could nom these all day!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Trigger_RefreshingSpringWater_01 This goes well with a snack!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Trigger_Rewind_01 Pretend that didn't happen.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Trigger_VastWisdom_01 Learned this one on my break!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Trigger_VolumeUp_01 This is great for my study mix.
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_WOW_01 Whoa!
newicon VO_HERO_08az_Female_Human_Well_Played_01 Nice move!

# HERO_04as is Detectorist Finley: Lite Paladin skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Attack_01 Stand back!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 What a find!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 What a find!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 What a find!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Greetings_01 Hello, explorer!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Always happy to meet a fellow traveler!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_MIRROR_START_01 Oh goodness! Same here!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Oops_01 Whoopsie!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Picked_01 Are you ready for a new adventure?
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Start_01 I am detecting... danger!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Thanks_01 Thank you, explorer!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Threaten_01 I feel like you're not taking my expedition seriously.
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Well_Played_01 Oh, fish! You're good!
newicon VO_HERO_04as_Male_Murloc_Wow_01 What a find!

# HERO_04at is Castle Nozdormu: Lite Paladin skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Attack_01 Crumble!
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Greetings_01 Hello there.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Ah, is it double time already?
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_MIRROR_START_01 Watch me.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Oops_01 An anomaly.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Picked_01 The sands of time are forever flowing around me.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Start_01 No one will breach these walls!
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Thanks_01 I am grateful.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Threaten_01 I will not waste my time on the unworthy.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Well_Played_01 Your skill will shine throughout the ages.
newicon VO_HERO_04at_Male_BloodElf_Wow_01 A timeless spectacle!

# HERO_09as is Lifeguard Hedanis: Lite Priest skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Attack_01 Knock it off!
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Greetings_01 It's great to see you.
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Yes, literally!
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_MIRROR_START_01 Hm, really? I thought you were a fan.
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Oops_01 Oh... who did that?!
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Picked_01 Oh, you need me already? How typical.
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Start_01 I'm in charge here!
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Thanks_01 Thanks for your generosity.
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Threaten_01 <_sigh_> I said no running and no splashing or else!
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Well_Played_01 You're truly a star!
newicon VO_HERO_09as_Male_BloodElf_Wow_01 Oh! Stunning!

# HERO_09ar is Talanji: Diamond Priest skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Attack_01 For Zandalar!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Concede_01 My revenge will come.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Death_01 <_death exertion_>
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 The battlefield is packed.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_GENERIC_01 Utterly impossible.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 My hand is too full.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 I cannot strike again.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 It has already fought.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 I am short on mana.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 I must equip a weapon first.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_PLAY_01 I cannot play that.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_STEALTH_01 It hides from my sight.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 It must rest first.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_TARGET_01 That one is beyond my grasp.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_ERROR_TAUNT_01 A different foe taunts me.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 Let the fires light my path to victory.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Greetings_01 It is good to see you.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 The spirits grow restless in their graves...
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 May your holiday be as cold as I am.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 The times of growth balance the times of death and decay...
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HERO_POWER_01 [VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HERO_POWER_01 replace me]
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HERO_POWER_02 [VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HERO_POWER_02 replace me]
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HERO_POWER_03 [VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_HERO_POWER_03 replace me]
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_LowCards_01 Few cards remain.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 We have much yet to do.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_MIRROR_START_01 Do not let your anger deceive you.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_NoCards_01 No more cards!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Oops_01 Some mistakes cannot be undone.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_PIRATE_DAY_01 Better start believing in ghost stories—you're in one!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Picked_01 I will do whatever I must to keep my people safe.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Sorry_01 So sorry.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Start_01 Vengeance for the fallen!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Start_Rastakhan_01 Let us see who is stronger now, father.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Start_Sylvanas_01 There is only one true queen in the Horde.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Thanks_01 I am grateful.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Thinking_01 Hmm...
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Thinking_02 What is best...
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Thinking_03 I must find a way...
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Threaten_01 I always have room for one more skull...
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Time_01 Time is slipping away.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Trigger_AnimateDead_01 Rise, rise!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Trigger_CleantheScene_01 For King Rastakhan!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Trigger_GraveDigging_01 My army grows stronger.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Trigger_ShadowWordUndeath_01 You can not defeat death itself.
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Trigger_ThriveintheShadows_01 The Zandalari must adapt!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Trigger_UndyingAllies_01 Serve your champion!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_WOW_01 By the loa!
newicon VO_HERO_09ar_Female_Troll_Well_Played_01 Ahh...The loa have blessed you.

# HERO_03as is Skatetron: Lite Rogue skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Attack_01 Jammin’!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Greetings_01 Hey-o!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Right back at ya!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_MIRROR_START_01 Mine are louder than yours!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Oops_01 Oops!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Picked_01 Woohoo! Time to show off my moves!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Start_01 Crank up the tunes!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Thanks_01 Thanks for rocking it!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Threaten_01 I'll skate circles ‘round ya!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Well_Played_01 Where'd you learn to do that?!
newicon VO_HERO_03as_Male_ClockworkGnome_Wow_01 That's gnarly!

