4Gamer just revealed multiple new Perils in Paradise cards.
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Tendril decks be a thing?
Now I'm wondering how Pet Parrot will work with buffed Adaptive Amalgam. 'Cause, that'd be a reason to play it in a hunter deck. It can't possibly work how I want it to...
Trusty Fishing Rod is good for Adaptive Amalgam. Hunter in general has a lot of tutors and tutors for beasts, but I have more faith in the rogue version since it's better at giving keywords. All hunter has atm is Camouflage Mount. One funny thing you could do is run Ten Gallon Hat with Amalgam as the only minion. That way you always draw amalgam, who then gives you a hat to draw him again, and the number of hats increases further still.
Insane Priest cards so far -Nekkro said, faking dementia.
The two bird cards could see play on Priest, but they feel kinda redundant to me.
As far for Hunter, Obviously the Rod is designed to by played with the Catch, Blizzard is being delutional if thinks that I'm not going to be fishing Sunscale Raptor day one. The pet its pretty strong in my opinion, it can both give you an utility card, that Hunter has a ton for 1-Mana or resummon the Catch without summoning a worm (insane value, literally Millhouse with no downside, lets go gamers)
And I guess that in Hunter the Birdwatching is going to be a better Warsong Wrangler, and that was a pretty solid card. Wrangler is a tutor, and Birdwatching don't, but Hunter barely plays non-Beast minions in the majority of the decks.
Trusty fishing rod in priest with the new amalgam and no other 1 drops could be interesting, as a way to make sure you can recur it.
Also, this one drop package might actually really buff a boar deck in wild.
This is what Sunscale Raptor needed back then
"First, it is slightly cheaper."* And it's not limited to beasts, which is more generally useful. But then it's more difficult to tutor a specific beast -- if that's what you need -- unless you build your deck specifically for it. Also consider the various ways to duplicate (and counter) the effect of a spell vs. a battlecry.
Overall, it seems better.
* RIP Douglas Adams.
I mean at least its something right? Its going to be insane. You're talking four more of those little devils and they can get buffed while still in your deck. Honestly Im shocked the Parrot isnt a 1-cost card too. If it was that chain would be slowed down.
Is it a better Warsong Wrangler?
Priest Astral Automaton deck time to shine?
Birdwatching isn't equivalent to Selective Breeder, but getting a tutor is welcome; it will earn a spot in many decks, in Wild as well as Standard.
Trusty Fishing Rod is slow. 3-mana, deal-2, draw-2, play-2 ultimately cheats a couple of mana, but those 1-drops better be impactful enough for the tempo loss. Catch of the Day, Costumed Singer and Vicious Slitherspear seem like the likely pulls.
As for Catch of the Day, there are enough must-kill minions on turn 1, that I love having a 1-mana, deal-3.
I'm not sure how Pet Parrot works with minions. Will battlecrys get repeated? Will minions be summoned? Will it re-equip a weapon? This probably will see more play in priest decks; I'm not sure what 1-cost card hunters will want to repeat for 2-mana.
Seems like Priest got a bunch of Demon Hunter cards and then access to Hunter, who got a bunch of Hunter cards.
Maybe the priest cards are in the second Hunter reveal.
I guess Birdwatching and Pet Parrot are playable in Priest. I was expecting so much more since literally all cards on Priest were made for the Demon Hunter Tourist.
Fishing Rod has synergy with the pain priest package because you can hit minions and damage yourself and pull out the 1 mana 2/4 that damages you. Might be good enough to spawn 2 of those Sauna ladies for 2 mana each on turn 4. Pet Parrot can also be another copy of that 2/4.
Aside from that, these two look like Atomaton synergy cards.
Is Pain Priest going to be a thing? The big payoff from taking damage on your turn is a demon hunter card.
Good question. Maybe as an aggro deck with some synergy cards that can copy or repeat the 1-cost spell or as a finisher in dragon priest?
You can create several copies of Pet Parrot and each parrot can turn into 4 burst damage. Pip can also copy that burst pain spell, so this looks kinda interesting. Healing out of your own burst range should also be doable for priest, especially if you have enough time during an extra turn...The dh tourist is honestly not that good imo