ViciousSyndicate just revealed a new Perils in Paradise card: New Heights
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Day 1 2x Golden craft
The entire Hearthstone team should be fired. Such incompetence. Literally every single Druid that ramps like this and allows extra mana has been toxic/broken status but even after several times they're like 'hey, let's do it again'.
First patch a week after expabsion: this card now costs 6 mana, instead of 3.
Got to make people spend that extra dust so they buy more product.
Easily the best legendary of the set. Oh wait…
Ah yes, give warrior more mana to otk you with after Odyn. Very interactive gameplay!
They went full retard.
Are the gifts rotating out this set too or is Druid still going to have Wild Growth as well?
Druid will still have Wild Growth from Gift. It's only Splish-Splash Whelp that is banned in Standard till the next balance patch and then who knows exactly what will happen with it.
And Warrior can use this cards. I wonder this bullshit
They'll never learn. There's no other way to put it. Sigh.
It's not about learning from mistakes. It's about making money.
They make a bunch of OP cards which become essential to win, then nerf some cheap enabler that the deck requires instead of the problem cards. It happens every single expac.
This expac. seems particularly cynical though with the Tourist mechanic, which seems like a neat way to paywall class cards behind a legendary.
Oh man, here we go again.
Not liking anything that makes more combos a potential, we already have some very lethal combos in the game we don't need more.
Wild Growth from Malfurion's Gift see play all the time for three mana, a 1/1 Dragon with a requirement to have another Dragon for 2 mana those two are in every deck and pretty much staples in every Druid deck. So adding yet another ramp card with an added power spike feels like a weird choice when they just banned one of the others temporarely its just volatile and asking for trouble. And adding it for 3 mana non the less pretty much same price as the others.
Also kinda worried for a combo deck for Warrior quite sure they can get a 30+ combo from hand quite easily with 16 mana same goes for Druid a spell combo that is way easier to get off than the one that already exist.
The added mana should be at maxmimum one even with being a 3 mana ramp card that added 1 maximum mana this would be a 5/5 card that would go into pretty much every Druid deck and probably Warrior deck aswell that plays the tourist.
Ah, good ol Druidstone.
Thought they learned after Guff. Fck this game bro
Guff was one of the most beloved cards in Standard when he was in. Yes, he was also widely, widely hated, but casuals loved him so much that pretty much any deck running him was unrealistically popular for its power during his entire tenure. So you bet the devs took a hint and printed more Guff-like cards.
How did you arrive at such disillusions? Unrealistically popular? It was the best deck you could possibly play for months/year. Guff is one of the most broken cards in hs history, and pleasing casuals rarely fares well. Because what does casuals do? Play for a few months then quit. Not sustainable
Because its playrate was often much, much higher than its winrate would suggest. Pre-Onyxia's Lair Alterac had Guff at Tier 4 despite having the playrate of a Tier 2 deck. Onyxia's Lair it jumped to the #1 deck by popularity, yet its winrate teetered between Tier 2-3 because the meta was hard targeting it.
There's also the fact a shadow constantly loomed over Guff called Aggro Druid, which took any Guff deck and demolished it with 70-80% winrates. At pretty much every interval where Guff was strong, Aggro Druid was stronger, which is the embodiment of "maybe Guff is overplayed for his power."
Nah. Idk which interval of the meta you are talking about but Druid was pretty much unbeatable against any other class (after Guff got buffed). Yea token Druid countered it but lost to most other decks so it was very unsustainable to rank up with, plus if you didn’t highroll with it and killed Druid by turn 4 you lost. Scale of onyxia made any early board obsolete.
Guff Druid was playing a single player game just doing whatever he wanted while the opponent watched. Many players that had never reached legend before suddenly got 60-70% winrate. It was a huge problem and actually broke the game. Card games should have clear rules and limitations that are never broken, or we get another Guff situation.