# HERO_03at is Highsea Edwin: Lite Rogue skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Attack_01 Drown in the depths!
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Greetings_01 Ahoy, there!
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Ahoy yourself!
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_MIRROR_START_01 But only one of us can reach the horizon.
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Oops_01 Just a minor slip up.
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Picked_01 There's nothing better than the open sea.
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Start_01 Raise the anchors and hoist the sails!
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Thanks_01 I must thank you.
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Threaten_01 I've thrown a lot of traitors overboard in my time...
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Well_Played_01 You run a tight ship!
newicon VO_HERO_03at_Male_Human_Wow_01 Now that was something!

# HERO_02aw is Stormwind Rastakhan: Lite Shaman skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Attack_01 Kneel before me!
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Greetings_01 Talk to me.
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Ha, you are too much.
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_MIRROR_START_01 How dare you impersonate me!
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Oops_01 What was that?
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Picked_01 Now this will be a trip to remember!
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Start_01 Let me survey the realm!
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Thanks_01 You have my thanks.
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Threaten_01 Have you heard? <_Laughter_> Stormwind has a new king.
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Well_Played_01 You'd do well in my arena. <_Laughter_>
newicon VO_HERO_02aw_Male_Troll_Wow_01 That was perfect!

# HERO_02av is Surfheart: Lite Shaman skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Attack_01 Look out!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Greetings_01 Ready to shred?
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 I've got my board!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_MIRROR_START_01 Tubular!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Oops_01 Uh-oh.
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Picked_01 Let's catch some waves!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Start_01 Surf's up!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Thanks_01 Thanks!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Threaten_01 Here comes the tidal wave!
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Well_Played_01 You're pretty rad, you know.
newicon VO_HERO_02av_Female_Human_Wow_01 That was sick!

# HERO_07as is Vacation Rafaam: Lite Warlock skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Attack_01 Swing!
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Greetings_01 Hello to you.
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 But... I am you?
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_MIRROR_START_01 It could not be better than mine!
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Oops_01 I am not sure about that.
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Picked_01 You'll find me dreaming of more scheming!
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Start_01 Bask in my immaculate relaxation!
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Thanks_01 I will thank you. Someday? No, no, today.
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Threaten_01 I do not even need to get up to defeat you!
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Well_Played_01 Is my wily intellect rubbing off on you?
newicon VO_HERO_07as_Male_Ethereal_Wow_01 Now that is supreme!

# HERO_07at is N'zoth, Last Resort: Lite Warlock skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Attack_01 <_roaring attack exertion_>
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Greetings_01 I see you.
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 And you stare back.
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_MIRROR_START_01 Nothing will remain!
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Oops_01 All chaos benefits me.
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Picked_01 My reign begins!
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Start_01 Chaos and destruction!
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Thanks_01 Your service will be remembered.
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Threaten_01 Paradise was meant to be lost.
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Well_Played_01 The multitudes will bow before you.
newicon VO_HERO_07at_Male_OldGod_Wow_01 Unfurling power!

# HERO_01as is Hot Spring Deathwing: Lite Warrior skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Attack_01 Feel my rage!
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Greetings_01 Greetings to you.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 How unexpectedly cordial.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_MIRROR_START_01 It was already like that.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Oops_01 That was inept.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Picked_01 My rage is always simmering beneath the surface.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Start_01 You make my blood boil!
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Thanks_01 Thank you for that.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Threaten_01 We'll see who winds up in the hot water...
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Well_Played_01 I see you can withstand some heat.
newicon VO_HERO_01as_Male_Human_Wow_01 The fires of glory!

# HERO_01ar is Feast Denathrius: Lite Warrior skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Attack_01 Put a fork in it.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Greetings_01 Welcome, honored guest.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Are you sure I'm not the only guest of honor?
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_MIRROR_START_01 I'll admit I already sampled the hors d'oeuvres.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Oops_01 A brief lapse in judgement.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Picked_01 Today calls for a different sort of party.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Start_01 Let the feasting begin!
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Thanks_01 You have my thanks.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Threaten_01 I can roast you, and I will.
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Well_Played_01 That was good. Are you the entertainment?
newicon VO_HERO_01ar_Male_Venthyr_Wow_01 Ooo...Splendid!

