Dawn just revealed a new Perils in Paradise card: Food Fight
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Not loving it to much RNG for it to be good, I don't see this ever ending in a good result and adding a 0/6 on your opponents side also weakens your best early game removal Bellowing Flames.
That's way better than a deathrattle on your side, because most spells and minions that can nuke a deathrattle are on the opposite side (including Titans etc.). It can still be wiped of course.
Wait, it wasn't summoned for OUR side?
Shucking this crab is easier than I thought!
Better in hunter with Mukla, Toysaurus, and Banjo.
I hope its not good because I had my fill with that playstyle during the big burst demon hunter deck was good.
It's so much nicer to summon mechs or beasts specifically so you can still have low cost minions in your deck.
I could actually see this card impacting wild. With a board clear the next turn, you're in the turn range of what made big priest/shaman good.
Can't wait for 10-drops coming down on turn 4!
Okay. I guess that's a way to summon the Draconic Delicacy.
I used to play Big Warrior, I don't remember how easy is to that deck to deal 6 damage without minions, but I guess that with cards like Bellowing Flames it should be relatively easy. And is half the cost of Gather Your Party that used to be the most important card of that deck.
Doesn't quite fit for what Warrior currently has going on. This would be good for Demon Hunter instead. Those who hate Highlander Warrior rejoice!
Hmm.. maybe this could be used in Hunter Defend the Dwarven District deck to summon Malygos? If we draw him, then we would utilize it as Corrosive Breath activator. And technically, but probably too slow in practice, The Ryecleaver and Deathwing, Dragonlord could summon Malygos from hand.
I guess this would work if the opponent skips all their turns
I'm so excited for this card! Hope we'll see less highlander on the ladder, bc it's so bad for that deck
I guess the cost and requirement is appropriate. You probably want to set this up to kill it the same turn as your opponent can utilize it or remove it using multiple ways.
This is cool. I like it. I'm not sure the number's right, it seems a LITTLE cheap, but the big warrior deck doesn't exist yet, so who knows. 6 health is also kind of hard to break through, a 0/6 isn't hard to trade into, but the deck that runs this doesn't run small minions.
Hm, not sure.