# HERO_11v is Poxi: Death Knight hero

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Attack_01 No way out!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Concede_01 There's always next time.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Death_01 <_death exertion_>
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_FULL_MINIONS_01 There's no space.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_GENERIC_01 Nope, not possible.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_HAND_FULL_01 Eek, my hand's full!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_I_ATTACKED_01 I can't go again.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_MINION_ATTACKED_01 It made its strike.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_NEED_MANA_01 Fresh out of mana.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_NEED_WEAPON_01 I don't have a weapon.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_PLAY_01 Can't play that.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_STEALTH_01 That one's hiding.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_SUMMON_SICKNESS_01 It'll be ready next turn.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_TARGET_01 No way to target that.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_ERROR_TAUNT_01 Hey, another one's taunting me.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FIRE_FESTIVAL_01 The Fire Festival better not burn away my plagues!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FIRE_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_ONE_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_THREE_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_FROST_FESTIVAL_FIREWORKS_RANK_TWO_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Greetings_01 Well, hi there!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_HAPPY_HALLOWEEN_01 I want all treats and no tricks, you hear me?
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_HAPPY_HOLIDAYS_01 It's going to be a very frosty Winter Veil!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_HAPPY_NEW_YEAR_LUNAR_01 Happy New Year!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_HAPPY_NOBLEGARDEN_01 Spring is the best time of year! Unless you're undead.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_LowCards_01 I'm running out of options.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Hi yourself!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_MIRROR_START_01 I would never!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_NoCards_01 There aren't any cards left!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Oops_01 Was that serious?
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_PIRATE_DAY_01 A pox on you and your scurvy crew!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Picked_01 I'm here to raise corpses and spirits! In any order!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Sorry_01 Sorry for that.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Start_01 Underestimate me at your peril!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Thanks_01 Thanks!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Thinking_01 Hmm...
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Thinking_02 What's their weakness...
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Thinking_03 Maybe this one? Or that one...
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Threaten_01 I'm short on stature, but big on unholy power.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Time_01 Not much time.
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Trigger_Asphyxiate_01 Don't choke! <_laugh_>
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Trigger_BoneBreaker_01 Now this is a weapon!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Trigger_ColdFeet_01 Don't get timid on me now!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Trigger_HeartStrike_01 Straight through the heart!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Trigger_Obliterate_01 <_excited yell_>
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Trigger_UnholyFrenzy_01 Brace yourself!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_WOW_01 Awesome!
newicon VO_HERO_11v_Female_Gnome_Well_Played_01 You're awfully good at this!

# HERO_11w is Icecream Sai: Lite Death Knight skin

State Tag Text
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Attack_01 Freeze!
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Greetings_01 Hello.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_MIRROR_GREETINGS_01 Hey, enjoying the ice cream?
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_MIRROR_START_01 We'll see how long that lasts.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Oops_01 A minor slip up.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Picked_01 Even I could use a break from this break.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Start_01 I'm cold as ice.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Thanks_01 Thanks for that one.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Threaten_01 Careful, the cold can go straight to your head.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Well_Played_01 You're so slick.
newicon VO_HERO_11w_Male_Human_Wow_01 That was cool!


State Tag Text
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_DEATH_KNIGHT_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Death Knight cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_DEMON_HUNTER_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Demon Hunter cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_DRUID_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Druid cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_HUNTER_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Hunter cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_MAGE_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Mage cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_PALADIN_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Paladin cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_PRIEST_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Priest cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_ROGUE_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Rogue cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_SHAMAN_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Shaman cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_TEMPORARY_TEXT Discarded at the end of your turn.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_WARLOCK_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Warlock cards from Perils in Paradise.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_WARRIOR_TOURIST_TEXT Your deck may include Warrior cards from Perils in Paradise.
oldicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_IMMUNE_REF_TEXT Immune characters can't be damaged.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_IMMUNE_REF_TEXT Immune characters can't be targeted by enemies or damaged.
oldicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_IMMUNE_TEXT Can't be damaged.
newicon GLOBAL_KEYWORD_IMMUNE_TEXT Can't be targeted by enemies or damaged.


State Tag Text
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_DECK_RULE_TOO_MANY_TOURIST You have too many tourists
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_MANAGER_ON_ADD_TOURIST_LIMIT_ERROR_TEXT Cannot have more than {0} |4(Tourist, Tourists) in your deck.
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_NO_CLASS_CARDS You don't have cards in this class
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_NO_RESULTS_TOURIST_CLASS Check them out in crafting?
newicon GLUE_COLLECTION_TOURIST_LIMIT_DESCRIPTION You can only have {0} |4(Tourist, Tourists) in your deck.
newicon GLUE_CRAFTING_CROSS_CLASS_CARD_DESC This card is from a different class than the current deck and may not be valid. Are you sure you want to craft this card?
newicon GLUE_GHOST_CARD_OTHER_CLASS_DESCRIPTION This card belongs to another class and cannot be used.\nClick to find a replacement.
newicon GLUE_GHOST_CARD_OTHER_CLASS_DESCRIPTION_TOUCH This card belongs to another class and cannot be used.\nTap to find a replacement.
newicon GLUE_TOURIST_CLASS_TAB_TOOLTIP_DESCRIPTION Your deck has a Tourist, which gives you access to this class.
newicon GLUE_TOURIST_FTUE_CLASS_TAB_TOOLTIP Tourists give you access to another class!
newicon GLUE_TOURIST_FTUE_COLLECTION_TOOLTIP You can choose cards from Perils in Paradise.


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